Chapter 40: The Warrior Sword

Author: This is an English Novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the forest*

 It still traumatizing to the two escort for them see some gruesome bloodshed, and it was over for a minute, they accepted the proposal of wang lei so they ask for it, "Master, what will be the strength that you will give to us?" 

 The two of them is wondering about the technique that wang le will give, wang lei change his class to Berserker and cast *Furious* The two of them feel the changes in their body, Li long is the first noticed it, it seems the rising anger in his body, and he shouted, "Argh!!!" with force on his body a chanin reaction started, Li yan also feels the anger, and has the same reaction of Li long.

*Few minutes later*

 They both like a new leaf but their anger is been sated by their qi, because of their qi, their anger turn into something more unmeasurable, it was just blank facial reaction but it has a horrifying intimidation. Wang lei say to them, "Now this is reality, did you feel the power that you have? it will stay for about 2 days, then you will come back to your original state, so i give you the chance to feel this kind of power so remember it properly, so let's go!" Li long and Li yan kneels first and said, "Thank you so much for this opportunity master!" then they stand up and follow wang lei.

*outside but near to the gate*

 Wang lei arrives but still caution about the personnel at the gate, he sees that there was a two old man waiting for him, one is anxious and one still calm, he said to the to Li long and Li yan, "Show your power but don't engage are we clear?" the two of them nod, and wang lei head to the gates

*He arrived*

 He approached them and said politely to the two man, "Sir, I have a question? Is this the school of misty refiner?" the two of them get alerted, first is the calm man replied, "Yes, this is the school, who might you be?"

 Wang lei sees that they been warried, so he identify himself, "I'm the head master of the Jiang school" when the anxious man wanted to approach him, and the calm man is wanted to provoked him, the two escort shows up with a massive killing intent, the two is terrified to see an expert.

 Then the two escort is just getting their badge of proof, the two men get warried and deploy their battle mode and saying,"Hold you hands! Who are you fiend!" The escort get the badge and show it to them but the two man didn't see it, and launch an attack to the two escort.

 Wang lei just intercepted it by using his two hands and smash their faces in the ground, wang lei changes his class to brawler when the two of them launch, the two man can't move because of brawler skill, "Ground stun" then the two escort identified themselves, "We're from the jiang school, we accepted your letter and the front of you is the head master of the jiang school, here's the badge of proof" 

 Wang lei release the skill effect and the both of them regained their body control, the two of them sees the badge and they did know that they're indeed from jiang school, the anxious man approached wang lei and said ,"Master, sorry for the impoliteness of our behavior, i'll lead you to the said venue" then the two escort follows up. 

*Mean while*

 The elder is still stunned about what happen, he said to himself, "I have the cultivation of OPHIU(Soul Wandering 1st stage) and still lose without a seconds, i didn't even see him or noticed his technique, what i just noticed that i been pin down on the ground, and my control to my body is loss, all of my senses is tingling and i still feel it, that my body just surrendered to him, and that two escort, what the hell is that? is that even a human being? that kind of killing intent kills more than thousands of people, what the hell is this jiang school? is this still the tier 10 school? that we know?" in the midst of confusion, he just follow them and headed to the back door of the office


The tiers of the school is determined as tiers, basically the lower the tier, meaning that school is more superior in terms of martial arts, money, prestige, and reputation, even the emperor son and daughters study only at tier 2-3 school, because a tier 1 school only accepted a genius individual and talented. right now the jiang school is tier 10, basically the bottom feeders, while the misty refiner school is tier 9. 

*Announce ends*

*Arrived at the office*

 Wang lei noticed that they use the back door of the school, it seems that the presences of the two escort is unbearable for the students here, he said to himself, "Did i make them so OP that i break the balance of weak and strong? well this is just limited for 2 days so who cares"

 The anxious man introduce himself, "Good afternoon, master lei, my name is Yan Yuzo, the principal and the headmaster of this school, we glad that you accepted our proposal, do you wish to learn about the school?" wang lei just killing time so he agreed, then Yan proceed to explain, "Master lei, the misty refiner school, supports the refinery of the body and pills, it was on the name of our school *refinery* we refine the pills, weapons, scrolls, and the body and soul. we basically upgrading the way of cultivation and contradicts the tradition. the school was founded in 60 years, and it was top on tier 7 school. but sadly our methods of cultivation can't rivaled the higher tier school and lose the top so we're here on tier 9 school."

 While Head master Yan explaining, wang lei noticed the tournament board, and participants, he stopped the head master Yan explaining and ask, "What's the requirements of the tournament?" the calm man or the elder replied," Gold core and up head master lei" 

 Wang lei ask,"Who might you be?" the elder introduce himself, "My name is Pu Guo one of the elder of this school, head master lei" wang lei thinks and ask head master yan," Hm... Master Yan, can you accept the participation of my escort? they're still at Dhanis(Gold Core stage) by the way"

 the elder is shocked when he hears that the escort just a Dhanis(Gold Core) but has a furious killing intent, Head master Yan ask the elder to check their cultivation using the pulse reading. and it was determined that they're just 5-6 gold core stage, Wang lei say to the head master, "Well? are you going to accept the participation?"

 The head master Yan said, "Aren't they just suppressing their cultivation?" wang lei replied, "Are you saying that the elder? is incorrect? or make a mistake?" the Headmaster is been cornered so he ask wang lei," Then what it will be the benefit to our school?" Wang lei said, "With this my two escort will have an experience in battle, while you i give this to your school"

*Wang lei act like getting something on his storage ring*

 Wang lei release some weapon in the inventory and transfer it to his storage ring, Wang lei say to them, "I'll gift you a sword, i think in Roid(Nihility 1st stage), can wield this sword, this sword is the sword of warrior that been found in the 4th realm, the land of the weapons"

 The shocked that wang lei give to them, the head master is stunned and can't even hold the sword, wang lei say to them, "Be gentle, this sword has a spirit with it, so it was a high tier weapon, and this spirit choose their owners"

*Warrior sword picture*

 Wang lei say to them, "So is my escort can participate at the tournament?" Both of them nod and wang lei say to the escort, "Now then prepare yourselves" Li long and Li yan head to the tournament in great excitement, while the elder and the head master is still admiring the sword, he just said to them, "Where's the audience area? i'm planning to watch"

 The head master yan, slapped the elder and said, "Escort the head master lei, to the audience area! hurry!" then the elder escorted him to the audience area that where the fight will going to start.

*Arrived at the audience area*

 He sees that it was not the same in basketball that if you're on the nearest you will going to see more, but the higher the stage is the most VIP, basically you will see and watch more clearly , he noticed that there's so many prestigious family at the higher level, and the lower family at the lower level, but because he's a VIP he sit on the one of the flying and hovering sit, that cost 50,000 gold to sit. the family noticed him but he just ignored them, the elder leaves and reminded wang lei that the tournament will start in 10 minutes. he just sitting their hovering around.