Chapter 387: Special-grade Xuan Spirit (1/2)

Chapter 387: Special-grade Xuan Spirit (1/2)

The full appearance of the Xuan Spirit quickly unfolded before Song Yeh. It appeared to be a female humanoid Xuan Spirit.

Song Yeh took a closer look and saw that she was wearing black long boots on her feet, while her upper body was covered with two thin pieces of colored cloth resembling modern swimsuits. Her long red hair cascaded like a waterfall behind her, extending all the way to her waist.

At the same time, the Xuan Spirit Contract Array provided feedback to Song Yeh.

[Special-grade Xuan Spirit: Qu Qiu Lai]

Qu Qiu Lai should be the name of this female Xuan Spirit. She was a special-grade Xuan Spirit.

In the Xuan Spirit realm, only high-level and above Xuan Spirits could have "names." The hamster swordsman Song Yeh encountered earlier was a low-level Xuan Spirit and self-proclaimed as "Qin Sang" in front of Song Yeh, a name not officially recognized by the Xuan Spirit realm.

In the Xuan Spirit realm, low-level Xuan Spirits like hamsters were as common as dirt, and most of them did not have names.

Qu Qiu Lai was a special-grade Xuan Spirit, with her level just below that of an Emperor-grade Xuan Spirit.

Song Yeh summoned her with only 292 Xuan Yuan Fruits, which was quite fortunate. Perhaps she liked the taste of Song Yeh's Xuan Yuan Fruits, so she took the bait.

Regardless, from the results, Song Yeh had won the gamble.

"Kill that six-armed black bear!" Song Yeh ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

Qu Qiu Lai responded and, in an instant, a bone sword materialized in her right hand out of thin air.

At this moment, the smile on the six-armed black bear's face disappeared. It seemed to sense that a formidable opponent had arrived.

Qu Qiu Lai teleported and appeared in front of the six-armed black bear. Her bone sword directly pointed at the bear's throat.

The black bear, quick-eyed and agile, used its two thick bear paws to snatch the blade, attempting to disarm Qu Qiu Lai. Simultaneously, its other four paws struck at the sword's body, instantly splitting it into several pieces.

However, Qu Qiu Lai seized the opportunity. Opening her mouth wide, a longer bone sword shot out from her throat, piercing through the black bear's throat. Qu Qiu Lai then swung her head, cleanly decapitating the bear.

After losing its head, the bear staggered backward a few steps, but its massive body didn't collapse. Suddenly, it roared, and a new head grew from the severed neck.

Qu Qiu Lai frowned; she seemed to sense that dealing with this bear wouldn't be as easy as she thought.

After the bear grew a new head, it became exceptionally furious. It pounded its chest like a gorilla and cursed at Qu Qiu Lai in bear language, expressing its indignation.

However, Qu Qiu Lai wouldn't give it any more chances. Gripping a newly-formed bone sword in each hand, she directly severed the bear's six arms. The bear transformed into an armless bear, angrily berating Qu Qiu Lai.

Song Yeh observed the bear's expression and gestures, as if it was scolding, "You woman, how dare you attack without fairness!"

But suddenly, a sinister smile appeared on the face of the armless bear. Its severed arms began regenerating, and it quickly grew six new arms.

Qu Qiu Lai's brow furrowed. It seemed she realized that dealing with this bear wouldn't be as straightforward as she had imagined.

After growing new arms, the armless bear became exceptionally angry. It roared like a gorilla, pounding its chest, but Qu Qiu Lai took advantage of this moment. With a bone sword in each hand, she directly cut off the bear's six arms.

The armless bear turned into an armless dog-bear, indignantly cursing Qu Qiu Lai in bear language.

Song Yeh observed its tone and expression; it seemed like it was saying, "You woman, no martial ethics at all, attacking by surprise!"

But suddenly, a sinister smile appeared on the dog-bear's face. Its severed arms began to grow new bones. Clearly, it could quickly regenerate its six arms.

However, Qu Qiu Lai wouldn't give it any more opportunities. The bone sword in her right hand expanded, splitting open like the mouth of a giant beast. It enveloped the dog-bear in one go, then closed up, sealing the entire bear inside. The bone sword expanded several times its size.

The dog-bear struggled fiercely inside, continuously emitting cries of "gua gua gua."

After a while, the sword stopped shaking, and blood continuously seeped out. Presumably, the bone sword had completely devoured the dog-bear.

Suddenly, the bone sword opened its mouth and spat out a blue crystal.

Song Yeh's pupils slightly dilated.

It was the Xuan Qian Soul! 𝓜.𝙫𝙤🄳𝓣𝙒.𝓛𝔸

Song Yeh immediately took the blue crystal into his hands.

Once again, he won the gamble. After the death of the six-armed black bear, it indeed produced the Xuan Qian Soul.

When a Xuan practitioner's Xuan power reached the ninth rank, the majority of their internal Xuan energy would have expanded to over seventy percent. At this point, the best way to further enhance Xuan power was to absorb external Xuan energy.

The Xuan Qian Soul was the most superior substance that could be easily absorbed by human beings.

The reason Xia Xiran could grow a hundred thousand Xuan Yuan Fruits in her body was because she had once absorbed a massive amount of Xuan Qian Souls. The specific number was unknown even to her.

Of course, there was a limit to the amount she could absorb. Currently, her body couldn't absorb Xuan Qian Souls anymore.

The quantity of a hundred thousand Xuan Yuan Fruits was her body's limit for Xuan power.

Back in the peak period of the Demon Emperor Xuan Ming, he had grown nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Xuan Yuan Fruits in his body, only one less than Xia Xiran.

To fill this one-fruit gap, the Demon Emperor slaughtered all the demonic beasts in the entire Seventh Dark Domain, collecting mountains of Xuan Qian Souls. In one night, he devoured them all.

Unfortunately, even with a substantial increase in Xuan Qian Souls, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Xuan Yuan Fruits was the limit of the Demon Emperor's Xuan power. No matter how many Xuan Qian Souls he consumed afterward, he couldn't further increase his Xuan power.

In the end, due to this one-fruit gap, the Demon Emperor was defeated by Xia Xiran. After that battle, he began aging precipitously and the gap in strength between him and Xia Xiran widened. He was powerless to change his fate.

Xia Xiran thus became the sole and strongest existence on the Xuan Realm Continent.

At the moment, Song Yeh didn't have an immediate use for the

 Xuan Qian Soul. His Xuan power was still at the third rank, so he stored it in his game inventory.

"Not good!"

Qu Qiu Shui suddenly frowned, uttering these two words coldly.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of black figures descended on the sea surface.

In the blink of an eye, wherever Song Yeh's gaze fell, there were uniform figures, almost identical in size and appearance to the six-armed black bear he had just dealt with.

Now, Song Yeh realized that the six-armed black bear was actually a group of demonic beasts. Apparently, he had stirred up the bear's den.

Just killing one bear had exhausted so much energy, and now a whole group, estimated to be over thirty thousand, appeared. Neither he nor Qu Qiu Shui had the strength to handle this situation.

"Master, I suggest you escape quickly. Even though you might not make it, at least try. Also, can you please release the contract with me and send me back to the Xuan Spirit realm? I don't want to endure being beaten by tens of thousands of bears here." Qu Qiu Shui suggested to Song Yeh.

Song Yeh smiled calmly, "Alright."

He certainly didn't want to make things difficult for this special-grade Xuan Spirit. She was just doing her job, and there was no need for her to risk her life in this situation. Although Xuan Spirits wouldn't truly die in this world, enduring a beating from tens of thousands of bears would still be an unpleasant experience.

So, Song Yeh released the contract with Qu Qiu Shui, sending her back to the Xuan Spirit realm.

He then immediately used the Xuan Escape Talisman to return to the Xuan Yun Continent.