Chapter 41: Participant Waiting Room

Author: This is an English Novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Audience POV:

 When wang lei is being escorted, the stares of the family that on the upper level is menacing, because of their pride they can't allow that a young master is higher level than them, so they whispering intensely while wang lei is hovering around, they say to wang lei, "Look at that! there someone actually sit on that chair that cost 50,000 gold, did he exploiting his wealth to us?" said by the headmaster of unknown family.

 Then the female head master said, "No, i think he's strong, i can't even check his cultivation most like he was a mortal" then the other headmaster flaunting their arrogance, "Then he just a useless young master, that sucking to his fathers wealth" all of the upper audience is laughing to this kind of statement, but the female headmaster said to her followers to shut up, she noticed some bad feeling will happen if she provoked him.

Wang lei POV:

 When wang lei is hovering around, he noticed that there some taunting happening to the upper levels, before he approach that kind of taunting, he contacts the two escort, "Li Yan, Li Long can you hear me?" The two of them is stunned and been alert all of the sudden, but they immediately recognized the voice so they replied, "Yes, master" the two of them is honoring wang lei so much that they think in unison, "The head master is really strong, to the point that he knew Qi telepathy that can be used when you're already on ADONIS(Ensoulment 1st stage)," 

 Wang lei said to them, "Before you admiring me, listen carefully" The two of them replied, "Yes" then wang lei begins to instruct them," Toned down your killing intent, because of the buff that i gave you, your killing intent is leaking, then next is the most important part" The two of them gulp at the same time, because wang lei sound it like a special mission, he said to the two escort," Beat them to the pulp, i'll not tolerate if they're not black and blue" the two of them smiles, happily and replied, "Yes! Master!" then wang lei cut off the telepathy, then he change his class to invoker, and head to the taunting sound of the upper level

*Arrived at the taunting*

 Wang lei said to them "Oh my, i hear someone is slandering my name, who's that brave individual?" then some arrogant bastard shows up, "Me! What can you do about it? Young Master!?" the toned of taunting

 He said to that individual, "Oh! you're so brave! then can you gamble with me?" the audience in the upper level is noticing them, but that old bastard said to him, "Ah! You don't even have money, because you sit to that chair, how is it? 50,000 gold chair worth?"

 he said to the masses, "To think this individual is a coward after all, now i do have enough money cry baby," that head master take it personal and said, "What did you say to me!?" the followers of his also hostile to wang lei so he said it again, "Cry baby! Cry baby! so what are going to do about it?"

 Then wang lei smile with a provoking face, the head master release some aura of Hathor(Nascent soul 7th stage), then wang lei smiles and said to them, "A Nascent soul is that even amazing to begin with?" Then wang lei just release some magical intimidation, all of the upper audience feel it, the individual in a thunder aura.

 The female head master said to herself, "Like i thought i can't feel his cultivation at all, but he giving us an intimidation of higher level of an elder!" now the arrogant bastard is cowering to death, then wang lei just stop and said, "So cry baby, did you have a guts to gamble with me?" while giving a menacing face. 

 The arrogant bastard swallowed his pride and said, "N-no" then wang lei said to the upper level masses, "if you don't have a guts to gamble with life and death, then shut the fuck up! you dare to slander anyone but you still just a cry baby bitch!"

 Then wang lei hover away to the upper level, the upper level masses is at their knees, and the arrogant bastard is crying blood and his fist also in blood while clenching it, the humiliation that he feel is so outstanding to the point that he wanted to kill him, while the female headmaster is wise enough to shut up and give in to an absolute strength, she feels that she been electrocuted while just staring at him, and she was an Adonis(Ensoulment 3rd stage)

*The elder Pu Guo at the center stage*

 "Ladies and Gentlemen, the school tournament will start in 2 minutes, so be at ease and have fun watching the youth, the numbers of participants is 500, but we will only take 250 on the second round, so the first battle is survival to the fittest!" the crowds is cheering but he noticed that on the upper levels is silent, and they're looking at wang lei, the elder Pu Guo just pray to them and said, "Next time, provoke anyone except Headmaster lei" 

*At the participants area*

 Li long and Li yan is warming up, Li yan bumped to somebody and fake their bruises, "ouch!" he said, and Li long noticed that they provoked the other family and it was the worst family at the history of murim, it was the Shu family, the 3rd brother said to Li yan, "Hey! you injured me! what are you going to do about it!?"

 While the 2nd brother said, "Hey! Hey! what did you do to my brother young miss, how will you going to compensate about his injury?" while staring at her body in a lewd and maniac way, but Li yan is smart enough to say, "Hmph, if you're this fragile then don't participate, you don't belong here weakling!" 

 The third brother and the second brother of the shu family said," What did you say bitch!" When Li long about to intervene, Li yan pointed her blade to both of the brothers neck, and said, "Say that again, forget about joining the match you will lose your fucking head here" 

 The two brothers is gulping and sweating intensely, then the elder brother shows up with killing intent, he pointed his hands to Li yan's nape and said, "Try to behead my brothers then you will also be beheaded,"

 Then Li long hold the arm of the elder brother and said to him, "Will you try to say that again" while crushing his arms and both of them is giving a killing intent and also cultivation aura, the elder brother is at most a peak gold core while Li long is only 7th stage but he has the strength of peak gold core. 

 It stops when the elder Pu Guo shows up and intervene the two families, he said to the two family, "The match about to start if you wanted to beat each other up, show it to the masses will ya" 

 When the shu family 2nd and 3rd brother is been released, and walks away with the eldest brother they said to Li yan, "Your lucky bitch!" then Li yan said, "Don't pee your pants when you see me, cowards!" then the 2nd and 3rd brother stops and launch an attack to Li yan while saying, "What did you say!" 

 Then Li yan remembers how wang lei stops the elder and the head master, she grab the two faces and smash it to the ground, but she added some extra, she axed kick the two brothers, to bury their face more, when the eldest brother is giving some killing intent, Li long also giving killing intent, if they moved an inch, they will be a killing spree instantly

 When Li yan is finished burying their faces, she spit on them and said, "Hmph, worthless trash of the family," then Li long and Li yan is also leaves, the shu eldest brother help his two worthless brothers and give a killing intent to the elder Pu Guo, and leaves, the elder just sigh and said to himself, "Headmaster lei, your two escort offended the worst family, it's really troublesome to babysits"

*The center stage*

 The participants is coming towards to the stage, wang lei noticed that the qi level of Li long and Li yan decrease in minimal amount, Wang lei said to himself, "it seems that the participant waiting room is full of energy, and also he noticed that their some two guys with a black eye in their faces and bruises, it seems this is the two rascals that they fought, he just laughs that their face is swelling but still ready to fight, 

 He noticed some killing intent to the upper level and it seems that the arrogant bastard again, and he was staring at the two wounded participants, it seems they're related, well be my guest, if you move, then i'll behead you right here and right now."

 The elder said to the masses, "The first battle is survival to the fittest we will only accept in the second round is 250 in this 500 participants, you will have a full of 1 hour at most, if you concede defeat the referees will rescue you immediately just raise your hand and say admit defeat, loud and clear, within 10 seconds do your best to survive"

*the numbers of counting 10-9-8-7-6*

*Li yan and Li long is getting on their gear*

*the numbers of counting 5-4-3-2-1*

*The elder shouted*

"The battle begins!!"