Chapter 48: Refining Begins

Author: This is an English Novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*audience noises* (Cheering)

 Fi hai is at the stage and seeing that the medicinal stoves and the medicinal herbs is been distributed among the participants, she says, "Alright then! For what i can see that the distribution is finished, you can see on your right is the provided medicinal material, to test the knowledge of pill refining we only provided a low grade materials, it all of up to your techniques and knowledge, so be prepared, We will give you about 1 hour to finish the pill, so the pill refining starts now!" 

 Wang lei sees that the Yun candidates is preparing their pill, and he saw something unordinary, Yun Gi start with the herb that has high flammability, she shove the herb called, Morning Flame grass, and suddenly the reaction of the flammable material to the pot inside almost explode the pot.

 Wang lei able to see that it was maintaining the temperature, because of the hotness of the pot, the cold qi of Yun Gi able to stop the explosion, then he sees Yun ha that doing also unextraordinary, she froze the herb and put it on the pot.

 Then she put some of the flammable material inside, suddenly the pot not seems to be exploded yet, then he look at the two escort, then he sees that the two is not doing anything, it just they're just standing there, the Yun patriarch is also at loss at the moment, then she looks at wang lei smiling at them, the Yun patriarch is confused and focus the thing to Li long and Li yan.

 While wang lei is expecting something, Li long and Li yan is at loss, because they don't know what to do! they're trying to remember the teachings of Lian Hua , few minutes later some of the participants, forged a level 1 pill with a high quality.

 FI hai announce at the stage, "You can see audiences, some of our participants finish their pill, and it's not bad it's already a level 1 pill with high quality that can rival a level 2 pill low quality," then some noises of the audience begins to feel a chill, it was the pot of the Yun candidates, they focus to them and found out that Yun Gi able to compress the chilling aura to the pot and finally finish a pill, "I think i work hard enough" Said by Yun Gi.

 Fi hai immediately goes to the Yun candidate, and examine the pill, she found out that the pill is a level 2 high quality, Fi hai said to Yun gi, "Is this Chilling Bone marrow pill?" Yun gi nods, and Fi hai smiled because there's a genius that can manipulate the coldness of her body to make a pill.

 Then suddenly the Pot of Yun ha exploded, that makes the audience startled and found out that Yun ha pill make a scene, Fi hai immediately saw it, that the pill makes a dragons ascend to the sky and turn into a pill, Yun ha said, "Sorry for the mess"

 Fi hai examine it and the results is so outstanding to the point that she yells, "A level 3 low quality pill! what's the name of this pill!?" Yun ha respond, "The name is Ascending Frost pill" Fi hai is astound that the Yun family holds a real gem, then the audience is looking at the Yun family, and wang lei almost laugh out loud because the Yun family is being proud of themselves. 

 Wang lei sees that some of the other participants has their own pride and also willing to challenge their heights and he found out that they're a not wuss out because of the audience cheering, it seems that they're more careful than he thought.

 Then some of the unknown family makes a level 2 mid quality, Fi hai looks to it and she's seeing a wooden attribute and ask, "what's the name of the pill young lad?" The lad able to say, "Heart Dew pill" because of it's name fi hai is interested because it seems that it was a pure wooden attribute, and they did not burn out because of the pill fire, so she ask the name of the lad, "What's your family name lad?" The lad able to say,"Niu family" 

 Then Fi hai is startled because the famous Niu family is here, then some of the participants begins to finish their work, some of them are average of 1-3 levels, and it was already 40 minutes has passed and Li long and Li yan is still inspecting the herbs and the pot, the audience is mocking them, but it seems that they got it, Li long begin to lit the fire pot, and Li yan also begin to lit the fire,.

 Wang lei sees that Li long decided to use the most watery herb content, it was the most watery herb and it can destroy the whole pill if it was not done correctly, wang lei use some appraisal and found out something, he say to himself, "To think that you teach them a unique grade technique lian hua"


The grade of technique can be vary to common - uncommon - rare - unique - legendary - immortal - celestials - heavenly. so most of the technique that lian hua has is unique to legendary techniques

Descending numbers - hot to cold herbs, this is uncommon technique that can ruin the pill to 60% because some of the pill needed to become hot

Ascending numbers - cold to hot this the most common way to refine

*Announcement ends*

 The audience even Fi hai is startled that Li long fill most of the herbs in descending numbers, it was a cold numbers basically most of the pill refining is ascending numbers, Li long use the most flammable one first, and put the other flammable material, the pot is almost wanted to explode then Li long uses his spear and cast some water bubble and the ingredients is residing to it, he scoop out the ingredients by using his qi

 The audience is seeing that the water is on high temperature, then li long putting the other materials, the materials is on descending numbers so the materials go to 10-9 etc, wang lei begins to smile because of Li long technique.

 The audience is also surprised that he stabbing the water bubble and it does not pop at all, Fi hai carefully examine it and she found out that Li long is mixing the ingredients, and some other impurities is being cast out in high speed, and because of that the boiling process is on high.

 Then Li yan also begins to use her technique, she choose the most coldest material, and throw it up to her, and use her flame qi as water bubble, then she grab her sabre and begin to slash the ingredients above, while she slicing it she putting also putting the ingredients, Fi hai is outstand that there's a refining technique that exist in this world. 

 Wang lei say to himself, "Both of them is using a unique technique refining, it's called Dance of Sorting Impurities" Some of the impurities can be beneficial and can evolve into pure, that's why they're using their qi as a medium to sort out the impurities

 Then Li long begin to use his mirror mirage, and stab it on both sides, because of high speed sorting, the water bubble begins to heat up and boiling it, fi hai noticed the time and said, 5 minutes left" then Li yan also speed up by using her flame tornado, because of the wild performance, the other participants get out, but the audience sees that they're almost dancing at the mid air, it almost like an orchestred dance.

 Then Li long water phoenix begins to shows up at the air and also the flame dragon of Li yan shows up, because of the boiling rate is so high, Li long guide the phoenix around and fly it, Li yan also finish, and they're also fly her dragon, 1 minute left, and then Li long begin to guide the phoenix towards to Li yan.

 Then Li yan also noticed it and head the fire dragon to the phoenix, 30 seconds left, because of the impact of qi, the dragon and the phoenix clash but it got through, 10 seconds left, Li yan throws the pot and Li long also throw the pot mid air, 5 seconds left, the phoenix get through to the pot and also fire dragon

 The pot exploded and fi hai is almost disappointed but Li long and Li yan able to complete it. Fi hai is outstand and surprised that they do the impossible, Fi hai immediately go towards to Li long and examine the pill, Fi hai almost fainted because Li long pill is a level 3 high purity pill, fi hai ask li long, "Y-you! Who's your master! to think that you do a level 3 pill with the cultivation of gold core stage! You're not even an ensoulment stage!" 

 Li long just replied, "My master is called Lian hua, we have the same master of the other contestant" she was also surprised that Li yan also has a level 3 high purity pill, before she fainted, she ask what's the name of their family and the name of the pill, The two of them look at each other replied, "We're from the Li family, and the name of our pill is called battle dance pill" then fi hai begins to faint.