Chapter 400: You Will Be Killed by Her (1/2)

Chapter 400: You Will Be Killed by Her (1/2)

After Li Changyi stopped chanting the incantations, the Qilin lamp began to shrink slowly and then flew back to his right palm.

Li Changyi lowered his gaze to the bottom of the lamp, where a vivid Qilin was engraved.

He knew that the otherworldly being was now sealed within the secret realm at the bottom of the lamp.

This battle could be said to be his very disgraceful victory.

No, he didn't really win. If it weren't for this Qilin lamp, he would probably be dead by now.

Moreover, the Qilin lamp only sealed the otherworldly being; it didn't kill him.

In other words, Li Changyi's initial goal of having Song Ye give up his disciple's life was not achieved.

To kill the otherworldly being, the seal of the Qilin lamp had to be lifted first.

However, Li Changyi had to admit that he was currently not a match for the otherworldly being. Unless he could break through the final realm and successfully ascend to the Emperor level, or forge a spirit sword stronger than the Thunder Roar Sword.

For Li Changyi, the latter possibility seemed more likely.

After all, at his level, the advancement of cultivation was not as simple as he wished it to be. If it were that easy, the entire Immortal Sect would not have only seven Immortal Emperors.

And Li Changyi felt that, with his current cultivation, the gap between him and Song Ye was not significant. As long as he had a stronger spirit sword, he should be able to defeat Song Ye.

Until he could forge a stronger spirit sword, he could only rely on the Qilin lamp to continue sealing Song Ye.

After Song Ye was sealed in the Qilin lamp, Song Qian discovered that her body could finally move.

She had just watched her father being sealed inside the Qilin lamp by Li Changyi, and now that she could move, she felt an urgent need to do something, not just watch Li Changyi take away the Qilin lamp.

Although the gap in cultivation between her and Li Changyi was significant, he had just used a technique called "Still Thunder Flash" and another called "Heaven's Wrath," which must have consumed a considerable amount of spiritual power. Also, Li Changyi no longer had the Thunder Roar Sword. If she could launch a surprise attack, there might be a chance to succeed. However, if she failed, she would likely end up sealing herself along with her father, and no one would be able to plot a rescue.

As she hesitated, a figure approached and flew to Li Changyi. The newcomer was Fang Wenrong, the current head of the Tianwu Pavilion.

Seeing Fang Wenrong, Song Qian had to abandon her thoughts of a sneak attack immediately. She knew she had no room for error.

Fang Wenrong, seeing his master with disheveled clothes and chaotic hair, was stunned. How could an otherworldly being force his master into such a state?

Suddenly, he noticed that his master was holding a green lamp in his hand.

Could this be the rumored Qilin lamp?!

Shocked, Fang Wenrong couldn't believe that the otherworldly being could force his master to use the Qilin lamp.

Li Changyi noticed Fang Wenrong's full expression of doubt and surprise and said, "Let's go back to the Tianwu Pavilion first."

"Yes, Master," Fang Wenrong replied.

Soon, the two of them flew away.

Song Qian restrained herself from taking action. Her palms were sweaty, and she had almost bitten her lips until they bled. She knew that the Qilin lamp only sealed her father and did not kill him. She had a chance to save him, but the condition was that she couldn't act recklessly and risk sealing herself.

After all, she might be her father's last hope.

Before rescuing her father, she had to stay alive.

At this moment, Shang Xing saw Song Qian's face pale. His heart felt a strange pain. Did that otherworldly being mean so much to her?

Fortunately, the otherworldly being had been completely sealed, and it would be difficult to see the light of day again.

Next, it was Shang Xing's chance to perform well in front of her.

"Madam Song, although this otherworldly being was once a disciple of your Song family, I believe his current actions were not under your orders," Shang Xing said to Song Qian, "I will personally visit Tianwu Mountain later to inform the head of the Tianwu Pavilion and ensure that the Song family in Longyang is not implicated. Please rest assured, Madam Song."

Song Qian remained silent and flew away. She didn't appreciate Shang Xing's deliberate favor, as she knew she had no reason to be grateful.

Shang Jingming glanced around and saw that his once magnificent mansion was now almost in ruins. Even the east and west courtyards were engulfed in flames. He felt particularly distressed because repairing this mansion would cost a considerable amount of money.

He apologized to the guests, "I'm sorry, everyone. Due to this unexpected incident, today's alchemy banquet can only end here."

"Today is an eye-opener, having the chance to meet the Floating Jade Sword Immortal. It's just a pity about that otherworldly being," Princess Han Yue said, then turned to a maid and added, "Let's go back."

After Princess Han Yue left, the remaining guests also left one after another.

After all the guests had left, Shang Jingming took Shang Xing into the inner room and said solemnly, "Xing'er, you should know that among your father's three sons, your father values you the most."

"Your elder brother is addicted to wine and women, already a useless person."

"Your second brother is obsessed with traveling, having been away for several years with no intention of returning, uninterested in family affairs."

"Now, only you can inherit your father's business, share his worries. Over the years, you haven't disappointed your father. Your cultivation now even surpasses your father's. But your father still wants to remind you, stay away from Madam Song Qian, or she will be the death of you."

Clearly, Shang Jingming had seen that his son already harbored feelings for Song Qian.

Shang Xing smiled lightly, "Father, do you mean to say that Madam Song Qian already has a designated husband, and to avoid suspicion, I should not get too close to her? However, I have already found out that her marriage is a sham. She hasn't followed any of the three ceremonies and six rituals, nor any of the three matchmakers and six engagements. It's just a fake announcement of her impending marriage."

"Although I don't know why she fabricated this false news, Father, rest assured, I have always treated Madam Song Qian with utmost respect, and I have never done anything out of line."

Shang Jingming shook his head, "Xing'er, your life experience is still shallow, and there are many things you haven't seen through for your father. Today, I will tell you a truth: If you fall in love with a woman but cannot have her, you have only two correct choices—either kill

 her or stay away from her!"

"Otherwise, sooner or later, she will be the death of you!"

Shang Xing smiled faintly, "Father, are you suggesting that by advising me to stay away from Madam Song Qian, you are certain that I won't be able to obtain her? Father, you underestimate your son too much."