Chapter 35: Gou Ogel

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this


*Somewhere in the continent*

*After the attack of assassin to xiao ling*

*The assassins sect at the sight*

 "Curses! A client is angry because it was failed assassination, because of this failure it can lead into depravity of our sect" said by the elder of the assassins sect, but then an elder with the same rank ask, "What's the name of the target? And features?"

 The elder respond, "The head master of the jiang school, the client pay for 400 gold for the head of that head master that only in OPHIU(Soul Wandering fifth stage), and this is the sketch figure of the target,"

 The elder in black handed it to the another elder that with white bandana, the elder with white bandana inspect the target features and ask, "Did you say we fail? How come? She's only in OPHIU in 5th stage, we send an HATHOR( Nascent soul in 7th stage), so how come the mission failed? Or there's a possibility that there's a hidden expert on that school,"

 The elder in black thinks and respond, "I accept the possibility of it" Then the patriarch of the assassins sect comes and the two elders vow to the patriarch and respond , "Greetings patriarch" the patriarch sits on his throne and said to the 2 elders, "You need to fix it soon, or our sect will be deprave because we can't finish any mission, " the two elders agreed.

*At the office of xiao ling*

Wang lei POV:

 He sorting some files that basically in three categories, easy, hard, priority, he sees that there's some of the files that regarding of the health and the finance of the school, the outcome of students and the results of their performance, within a minute he arranged all of the mountainous files in to three categories, he look at it and the outcome of the arrangement that there's so many hard and priority, in the number aspect of the files, it came about 230 files of hard, and 120 priority, and 58 easy.

 He thinks something and he got some idea, "I don't want to deal with this piece of shits" wang lei wanted some free life, like without working, ruling without worries, so he got a good idea about it, wang lei wanted to use the dead corpse and soul of that woman that he kills, and use that as a medium to create a tier 2 doll, using as the body as a outer layer of skin, and the inner body is a doll.

*30 minutes later*

 He created a tier 2 doll, he whisper to himself, "This will be the skeletal structure for the doll, and the dead body, I'll probably combine it through magic, he took out the dead body and handle it to the floor, the dead body has no head, so he created a head in the very start, it looks like a secretary or a boss lady, he change his class to, "Doll Necromancer" and cast, "Body combining" this is a complex spell that you replace the innards and the whole data of the body,

*within a few minutes*

 The combining of body and the skeletal structure is done, the only needed to do is to use the soul adjusting and give it a soul, wang lei look at it almost like a fuck doll or a fuck body, but because of it's a doll and wang lei has an etiquette he forbid himself to ruin his creation.

 He use the soul adjusting and give a personality related to leadership, planning, financial, etc... then he give it a cultivation foundation called, "The dauntless demeanor" this foundation can't feel fear or other shady stuffs that cause nightmare or any kinds of mental attack, then he give some modern knowledge about planning and strategy, and also leadership and financing, and the other cultivation techniques is all random.

 Wang lei finish the soul adjusting he just throw the soul in the soul chamber of the doll, and it's immediately activated, the doll recognize him as the ruler, the monarch of the fenrir sect, and it immediately give him a vow, "Headmaster wang lei, I'm here for your service" it was an intellectual girl and it's naked.

 He checks the cultivation level of this doll and it seems that she was not only the strongest but also the smartest in all of the doll that he created, including Quzhujian, the dolls that he lent to Ru Qian, and Lian hua. She have the cultivation of Dhanis(Profound Immortal 1st stage).


When someone breakthrough in Swati cultivation, the cultivator will choose only in three categories, Dhanis the Rulers, Oais the Mythic, and Eos the Lords but it still the same name as profound immortal but different path, it can be said that this is the graveyard of the cultivators, because within this three categories will be hard enough to breakthrough, it can be said that if you're a water element cultivator then you need to drain the whole sea just to breakthrough, if you're a fire cultivator then you need to endure the hellish soul fire of hell, this is the stages of struggle and suffering. within this three categories is been said that you're one of the candidate to become a GOD, but in this three categories you need to specialized only 1 element, so many of the cultivators that in this stage has only 1 element, it can be combined into one if you're a multi element user.

*Announce Ends* 

 He grab some formal attire clothes for female and give it to her, he order the doll to wear the respected clothes, the doll move her hands and immediately get a clothing, wang lei say to her, "Are you not embarrassed?" the doll said to him, "I'm already embarrassed if there's someone other my creator, but it's my creator then it's fine"

*He press the workers tab*

 Wang lei look at his panel and click the order panel, the first task that he assigned, "Lead the school in a better place, better reputation, better leadership," he click admit button and the task 1 is on standby mode.

 He click task 2,"You're assigned as the headmaster of this school and deal with the paper works and other necessary improvement in terms of financial, cleanliness, and education" he click the admit button and the task 2 is on standby mode.

 He click the task 3,"You have a responsibility to nurture this school as a better place, responsibility of the education that the student will take, responsibility for the order of the school, and responsibility as the servant of the fenrir sect" 

 Then he click all of task and combine it, and give it to the doll, the doll eyes immediately get shines within a seconds then disappears, the doll immediately see the paper works and she just deal with it, but he been stopped by wang lei, he said to her, "Before you work and do your thing, I'll name you as Gou Ogel" wang lei just out of vocabulary for a name and the word google suit her the most because she will be handling all of the affairs necessary for the school"

*Gou Ogle Attire and look like*

 Then Xiao Ling appears at office and she sees Gou Ogle doing the workloads and wang lei just sitting at the couch sipping some tea, Xiao Ling is confused because there's a woman that doing the task, so she ask wang lei about it, "Grandmaster lei, who's that person?" wang lei said to her, "That's will be the new headmaster of this school," 

 Xiao Ling look at her and she's surprised that it was immediately the papers is done and its been arranged so fast, she stands up and report to wang lei ,"Master I already have deal with the priority papers and I wanted to have a secretary, for It to relays my message to the masses," 

 Wang lei look at Xiao Ling and she immediately understood her position, "My name is Xiao Ling, I'm your new secretary, what can I do for you?" Gou Ogel just said to her, "Here, this is the paper for the easy papers, and this will be the hard papers, and this is the most priority, I have already the solution in all of the papers that been handed to me, your job is to relay this in 2 days, understood"

 Xiao Ling is bombarded with papers but she checks some of the papers and the solution is indeed satisfactory, she replied, "Yes, Mam", she leaves the office with the all of the papers with her.

Gou Ogel sit at her chair and said to wang lei, "Grandmaster lei, I'll be prank with you, the situation of this school is a mess, who's the former headmaster of this school and I'll wanted to punch him/her right now" 

 Wang lei sip some tea and said to her, "The secretary" she's just enraged and clenching her fist, and wang lei stands up and said to her, "Prioritize my order to you, don't let any suspicion or anomaly that will distract your focus" Gou Ogel nods and vow to him, and wang lei leave the office, he sees that Xiao Ling is relaying the orders of Gou Ogel, so he just went to a corner and head to the guild, the fenrir sect.

*Fenrir sect*

 Wang lei sees that all of the servants is already presents even the leaders and other factions, he also sees the acting leader for Jorgumand and Hel clan, so basically many of the people that vowing to him is consisting only humans, and also he feels that the two kids aura is already change, he checks the order tab, and the process is already in 3% so basically we can't do anything to speed it up, so wang lei look at the guild settings he sees that there's some researches and members.

 He click the research and bunch of stuffs suddenly pop out into the research panel, because of the new born guild, many of the research is already on 0 level and the maximum level of all the research is 5, he sees that there's so many research's tabs, it was stated, "Military, Medicine, Economy, Generals, Buildings"

 He click the building first, and he sees on the research pace, that it was included the technique of buildings and blueprints, then he go back and check the military, he sees that the military level is only on 0 so basically none, if there someone attack the guild, the guild will be perish basically this guild will be useless, wang lei said to himself, "Geez so many workloads"