Chapter 371: Qi Meridian Pill

After Song Ye no longer needed to return to Mogu Village, he spent almost every day staying at home. Everything from food to clothing was arranged by Song Qian, truly embodying the saying "having a daughter is like having everything."

As for game-related matters, Song Ye didn't need to spend much effort dealing with them either. He could command Xuan Ling to complete his daily monster-killing tasks twice, followed by answering a quiz, easily completing the quota of three tasks.

Therefore, Song Ye lived a leisurely life, spending most of his time in the courtyard of the Song Residence, enjoying tea and amusing himself with birds.

Seeing that her father rarely left the house, Song Qian, worried that he might feel bored, declined many social invitations to spend more time at home with him.

During their time at home, Song Qian didn't wear any makeup. Her glossy, black, long hair was left to fall naturally behind her, adding a touch of agility to her appearance.

At this moment, while Song Ye was brewing tea in the courtyard, Song Qian sat on a rattan bed next to the pavilion, flipping through account books.

In the meantime, Song Ye, with nothing else to do, opened the chat channel to see what players were discussing.

The chat channel was lively, with players continuously sending messages. Suddenly, a dazzling global announcement with a shiny golden border appeared on the channel.

"Congratulations to player [MustEnjoy] from the seventh district for obtaining the rare item 'Qi Meridian Pill'!"

Followed by another message:

"Congratulations to player [MustEnjoy] for successfully opening his body's spiritual meridians and cultivating spiritual roots through the Qi Meridian Pill, becoming the first player eligible for cultivation."

In this test login, the game system introduced a new rare item called the "Qi Meridian Pill." Players had a chance to obtain this item by completing quests or defeating monsters. Once a player reached level 20, they could use the pill to instantly open all the meridians in their body, cultivate spiritual roots, and unlock the new feature of "Cultivation."

However, for unlucky players who couldn't get the Qi Meridian Pill, they could still unlock the cultivation feature after reaching level 50 by completing the quest "I Want to Cultivate."

The top ten players who obtained the Qi Meridian Pill would receive a dazzling global announcement from the game system.

Being the first to unlock the cultivation feature meant gaining a significant advantage in various aspects, surpassing even the advantage of higher levels. After unlocking cultivation, players would enter a new power system. Even if their physical attributes were not high, they could significantly improve their strength by cultivating "qi."

On the chat channel, many players expressed various expressions of shock. It was only the seventh day since the server opened, and most players were only at level twenty. Yet, someone had already obtained the Qi Meridian Pill, prematurely unlocking the cultivation feature.

Many players who were just boasting a moment ago suddenly fell silent. Compared to their failures, the success of other players was even more painful for them.

Envy, jealousy, and hatred were not in short supply.

Of course, Song Ye didn't have any special feelings about such a global announcement. The Qi Meridian Pill, in his eyes, was practically worthless. He had already embarked on the path of cultivating profound energy, a power system from the upper realm. It was impossible for him to abandon his advantages, destroy his profound energy cultivation, and start over with cultivation.

At this time, the butler Li Ziyin entered the courtyard and said to Song Qian, "Madam, Manager Wang has already delivered the wedding dress you requested."

Song Qian didn't even lift her head and said, "You can keep it for me. I'll try it on later."

"Yes." Li Ziyin nodded.

"Is the wedding dress ready?" Song Ye raised his head and asked Song Qian.

"Yeah, even though it's a fake marriage, we still have to follow the procedures of a real one. We need to arrange things properly to make it believable. It will convince my aunt to come back. But, Father—" Song Qian suddenly took her eyes off the account book and looked at the steward on the side, "You can go about your business for now."

Li Ziyin nodded and left the courtyard.

Then, Song Qian looked at Song Ye and said, "When my aunt comes back and sees you, she might be angrier than me. You should be mentally prepared. At that time, my aunt might not recognize you and might even scold you. You better quickly figure out how to explain everything to my aunt. My aunt isn't as easy to coax as I am."

Song Ye remained silent and didn't speak.

Although Song Yan was not Song Ye's biological sister, she was raised by him since childhood, so he was well aware of her character.

Song Yan was a rational woman, but she didn't possess the innate confidence and shrewdness that Song Qian had. Growing up as a mute, Song Yan's journey was much more difficult, and because of her past experiences, she had a vulnerable and sensitive side.

Moreover, this time was the second time Song Ye had abandoned her, the second time touching the soft and vulnerable place in her heart.

Although the two times were not intentional on Song Ye's part, the damage had already been done. As Song Qian said, this time, her aunt Song Yan would not easily let him off.

Seeing Song Ye's silent demeanor, Song Qian thought she might have said something wrong again.

She remained silent for a while, observed Song Ye's expression, and then, seemingly compromising, she called out gently, "Dad."

Song Ye looked up at her, and she immediately said, "Have you been home for too long and feel bored? How about I take you to Fengyu Tower for dinner tonight to lighten your mood?"

"Sure." Song Ye replied indifferently.


Imperial City, Emperor's Spirit Ship.

"Flickering Flame Immortal Sovereign" Xiao Lexian was currently soaking in a spiritual pool inside the ship, with a heart fire condensing in front of his chest.

Suddenly, the heart fire extinguished and turned into nothingness.

Xiao Lexian was sweating profusely, gasping for breath. "Has my aging reached this point? The heart fire can only be maintained for three hours."

His whole body trembled slightly.

He began to feel fear and unease because he knew he was aging, weakening. He was afraid that one day, his title as the "number one expert of the Immortal Sect" would be taken away by someone else.

Just then, a servant hurriedly approached, reporting through the door, "Emperor, great joy! His Highness, the Crown Prince, has returned safely from the Ancient Profound Wilderness."