Chapter 39: Short Battle

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a Good day reading this.


*At the misty refiner school*

*At the gathering grounds*

 An elder climbs up the stage and announce something important, he said, "Good morning everybody! I see that many of you wanted to participate in this tournament, i already noticed that some of you advance to their cultivation, for this past months of your training, we will now see the result, bare in this in your mind warriors, good luck!" 

 Then the crowds is intense cheering about the announcement, when the elder is leaving he was been interrupted by some messenger bird, he read it and said, "We're from the Jiang School, we humbly accepted your invitation, right now the head master of ours is headed to your school"

 The elder is not been informed about the arrival of wang lei, so he keep it for the headmaster to see, but he did not read the warning below, it said, "Don't provoke him" the elder said to the masses," The first layout of the tournament will be battle to the fittest, all of you will be challenge in this arena as the matter of survival, any kinds of weaponry is allowed but poison is not allowed at this match, we will start at 2:00 PM so be prepared!" the contestant is looking at each other as if they're lathing each other throats, 

 The elder headed to the office and bring it to the head master, he said to the headmaster, "Head master Yun, i have received a letter from the Jiang School, it seems they're accepted our invitation" the head master stands up in shocked and said, "What! they accepted it! this is a good fortune for our school! Quick handed it to me, i need to read the contents!" the elder is confused why the head master is excited about the arrival of headmaster of jiang school, he handed the letter to the head master and read it thoroughly, 

*1 minute later*

 The headmaster is sweating and said to the elder, "Good, Elder you have no information about this individual aren't you?" The elder answered honestly and said, "Its a shame that i didn't know it sir" the headmaster get his composure again and said to the elder, "When my disciple is on the auction in this past few weeks, he meet a certain individual that almost has a God like appearance and cultivation, this individual travelled in all 30 realms by himself, has a culinary cuisine that rivals a level 6 pills, and has a painting of a landscape of the ethereal domain"

 The elder is listening with an anxious look, then the head master continue, "This individual cultivation is no joke, he even provoked the elder of one of the prestigious school, the Lunar rage school, even sent flying that one of the Hong family young master, it seems the whole family is been killed, they basically erased from existence, it seems that individual is the one that erase that family, so be ready elder, that there will be a powerful man will visit our school, and it was said on the letter that don't ever provoked him" 

 The elder gulp his saliva while sweating because of fear, he replied to the headmaster, "Yes master, i'll going to greet him at the gate right away," then the the headmaster realized that it will be rude if he didn't show up so he said to the elder, "i'll accompany you" now they will wait at the gate of the school"

Wang lei POV:

 They're heading at the school by running, the two of his escort is getting tired while he was just simply jogging, he said to the two escort, "Did you wanted a break?" Li yan replied, "Don't mind us master, please continue this will be a good exercise for us"

 Then wang lei thinks that they're overworking themselves so much, this will lead to death at no time, he said to the two," Stop we're just half way there, so let's rest for a bit" wang lei sit on the tree branch and also the two of them is at the tree branch behind his back, he hears the panting of the two, it seems that his jogging is to much for them.

 He said to the two, "Be honest with me, are the two of you tired? if you lie i'll cut your tongue" Li long is the one who panting replied, "Yes master, we didn't think that we will run towards to that school barefoot, even we're a Dhanis(Gold core stage) still to much for us we're such a disgrace"

 Wang lei look to them and inspect, he sees something abnormal between their bodies, he said to them, "Hm... The two of you are not capable to be my escort, i'm so disappointed to this kind of results," The two of them kneels and said, "We're very sorry for our incompetence" 

 Wang lei thinks and give them a tip, he said to the two, "Hm... it seems that we will not going to arrive there at 11:00 AM, with this kind of pace, alright i'll give you some tip so listen carefully "Li long and Li yan salute to him and said," Thank you very much for the teaching master lei" 

 Wang lei begin to teach them, "For what i see your cultivation is a gold core but your body is not catching up to your spiritual cultivation, and i also sees the leaking of ki into your body, are you leaking it on purpose?" 

 The two of them denied that they're leaking them instead they ask a question, "What is the meaning of leaking of ki?" wang lei said to them, "Basically your spiritual ki is leaking to your body to the point that its noticeable to many, that's why your body didn't gain anything because it was leaking, for it to fix try to close the leakage by meditating, try to imagine that your body has a hole in it, then you will see the leaking ki to your body"

*They try to meditate and use the guidelines of holes that wang lei teach*

 The two of them feels something and said to wang lei, "Master lei! i feel it, and also see it what the hell is this!?" said by Li yan, then within a matter of minutes Li long also feels it and see it, wang lei say to them, "Now try to block the hole with your ki, when it's done circulate your ki into your body but in fast paced" the two of them did it and the result is outstanding, they broke their bottle neck, now they're gold core cultivators in 6th and 7th realm/stage.

* the two of them gain consciousness*

 They immediately kneels and thanks wang lei about the technique that he bestow to them, they said, "Master lei, we will not forget this moment, that you teach us this magnificent technique" wang lei just say to them, "Now, now this is just a simple use of ki and laws you know, this is just the barely basic, but first i need to confirm something" the two of them gulp in anxious and stay quiet," Are the two of you capable to fight? it seems that we have a garbages to clean" 

*the mercenary comes*

 The two of them in battle stunts while wang lei is just sitting and yawning, Li long shout, "What's the meaning of this!" someone with an old voice replied, "This? we will just going to play a game of tag you dimwits"

 Li long is caution enough to let go of the insult, because he sees their leader has a strong cultivation base, and the 5 mercenary that accompanying him is also in gold core stage, but the leader is gold core peak, the mercenary is bumbling to take the girl as a slave and sell it to the market while li long is will be killed with wang lei, he say to them, "Can you please shut up? Hey! Li long is there any garbage or flies nearby? they're to smelly and loud at the same time"

 The mercenary leader take the insult and said to his companion to charge, but wang lei already finish switching a class, he change his class warrior, and already cast a taunt skill, then all the charging mercenary died within a single amount of radius when he change his class to Berserker, because he cast the thorn shield in the radius of 10 meters, the leader is shocked to see his companion is been impaled by some unknown force then wang lei activated the skill of berserker, *killing intent*

 Because of the killing intent, the leader of the group intended to flee but wang lei managed to out speed him by changing his class to swift knight, he's grabbing the head of the leader and pull it up, the two of the escort is terrified of wang lei because he was smiling when he see someone is suffering.

 Then wang lei ask, "Hm... your employer is the vice master of the alchemist branch am i right?" the leader twitch it seems that he was right, he snap the neck of the mercenary leader and change his class to Corpse bomber, then he poked the neck of the mercenary leader.

 The bomb is already been set, according to his mini map the vice alchemist is hiding at the abandoned hut, he throw the corpse to that location with invisibility skill is been cast, he change his class to soul collector and he sees the mercenary is raged to him, then he cast,*Collect* then all of the soul is been stored, with the assassins girl that he also kill. 

*moment of silence*

 The two escort is still shocked and terrified to him, wang lei say to them, "Did you think that being a cultivator is full of tales and heroics deeds? grow up this is reality! that strong will eat the weak, with facing of absolute strength, you have no option to choose, now then do you want to become strong?" the two of them hear this and accepted that they did it as self defense, and they accepted wang lei proposal.