Chapter 44: Gambling

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a Good day reading this...


Wang Lei POV:

 He noticed that Li long and Li yan feels different, wang lei also noticed that their weapon is on their peak, it seems this is indeed an evolving weapon, i just gave them some simple whetstone that found everywhere but to think that they're qi is also circulating to the weapon, he said to himself ,"Well, this will be a breeze to them" But the arrogant bastard in the upper level said to wang lei, "Hey! i'll accept your gamble!"

*Wang lei arrived at the upper level*

 "Oh! You finally have guts! So what can you gamble?" the arrogant bastard talk to their elder and his companions, when wang lei just observing them, the female patriarch on the other family is just observing them, then the arrogant bastard said to wang lei, "Before, what i can gamble show yours first," 

 Wang lei look at his inventory and found some level 5 pill, he transfer it to his storage ring, he took it out and present it to them, "This pill" the smell of the pill is so good, that make them smile, the arrogant bastard said to wang lei," What the hell is that Pill!?"

 Wang lei just laughs and said, "This is a level 5 Aromatic Beauty pill, when you eat this your full body odor will smell like flowers, for 5 years, and also helps your cultivation speed, it also can remove impurities of the body, but my pill is so rare that can also get you younger for about 10-20 years" 

 The ladies of the arrogant bastard is greatly interested because of the unique shape, it has the shape of a sprout flower, and it has the color of violet that resembles modesty, the female patriarch intervene because she's also interested to the pill and her followers because they're only female sect, of course they're interested," Young master, how about gamble with me, instead of him" The arrogant bastard wife intervene, "Who might you be? you're so rude to intervene to our discussion" 

 The female patriarch said to wang lei, "I'm the patriarch of the Yun family, you make call me Yun Li that lives on the snowy mountain range" the arrogant bastard is shocked to hear that to her, wang lei found it suspicious so he eavesdrop to the young ladies of the arrogant bastard family," That Yun family is here!? That's why i feel some cold aura from our right side, to think that they're the famous ice practitioner," Wang lei get the idea and said to her, "Then what can you gamble?"

 Yun Li bring out a scroll and said, "This is a level 4 ice hands formation, i think this scroll can par to your pill" then the arrogant bastard wife force him to intervene, "Only a level 4 scroll, how about this!" the arrogant bastard bring out some sabre and said, "This is level 4 Monkey Demon sabre, that been forged by the famous black smith Lark"

 The patriarch Yun Li is shocked that they're someone capable to buy something precious, but the family of Yun also wanted the pill, so they also force Yun Li, to bring some of her treasure, "Young master i'll add this cloth its called ice mantle, that been weave by our family weaver, this cloth has a high ice resistance" 

 Wang lei appraise it and found out that this is indeed has a high resistance to ice attribute, then wang lei appraise the sabre, it seems that the sabre is already on bad condition to the point that it has a curse in it. so wang lei said to them, "Alright then, patriarch Yun Li, i'll accept your gamble." 

 The arrogant bastard is on his edge of anger because he been belittled by some other family, but he keep his cool and just ignored them, then wang lei bring some scroll, and said to Yun Li," Patriarch this is the scroll of gamble, with this the other party can't say that they're item is not a gamble item, you can just drop the item to the scroll and let your blood drop in it"

 Wang lei drop the pill to the scroll and drop some little blood in it, and so Yun Li follows the steps, so she drop the scroll and the cloth to the scroll of gamble and drop a blood, the scroll burns and engrave the item that been gamble to their forearms, the family of Yun is astonished to see something like that, wang lei sees that Li long and Li yan is still not going up stage, so he ask the patriarch of Yun, "So who's your woman to gamble with?"

 The Yun family picks their best prodigy, she pointed at a white hair woman that wearing a blue dress with a flowers engrave, wang lei said to them, "Is that your final answer? you can pick two if you want, so that i can pick two" then they pick their second prodigy that wearing a long sleeves with almost like jeans.

 Wang lei said to them, "Alright then, i'll choose the one with the sabre and the spear guy" Yun li immediately inspect their cultivation and find out that they're just 6th and 7th stage, and the one that they pick is on peak stage gold core, so Yun li replied, "Alright then we accept" then it been engrave the cultivators name in their forearms, wang lei shows the cultivators name, and also Yun li shows the cultivators name, wang lei say to them, "With this you and i can't use qi telepathy to them, it's their own now" Yun li is shocked that they can't use qi telepathy to instruct them, but she just keep it cool and respond, "Ok"

 While wang lei is making a gamble, Li long and Li yan is still confused about what's happening to the stage, there's some fighters is being out of the ring, then suddenly the one that on the ring is being out by the shu clan third brother, he pointed at Li yan and said, "Come here to the stage bitch! I'll spank your ass right here and right now!"

 Li yan grab her sabre, and head towards to the stage, within a less than seconds, Li yan arrived at great speed, the third brother of the shu clan is stunned and because Li yan give him a pat on the back and said, "Can you say that again?" then a path of flames has been created.

 That everybody of the stage is shocked and surprised at the same time, the third brother sway Li yan hands and get into the position, he said to Li yan, "Yes! that eyes! the eyes that belittling me, that why i want you to die!" then Li yan just smash his head towards to the ground again, the others that watching the fight is surprised of incredible high speed

 The protective armor of the Elder give to the participant almost get shattered, then Li yan make an axe kick, but it's different than last time, this time with a fire element, she said, "Fire Dragon tail attack!" then when she about to smash the head of the third brother, someone suddenly intervene, and hold her feet, the impact so is tremendous that even it's not been hit, the stage get wreck in to two.

 Li yan said to the one that catch her feet, "Are you done, fetishing my feet?" then she sees that this individual used his martial art, that his whole arm is full of injury because of muscle cut, even the kneecaps is broken, in one instant strike a level 3 protective shield destroyed, she removed her feet and took out something to her storage ring, its a level 2 Bone - tendons healing pill.

 She threw it to the contestant that catches her feet and said, "You earned it" When the participant that catches her feet wanted to introduce himself, she just said, "Shut up! i don't wanted to hear some name of a dead man" the participant just clench his teeth because if it was on his head, he will die immediately. 

 The elder Pu Guo, order the medical team to save the participant and also the third brother of the shu clan, she said to the masses, "So anyone else?" one of the participant volunteer, a huge man with a huge built, shows up and said, "Miss you're just lucky to get rid of the small fry, now try me!"

 The huge man suddenly bring his aura and attack Li yan using a huge axe, Li yan countered it by deflecting the axe then punch him through the face, but suddenly his face turns into gold and Li yan hands turn into red, the guy underestimate Li yan by saying, "What's that punch? is that a little kitten paws? or a child punch?"

 Li yan stab her sabre to the ground, the huge man is confused of what's happening, she said to the huge guy, "I don't need a weapon for you, because you're a huge sand bag" the huge guy is angry and use his techniques, "Golden body" then he approach Li yan using his technique, "Barbarian Footstep"

 The foot step created a medium size feet on the ground, when he intended to use a slash to Li yan, she use her skill, "Dragons Grip" she grip the trapezius that muscled around the neck, and she force him to kneel, "So Did you concede? " she crash the protective shield again.