Chapter 7


Hp: 100%

Mp: 52%

Lvl: 9

Guild: none

Duel wr: N / A

Team Rank matches wr: N / A

1v1 Rank matches wr: N / A


Introduction: This player has no introduction

CoA has no job system like other games. Your stats build and the weapons you equip determine your playstyle. Wand or staff users on the other hand can cast spells but the most potent spells require channeling so caster types need to be guarded. They also tend to be very squishy since they spend the majority of their stat points in MP and int rather than HP making them terrible for 1v1 situations. I'm aiming for a hybrid support that can dish out a bit of damage in melee combat which is why building MP for heals, strength and dex for melee damage, and stamina for longer movements is my main stat priority.

It means I will be extremely squishy with low HP since I will not be putting much on vitality, just the bare minimum necessary, but I probably can manage with my dodging skills. They don't call me 'The Untouchable' for nothing. Though hearing it come from myself sounds quite pretentious in my head.

As I was pondering my stats build while mindlessly grinding the beginner area of wolves and slimes, I heard a commotion.

"Please leave me alone!" a female voice cried.

"Come on just accept the duel and I'll go away after that!" Came another albeit rowdier voice.

I immediately identified the man.


Hp: 91%

Mp: 84%

Lvl: 21

Guild: none

Duel wr: 100%

Wins: 27

Matches: 27

Team Rank matches wr: N / A

1v1 Rank matches wr: N / A


Introduction: Add me and I'll carry you. I'm a PVP veteran here in CoA

I see, judging by his win rate and the fact that he is camping on newbie grounds far below his level, he's farming duel win rate just for bragging rights. He also looks like your typical bully and probably is using a Smurf account that only fights low-level players to maximize his chance of duel victory. Well, I'm not one to talk since I'm also using a Smurf account but still!

He already has a low-level purple-tier knight set and purple-tier knight sword which can be acquired from the main quest. His weapon set is one of the best early on in the game so it will be impossible to beat him in a duel if you're new to the game based on stats alone.

I feel a little bad for the newbie he's harassing but frankly, I don't have time to help others, I'm just gonna focus on leveling and leave them to their own business.

"I, I don't want to! I'm not good at fighting." the girl shakily replied.

I took a look at where the cute voice came from and I was flabbergasted. She looks about a year younger than me if her avatar is the same as her real-life features. Golden blonde hair reaching her neck with a perfect angelic face plus a petite body covered by a beginner's coat for newbie mages, and to top it all off her demeanor exudes cuteness. I think I can understand now why girls like to hug each other cause right now, I want to hug and protect her at this very moment. Protect from whom you ask? Probably from people like me..... but that's not the point!

What do you mean hypocrite? It is a good virtue to help your fellow newbie players you know? If we don't support the new players, the CoA community's player base will go downhill. New players are the future of CoA.

I went to mediate.

"Excuse me, sir, if you don't mind, you can just duel me instead. But promise me you'll leave her alone after the fight," I said politely.

I said that, but after I kill him in a duel, he will have no choice but to go back to his respawn point.

"Huh, a level 9? Sure, sure, I promise I'll leave her alone if you fight me hehehehe." He laughed creepily.

"W-wait please, if you die here in the game, you'll get hurt, please don't mind me!" The girl pleaded.

Hearing her worry for me, my cuteness sensor meter just went over nine thousand.

"Don't worry about me, it doesn't even hurt that much," I assured her.

It really doesn't, maybe she isn't just used to VR games. Usually, in the pain receptors settings, 10% of the pain is the maximum output you can increase it to. There is an option to turn it off so you completely don't feel anything but almost nobody does that. The main reason is that players want full immersion in playing CoA and the pain adds a whole lot to the realism. Another reason is so that competitive players could react better when getting hit so they can pinpoint the exact location where the projectile(for example) came from if it is a ranged attack and react faster due to adrenaline rush if it is melee combat. That is also the reason why most PVP rankers max the pain receptors in the setting.

The mental shock of dying in a virtual game is probably what also gets her since CoA is very realistic. That is why there are terms and conditions warning players of those. I'll be sure to instruct her on how to minimize the pain receptors later.

"I challenge you to a duel," Gurand said while pointing at me, distracting me from my thoughts.

*Player 'Gurand' has challenged you to a death match duel, would you like to accept? Y / N

"Accept it fast!" he ordered impatiently.

"....Yes I accept" I replied.

Suddenly, there appeared a semi-invisible circle on the ground encasing us. Only the two of us can see it, and if you happen to exit the area then it is considered a loss and instant death since he opted for a deathmatch duel.

3..... 2.....1.....



Hp: 100%

His outline suddenly turned red, meaning I can now deal damage to him, and in turn, he is now able to deal damage to me without triggering player kill (pk) mode and all its repercussions.

"This is gonna be easy hehehehe!" He laughed maniacally.

"Yes, I completely agree".

He proceeded to rush to me in an attempt to swing his knight's sword. I hit him in the head before he even swung.


"Gahh!" he growled.


Hp: 93%

"Your wind-up is too slow, it'll work against new players but more experienced ones will punish you for that mistake." I berated him.

"S-shut up!" He shouted, clearly fuming.

He attempted to do a 'quick' (for his standards) thrust but his lack of mastery shows in that his thrust was way off the mark. It was so far off that I didn't even have to sidestep to dodge it. I just moved my body a little and countered with a quick neck thrust with my wooden staff.

"Khack!" he choked.


Hp: 85%

"Practice your thrust more, you won't hit me with that kind of speed and accuracy."

He's pretty tanky due to the level and stats difference. This is gonna take a while.


"Please don't! I'll do anything so please!"


Hp: 6%

My opponent suddenly kowtowed on the ground. It took a bit of time to deplete his hp considering the stats difference but in CoA, skills are what really matters the most.

"I'm sorry please let's end it in a draw, I can't lose my perfect 100% win rate please!" he begged.

Player Gurand offered a draw, do you accept? Yes / No

Shit, I feel bad now. He is so pathetically weak that it's like I'm the one bullying and the roles have been reversed. Should I accept his offer?

Nope, not a chance. He needs to be taught a lesson for bullying the cute- I mean the weak.

"....You should challenge stronger players next time. Your skills won't improve if you only prey on the inexperienced."

I hit him in the head with my staff with enough force to deplete his hp, effectively killing him.

"Fuck! I won't forget this!"

That was his last death cry before he vanished into small motes of blue light.

Duel ended

You won!