Chapter 7.2

The girl I just helped approached me after the duel ended. When she got near, I realized that my initial assumption was off. She was waaay cuter than I though.

I identified her.


Hp: 53%

Mp: 20%

Lvl: 10

Guild: none

Duel wr: 0%

wins: 0

matches: 1

Team Rank matches wr: N / A

1v1 Rank matches wr: N / A


Introduction: This player has no introduction.

"T-that was amazing! You won and he didn't even hurt you once!" she exclaimed.

"Not really, he's just a bad player that's why he can't hit me."

"Ohh uhm, but you did challenge him to help me, so thank you very much."

She bowed slightly enunciating her cuteness. I need to get her picture somehow. So I can immortalize this view. I can take a picture using a VR screenshot at this very moment but it would be rude without her permission. I'm not some voyeur who secretly takes photos of others, I have my own dignity to uphold too you know?

"You look like you're not used to playing VR games?" I asked.

She seems like a complete beginner in VR games. She doesn't look like the type to enjoy battles, she doesn't even look like she could hurt a fly. And to top it off she even uses her (I presume) full name as her in-game name. At least use an alias or something.

"Uhm, not really, it is my first time playing a VR game but it's pretty scary playing it,".

"Why did you play CoA then?" I asked out of curiosity.

"CoA?" she tilted her head cutely.

"I meant Champions of Andartha. We, veterans, use the term CoA to shorten it." I explained.

"Ohh uhm, It's... I want to play this game with my brother." She replied earnestly.

"Huh, what do you mean?" I pressed on.

"My brother and I have always been close, but lately we rarely spend time together. He's too focused on playing this game and I always hear him talk about it. He even tells me stories about his adventures in this game and how many strong people he beat in PVP. That is why I thought if I learn how to play it, we can spend more time together." she confessed.

"I see...."

I kind of get where she is coming from. It was the same with my sister.

"Does your brother even know you are playing CoA on your own?" I asked curiously.

CoA is a very challenging game for VR standards. Especially if this girl has no experience in playing any VR games and going solo. She won't last a week by herself and quit the game with the number of deaths she is surely gonna rack up playing alone.

"N-not yet." She answered sheepishly "I wanted to surprise him by trying the game myself first. Besides, I can't bother him right now. He is busy practicing for a tournament with his teammates and I have never seen him this focused and determined on a goal. If he knows I'm playing he would likely prioritize teaching me how to play over his practice. I'll tell him after his tournament is over."

That would most likely happen. I mean would ignore such a cute sister?

"I guess it can't be helped then, I will always be online during this time of the day, if you want I can help you level up and teach you to play?" I offered.

"R-really you'd do that for me? But won't I be a bother?"

"No, you won't." I assured her "Besides, we're in the same level range after all so you're helping me level too."

And it helps heal my soul too on top of it all. Like 2 birds with 1 stone.

"Thank you very much!" she exclaimed. After a short while, clearly pondering something weighing on her mind, she continued. "Is.... is there any way I can repay you for helping me?"

She asked with such purity and innocence that it made my heart skip a beat. That was dangerous!

"I.... could I take a picture of you?"

"S-sure, but may I ask what is it for?" she asked hesitantly.

Shit. I just blurted out my deepest thoughts. She might think I'm a creep asking for photos out of nowhere. I have to salvage this somehow.

"No, it's to um.... er.... so that I could place a picture in the friend list contact next to your profile after we add each other. It is so that I won't mix up the contacts since I have so many." I lied.

Who am I kidding, I have exactly 0 friends on my friend list right now..... How depressing.

"Ohh if it's just that then sure!" She beamed at me which made me instinctively hold out my nose.

I don't know if online avatars could have nosebleeds, but I'm not taking any risk to find out.

"Y-yeah thanks, but before that, let me add you to my friend list first".

I focused on her which prompted her information feature to show up in front of me. Then I tapped the 'Add Friend' button. She looked at some notification screen that popped out of nowhere, probably the friend request I made then she tapped on it.

You added 'Clarissa' to your friend list.

Finally made my first friend on this account! Someone so cute and kind at that. I would consider this a huge accomplishment in my books.

After taking a picture of her while doing my best not to fawn over her cuteness, we spent most of the time grinding and me showing her the ropes.

After a while, we finally parted ways with a promise to meet again tomorrow.


The trees sway in the summer winds. I am currently in the school courtyard, a somewhat popular spot for the relaxation of students. I was sitting on a fairly large bench that can accommodate up to 3 people while overseeing the courtyard. As for why I'm here, it is close to the building of my next class.

I'm waiting for my next subject which will start in about 20 min.

looking at my surroundings, I hear college students talk about different things, minding their own circles. Some talk boisterously loud while others laugh uncontrollably at jokes that I didn't get to hear. Others for the most part just listen to the ramblings of their friend. Most have accustomed to the new semester in just a few days. Almost all have cliques of their own save for a few, including me... How depressing.

Just as I was having my thoughts I heard a familiar voice.

"Kat!" Said a cheerful voice.

I took a quick glance at the source and what greeted me was Liz, along with Lenna standing next to her.

"You alone here? Are you waiting for someone?" She asked curiously.

That question hit me like a truck. I know I'm not good at socializing but you don't have to rub it in! I know she was just being polite in case I did have a friend and didn't want to be bothered.... but still!

"She just left earlier feel free to sit," I told a white lie to make it not look like I'm a loner.

Well, it wasn't technically a lie, some random girl was sitting here before and she did leave earlier. I just omitted the fact that we do not even know each other and haven't had any interaction whatsoever besides me asking if I could sit here and her nodding.

"Ohh good, you look like you're in deep thought and I don't want to be a bother so I'm glad." She smiled in relief.

Do I really look that unapproachable?

Liz sat directly in the middle with Lenna following suit after we had a nod of acknowledgment from each other.

The bench was a great fit for the three of us. Having two people in it that I DO know and was quite fond of makes me a bit comfortable in these semi-crowded places.

"The other guys not with you two?" I asked just to start a topic.

"Rommel and Liz are having a fight." Lenna suddenly drops a bombshell out of the blue while giving me a conniving smile.

"What! What happened?" I asked with a mix of curiosity and worry.

"We are not having a fight!" Liz vehemently denied it.

"It's just that Rommel invited me to join his team with Beny and Reynolds for the under-20 tournament and I declined since I am also planning to make my very own team." She continued.

"And Rommel took it personally, saying that he will beat whatever team she makes," Lenna added cheerily

"Yeah, that guy hates losing. That is why he barred me from their 'secret team strategy meeting' saying that we might face each other on the elimination and that I could find out their weakness if I listened to them." She said wearily.

Huh, I can relate to that. I was the same back then. The thought of losing infuriates me. I want to prove that I'm the best to my sister and that she can always rely on me. That is why I spent all my time outside school practicing hard, resulting in me not having a social life outside CoA... How undoubtedly, unmistakenly, depressing.

"Ohh" Liz continued. "And don't worry about them recruiting you, I already said you're a part of my team. You should've seen the look on their faces when they heard that," She giggled.

"Well, it is their fault for being too slow to talk to Katherine," Lenna added.

We spent the time talking about nonsensical stuff, mainly gossip that Lenna shared with us both about different students (mostly first years) that I didn't know but pretended that I did. It was quite enjoyable listening to the gossip though and time went by quickly until our conversation ended when It was time for my next class.