Chapter 37: Isekai person and Souls

Author: This is an English Novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang Lei POV:

*He get down*

 The villagers sees him getting down at the tree, the villagers just said, "An immortal" then all of a sudden, the villagers is kneeling down and worshipping him and begging him to save their lives, wang lei ignore them and look at the wolf leader, the wolf leader is struggling at the bind, and biting it for it to get free, wang lei change his class to Tamer, he cast some magic, "Animal Voice" then the wolf is saying, "You bastards humans! Not only that you kill my kin, but also hostage me to negotiate with you, who cares if he's an immortal, i'll bite his head off!" 

*Stumbled sounds*

 The villagers is stunned and surprised at the same time, wang lei approach the wolf and look at him, it was so close that the wolf intended to bite him, but the wolf sees a predator, because of its instinct, the wolf immediately cower and look at wang lei ,"W-What are you!? " Wang lei change his class to Memory Wizard, and cast some spell to the wolf, "Virtual Memory" 

 The villagers sees a brain floating around at wang lei hands, the villagers looking at him as if he was a God, he search a memory and found out some Red dot at the memory shards, he touch the memory shard and suddenly the shard is on display of the wolf memory, the wolf immediately noticed the scenario and they sees the law of the jungle.

 All of the villagers looking at it and watching it very carefully, then they sees a tragic ending of the wolf wife, some villagers kill the wolf wife and take the pup, the wolf engage to attack but it was intercepted by some unknown cultivator, the villagers handed the pup to the cultivator and the pup immediately turn into alchemy ingredients by disintegrating it, the scream and cry of pup that turns into grueling process of alchemy, the wolf is on anger and crying, the binding is a little bit get loose. 

 The virtual image ends when the wolf is been slash by some unknown cultivator, and the wolf wife is also turn into alchemy ingredient by disintegrating it. then wang lei change his class to Scout and cast some spell, "Search" the two bastard is running away.

 Then wang lei cast some spell that grab them, "Chaos hands" the two has been grab by the hands, and the effect of this spell is terrifying, because the pain tolerance will be less than zero, the two mortal is begging wang lei, "Immortal forgive us, we just wanted some money to feed ourselves" 

 Wang lei look at the villagers and he ask the villagers, "I ask you all, because of this two bastard greed, the village is now in this state, what did you think is the appropriate punishment" The villagers is looking at their home that been destroyed, the lives has been taken, all of them is on anger and replied, "Kill them!" some neighbors wife respond, "Because of this two bastard, my husband has died to this wolves!"

*Protest sounds*

 The two bastards is getting anxious and sweating because of the crowds, wang lei said to them, "The money that the cultivator gave you, where did you spent it?" they lie to wang lei by saying that they buy it for food, but the truth is they waste it by gambling and some strippers house, wang lei cut the tongue of one of the bastards.

 The villagers is terrified and he ask again, "Where did you spent the money?" the other one say the truth and said, "Gambling and stripper house" the other one with cut tongue is shocked to hear this, and begging for mercy to wang lei, wang lei cancel the spell that untying the bastard, and he said, "Run and be free" the bastard that said the truth is running, wang lei sensing the murderous aura of the wolf, so he cancel the one that suppressing it, and he said to the wolf, "Now get your revenge" the wolf chase the guy and hunted it down,

*Argh!!!* sounds of being bitten to death

 The sounds of a dying man make the villagers terrified to its core, the wolf dragging the dead body of the man, and place it to wang lei feet, the wolf said to him, "What's next?" then wang lei said to other guy, "Hm... Now feel the death of the pup and his wife," wang lei change his class to alchemist, and cast, "Disintegration" the man feel it and he sees that his body is disintegrating in fast paced, the man is screaming in agony, and the villagers is trembling in fear. 

 The body of the bastard is been turn into dust, then wang lei said to the wolf, "Now feast to the body to the killer of your wife and kid" the wolf feast to the dead body and eating it like there's no tomorrow, the villagers seeing it make them vomit because of the raw flesh being eaten.

 The villagers saying to theirselves, "That's not an immortal, that's a demon, no that's a living death" the one that been disintegrated is still lying at the floor, wang lei cast, "Ash Pill" then the ash is being absorbed to his palm and it turn into a pill, wang lei look at the pill and said, "Oh... This is a level 2 Human pill" 


Human pill effects in to two characteristics, it can be a reactant to other kinds of pill, or it can be a disguise for the demi humans.

*Announce ends*

 Wang lei look at the villagers and said, "All of you! Did you wanted to see your dead love one again?" the villager look wang lei and saying at unison, "Yes! immortal!" then wang lei say to them, "But there will be a price! that i'll take your freedom and be just a slave through generation of generation! "the villagers is still hesitating but one of the villagers a female villager said, "I'm willing to become a slave"

 Then one by one they're answering that they're willing to become a slave, then wang lei said to them, "Then i'll let you to see your loves one once more, in the time of 1 day" wang lei change his class to Soul Collector, and cast, "Soul Puppet"

 The villagers is seeing their dead love ones is standing beside them, and wanted to hug them but they can't, the loved ones is also can't talk but they can make a gesture or some sort, wang lei say to them, "Dismiss!" then all of them begin to chat with their loved ones, but wang lei caught something on his eye, there some villager that carrying a baby, he change his class to wizard, and appraise it, he found a jewel.

 The baby is a transmigrator, basically a reincarnator that still attach with memories of his past life, he walks toward to the villager that carrying the baby, the baby is smiling in smug because he was alive but when he see wang lei he became pale.

 Wang lei said to the villager, "i'll take this baby of yours to become one of the outer disciples, did you agree" the mother is crying and hugging her baby to the fullest, and give it to wang lei, the mother said to wang lei, "Please immortal, please take of care of my baby" then wang lei grab the baby and said to the mother, "i will"

 Then the wolf also look at wang lei and said, "Why did you help me?" Then wang lei just say to the wolf, "Try figuring it out, until you get insane" then wang lei leaved the vicinity and the wolves also leave.

*Landed into some sort of abandon house*

 Wang lei begin to talk, "Oh, what a cute little baby, now then aren't going to speak, Yamatsuki Koutaro" the baby face begin to pale, and begin to panic, the baby act like he was an ordinary baby, then wang lei said, "If you don't stop crying and acting like a baby, i'll turn you into a pill"

 Then the baby stops to cry, wang lei noticed that this is just a typical isekai that has a system in it, so basically this is a rouge system or created by the upper Gods, wang lei shut down the system and the baby begin to panic intensely

 Wang lei cast, "Telepathy" and said to the baby, "Alright koutaro, aren't you going to speak to me or i'll going to permanently shut down your system?" the baby replied, "P-please don't! make me a pill or shut down my guide!" wang lei smirk and replied, "Before i'll ask you about the system, answer me honestly, how did you end up here?" 

 Koutaro begin to explain what happen to him, in conclusion, koutaro is a middle aged man in his 30s, and has job of agriculture related, the village that he residing into found a cave, because of the curiousness, he wandered to the cave and died because of a pit hole. 

 There's some voice calls him and here we now at the present date, wang lei thinks and replied, "To think that your vessel of some sort of God, impressive you're just basically a test subject for those rascal, did you wanted me to explain it?" Koutaro is confused but wanted to know the answer so he said, "Yes"