Chapter 28: Vice Master

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*At the library*

*2:00 PM*

 The elder intervene and said to the Dian Gu, "What are you doing to my esteem guest?"

Dian Gu sees the elder have some books related to history in the third floor, Dian Gu make a salute gesture and replied, "Greetings elder, this insolence person is sitting at the chair of the alchemy master, please forgive me for my action but i just giving the head alchemist some face" 

 The elder sees wang lei is just reading and ignoring them, it seems that he read some alchemy book that he personally pick, the elder said to Dian Gu, "Oh! Alright i'll give you some face, so before that you better salute to this grand master, he's a cultivator and also an alchemy master in 3rd stage"

 Dian Gu is shocked that he sees a young youth that already a 3rd stage in alchemy practice, wang lei heard that and corrected the elder, "I'm not a 3rd stage alchemy, and my rank name seems been on the history books" Dian Gu is persistent and shaming wang lei by trash talking him and he said, "What? How old are you kiddo? Do you think that my eyes is just a decoration? i'm already a master of alchemy in 4th stage, so you're still below me kid"

 The elder is warry that this alchemy fellow will going to die in a matter of seconds, the elder said to Dian Gu, "Vice Gu can you refrain to shame this fellow, take it as an favor from me" Dian Gu did not resist and take the favor, but Dian Gu take the seat facing to wang lei, the elder is terrified that this is a matter of disrespect to the grandmaster, to lessen the intense hostility of Dian Gu, then the elder just put the history books to the side of wang lei, then wang lei look his main screen layout and find the library

*Main screen layout*

 The library is just like an Iphone library, he browse some books and found out that he got a ton of books that is present to his library, he took advantage of it and browse some books related to alchemy and chemistry. The stuffs in the library seems been duplicated to the original, then he transfer it into the storage ring.


 All of the readings on his past subjects and past games that presented a book for martial arts, spells, etc... is also there, it seems that wang lei remembered that he plays a game that all of the book of martial arts needed to be collected, the game called, THE UNLIMITED ARTS.

 This game is an RPG game that mc need to create ,combine, refine, and search any martial arts book that he can find to the game, because of wang lei is a genius to the game, he make almost an unlimited possibility of martial arts, that even the developer give him a reward for the most create, combine, refine, and search for the books of martial arts, then the game shut down but wang lei is been given a gift by the developers, they handed their game as a gift for him, and that's the game only for him that has no limitation.

*Narrate ends*

 Then wang lei took out the some alchemy book from the storage ring, the vice master is curious about the book that he had, then wang lei just read the book called, "The heavenly guidelines" it seems this is a book related to recipe, type of materials, possible flaming temperature, skills, and etc... he took one of the history book and read it, it seems that wang lei make a conclusion and said to the elder that took some book related to alchemy, "This era is indeed declining, the false information related to 10,000 years ago is all exaggerated, and the fall of the High lands dragon is stated that the Sword sect is the one that cost of the fall is not true, it's the black spear sect those bastard is the one that did it" 

 The elder is listening and surprised to hear that to wang lei, he immediately bring the books to him and sat beside him, the elder said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei, please continue" the alchemy master ignore them because it's all about history, and it seems that Dian Gu suspect wang lei that he's only bluffing.

 Wang lei read the *Heavenly guidelines* and explain in verbal, "It seems that there's a possible way to use the moonlight fruit, basically 120 ways can be consider to enhance the pill even more of use"

 Then the vice master heard and suddenly got his attention toward to wang lei, he said to wang lei, "You dare to discuss a moonlight fruit has a possible of 120 ways? Are you kidding me boy? Even the alchemy master Xu only discover 7 ways, and you only a third stage of alchemy saying that the alchemy master in 6th stage has more knowledge than you!?"

 Then wang lei took the book of chemistry, the title is *elementary chemistry*, and handed to the elder and he said to the elder, "Oh i finally remember, the book stated the highest alchemy stage is on 10th stage, basically he/she already an alchemy God, but it seems like the last stage is not been state there, do you know what my ranking alchemy ranking elder?" the elder engulf and said ,"What's it grand master lei?" wang lei replied and said, "The last stage of the alchemy ranking is called chemist, basically my ranking is a chemist"


 There's no such thing a chemist on the alchemy ranking on the 10,000 years ago, wang lei is just bluffing and added chemist on the ranking

*Narrate Ends*

 The elder is stunned but Dian Gu is still unconvinced, he walks toward to wang lei and said ,"Are you just so boastful with the mouth of lies, you a mere youth in his 20s said that he's above the 10th stage? And what's this chemist? Aren't you just bluffing young lad?" 

 Wang lei just ignored him and replied to elder instead, he said, "It seems that you don't teach your dog properly elder, look it still barking," Dian Gu can't take the insult and smack the table and pointed at wang lei, "You dare to said that to me!" wang lei look at him and he said, "Your hands smell like a narcotic medicine, basically its combination of Spiky grass and the blood grass, are you making some narcotic medicine?"

 Dian Gu is stunned that he wash his hands thought fully but it still smell, wang lei sees that Dian Gu is shocked so he said to Dian Gu," Alright I have question for you, that you always boast that you have an high intelligence, what's is the characteristics of the purple cloud grass" Dian Gu has a plan and replied, "Hmpf, let make a bet kid, if i answer this question then you will not going to this upstairs ever again" wang lei seems noticed the threat so he play along and respond, "Alright but if you can't stated the characteristics of this grass then you will either quit as a vice master or kowtow right now in the plaza while yelling that you lose to me"

 Dian Gu is irritated and said, "Deal" then wang lei smiled, while Dian Gu is explaining the purple cloud grass, wang lei is dirty, he change his class to mind stealer, and steal the information regarding about purple cloud grass, Then Dian Gu explain, but he can't explain it very well, and it's on warry that a simple grass make him forget it, wang lei say to him, "What now vice Gu, why can't you not stated the simple purple cloud grass? The elder is witnessing your capability right now"

· A Matter of Minutes*

 Dian Gu is not able to to state the purple cloud grass, and it was on his knees because he can't even remember the shape, the size, the information regarding that grass, wang lei smirk and said to him, "Alright it seems that the vice master has no information about a simple grass, i'll teach you so listen carefully peasant, the purple cloud grass is a medicine that can cure an individual from qi deviation, this medicine can be make in 50 possible ways but it still defend in his freshness, for example of the medicine is the purple cloud pill on 2nd stage "Wang lei is looking at the vice master with the look of disgust because he was in despair that he forgot a simple herb, he said to Dian Gu," So are you convinced that I'm more higher than you? So right now pick your choice, quit as a vice alchemy master or kowtow in the plaza?" 

 Dian Gu is clenching his fist and said to wang lei, "Don't push your luck boy! I from the Dian family will never vow to stranger or kowtow!, I'll quit as a vice alchemy master right here! Right now!"

 Then Dian Gu make a resignation letter and handed to the elder, He immediately leaved the vicinity, the elder took the resignation letter and return the chemistry book to wang lei, wang lei pick it and store it to the storage, the elder said to wang lei, "Grand master lei, what now? There's no position for the vice, it will take some massive impact to our alchemy teaching if there's no one to teach them alchemy, the alchemy master is only one that create pills while the vice is the one that teaching the kids" 

 Wang lei said to him, " Who said that there's no one to teach them alchemy? But first clear the vicinity elder" the elder immediately clear every floor in this library and asked the student that currently studying alchemy head outside, the elder said to wang lei, "Grand master lei, there's no one around here anymore, only you and me, so what can you do about this?" wang lei look at his storage ring, and summon a 1 female doll, the elder is stunned to see that this doll has a cultivation level of Adonis(Nascent Soul 1st stage)