Chapter 31: Teachings

Author: This is an English novel I hope you have a good day reading this.


*In other places*

*The Eight Dragon School*

*At the Head master office*

*5:30 PM*

 The Servant kneels and said to the headmaster of the school, "Master Li, the training regimen is already done, and the kids are now prepared to the school arena," the headmaster Li tilt his head and replied to the servant, "Then conditioned them again, I don't allow any failure! Our eight dragon school is the pinnacle of all martial arts school!" 

 Then the servant agreed to the orders and leave at sight, when the servant is gone, the other teachers appeared and they greet the headmaster, master Nile represent his disciple and said, "Master Li, this is my disciple Xung Rong, this young lad is already a Astarte(foundation 7th stage), now then Xung Rong greet the grandmaster"

 Xung Rong step up and greet the grandmaster, "Good afternoon, grandmaster" then the grandmaster peak the cultivation of Xung Rong and said to the teacher that supervising Xung Rong, "Are you kidding me? Li Hai! This kid is only foundation level, I want a Dhanis(gold core cultivation level first stage), we already have enough foundation participant, we don't have a gold core students!" 

 Then master Li Hai apologize and some master shows up his own disciple and said, "Master Li Hai, please pay attention first before you attack," the insult is bad enough that master Li Hai replied, "What did you said Du Cie!" master Du Cie just wave his hand and greet the grand master, "Grand master Li, this is my student, her name is Xiu Pang, she's already on Dhanis(5th stage gold core), " Xiu Pang step up and said, "Greeting grand master" the grandmaster replied to Du Cie,"Hm... Alright then, register your disciple to the gold core fighters, the fighting tournament will be held sooner, so continue her regimen and don't let her tarnish the name of our school!"

 du cie understood and kneel down, "Yes sir" the grandmaster dismiss the teachers and some shadow assassins shows up, "Grandmaster, our assassin that you order to investigate the participants school all of them return with better results, but there's some one school, a lower school that one of our assassins is been killed" 

 Grandmaster Li, get serious and replied, "What's the name of the school?" the shadow assassin replied, "Jiang School" with a sudden surprise, he easily recognized it's name and the elder, grand master Li said, "For now continue monitoring, what their tricks" the shadow assassin understood and leave grandmaster li, he sigh and touch his scar on his abdomen, he said to himself, "So you finally show up, Elder of Xiao"

Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the library*

*6:00 PM*

 He hears some rushing footstep at the stairs, and he guess it right, it was the elder and he found the child, the elder shows up and said to him, "Grandmaster Lei, this is the child that you looking for" wang lei look at the child but he already change his class to Light Wizard, and the feeling of the child it almost like he is been enlightened, or the feeling is so warm, then wang lei respond, "Yes, that is the child, the child that will bare the future of the star cultivation, within the 12 steps of martial arts called the zodiac signs, so what's your name child?"

 The young kid said greet him and replied, "My name is Yu Lao," wang lei took some history book and flip it to page 223 about the old cultivation, and look at the child, "Child Yu lao, tell me how old are you" the elder is shocked that child is not mischievous in front of wang lei, the child just simply replied, "I'm already 13, master"

 wang lei eye brow get elevated and said to the elder, "It seems that this child is only an Eris(Qi gathering 1st stage), Elder why this child is only that kind of cultivation, within his age he already should be on foundation?" The elder is clueless that if he has the talent then why this kid is just an Eris, the elder said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei, I'll going to check the records if there some malicious intent by the teachers,"

 Then the elder leaves, only Yu lao and wang lei is on the library, wang lei said to that kid, "Sit here child," wang lei pointing at the chair in front of him, Yu Lao sits and said to him," Master, what's your cultivation stage?" Wang lei said to him, "Hm? Are you curious?" Yu Lao said, "Yes, My teacher said that I'm a trash because I can't grasp the qi on my body, and only the strong should be respected"

 wang lei already got the idea, that he's getting bullied by his own teacher and his fellow student, wang lei said to him, "It seem that your teacher is wrong" Yu Lao is surprised and curious about wang lei, Yu Lao ask him, "Why is he wrong? Master?" wang lei sip his tea and look at Yu Lao, "In this world, if you wanted to be respected, earn it with gratitude not only showing your strength, if you basing only on cultivation of others then, you going to base it only cultivation forever," 

 Yu Lao said to him, "What did you mean? Master? Respecting through gratitude? Basing only on cultivation?" wang lei said to him, "In this world that we residing in, there's always a rule young child, battle to the fittest, if you're weak, then you will be devoured by the strong, and that strong one will be respected by the masses, but he only respected because they fear him" 

 Yu lao is a curious child and wanted to learn some wisdom, Yu Lao ask, "Fear him? Why master? He's the strongest then is it be supposed to respect him?" Wang lei flip some pages and sip his tea, and respond, "They fear him, because he got a strong power, they fear him because there's a chances that he will kill their loved ones, that not respect child, that's only distress, if you wanted to be respected then do it with gratitude and teach the weak to be strong, not to pity them and always protect them, teach them to be strong, if your name etch in their mind, the only thing they think is inspiration, respect, and gratitude. If you been betrayed by them, then the only thing that you will need to do is forget the past and think the future, continue the good deed, or get revenge to that betrayal"

 The young child is at lost, wang lei suddenly see the inspiration of the child eyes, even still that he did not get it, wang lei just said to him, "In other words, if you wanted to be respected then earn their respect, through gratitude" Yu Lao said to him, "Master you're an amazing man! I see some sparkling all around you, and me is just a trash"

 Wang lei said to him, "If you think that you're a trash, then you're a trash, but if you think that you're capable enough, then others will think you as a capable man" Yu lao said to him, "What did you mean, that if I think that I'm trash? Then I'm will be a trash?"

 Wang lei said to him, "Yes, always have this kind of mentality young child, in this world I'm limitless" Yu Lao eyes suddenly shines and there some spreading of inspiration and Yu Lao just said to him, "Master! What's limitless? It sounds cool!" wang lei said to him, "That means that you overcome the challenges that been arranged by fate, example, if you're tired of running instead of giving up and wanted to rest, you choose to run some more and head to catch your playmates" 

 Yu Lao said to him, "That means I'm limitless! Am I right master!" wang lei said to him, "Always have this on your mind young child, in this world there's called limit, but you possess to overcome that limit, because of your will to be strong, to be recognized, to be respected by others,"

 Yu Lao is getting the vibes that he has a father that guides him, the elder shows up with so many evidence that Yu Lao case, that he's been bullied by his own teacher and the meeting of expelling that teacher and punishing of the bullies, then Yu Lao suddenly kneels and beg," Master! Please teach me martial arts!" 

 The elder hears this and suddenly hide on the bookshelves, he respond to that young kid, "if you wanted to become my disciple then practice under the elder, if you're already on Astarte(foundation 5th stage) then come to me and I'll give you the trials" 

 The elder is crying that one the students in this school is been protected by a powerful backer, wang lei said to him, "You can show yourself now" the elder twitch and said to wang lei, "Grand master lei, this is the documents and evidence of bullying" then Yu Lao said to him, "Elder! Teach me martial arts!"