Chapter 388: Mini Game

Upon returning to the Xuan Yun Continent, Song Yeh noticed that his blood and energy value had increased by 220 points.

In the Xuan Realm Continent, Song Yeh could increase his blood and energy values through training. The recent intense battle with the six-armed black bear was considered a high-intensity exercise. Additionally, practicing Xuan power in the Xuan Realm Continent also contributed to this increase. Altogether, Song Yeh gained a total of 220 points in blood and energy.

Due to the recent changes in the game system, it became challenging for Song Yeh to obtain substantial attribute point rewards through game tasks and challenges. Therefore, the Xuan Realm Continent had become Song Yeh's only place to acquire high blood and energy values.

At this moment, Song Yeh heard the sound of Song Qian reprimanding someone outside the room.

"Such a big person, can't you keep an eye on him?"

Apparently, Song Qian had returned home ahead of Song Yeh.

Since the Northland King had said that he needed a few more days to think, Song Qian had to return first and wait quietly for news from the Northland King's Mansion. After all, with the sudden demise of Empress Tianxin, the situation in the city was chaotic. The Song family in Longyang couldn't afford to be without her presence.

As Song Yeh walked out of the room, he heard the reports from the night guards about the disappearance of the strange person, Wumang Shenghuan. Song Qian was furious upon hearing this news.

At this moment, Song Yeh, having changed into clothes from his game inventory, opened the door and stepped out.

When Song Qian and the three night guards noticed Song Yeh suddenly appearing from the room, they all showed expressions of disbelief. After all, just a moment ago, Song Qian had checked the room, confirming it was empty. Now, without her sensing it, her father had appeared at the door.

This made Song Qian recall the mysterious disappearance of her father thirty years ago. It happened just like this, silently and without a trace, even her Aunt Yan at that time couldn't sense any clues.

Suspicious, Song Qian thought that these strange people might have some kind of space-time teleportation ability. Perhaps these strangers were not as simple as they appeared.

Before she went to the Northern Territory, her father had told her face-to-face that he was powerful. Intrigued, she was curious about how powerful an extraordinary person like her father could be.

"Where did you just go?" Song Qian asked Song Yeh first.

"I was on a mission. We, the strangers in this world, need to survive by completing one task after another," Song Yeh explained.

Song Qian remembered that the strangers in Mogu Village were diligent in helping the villagers with their work. In her eyes, it seemed that these tasks for the villagers were like "missions" for them.

"When you are back, I have a mission for you," Song Qian said with a faint smile.

"What mission?" Song Yeh asked.

"Accompany me for a walk."


At this time, it was mid-afternoon, and the streets in the city were quieter than usual. Two days ago, the shocking incident of the collapse of the Da Yan Palace had left many people still frightened. Afraid that the next disaster might befall them, many dared not wander the streets. Some had even left Changling City temporarily.

Facing the street, there was a teahouse that looked particularly deserted. Only two tables had customers.

However, Song Yeh noticed the name of this teahouse, which was surprisingly called "Night Beauty Teahouse."

Apparently, this teahouse was also owned by Song Qian.

Song Yeh continued to lead Song Qian into the teahouse and casually sat down at an empty table. The teahouse manager quickly came over and greeted Song Qian, "Lady, what would you like?"

"A pot of tea, two steamed buns, and a plate of braised beef," Song Qian said to the manager.

"Alright," the manager responded. "Today, we also have some excellent grapes. Would the lady like to try them?"

"Yes, bring some up as well," Song Qian nodded.

The manager turned and instructed the waiter to attend to Song Qian's table first.

Observing the deserted teahouse, Song Yeh noticed the name "Ye Yan Teahouse."

It seemed that this teahouse was owned by Song Qian.

Chapter 388: Mini Game (2/2)

After Song Qian had ordered tea and snacks, she suddenly had an idea. She looked at Song Yeh and smiled, "Wumang Shenghuan, do you want to play a little game with me?"

"What game?" Song Yeh asked.

Song Qian immediately picked a green grape from the plate, then tossed it into the air. With both hands reaching out simultaneously, it seemed that one of her hands had caught the green grape in mid-air. Then, she clenched both hands into fists and asked Song Yeh, "Guess which hand the green grape is in. If you guess correctly, there's a reward."

Song Yeh immediately understood that Song Qian wanted to test his strength a bit. Although Song Yeh had temporarily lost half of his Xuan power and weakened his blood and energy, he still possessed strength close to that of an Emperor-level practitioner. This little trick from his daughter couldn't deceive his eyes.

Suddenly, Song Yeh lowered his head and looked at Song Qian's bare feet. He smiled and said, "What a waste. Such a good green grape was ruined like this."

Song Qian was taken aback for a moment, then embarrassedly said, "I didn't expect you to see through it."

Song Yeh suddenly looked at Song Qian's right foot. He chuckled, "Unfortunately, such a good green grape was hidden under your right foot."

At this point, Song Qian lifted her right foot, revealing that the green grape had been concealed beneath her sole the whole time, never between her two hands.

Just as the waiter nearby was about to bend down to pick up the green grape from the ground – after all, it was a green grape stepped on by the lady with such exquisite feet, and he was eager to secretly taste it – he suddenly saw that the green grape instantly melted into a puddle of water under Song Qian's control. The waiter wore a disappointed expression and walked away.

Through this little test, Song Qian realized that her father was indeed extraordinary.

Without a cultivation level above the Virtual Spirit Realm, it was impossible to see that she had secretly hidden the green grape under her right foot.

It seemed that her father's strength was at least equivalent to that of a Virtual Spirit Realm cultivator.

This realization made Song Qian even more curious about her father's true strength.

After the mini-game, Song Qian and Song Yeh enjoyed their tea and snacks in the Ye Yan Teahouse.

The atmosphere between father and daughter was harmonious and pleasant.

In the teahouse, Song Qian suddenly remembered something and looked at Song Yeh, "By the way, you mentioned a mission. What kind of mission were you doing?"

Song Yeh casually recounted the encounter with the six-armed black bear on Xuan Realm Continent

, the subsequent appearance of a group of demonic beasts, and how he had to escape using the Xuan Escape Talisman.

Song Qian listened attentively to her father's narration. Although she was slightly worried about Song Yeh's safety, she also felt pride and admiration for her father's strength.

After hearing the story, Song Qian pondered for a moment and said, "Father, if you encounter such a situation again, you can let me know. I can accompany you in dealing with those demonic beasts. After all, I'm not an ordinary person, and I can provide some help."

Song Yeh smiled and patted Song Qian's hand, "I appreciate your kindness, but you should focus on your responsibilities in the Song family. I'll handle such matters myself. It's my duty to protect my family."

Song Qian nodded, understanding her father's concerns. The father and daughter continued to enjoy their time in the teahouse, savoring the peaceful moments amidst the chaos of the world.