Chapter 30: Orders

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Xiao ling POV:


*At the office*

 She able to bring her grandfather to the head office, while lian hua is looking some books to the shelf, xiao ling ask about what happen to the library, the grandfather immediately replied when he's get sit to the sofa, "That girl is not an ordinary girl that you think, that girl is far above to my own cultivation, and she's dangerous enough to a certain degree" 

 Xiao ling look at her browsing some books and look at his grandfather again and said to him, "Is she really that dangerous? I let my guard down to the library so I can't say how is she this dangerous?" the grandfather said to her, "For now I can say that she's dangerous, and she's been created by Grandmaster Lei,"

 Xiao ling is confused and said to her grandfather, "Created? What did you mean?" then lian hua interrupted the conversation and said to xiao ling, "Little sister, my time is essential, so where's the dressing room? Please guide me so that I can return to my master" 

 Xiao ling leave his grandfather and just head to the dressing room with lian hua, xiao ling is talking to her like a colleague or a friend, then lian hua speak to her, "It will be better to keep silence little sister, being silence make you mysterious and your beauty will bloom when others look at you" xiao ling get the idea and just shut up

Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the library*

*5:00 PM*

 Ru Qian contacts wang lei about the arrival, "Master, I'm here at the entrance gate, where are you?" Wang lei replied, "Go to the library and head to the fifth floor, we're going to discuss something that happen to this afternoon, and discuss the future of our clan" 

 Ru Qian headed to the library entrance and sees xiao ling, the elder, and lian hua. Ru Qian didn't know lian hua identity but lian hua knows him because it been bestow to her in the soul adjusting, lian hua greet Ru Qian and said, "Greetings master Ru, my name is lian hua, and I'm also the lower subordinate of grandmaster lei'

 Ru Qian able to see her cultivation and see the truth of her body, he sees that she's a doll with a soul, so basically mean that she's part of the dolls that eventually will be given by wang lei, Ru Qian greets back and said, "Oh! You're a promising youngster, now then let's greet master lei, shall we?"

*inside of library*

 Wang lei altering the dolls inside of the storage ring, right now the cultivation of the dolls is just like lian hua, and also how lian hua created is the same to the dolls inside of the storage ring and also putting some clothes that will be the clothes for the sect, then wang lei noticed that there someone that walking towards to this floor, wang lei finished the altering and read a book like a history of 10,000 years ago.

*xiao ling shows up*

 Xiao ling greet wang lei and said, "Grandmaster lei, my task is completed, lian hua please come here and present yourself" lian hua presented her self and wang lei look at her a bit, that make lian hua excited because she been noticed by the lord, a minute of inspection wang lei said to her," Lian Hua, you look great, and always act according to your set of personalities, and head to the first mission, after that talk to Ru Qian about the location of the clan, and set of rules, understood!?" 

*Lian Hua looks like*

 Lian Hua kneels and said to him, "Yes sir!" then lian hua ask xiao ling about the location of alchemy sites, and they're immediately talk on the corner, while Ru Qian kneels also and said, "Master, my mission is completed" wang lei remove the storage ring to his fingers and said to Ru Qian, "Now there's a dolls that similar to Lian Hua, with this we have a good household of 25 dolls with Ariads(Ascension 1st stage) cultivation, 

 Their categories are 5 assassins dolls, 5 battle maid dolls, 10 guards dolls, 2 alchemist dolls, 1 array master doll, 1 farmer doll, 1 livestock caretaker doll, so this is your reward, I appointed you as headmaster pseudos Ashura clan, name Chaotic Order Sect, the other clan the Hel clan, and Jorgumand clan will also be created in this world using some pseudos name, so be aware that there will be a companion"

 Ru Qian replied, "Yes sir!" Then wang lei continue," Also I put some clothes that will be wear to every servants and you of course, there will be an instructed set of clothing so follow the manual that I put in there" wang lei handed the storage ring to Ru Qian and he took it and kneels to him and he said, "Thank you, very much master, that I receive a wonderful award and position" while the elder witnessing the awarding of Ru Qian.

*Wang lei look at the main screen layout and head to the workers tab ,* 

*Wang lei give another mission for Ru Qian through orders tab*

 The orders tab is a series of order so wang lei create the first order, 1. Make sure the Chaotic order sect will be easy to manage, 2. Make sure that we're not going to be bullied, 3. Make sure that all of the outsider will be notified to me, and accepted by me, 4. Use every knowledge that been bestow to the dolls, and make sure that the skill will be utilized and trained, 5. Make sure the dolls is fine and there's no damaged, 6. Make the name of Chaotic order sect will be known. Then wang lei click done.

 The title of the order is PRIORITY, then wang lei get back to workers tab and he sees Ru Qian and lian hua as workers, lian hua is already in progress of 0% and the nodes is the School of Jiang. Then wang lei drag the PRIORITY orders, and give it to Ru Qian, he suddenly replied to wang lei, "Yes sir! "that also startled him but the elder almost trip his chair because of the sudden shout, then wang lei said to him, "Now! get out and fulfill your duty!""

 Ru Qian wear the storage ring, and leave the vicinity, but the elder is the most confused because wang lei is not even talking to Ru Qian nor telepathy, then xiao ling said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei, I'll going to tour lian hua to our school," Wang lei said to her, "Very well" lian hua and xiao ling also leaves the vicinity, the elder also wanted to leaved but wang lei stops him, the elder kneels and ask, "What is it grandmaster lei?" wang lei said to him while reading some alchemy book,

 "Did you know the school arena tournament that will happen in the capital? That will happen in a month?" the elder replied, "Yes, I know grandmaster lei, I already consider to put my disciple in to the battle list, but it needed 5 competitors" wang lei said to him, "Well, I'll already put the three students other my care in the battle list so you already need 1"

 The elder is shocked that there's a student that personally instructed by wang lei but he keep his composure and replied to him, "Grandmaster lei, can I know who's this kids?" Wang lei flip the pages of the book, and said to him, "Hm... talk to your daughter she know it well, for the the last kid, I think I know someone" 

 The elder replied, "Who?" then wang lei bring some photo and give it to look, "Him" then the elder suddenly recognized the notorious brat, the trouble maker, the elder can't take his composure and shouted, "Are you serious Grandmaster?!" wang lei said to elder, "Yes him" the elder kneels and said to wang lei, "Please grand master lei, please reconsider"

 Wang lei say to him, "Did you know that this kids is much more powerful than your disciple? And also did you know why he's acting like that? Always being alone and always being bullied because of his behavior?" 

 The elder is shocked to hear that to wang lei, that this kid is much more powerful than his disciple, the elder ask, "Grand master, what's the attribute of this kid?" Wang lei say to him, "That kid is a star user, basically his cultivation relays to the star element, that been combine element of darkness and high concentration of fire, a star user is one of 100,000"

 The elder mouth begin to drop and he immediately retract it back, and say to wang lei, "Grand master lei, I'll going to catch that kid right away, and bring it here" then the elder leaves the vicinity,

 Wang lei took some tea to his inventory and some reading glasses that style is almost like 1970s, then he flip some page to the alchemy book, while sipping some tea.

Elder POV :

 While running, he's thinking about what wang lei says, "That's a star user, that almost 1 of 100,000" then the elder smiled and said to himself, "With him at this school, our reputation will bounce back to the ranking, that supposed to be," then he sees the kid and immediately grab his arms and head to the library