Chapter 399: Am I Sealed?

Chapter 399: Am I Sealed? (1/2)

The scene above the courtyard of the Shangguan Mansion caught everyone off guard.

They had thought that Li Changyi's sword piercing through Song Ye's chest had killed the otherworldly being, but the next moment, the outcome reversed. Song Ye was alive, and the sword was shattered.

The Thunder Roar Sword in Li Changyi's hand, accompanying him for thousands of years, had beheaded numerous demonic cultivators during the Fifth Immortal-Demon War, including some at the Demon Sovereign level.

But now, even Li Changyi couldn't predict its ultimate fate – being destroyed by an otherworldly being.

First, his disciple died tragically, and now, he witnessed the destruction of the spiritual sword, his cherished friend. Li Changyi was completely enraged.

He poured out his cultivation, and golden thunder roared around him. His clothes burst open, his hair scattered behind him.

Before him, a massive Thunder Sword Dharma image condensed.

Having lost his primary spiritual sword, Li Changyi could only resort to the Law-condensed sword, using another of his lethal techniques.

Sword Art - Divine Wrath!

This technique stirred the heavens and the earth, fierce as thunder.

Visible golden thunderbolts descended from the sky, crimson thunder surged from the ground beneath Song Ye's feet, and the Thunder Sword Dharma image thrust towards him.

However, for Song Ye, Li Changyi's cultivation used in this "Divine Wrath" was not as threatening as the previous "Immovable Thunder Flash." Unfortunately, Li Changyi needed the Thunder Roar Sword to execute the "Immovable Thunder Flash."

Now that the Thunder Roar Sword was gone, Li Changyi couldn't inflict any practical harm on Song Ye.

[Li Changyi: Emperor Soul Realm Eighth Stage]

Song Ye sensed that Li Changyi's cultivation had reached the eighth stage of the Emperor Soul Realm, just one small step away from the Emperor level. However, Li Changyi's current cultivation posed no threat to Song Ye, who only had half of his original profound power.

Song Ye estimated that, even with only two hundred and ninety-four Profound Element Fruits left in his body, his strength could still rival that of a cultivator at the Emperor level.

While contemplating this, Song Ye's right hand slightly lifted.

Profound Control!

The golden thunder from above, the crimson thunder surging from the ground, and the Thunder Sword Dharma image attacking him converged into a thunderous sphere in his right hand.

"I'll return this Divine Wrath to you!" Song Ye mused.

In the next moment, Song Ye appeared before Li Changyi, and the thunderous sphere in his hand struck towards Li Changyi's abdomen.

However, with a muffled sound, the thunderous sphere held by Song Ye seemed to hit an invisible barrier, missing Li Changyi's body by half an inch, as if striking against a shield.

Li Changyi was left somewhat embarrassed, breathing heavily.


Just a little more, and his true self would have perished here!

Li Changyi still felt a lingering fear.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he timely used the Qilin Goblet!

The Qilin Goblet, capable of sealing people and breaking laws!

Now, Song Ye saw golden barriers surrounding him, and a massive azure goblet rotating beneath his feet. The base of the goblet faintly displayed an image of a red Qilin.

"That's the Qilin Goblet! The personal magic tool of the founder of the Tianwu Pavilion," said Ji Qinyin. "It is said that this goblet can seal people and break laws. This is the first time I've seen such a magic tool, and I never expected this otherworldly being could force the Jade Floating Sword Immortal to use it."

"In fact, he has already won. He won against the Jade Floating Sword Immortal, even without this Qilin Goblet," Mo Xunyu looked at Song Ye with admiration and a hint of sadness in her eyes.

At this moment, Li Changyi began chanting an incantation, continuing to activate the Qilin Goblet.

Li Changyi's master had instructed him that the Qilin Goblet could only be used at a crucial moment that determined the survival of the Tianwu Pavilion. However, now, under the drive of fear, Li Changyi activated it out of his instinct for self-preservation, not for the sake of the Tianwu Pavilion, but to save his own life.

However, on second thought, this otherworldly being had already killed the vice master of the Tianwu Pavilion, creating an irreconcilable enmity. If not dealt with in time, it would be a constant threat to the Tianwu Pavilion. Therefore, using the Qilin Goblet to seal this person could be seen as safeguarding the Tianwu Pavilion.

As Li Changyi began chanting the incantation, the Qilin Goblet underwent a transformation. Eight beams of light shot out from the base, like ribbons, tightly binding Song Ye. Then, Song Ye was instantly dragged into the base of the goblet.

Inside the base of the goblet was another hidden realm.

Chapter 399: Am I Sealed? (2/2)

At this moment, Song Ye found himself standing on a calm lake. Above him was what seemed like a pitch-black curtain, and all around was darkness where no heads or tails could be seen.

However, around him were eight Qilin stone statues, each emitting a golden beam from its mouth, tightly binding him to the surface of the lake.

"Am I sealed?" Song Ye suddenly realized, as if he had just awakened to this realization. After all, it was the first time he experienced being sealed like this.

The thunderball in his hand had dissipated, and within this secret realm under the goblet, it seemed that any magical power was ineffective. Even his profound power was locked inside his body, unable to be freely released.

In this light, the sealing effect of this secret realm was extraordinary.

However, fortunately, this secret realm only forcefully suppressed the profound power within his body, not rendering his profound power completely ineffective.

In other words, if Song Ye's profound power was strong enough to resist the suppression within this realm, he could break free from the seal. This secret realm couldn't completely seal him.

Song Ye immediately concentrated his profound power in one place within his body, attempting to release it all at once.

Profound Explosion!

The majestic burst of profound energy erupted in an instant. The previously calm lake stirred with concentric ripples.

The eight Qilin stone statues began to show cracks, but they ultimately withstood the force of the profound explosion, not completely shattering. After the dissipation of the profound explosion's energy, the cracks on the Qilin stone statues began to gradually heal.

Although he failed, this attempt allowed Song Ye to understand that he had a chance to break this secret realm and escape the seal.

Unfortunately, his current profound power was slightly insufficient.

Song Ye tried to activate his blood seal. After all, when the blood seal was activated, his profound power would temporarily receive a boost.

However, in this secret realm beneath the goblet, Song Ye's blood seal acupoints were blocked and couldn't be activated.

Fortunately, Song Ye still had a chance to save himself. After all, he could regenerate

 a Profound Element Fruit every three days. In other words, every three days, he could recover a portion of his strength.

He estimated that within a month, his profound power would be restored enough to break through this sealed realm and escape.

Song Ye sighed, realizing that he was in a predicament. Still, he wasn't without hope. He just needed time to recover his strength.