Chapter 389: Eliminating Evil

Chapter 389: Eliminating Evil (1/2)

Through her divine sense investigation, Song Qian couldn't detect Song Yeh's strength or its source. After all, Song Yeh not only lacked cultivation but also showed no traces of demonic energy. He seemed no different from an ordinary person. However, his recent performance made Song Qian understand that he was no ordinary mortal.

As Song Qian pondered, cries of a woman suddenly reached the teahouse from outside.

"Uncle Zhu, please spare my daughter, I beg you!" A middle-aged woman dressed as a peasant knelt on the ground, crying loudly.

Not far away, a girl of about thirteen or fourteen was being held by several henchmen. It was apparent that she was the woman's daughter. The daughter also shouted desperately, "Mother, save me, Mother!"

The person addressed as Uncle Zhu was burly, dressed in luxurious clothing. Seeing the woman persistently chasing him, he kicked her in the face and scolded, "Your husband owes me gambling debts. It's only fair to use your daughter to repay. Even if you report to the authorities, it won't help. I advise you not to be ignorant. If you provoke me, your daughter will suffer tonight!"

Hearing this, the peasant woman dared not speak further, fearing that she might harm her daughter. However, tears continued to stream down her face.

At this moment, Song Qian, sitting in the teahouse, observed the scene with indifference. She seemed uninterested in meddling in such affairs, as she was not someone who sought justice for others.

Moreover, Song Qian knew that Uncle Zhu acted so arrogantly in broad daylight because he had a powerful backer. Uncle Zhu's elder brother was a cultivator in the Forging Bone Realm, and his influence extended to the prestigious Tianwu Pavilion. Although the Song family in Longyang had no dealings with Tianwu Pavilion, Song Qian did not want to offend such a powerful force for the sake of unrelated people.

Just then, Song Yeh's mind suddenly received a notification from the game system.

"Ding, Title Quest [Eliminating Evil] triggered."

"Quest Requirements: Kill the tyrant Zhu Tenghu."

"Quest Reward: Obtain the permanent title [Eliminating Evil]."

Song Yeh loved these title quests. After all, titles obtained as rewards provided permanent attribute bonuses. Unlike hidden quests that only rewarded pills and manuals, they were trash quests for him.

Moreover, this quest was too simple for him. Song Yeh used the probing tool on Zhu Tenghu to confirm his identity.

[Zhu Tenghu: Forging Bone Realm, Seventh Layer]

Obviously, Zhu Tenghu was no ordinary person, possessing cultivation in the Forging Bone Realm. Although Song Yeh's strength was currently only half of what it used to be, he still approached the level of emperors in this world. In his eyes, a cultivator in the Forging Bone Realm was nothing more than an ant.

To kill him, Song Yeh only needed a flick of his thoughts.

At this moment, Zhu Tenghu suddenly noticed that the peasant woman seemed to have some charm left, and it might be interesting to tidy her up and have her serve him along with her daughter. A little act with both mother and daughter tonight would be a good show.

So, Zhu Tenghu grinned and said to the woman on the ground, "Since you can't bear to part with your daughter, both of you can serve me together."

He then ordered his henchmen, "Come, take this woman to me as well—"

His voice abruptly stopped. His head began rotating rapidly on his shoulders like a spinning top.

This scene terrified his henchmen, who scattered and fled as if they had seen a ghost.

Suddenly, Zhu Tenghu's head stopped spinning and exploded on the spot, blood splattering everywhere.

"Ah, there's a ghost!"

Terrified, the henchmen abandoned the mother-daughter duo and fled.

The mother and daughter, also frightened, hurriedly left the scene.

At the same time, Song Yeh's mind received a notification from the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the title quest [Eliminating Evil]."

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for obtaining the title quest reward: [Eliminating Evil] title."

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for gaining an opportunity for one item draw."

[Eliminating Evil] Title Attributes:

+200 Health Points.

+100 Spiritual Essence.

The attributes of the [Eliminating Evil] title were not as high as those of the [Killing Venerable] title, but given the current situation, a bonus of 200 health points was still excellent.

Song Qian, who had witnessed Zhu Tenghu's death so closely, did not perceive any cultivation, magical power, or demonic energy acting on him. She couldn't fathom how someone had caused Zhu Tenghu's death in such a bizarre manner.

Unconsciously, Song Qian looked at her father. Before, she wouldn't have doubted that he was responsible, but after the recent game and testing, she knew her father was not as simple as she had imagined.

In other words, her father, this foreigner, possessed some kind of immense power that she couldn't comprehend.

"Let's go. Let's leave this place first," Song Qian said to Song Yeh.

If Zhu Tenglong found out that his brother died here, he would definitely not let the matter rest. He would surely do everything to find the murderer. Although no one knew who the killer was, Zhu Tenglong would likely interrogate everyone present at the scene. In this situation, Song Qian was certain that Zhu Tenglong would consider the foreigner, Song Yeh, as the prime suspect.

After all, foreigners were outsiders and an unknown presence. So, without any evidence, Zhu Tenglong would probably kill Song Yeh first. Even if they were wrong, it wouldn't matter. In this world, no one cared about the life of a foreigner.

Song Qian had considered this point, so she wanted to take her father away from this place as soon as possible.