Chapter 36: Research and Boredom

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Ru Qian POV:

*At the chaotic order sect*

 Ru Qian handling some paper works and the future plan that will enable them to become more powerful in the future, he look at the paper and It said that," Scout report" he didn't know about this report or just he forgotten it, and he read it to recap it, "Report 1: Master, we located the swamp and found out that there's a doll similar to us and it was been created by master, he just politely introduce himself and ask us to leave the vicinity, because of the disciple training. Ru Qian thinks and response to himself, "Hm... What's that doll, mission supposed to be? Well, it's master idea so it will be a huge root plan," 

 He continue to read, "Report 2: Master we headed at the north west we found out that there's some cultivators that has cultivation of OPHIU( Soul wandering stage), nearby at our sect, It seems they're some young master is on the carriage and they're heading to the end of the north west. Ru Qian look at the map that been sketch by the scouts, it seems their headed to a small clan or sect that has a name of Yi, so basically a YI family.

 "Report 3: Master our live stocks, financials, and military is at risk according to the status and the statistics that we conducted." Ru Qian look at the financial and the statistics for food that been handed to him yesterday, 

 He look at it and said, "Hm... Financial is at risk and also the livestock, we need to grow some farm that been enchanted by magic, in terms of financial we can trade to the auction nearby, it can be a capital or another empire" he write something to his notepad and it was stated,"3:30 PM Enchanting the soils" Then Ru Qian read again.


The land that Wang lei and Ru Qian residing in is called The territory of the Tian Empire, the whole map is consisted of 4 empires and 7 Kingdoms, within the the Tian Empire they're residing to Bu Kingdom, South West of the Tian empire.

Tian empire is consisting of 7 kingdoms, the royal family of Bu, Ji, Ming, Gu, Li, Lahn, Kian

For now this is the kingdoms that will be represent, and the other 7 kingdoms of the 3 empires will be late of the story

*Announcement Ends*

 "Report 4: Master, we need to research any kinds of means." Ru Qian look at the available research that he listed in the notebook, the list of the research is almost full the whole 80 page notebook, so he just write at the notepad again and it's stated,"4:30 PM Research Priority" Then he read again.

 "Report 5: Master, we scouted the northern and the southern region, it seems that they're a big family a head they're from the He family and Pi family, they're seems some rivalries and they're killing each other for it to become the head of the family." Ru Qian laughs and talk to himself," This is the typical mass genocide of a certain family, compare to my lord they're just pitiful ants when it comes to order and power" He read again.

 "Report 6: Master, we scouted the forest in the south east, they're some abnormalities according to their behavior, it was reminded me about the rampaging of Goblins in your time" Ru Qian is concern about the report 6 because this will lead to calamity, when he's about to do his work there some ping and the whole table, sent some message, it said, "Chaotic order sect is been recognized as subsidiary sect of the fenrir sect,"

 Ru Qian is proud of himself and almost wanted to cry, that his master recognized his worth, then the table ping again and said, "The researching order will be, Economy: Quarrying level 1, Military: Discipline level 1, Generals: Troops command level 1, Medicine: Basic Bandaging level 1, Building: Aesthetic Wood works level 1"


Quarrying is gathering speed for stones and minerals are 5%, Discipline is moral strengthening about 5%, troops command is Leadership about 5%, basic bandaging is Health recover about 5%, Aesthetic wood works is building of wood as material will be speed in 5%

*Announce ended*

 Ru Qian is crying because of the gift that been bestow to him, he said to wang lei, "My lord, thank you for the research that you give to us, rest assured the name of the fenrir sect will be known even the foolish Gods that plays the fate of the humankind"

Wang lei POV:

*Before the researching proceed*

 Wang lei look at the research tabs and thinking about the most possible and smartest way to strengthen his guild/sect, then he click the economy first, he sees the quarrying research tab, it said that it can boost the stone and minerals gathering speed.

 He sees that in his alliance is already max level, but in the other subsidiary it isn't, so basically this research is for the subsidiary sect that will eventually create in the future like Ru Qian is leading at the chaotic order sect.

 He click the economy tab and research first is the quarry level 1 to boost the gathering speed for stone and minerals to 5%, then he go to the military tab and he click the military discipline to boost the morale of the soldiers by 5%, then he go to the generals tab, he click the troops command that will eventually boost the leadership for 5%, then he go to the medicine and head for basic bandaging to boost the 5% health recovery rate, then building he click the Aesthetic wood works to boost the building speed for wood working.

 He sees the icon for share when he click it, the icon for the chaotic order is been set as level 1 sect, he share the research and he found out that the research will be done in 2 days, he head to guild tab and found out that the residence here is only human, he look for some skins for the resident and he found out the mix race, he click the mix race, the guild tab announce to him that he need to leave the guild for a 2 hours to process the mix race skins, he return at the jiang school and head to the office of Gou Ogel,

*Gou Ogel office*

 Gou Ogel kneels to wang lei and he said to her, "Is there any malicious happen? When i'm gone?" Gou Ogel said to him with confidence, "Master, there's no report about any malicious that happen when your gone, but for the sake of the school will be known I suggest to head to the arena battle of the sects that been given to you, with this you personally advertise the fenrir sect, or other subsidiary sect"

 Wang lei sits and said to her, "Is there any statistical way that why did you suggest this to me?" Gou Ogel replied, "Yes master, this is the papers of the statistical test that I calculated" wang lei look at it and it was fare enough, there a large of number of percentage that when he visit personally.

 He said to her, "Gou Ogel i'll eventually change this school name to Order of the Zodiacs, is this benefitting to our names? Zodiacs represent as the stars in the sky, the pattern is describe as personality of the individual, and it said that every sign that it represent is not the same personality, so is it good?"

 Gou Ogel said to him, "Master, are you creating a sect or what? Get rid of the order and just said Zodiacs School" wang lei thinks and said to her, "Alright" then suddenly the guild tab ping something, he checks the guild tab and found out that the subsidiary is added some new function, the function added is school, before it's only sect now there's a new option.

 He share the research tab to the school and Gou Ogel desk suddenly lights up, the same of Ru Qian, Gou Ogel just vows down and said to him, "Thank you very much master" then he said to her, "Well is there any schedule for me to attend?"

 Gou Ogel look at the schedule that he do have a schedule so she replied, "The misty refiner school, well it been scheduled in 3 days morning" wang lei said to her, "Did you replied that I'll come? "Gou Ogle said to him, "No, sir because I need for your confirmation first" Wang lei said to her, "Good, well I'll attend so that i can kill some time, send them a letter that I'll come"

 Gou Ogel understood and write something on the paper, wang lei leaves the office and said to himself, "I'm so fucking bored, are there any mobs? Grinding? Impossible challenges?" then suddenly some rushing kid head to the office of Gou Ogel and said, "Headmaster the news for the Evil beast calamity is upon us" 

 Wang lei just eaves drop and the Gou Ogel replied, "What did you mean upon us?" The boy replied, "Headmaster the Qi beast is In the forest they're acting so weird, then we found out that there some evil beast phenomena is happening, what will we going to do?"

Gou Ogel replied, "Hm... Call Secretary Xiao Ling, just said to her that I need her here" Then the boy run again and wang lei look at Gou Ogel, it seems that google misinterpret wang lei attention, on Gou Ogel head, "Is master looking at me? Is it possible that this is the challenge an order that I must face? Very well master I'll not let you down" on wang lei mind ,"Damn it, how come that's an evil calamity I just feel it and they're just a bunch of confused beast, similar to goblin calamity, they're to weak" 

 Wang lei sees xiao ling rushing to the office and wang lei just disappear and head to the tallest building in the jiang school, wang lei change his class to scout and cast some magic, "Foresight" and he sees the abnormality, it seems it was a natural occurrence, and he sees that there some villagers in the mountain that battling some the beast, he change his class to arc wizard and teleport to the village

*At the village

"Mom! Mom!" wang lei hear it to the villagers daughters and son, even there's some already mourning for dead people, wang lei look at the beast it seems that the beast consumes some yin energy so that it was going berserks, the beast is so huge that its almost like a dire wolf because of the sizes, wang lei cast some tier 3 spell," Wind Homing blade"

 Then wang lei make a gesture of throwing it, and all of the villagers is startled to see that all of the 15 beast Is been beheaded, then suddenly wang lei realized that there will be a pack leader, the wolf with a white fur shows up and the villagers is terrified and saying, "Albi Wolf" a tier 3 beast monster, wang lei just sigh and cast some dark magic, "Shadow Bind" then wang lei shows up to the villagers.