Chapter 372: Seven Emperors of the Immortal Sect

The "Crown Prince" mentioned by the servant who came to deliver the good news to Xiao Lexian refers to his eldest son, Xiao Ce'an.

Xiao Ce'an, once the Crown Prince of the Immortal City, had the title removed by Xiao Lexian. Until now, Xiao Lexian had not chosen a successor, and Xiao Ce'an had not been officially appointed as the heir.

Xiao Ce'an's immortal title was "Infallible Immortal Sovereign," and he was often referred to as "Xiao Infallible."

Su Nian, the biological father of Song Yan, was severely injured by this Infallible Immortal Sovereign, causing damage to his demonic veins.

The Immortal Sect had a total of seven emperor-level immortals, and Xiao Ce'an was one of them. The other six were Immortal Sect's founder, Zhuge Yang, the renowned Immortal Sovereign Xiao Lexian, the "Carefree Immortal Sovereign" Mu Xiaoyao, the "Flute Immortal" Zhong Lei, the "Crystal Immortal Sovereign" Fang Yuyan, and the "Jade Sky Immortal Sovereign" Shu Zirou.

Among the seven emperor-level immortals, only "Jade Sky Immortal Sovereign" Shu Zirou practiced the way of the sword and was known as the number one sword cultivator in the Immortal Sect. She had multiple encounters with the top sword cultivator of the demonic path, "Sword and Book Demon Sovereign" Chen Shuyong, but they had never determined a clear victor.

In the entire Immortal Sect, there were only these seven emperor-level figures, and the father-son duo of the Xiao family held two spots. This was also a significant factor in why the Immortal Emperor Sect became the top sect in the Immortal Realm.

Five years ago, Xiao Ce'an suddenly disappeared, and no one knew where he had gone.

Xiao Lexian speculated that his eldest son had been chosen by an existence in the Ancient Profound Wilderness and had been summoned there to cultivate the Ancient Supreme Heavy Dark Realm. Now, hearing the news brought by the servant outside the door, it confirmed Xiao Lexian's speculation.

However, Xiao Lexian's face showed no joy upon hearing this so-called good news.

The fact that Xiao Ce'an could safely return from the Ancient Profound Wilderness indicated that he had successfully comprehended the Ancient Supreme Heavy Dark Realm, and his cultivation had reached the same level as Xiao Lexian.

This caused Xiao Lexian to feel a sense of crisis. Xiao Ce'an's rising strength, coupled with his own aging and the withering of the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit in his body, formed a sharp contrast. Everything seemed to follow the pattern of the rising new wave overtaking the old one, following the laws of succession.

Therefore, Xiao Lexian began to fear that soon his position would be taken over by Xiao Ce'an. Not only would he lose the position of the Sect Master of the Immortal Emperor Sect, but even the title of the "number one expert in the Immortal Sect" might be taken away by Xiao Ce'an.

Xiao Ce'an was well-loved by the common people in the Immortal City. He had a good reputation, and unlike his father, he didn't engage in promiscuity or view women solely as tools for dual cultivation to enhance his cultivation.

Xiao Ce'an had only been intimate with one woman throughout his life, and that woman had become his wife. The two of them remained deeply in love.

Moreover, Xiao Ce'an, despite having the same cultivation realm as his father, had far surpassed him in both personal conduct and talent. Of course, in terms of talent, neither of them could compare to Qin Xuanxi, who comprehended the Ancient Supreme Heavy Dark Realm in just three years.

Xiao Lexian walked out of the spiritual pool, using his mana to create a set of immortal clothes for himself. Then he stepped out of the main hall.

The servant outside the hall, still wearing a smile, said to Xiao Lexian, "Master, the Crown Prince is waiting to meet you in the imperial palace."

Xiao Lexian looked at the bowed servant and coldly said, "Ce'an has returned, why are you so happy? Are you my servant or his?"

The servant was stunned for a moment, seemingly not understanding the meaning of his master's words. Suddenly, he realized that he was covered in crimson flames. In the blink of an eye, he was engulfed in flames and turned into ashes.

Then, Xiao Lexian jumped off the Emperor's Spirit Ship and arrived at the imperial palace's main hall, sitting on his throne.

Under the hall, a handsome man in white clothing bowed slightly to Xiao Lexian. "Father."

Xiao Lexian scrutinized the man in white and then slightly raised the corners of his mouth. "Ce'an, your cultivation has indeed reached the Ancient Supreme Heavy Dark Realm. I'm afraid even your father may not be your match now."

"Father is the Flame Emperor, even if I have comprehended the Ancient Supreme Heavy Dark Realm, I still won't be Father's match." Xiao Ce'an replied.


Xiao Lexian laughed heartily but suddenly his expression turned serious. "We, father and son, haven't sparred in a long time, have we? We need to have a match to see who is stronger."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Lexian raised his right hand.

Xiao Ce'an was instantly covered in purple-golden flames, and within the flames, a golden dragon roamed, emitting a dragon's roar.

This was Xiao Lexian's strongest flame, the "Heaven-Extinguishing Purple-Golden Dragon Emperor Flame."

Xiao Ce'an, however, made no attempt to resist, closing his eyes slowly and adopting a calm posture, as if he was calmly accepting his fate.

Seeing this, Xiao Lexian had to immediately remove the purple-golden dragon emperor flame covering Xiao Ce'an. He questioned, "Why didn't you resist?"

Xiao Ce'an's

 face turned extremely pale, as if his heart and veins had been burned by the flames, and his breath weakened. He replied, "Father's Heaven-Extinguishing Purple-Golden Dragon Emperor Flame is the most powerful and fierce flame between heaven and earth. Even though I have reached the same realm as father, I still can't figure out what method to use to resist such a flame."

"So, it's not that I didn't want to resist, but I didn't have the ability to resist."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lexian's mouth twitched slightly. He laughed and said, "Back then, the 'Dark Abyss Demon Sovereign' Chang Sunni and the 'Sword and Book Demon Sovereign' Chen Shuyong were also defeated by my Heaven-Extinguishing Purple-Golden Dragon Emperor Flame. So, losing to this flame is not shameful for you."

"Father, I want to see Mother." Xiao Ce'an suddenly said.

"You and your mother haven't seen each other for five years. Your mother also misses you. Go and see her." Xiao Lexian said.

Xiao Ce'an's biological mother had been treated as a furnace by Xiao Lexian in the past, but now she lived on the Emperor's Spirit Ship, which was equivalent to being confined.

Xiao Lexian's approval was required for any of his children to board the Emperor's Spirit Ship.

So, whenever Xiao Ce'an wanted to visit his mother, he had to obtain Xiao Lexian's permission.

Seeing that Xiao Ce'an still hadn't left, Xiao Lexian asked, "Do you have any other requests?"

"I also want to see my sister Yixin and hope to get Father's permission as well." Xiao Ce'an said.

Except for Xiao Lexian, almost no one knew where Xiao Yixin and her daughter were being confined.

And Xiao Ce'an had always liked Xiao Yixin, his half-sister from the same father but different mother. After all, he had watched Xiao Yixin grow up and personally taught her cultivation.

So, they were not only siblings but also master and disciple.

Xiao Lexian's face turned somewhat unpleasant. He said, "Go see your mother first."

Xiao Ce'an understood his father's temperament and didn't dare to make any more requests. He could only say, "Yes."