Chapter 404: Eighth Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Sect

Chapter 404: Eighth Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Sect (1/2)

In fact, Shangguan Xing was well aware that Song Qian was an ambitious person who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. Therefore, he always maintained a vigilant attitude in her presence.

However, he didn't expect that Song Qian could, unnoticed by him, pierce his heart with a flame blade formed from condensed magical power.

For a long time, their cultivations were at the same level. Shangguan Xing believed that, at the same level, Song Qian couldn't possibly kill him. Even breaking through his protective true qi would be a challenging task.

Yet now, not only was his true qi shattered, but his body was also pierced, all without him realizing it.

This indicated that Song Qian's cultivation had advanced; she had reached the level of an Immortal Venerable!

But why would she want to kill me? 

Shangguan Xing couldn't comprehend. He thought that even if Song Qian had the power to kill him, even if there were grievances between them, she wouldn't have the heart to kill him. After all, in the vast Longling City, he believed he was one of the best in terms of cultivation, appearance, character, and talent. How could a woman bear to kill such a man?

Moreover, Song Qian aimed at his heart, indicating that she truly wanted him dead, without leaving any room for mercy.

Shangguan Xing was a fan of novels. He thought that someone like Song Qian, akin to the proud female protagonists in novels, might have a stark contrast in private. If he could conquer her, he could witness the hidden side of her personality.

But now, it seemed that stories were deceptive.

If Shangguan Xing knew that Song Qian was actually the daughter of the infamous female devil Qin Xuanxi, inheriting her mother's temperament, he might not have harbored such fantasies about her.

"You... bitch," Shangguan Xing cursed at Song Qian.

However, these foul words were his last words in the world.

Song Qian's next flame blade decapitated him.

Shangguan Xing found it hard to understand why Song Qian wanted to kill him, but in Song Qian's eyes, Shangguan Xing should have been killed long ago. If it weren't for the alchemy banquet where Shangguan Xing shifted the blame onto her father in front of everyone, Zhu Tenglong wouldn't have dared to attack her father openly, and everything that followed wouldn't have happened.

Moreover, she only learned tonight that Shangguan Xing had been secretly observing her every move. Regardless of his intentions, whether out of goodwill or admiration for her, she only knew that Shangguan Xing's existence might hinder her future plans to save her father. If not dealt with promptly, he would become a hidden danger.

Anyway, she had wanted to kill Shangguan Xing for a long time, and now that he had come to her on his own accord, she decided to kill him first.


Xuan Ying Continent, the extreme north, the land of frozen jade.

On the endless snowy ground, three figures of varying heights stood.

They were three immortal cultivators who had been stranded in this snowy area for three months, searching for the rare herb "Snow Liriope."

By chance, they entered a snow valley and saw a monstrous creature that made their scalps tingle.

"It's... it's the Frost Moon White Dragon."

In the valley, a white dragon circled, emitting a gentle glow like moonlight.

The Frost Moon White Dragon was a high-level demonic beast, even comparable to the Black Feather Phoenix.

Although originally known for its ferocity and aggression, this Frost Moon White Dragon, upon discovering intruders, didn't immediately launch an attack. It remained coiled in place, only sending a warning with its sharp gaze fixed on the intruders.

The three exchanged glances, realizing that compared to others of its kind, this Frost Moon White Dragon seemed much milder.

Yet, they didn't dare linger here for too long and were preparing to leave the snow valley.

"Wait a moment," said a bald man among the three. "This Frost Moon White Dragon seems to be guarding something."

Prompted by the bald man's words, the others soon noticed that in the center of the coiled dragon, there seemed to be a large snow heap.

A faint golden light emanated from the surface of the snow heap.

"There must be some rare treasure hidden in this snow heap," the bald man said.

"Don't get any crooked ideas. Even if there are treasures of inestimable value inside, they don't belong to us. Unless you can kill this Frost Moon White Dragon," another person said.

"Let's go quickly. Our good fortune is being able to leave here alive," the third person added.

They didn't dare use their magical power to fly, fearing it would provoke the Frost Moon White Dragon. Thus, they could only retreat step by step.

However, at this moment, the snow heap guarded by the Frost Moon White Dragon emitted an even more dazzling light, causing the entire snow valley to tremble slightly.

The Frost Moon White Dragon also became unusually excited, letting out a resounding dragon roar that echoed throughout the snow valley.

It seemed that something within the snow heap was about to come out.

Driven by powerful curiosity, the three intruders suddenly found themselves standing still. They wanted to know what was hidden in the snow heap.

As the snow heap gradually melted, the golden light faded away.

After more than half of the snow heap had melted, the three men discovered that it was concealing a celestial-like beauty.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, wearing a white dress, her skin as white as snow, and three thousand strands of black hair covering her like white snow, she looked like a delicate snow sculpture, seamlessly integrated with the heavens and earth.

The three men immediately recognized the identity of this peerless beauty.

"It's the Immortal Venerable!"


At the same time, Xuanji Mountain.

The ancestral ancestor of the Immortal Sect, Zhuge Yang, was leisurely sipping wine at the mountaintop, accompanied by a servant named Qinglian.

Suddenly, the earth shook, and the entire Xuanji Mountain instantly split in half.

A three-foot-long sword shot out from the mountain, flying into the sky.

Zhuge Yang immediately looked up, his face unable to hide the excitement. "The spiritual sword, 'Daochen Sword,' that the ancestral master left behind, has actually come out of the mountain. Could it be that it's finally recognizing a new master?!"

Qinglian, standing beside him, asked curiously, "Who will be the new master recognized by Daochen Sword?"

"Except for her, no one else," Zhuge Yang smiled and said, "It must be her—Song Yan, the 'Eighth Immortal Emperor' of our Immortal Sect. Only she has inherited the title of Immortal Venerable from the ancestral master of

 Xuanji Mountain."

"Why did Daochen Sword only recognize her as the new master now?" Qinglian asked again.

"I guess that she has finally gained the recognition of Daochen Sword. From this, it seems she has already broken through to a new realm," Zhuge Yang looked towards the direction Daochen Sword flew away,

"Qinglian, our Immortal Sect is finally about to produce the eighth Immortal Emperor!"