Chapter 32: Personal Library

Author: This is an English novel I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*inside of the library*

 The elder presented the list of documents and found out that there's a bullying that 's happening to this school, wang lei said to the elder, "I see the document, I let you handle it the case of bullying and the basic training of Yu Lao, understood?" 

 The elder understood and take Yu Lao, wang lei just having his time to the library and reading the books related to alchemy, wang lei change his class to Scholar, and activated the skill, *Mass Reading* then suddenly all of the books In library fly up to the floor where wang lei reside, then even the book that he holding is also levitating and suddenly all of the book flip violently, when finished reading the book is gently place to their respective place, some of the energy is been gathered together in the center and making a mass of words, then suddenly get through wang lei's head, and the panel of the library is taking some notification fever.

*10 minutes later*

 All of the book is been comprehended even the slightest hidden message, and been improvise all of the mistakes and flaws has been corrected, wang lei sit still and all of the book is been placed within their respective places, wang lei check the menu, and found out the library panel has a notification 99+, so wang lei click the library panel and he sees the book that been comprehended and improvise, in the panel, and there's also some levels, that been said to easy – normal – hard in terms of comprehension, and there's also combine and copy. Using the books that he had already and the new ones, there's some trigger that can be combine, replace and inherit.

*Library panel*

 Wang lei click the old bulk of books and there's the books that he collected in the game called, *Gacha Cultivation* the gacha cultivation contains 20,000 books that been release in 2012, the books contains any kinds of martial arts or scholar books, he sees the scroll bar and the scroll bar is so thin because of the enormous number of books.

 Then wang lei just try to click some of the book, and the book that he choose name," The dance of the 9th blade" then suddenly the book appears in thin air, he leaves the book for 2 minutes without touching it and suddenly disappear and reappear at the library, he click it again and flip some pages, he sees the registered stamp of the library.

 Then he flip some more and the basics of the martial arts is been shown with by steps procedures and the requirements to this kind of martial arts, and there's also a recommendation of foundation and combo attacks, wang lei leave it again without touching it, the book disappears at 5 minutes.

 Then wang lei change his palm pattern and touch the book, the book suddenly disappear from being touch and return to the library, wang lei undo the changes of the palm pattern, and click back, to go to the library panel again, he sees the 3D demonstration, so he click it and the 3d demonstration only shows 2 panel, insert and play. He insert the technique, "The dance of the 9th blade" to the insert panel, and suddenly there's some buffing, but it was only last into 2 seconds, then the play button is been shown.

 He play the button and he sees the 3d figure using the techniques, it can be slow down or fast, the figure demonstrate the 1st to 9th style without flaws, wang lei think, "This can be good to kill time, basically a tv shows or some sort," then wang lei head to the library panel again and check the list of books.

 The number of books is not be shown by number, but it been shown as infinity, basically that is the number of books that he possess, then wang lei head to library panel again and check the genre, basically the genre is been distributed to martial arts – blade, martial arts, – fist martial arts, – kick, martial art – cultivation, martial arts – swords, martial arts – spear, etc.. 

 There's also a scholar books and medicine books related, there's also poison related and disease related, basically so much potential, then wang lei head to the library panel again and click the easy , normal and hard, it seems this is the rankings of the books, the hard part is so many compare to easy, because it been improvise to boost the potential, 

 He head to the library panel again and think before he click something again, "Hm... the teacher of those three in the swamp? What can I do about it?" when he just thinking the library panel shines and bring him to recommended form, the books related to doll making, just like the doll that been task to be the teacher here, the books called, "The Markings of life", "Jade Doll Design", "Phoenix Soldiers" and he sees that there's also other related to the doll making, but wang lei choose this three because this is only the hard ranking, the three books shows up, and wang lei cast , "Fast reading"

 The books levitate and flip violently and cancel the fast reading, the letter forms and wang lei didn't notice that they're a combination, basically this three book will not going to be good if there's missing, but wang lei have the book, and simply the three book combine into one, and the book said," Abyss Soldiers " but the book that he has is just been placed into the library and did not been consumed, then wang lei activate "Fast reading" and suddenly the book letter is been formed with the size of the entire first to third floor, then wang lei absorbed the knowledge and comprehended it with his mind.

*10 minutes later*

 The comprehension is done and wang lei, change his class to Doll Maker and said to himself, "Hm... The book underlies the complete opposite of puppeteer, the puppeteer use the threads with his ki or mana, but the book itself is just like a battery with machine, so basically we will making a fucking rip off android"

 Wang lei look at his inventory and look some material as a medium, he only thinks that 1 teacher is enough just like some Samurai X series, he browse his inventory and found out a great material, the ancient dragon scales, it scales has the size of 2 story building with one scale, the thickness of the scale can't be penetrated any kinds of martial arts below celestial level, only heavenly arts can pierce it.

 The scale itself has a regeneration capability, fire immunity, high binding resistance, high corrosive resistance, and high and low temperature immunity, Mind control immunity, Stun Immunity, Slow immunity, and also not the least medium intimidation. Wang lei teleport and moved into some deserted island, and craft the vessel of the doll.


The arts or skills in this world is can be ranks is similar to belts in martial arts in modern world, white belt as called as White ki, Yellow Body, Blue ocean, Brown Earth, Red Celestials, and Heavenly Black

The heavenly black arts is the most scarce than the other skills, it can be said that the world that wang lei resides in has only 3 heavenly black martial arts

*Narrate Ends*

*within 20 minutes*

 The doll is been crafted with underlying layout, the excess scales is been gather in one place, the doll has some markings related to the book similar to a circuit, and there's the low life crystal, this crystal will be the act as battery or generator of the doll, and the ritual started.

 Wang lei said, "Within the void that harbors nothingness, I Wang lei the Galaxy devourer, will grant you life" the doll sucked the remaining excess scales, and manifest itself, wang lei look at it and talk to himself, "Hm... It seems this doll has a soul but it was void nothingness basically like an infant, then I'll going to do similar to lian hua, but the galaxy devourer is so cringe, well this is my title that been given to me by that damn God.

*wang lei doing the soul adjusting carefully and not random*

 Wang lei said to himself, "Alright done, I already give him the basic personalities, then I'll going to give him some martial arts," Wang lei took some of the library and find out something interesting and it was name as, " Master of weapon and tactics, This will be good then the others will be randomly insert,"

 Then wang lei click ok, the doll begin to release an aura of an SWATI(Half immortal 1st stage) the dolls gather the excess ki or mana in the area and kneel to wang lei, "Headmaster lei, I'm here to greet you" 

 Wang lei thinks because this guy has a dark hair, medium size hair and the eyes is red but the design of the eyes that it was always close, muscular and it's 5'8 tall, has the markings on his arm, and the markings is just like tribal or similar (Zebel spell) on anime series.

 Wang lei said to him,"Hm... I'll grant you the name Quzhujian, meaning you're my destroyer" the doll said, "Hereby forward, my name is Quzhujian, the destroyer of the headmaster wang lei, the lord of the fenrir sect" 

 Wang lei wanted to question him why did he know everything about him but he suddenly realized that his memories in this world is connected to him, wang lei said to him, "Hm... Alright hop on this circle" the doll stands up and move to the designated spot with 5 meters apart to him, and wang lei teleport again to the library.

*inside of library*

 Because of the qi or mana, is been release by Quzhujian, the natural intimidation occurs and spread the whole area, xiao ling feels a terrifying master at the library, and the elder also feel it, a sophisticated aura of death, similar to Lian Hua, because of lian hua accompanying xiao ling, she said to him, "Don't be afraid, that's a friend similar to me," xiao ling look at her and said to her, "What do you mean?" lian hua said, "Basically it's a servant of grandmaster lei" then she smiled back while carrying some books.