Chapter 47: Three types of Cultivation

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading. this.


Wang lei POV:

 The two escort Li long and Li yan is watching at the above of the stadium, wang lei noticed the two and he pulls something out to his storage ring, wang lei look at his inventory with an infinite signs to every items, he search to the search bar, "Food" then he found so many food item that has a category of simple cuisine, gourmet cuisine, etc... then he found some seafood lobster, it's called Garlic butter lobster tail, then he transfer it to his storage ring, then he found some rice that suitable to the lobster so he also transfer it to the storage ring, 

*He get's down and the two is still standing*

 When wang lei is transferring the food and daily necessities to his storage ring, in the POV of his escort that he was just swiping in mid air, he also sees some tea for a drink so that it cleanse the fishy taste. He's finished transferring the items and said to the two, "Alright let sit their" the two of them inspect the area first before sitting their, and wang lei say to them, "I'll give you a lesson, did you know that there's a three types of cultivation?" 


Cultivators didn't needed to eat to survive, but still wang lei insist to say that there's a food cultivation

Announce ends

 Li long said, "Three types? is it mind and body and soul?" wang lei say to them, "Yes that's the general idea but did you know in the ancient world that been said in 500 years, this three cultivation is called weapon cultivation, food cultivation, and last not the least technique cultivation," 

 The two of them is listening to wang lei, he continued, "The weapon cultivation is can be compare to present cultivation, but instead of the body they cultivate their weapon with the body, basically they're the part of their body," Li yan ask a question, "Is it that mean that in present cultivation only the body is being cultivated?" 

 Wang lei respond, "Yes, in the old days, the weapon and body count as one, and they cultivate it with them" Li yan and Li long is fascinated in the old days of cultivation, then wang lei continued, "Next is the food cultivation, when i say food cultivation are cultivating while eating a rich qi monsters, mainly this was present in the 10th realm, the land of Beast and Monsters, in this realm resides a terrible entity that can devour Ariads(Cultivation) within a gulp, and this land can be said as the treasure land or the graveyard of cultivators.

 The monster can be in camouflage, that can use the surroundings to hide, that can use water as poison, and also a giant beings that has the size of a tallest mountain" Li long and Li yan is fascinated and terrified at the same time.

 Li long said, "Master lei, did you go to the 10th realm? and came back alive?" Wang lei replied, "Yes, when i was on your aged, i already battling for my life in the 10th realm, in order to be strong, and i'm already in Ariad(Cultivation) so keep it up"

 Li long and Li yan is on high morale, wang lei continued, "The last is the Technique cultivation, i see that your technique can be varied as good but there's so many flaws, for example the flame tornado of Li yan is still immature and the core is to big, if the core is smaller then the tornado is hard to deal with," 

 Li yan saluted wang lei and said, "Thank you for the advice master lei" wang lei continued, "next is Li long stabs, your stabs is hitting a multiple space, why not hit only on a single space then you can pierce the shield more quicker," Li long also saluted and said," thank you for the advice master lei" then wang lei continued, "in the technique cultivation is all about combining the technique into a new one, for example.

*Wang lei use some fire technique to his fingers*

 "Did you see this fire?" Li long responds, "Yes, This is only an ordinary fire, it will disappear if winds blows it away," Li yan also agreed because she's a fire user, then wang lei smiles then add something to the fire, and that's a poison element, "now did you see the color?"

 Li yan and Li long surprised to see that the color changes, and the fire is still the same but it emits something, Li yan is the most curious and ask, "What the hell happen master lei?" Wang lei respond, "This is a technique cultivation, i combine poison to the fire, and became a new fire, poisonous flame, it's not hotter than a normal fire, but it can poison the target," 

 Then wang lei add something again and it suddenly changes into green, Li yan is the most fascinated to the fire and ask, "Then what this green fire do?" Wang lei respond, "Did you have any scrap armor?" 

 Li long give his bracers to wang lei, then wang lei put it on the ground and said to two, "Looks carefully," Wang lei fires the little flame to the bracer and it hits the target, then suddenly the fire engulf the bracer and corroded the bracer without a trace, Li long is surprised and terrified at the same time, so he ask.

 "That bracer has a water attribute in it, but it's not get burn to dust instead it been corroded and melt" Wang lei respond, "Exactly, the fire can spread to any combustible, so instead of burning it i melted it using a corroded element" 

 Li yan can't get hold of herself because of the excitement, that she pounce to wang lei and respond, "Master! can i learn this three cultivation!?"Wang lei respond, "Hm... don't know, someday or a year, but always remember what i say, now let's eat," 

*Wang lei brings the lobster and the rice, with the tea"

 This is called Garlic butter Lobster Tail, because they eat far from the arena, so that it can't not be smell to other participants and will not disturbed their meal, when wang lei pull it out and the smells is so delicious that even Li yan and Li long is drooling because of the smell.

 Wang lei said to them, "This is what i call food cultivation, this lobster is called Gregorian Lobster, and can be found only at the 10th realm, the land of beast and monsters, Li yan is confused and ask wang lei, "Master lei, you say to us that in the 10th realm, there's so many ferocious beast, and why this lobster get in their?"

 Wang lei respond, "Who said that this lobster is not a ferocious beast, this lobster sit on the top of a giant eel, called Eel Gigantus, that eel can secret a ferocious lighting to it's body, and this lobster absorb that lightning and become more delicious because of it's tender meat, and by the way, this lobster contains thunder element so there will be a prickly sensation, 

The picture of the lobster

 Wang lei begin to eat it, and found out that it was indeed delicious, but when Li long and Li yan eat it, they saying things related to God, "Oh heavenly God, this is the meal that you granted to us is so good!" wang lei just smiled to them because it almost like that he have a family to take care of, 

*Few minutes later*

 They finish their meal and wang lei said to them, "Now did you feel the food cultivation?" Li long feel his soul ocean and he feel something, that his injuries is already healed and he feels energized, and also Li yan feel it to that she has been healed that all of her fatigue is gone, wang lei just replied, "Just do your best at the pill refinery, use the knowledge that your teacher teaches you" Li long and Li yan feels a great responsibility and respond, "We will not going to let you down master!" then they go towards to the arena again, 

*They arrived*

 Wang lei splits path to the two, and headed towards to the audience area, Yun li noticed him and turns to talk to him, "Hello master lei, it seems that you eat something delicious?" Wang lei replied, "Oh you can tell? I did not leaved some rice to my face am i right?" 

 Yun li just chuckles and respond, "No, because of the scent of the food, it seems that it's really good, but i thought that cultivators didn't needed to eat?" Wang lei respond, "If they wanted to eat why not, but still good luck at your candidates" 

 Then wang lei leaves while sitting on the chair, the elder arrived and said, "The minutes of break is done, now then all of the participants please head towards at the front of the stage," The 250 participants arrived and the only 10 will succeed to the fourth round, wang lei noticed that the assassins is getting anxious, and the headmaster of the school caught one of the assassins that infiltrate the school, and it seems that this is not easy as they taught, because when the assassins get caught they immediately died.