Chapter 34: Dark Turn

Author: This is an English novel I hope you have a good day reading this


Wang Lei POV:

*At the basement*

 Wang lei unmasked the assassin with the presence of the elder, wang lei talk to the assassin, "Who are you? Why are you following me!?" even wang lei knows the answer already but he wanted to act for the sake that the elder will understand that the lunar rage school is eyeing his school not wang lei instead.

 The assassin smile and say, "Do you think that I'll talk!" then the assassin using his shadow techniques or any kinds of techniques that intention to flee, but wang lei knows about it and he just smirk because the one that tying him is a chain of light, the chains react to the fleeing skill of the assassin and immediately shocked him, "Argh!!!!" shouted by the assassin that in pain.

 The elder is shocked to see this but wang lei is smiling, he said, "Did you really think that you can escape? I'm warning you even you kill yourself using the poison of your fake tooth, it will not going to work" the assassin already used it and the shocked get more intense, "ARG!!" shouted by the assassin in pain

 Wang lei said to the elder, "I think this assassin is eyeing to your granddaughter elder, if is possible, I think there someone in grudge to your school" the elder burst in rage and cast some of his inner techniques, it like flaming pillar, "Argh!!!!"the assassin is on third degree burn, and wang lei said to the elder, "Hm... so elder who did you think that has kind of ill towards to your school?" 

 Wang lei is throwing some fuel to the fire, and the elder said, "The Phantasmal dragon school, one of the major school in the capital, they're the one that push us to this country side but to think that they're eyeing my granddaughter not only me, unforgivable!!" 

 The elder is on rage mode, but wang lei look some pill on his inventory, and he found it, "The truth pill only works in mortals" he grab some 5 pieces of the pill and stored into his storage ring, he said to the elder, "I have a pill that can make him spill the truth, this pill is a level 6 pill the truth pill" the elder kneels and said, "Please let me have this pill grandmaster lei, I'll going to repay you in the future"

 Wang lei said to him, "Hm... how about this, make your school to be under of my sect?" the elder is shocked and said, "T-that's" wang lei said, "What? Are you now even joyed that your school will be the under of the one of the ancient sect?" 

 The elder thinks and make his decision, "Understood, I'll going to give you the land title of this school" then wang lei give him the truth pill and he said, "This only work for mortals, so you need to crush his Dantian" The elder prepare some claw technique and he immediately crush the assassin Dantian.

 The assassins eyes is on agony and crying like a bitch, and he sees that this assassin Is a girl, so its really a bitch, the elder didn't hesitate to crush her dantian, and feed the pill, the girl is vomiting blood and the elder able to seal the blood flow of the girl, the elder said, "Who sent you here"

 The girl wanted to lie but her mouth betrays her, "The lunar rage head principal" the elder is boiling in rage and said to her again," Who the hell are you targeting?" then wang lei cast some mimic voice and said, "The vice principal of the jiang school, xiao ling" basically it not her but the assassins said it anyway and the one last thing that the elder ask, "What will you going to do xiao ling?"

 Then wang lei cast some mimic voice again, "To bring her head" the assassin is panicking because of she didn't even say it, the elder slash her head and said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei, you give me some very very useful information, I heard enough!" 

 Then the elder leaves with the furious aura and daunting killing intent, then wang lei sees her soul, "You! What did you make me say! I'll curse you! I'll curse you!" Wang lei said," Did you really think that I can't hear you?" The soul of that girl is frightened and immediately flee but it's too late, wang lei already change his class to soul collector, and snare the girl soul wang lei said to her, "I know that you didn't do anything to me, but blame your luck that you meet me"

 The soul said to him, "W-what you going to do to me, no no!" then wang lei erase her memories and the body and the head is been collected to become suitable material for undead creation or puppet, the soul memories is already been erased and it's already in a blank page, wang lei said to himself, "Now this school will be mine, and they will going to fight each other to death without letting me lift a finger, Isn't that neat!"

*the elder comes to the office of xiao ling*

 Xiao Ling greets her grandfather, and said, "What brings you here? Grandpa?" the elder talk to her sincerely, "It seems that grandpa affair is unfinished, to the point that you being targeted by an assassins, I'm sorry xiao"

 The elder hugs her and Xiao Ling is still dumb founded and confused, the elder said to her, "It seems you didn't know, that will be great I'll going to take this seriously on my own, talk to grandmaster lei, I already give him the approval of the title deed of this school, we will going to be taken under of his sect understood!" 

 Xiao Ling said to her grandpa, "Grandpa what are you talking about? Title deed? Assassins? What are you talking about?" the elder just pat her granddaughter head, and said to her, "Your grandpa will leave for a while ok, don't find me no matter what"

 then the elder disappear without a trace, Xiao Ling is still can't understand the situation, then wang lei appears to her office, because he just waiting at the door of her office, Xiao Ling grab the hand of wang lei and said, "Grand master lei! What the hell is happening!?"

 Wang lei just smiled and said to her, "The lunar rage school has sent an assassin that will going to kill you, but I catch the assassins and let the elder hear the assassins, it seems that the lunar rage school that one of major school is now eyeing you, I don't know the details but where's the title deed?"

 Xiao Ling grab something from her desk and give it to him, Xiao Ling said, "I need to stop grandfather, can I ask a favor to stop him? For doing something reckless?" Wang lei said to him, "What can you offer?"

 Xiao ling remember the day that wang lei said that to her, so she thinks carefully and wang lei rushing him, "Hurry or else, I can't bring back your grandfather" then wang lei begin to count 10 – 1 in descending form, because of the pressure Xiao Ling said, "I'll be your figure or pawn and I'll listen to your orders" 

 wang lei change his class to dealer, and he cast ,"Soul Contract" then the scroll pops out and wang lei say to her, "Now then write like you life defends on it" then xiao ling thinks that this is for her grandfather so she got no choice, and sign it up, the scroll take some part of her soul that immediately xiao ling immediately get weaken and ask wang lei, "Grandmaster lei what did you do to me?" 

 Wang lei respond, "you will see for yourself" then wang lei change his class to dimension wizard, and immediately locate the elder, it seems that the elder Is not still far away, so wang lei place a marker of teleportation, to the elder heading to, then without a minute the elder able to return at the office of xiao ling, the elder sees that xiao ling is on her knees and he ask wang lei about it,"Grand master lei what happen?!"

 Wang lei respond," I just give her a demonstration of flowing of qi, even it was not that, when Xiao Ling wanted to speak, but wang lei talk to her through telepathy, "In the contract number 1, the contract should not be shared to the other parties, or else that other party will die and the contract bearer will be punish by burning of soul" 

 then xiao ling just shut up and just said to her grandfather, "It's ok grandpa, you should not be haste to the enemies that we don't even know what they planning," The elder replied while holding Xiao Ling, "B-but" wang lei say to him," Xiao ling is correct, for now you two should plan what will going to happen in the near future, or else the two of you will going to die because of reckless decision, because I'm the one that owns this school, and the head of this school I'll going to change every ways of you're teaching, and fired some teachers that abusing their authority, if we're going to fight in the arena anyways, why not eradicate the whole school instead of student"

 The two of them realized that Wang lei is really a good figure for the school, the elder gently putting down Xiao Ling at the sofa and kneels to wang lei,"Grand master lei, please help us!" wang lei just smiles.