Chapter 29: Soul Adjusting

Author: This is an English Novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the library*

*3:30 PM*

 The elder still inspecting the doll and look at wang lei and ask, "Grand master lei what are we going to do to this doll?" Wang lei look at his inventory found something that related to alchemy pills and liquids, the pill name is *Soul Adjusting* and the liquid name is *Vessel Creation* Wang lei replied, "This doll will be the new teacher for alchemy, so can you not stare it so much because it's a female doll, "The elder get embarrassed and said to wang lei, "I'm already a grandpa, why would i lust to a youngster even so a doll" 

 Wang lei just ignored him and do his thing, he transfer the soul adjusting pill and vessel creation liquid to his storage ring, the elder is still glancing the doll, then wang lei get up that make the elder surprised, he said to the elder, "Now you will know why I've been called as a higher than the 10th stage alchemist,"

 Wang lei bring out the soul adjusting pill, it suddenly bring some domineering aura in a smaller scale, the elder feel that he's being trampled by some larger forces, the elder ask, "G-grandmaster lei, what is that?!" Wang lei just casually replied to him ,"This is just a mid 10th stage soul adjusting pill"

 The grandmaster mind just flew and came back again, and shouted to him, "W-what!! That's a 10th stage pill! That's why I feel some terrifying aura in it" then wang lei bring out the vessel of creation, because of it's blue liquid the elder ask him, "Grandmaster lei , then what's that?" Wang lei said to him, "This is the vessel of creation, this liquid can be only found at the 27th realm, the Terrible Hands" 

 The elder didn't know this realm because the realm that only been written at the books of legend, that been distributed everywhere is only at the 9th realm, so the elder ask wang lei about the details at the terrible hands, "Grand master lei, what monstrosity resides in the terrible hands realm?" Wang lei preparing the methods and said to him, "The terrible hands realm came from it's name the realm full of devils hands, this hands will grab to you and cause you hallucination and disintegration, if you even grab by on of it's hand there's no saving you, because on that realm is terrifying monster that residing in, that can be compared to a EOS rank in my old ranking," 

 The elder said to him, "Right my granddaughter said this old ranking of yours is basically a monsters of cultivators am I right? By the way Grand master lei, how many is the realm that you know?" Wang lei prepare the pill to its best condition and replied to the elder, "The Realms that i've been is 30 realms, within this realms there's so many treasure and danger, if the monster of the realms leaks out on this human realm, i'm afraid that this will world will turn into full of blood and suffering," the elder shuts up because of what he just said, wang lei sigh and crush the pill and make it as a ki, then transfer it to the puppet, the intense absorption of the puppet make the elder warried to the puppet because it increasing it cultivation.

*Minutes Later*

 The puppet absorption is done, then it suddenly burst of qi everywhere and it immediately absorb again by the puppet, the elder said, "My God! This puppet is already an Ariads(Ascension 1st realm)" wang lei sees the pop up to his main screen, and it seems that one of the tab is been discovered, the tab called is Soul Adjusting, basically this soul adjusting can altered the personality of the puppet and the martial arts that needed to be known. Wang lei thinking of the puppet capability, and wang lei click the soul adjusting tab

*Main screen layout*

 While the elder is fascinated to the puppet, wang lei click the soul adjusting tab, and it seems this tab can altered the soul memories, and altered the personality of the soul, the knowledge about alchemy and martial arts can also be altered, currently wang lei sees some points regarding about the number that can only be learn to his puppet, because of the cultivation is been rise to Ariad Realm, the only points that can be learn is already in 300 points and personality points 50

*Soul adjusting tab* 

 Wang lei click the character personality, then there some recommended personality of this puppet, He just choose the recommended personality, and it's called the " Cool and Domineering personality" this has an already a set of personality, then wang lei came back and go to the random skills, it seems that this random skills will be eventually picked into the library, and every roulette is already an 50 points per 1 set of skills, so wang lei click the all tab and exit animation, then suddenly the set of skills that present is called, "Blue inferno set, Lost Alchemy set , Twilight Spear set, Vicious sight set " then wang lei didn't read the instruction, the instruction said that every set is containing of 50 books related to that set, then basically this puppet is strong and witty,"

 Then wang lei finish the soul adjusting, the puppet begins to cultivate that even the elder is surprised to see a puppet can cultivate, then suddenly murderous aura appear to the elder, he looks behind and see nothing, then he sees that he already been stab by some spear, then it just disappear.

 Wang lei said to him, "It's look like that you already been dead twice by this puppet," the elder is shocked for wang lei said, and ask him, "Grand master lei, is this puppet of yours can be controlled by you?" Wang lei said to him, "This puppet has a consciousness and able to think, and this puppet is overall loyalty to me, so it seems that your to close to me that this puppet just warn you" 

 The elder suddenly get away from him for about 2 meters, then wang lei drop the vessel creation to the puppet, the puppet absorbing the vessel creation then suddenly a skin grew to the puppet out layer, it grew some hair and real eyes, while the process is still proceeding, wang lei say to the elder, "Hey! grab me some towel right now! hurry!" then the elder bring some towel from the first floor while running to get it,

*Few minutes later*

 The absorption of vessel creation is done, and all of the cultivation techniques, personality adjusting, is already been done, the cultivation of the puppet is done, and able to open her eyes, the figure of a girl in her 20s , the puppet is still confused about the surrounding but able to recollect her memories that been adjusted, the puppet kneels and said, "Greetings to headmaster of fenrir sect" 

 Wang lei is stunned that this puppet knows that wang lei is a headmaster of the fenrir sect, when the elder shows up at the fourth floor bringing some towel, the puppet engaged in warried mode, and use the skill called, "Mental Suppress" the elder on his knees because of the mental attack, he drop the towel and said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei please stop your puppet"

 wang lei say to the puppet, "Enough" then the puppet kneels to him and said, "Headmaster forgive my impudence" wang lei said to the elder "Now where's the towel, wang lei grab the towel while the elder is getting his knees, wang lei wrapped the towel to the puppet and just said to her, for now, "Your name is Lian Hua meaning your name is lotus"

 The puppet replied, "My name will be lian hua, thank you for the my name headmaster" Wang lei said to her, "Now you have a mission" the elder get on his knees, and looking at wang lei," Teach the student here what you know about alchemy, only the 1/8 of your knowledge of your alchemy. You will going to teach within 6 months! Understood!" 

 The puppet kneels and said, "Yes sir!" then wang lei said to the elder, "Good luck about finding some vice alchemist within this 6 months, for now I'll going to Xiao ling to go over here," wang lei cast some telepathy and contact Xiao ling, "Get over here at the library" 

 Xiao ling is shocked to hear that to wang lei but Xiao ling just understood and head over to the library, Xiao ling sees that the students is outside of the library, so she immediately head inside, because of the dense aura of lian hua, she immediately feel the expert aura, she immediately head to the fourth floor.

 She sees her grandfather that looks like has been injured, she wanted to tend his grandfather, but the elder said to her," Don't get to close to me! Or else she will going to kill you!" Xiao ling didn't see the puppet and she immediately feel the killing intent from behind, wang lei just said stop and the puppet appear at front of her, lian hua said to her, "Step over this line I'll going to kill you right now" 

 The massive killing intent that even Xiao ling stumbled in fear it basically that she's already kill countless times, then wang lei said lian hua," Now then lian hua, don't make me lose face" lian hua immediately cancel the killing intent and kneel at wang lei asking for forgiveness, then wang lei look at Xiao ling and said, "Xiao ling this is lian hua, the new vice alchemist, your grandfather will eventually fill you the details about it, so can you get some clothes for her" then wang lei look lian hua, she immediately know what's happening and act as according to her mission, she immediately stands up and said to Xiao ling, "Little sister can you guide me" in the mind of Xiao ling, "Little sister?"