Chapter 33: Quzhujian Task

Author: This is an English Novel, I hope you have a good day reading this


Elder POV:

*At the elder training room*

*Before Quzhujian appears*

 The elder said to Yu Lao, " in the basic of qi gathering is emptying your mind, work hard and grasp the technique" Yu Lao concentrate to gather qi, but suddenly a killer aura or I say intimidation suddenly appear, that even the elder feel the aura, then it vanish in a split seconds, the elder instruct that Yu Lao to continue his cultivation and leave the kid, and he head to Xiao Ling.

*Xiao Ling sees the elder is on panic*

 "Grandfather did you feel the aura?!" the elder suddenly say to Xiao Ling, "Hide it quickly don't show your fear, did you not even notice? That somebody surrounds you is on panic" Xiao Ling explained what Lian Hua said to her early ago, the elder said to Lian Hua, "Miss Hua, where's the aura coming from?" Lian hua said, "Even you're already an elder you didn't feel that aura? Well, he's a comrade and the destination is on the library"

Wang lei POV:

 He instructed Quzhujian, to not leak his qi and aura because there's a mortal and low cultivator in this school, Quzhujian merely obey and did not leak it anymore, wang lei go to the workers tab and click the orders tab and make a task.

*Workers Tab*

 Task 1,"Supervise, protect, and teach the three kids name Pi Jian, Jian Xiao, Tu Xiao," while wang lei is confirming the task 1, Quzhujian is standing there naked, and vigilant, then wang lei task 1 is been confirmed and it was already on impending, then wang lei create another task, task 2,"only correct the flaws, guide them, teach them in only about Dhanis(Gold core stage) with their own specialization, be strict if necessary,"

 Then wang lei confirmed the second task, then the last task, task 3,"If the training is complete, come at my aid and be my bodyguard" Then confirmed.

 All of the task is on impending, he locate the task in orders, and give it to Quzhujian, he immediately knows his purpose and mission, he kneels and say to him, "Master, can I know the location of this child" wang lei replied, "There's a swamp nearby, and they're on the training on poison resistance, so go to that location and wait for them to finish in this week" Quzhujian understood but before he go, wang lei give him some clothing that almost like a martial noble,

*Quzhujian attire and look like*

 Quzhujian humbly accepted it and head to the designated location, wang lei sees that Ru Qian progress is already on 30% while the trainers of the two children is already on 5%, wang lei said to himself, "Now that's a big progress" 

 When wang lei murmuring like an douche, xiao ling and the elder with lian hua shows up and kneel, "Grand master lei, What is that? Killing aura?!" he just look at her and said to her, "Hm... Just ignore it and let it be" Xiao Ling is still on panic, then lian hua understood that to calm her down she said to Xiao Ling, "Sister Ling, can I know where's the pill tower here? So that I can introduce myself to everybody"

 Then Xiao Ling get to her own senses and replied to Lian Hua, "On the East of this school, wait i guide you" Then Lian Hua and Xiao Ling head at the vicinity, while the elder stays and said, "Grandmaster I sense that there's a suddenly a powerful individual in this library" 

 Wang lei said, "Ah! That's one of the sect guard, well he just stop by and report what happen to the sect" the elders didn't know what's the sect is, but wang lei changed the subject and said to him, "It seems that there will be a conflict regarding the vice alchemy master, so be on your guard elder, because of the humiliation that he received in this day, I think he will get his revenge on me or you someday" 

 The elder said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei be assured, I already anticipated the arrogant attitude of the vice master, but I'll going to follow your warning, but regarding to the child Yu Lao, he's already grasping the qi around him, and condense it for him to cultivate, but grandmaster, are you really going to teach him? The star martial arts?"

 Wang lei stands up and head to the stairs, "Hm... Who knows, maybe not or maybe yes, if he can withstand my trials then good, but if he's not, then he will going to die" then wang lei get down through the stairs, while the elder follow him.

*1 week has passed*

*the trials of the three kids is done*

Quzhujian POV:

 Quzhujian is waiting outside of the swamp, and he see the three kids that clinging to their lives, they been affected by poison, and he sees that they exceed the target of 100 type of poison, they master the poison of 500 types, he sees the three of them collapsed, and he inspect the three child, he sees the potential of the three kids, it seems that the three kids has already well toned muscles, good qi cultivation, and has the set of techniques that incompatible to them.

 He easily sighted that the three has the cultivation of the old era, the element of hot metal a parasitic type of fire, a draconic transformation, and this kid has a three element of fire,water,earth, basically a tri element. 

 Quzhujian grab them and begin to nourish their wounds and prepare them for a medicinal bath to accelerate their healing. Quzhujian leave them for now and write some techniques for them. Quzhujian said to himself, "Thank you master, for giving me this treasure of a life time"

Wang lei POV:

*Office of xiao ling*

 He went to the office of Xiao Ling and discussing regarding to the kids, "It seems that it's already a week has been passed, and my subordinate contact me that the kids is well now, and he will going to continue the mission that been handed to him,"

 Xiao Ling sip her tea and said to wang lei, "So the kids already well, for now we will going to wait for their incredible come back of this school, but I'll going to discuss to you grandmaster lei, that if we can attend the letters that been handed to me, with this you can advertise your sect, and will be known" 

 Wang lei thinks about secluded the sect but if he wanted to be free in every of move, then he just needed to become well known, so wang lei replied, "Very well, so what's the letter that you picked?" xiao ling grab something through her drawer and said, "We will going to attend the Lunar rage school, misty refiner school, lu sect, pristine hawks, with this we can establish some reputation of jiang school authority," 

 Wang lei said to her, "Hm... Hustle, well I'll going to attend this places for to know my sect, but always tell them in advance, I don't wanted to be provoked or I'll going to kill them all, understood!" 

 Wang lei release some killing intent, and Xiao Ling feels it and gulp some of her own saliva, then wang lei cancel his killing intent and just leave the vicinity, xiao ling able to breath and said to herself, "I don't know why he's helping us, but I'll going to take this an advantage, but I'll going to warn them in advance"

*Outside of the office*

 Wang lei said to himself, "Did you really think that I don't know that you taking an advantage of me, because of my power, I'll only helping this bitch because of terra protector, if that snake is already in good conditioned then I'll going to leaved this place already and head to the center of power, but it seems that the terra protector needed a 6 months of recovery, what if I just give some elixir or just cast some recovery magic to that damn snake?"


 The terra protector is the snake on the mountains, it was his own skill, but it was badly damaged because of the terrain, the mountain itself is malnourish and damaged, that's why the terra protector in his skill is still on cooldown.

*Announce ends*

 Wang lei head to the plaza with the young master look attire, everybody of plaza is looking at him, he just strolling around the plaza, and he noticed that someone is following him, it seems like it was an assassin, he change his class to wizard and cast, "Inspect" 

 Then he see that it was the assassins of the lunar rage school, it seems the old man is taking of cautions to him, wang lei cast some *shadow snare*, then the assassin is been caught alive and drag to the shadow of depts., wang lei came back from the school and he see the elder with his disciple with Mist element, the elder greet him and the disciple, but wang lei said to him ,"We need to talk, but not this kind of place" the elder dismiss his disciple and they headed to the basement of the school.