Chapter 405: Changming Xuanwoman (1/2)

Chapter 405: Changming Xuanwoman (1/2)

In the Xuan Ying Continent, within the Chennyue Snow Region.

The three individuals who had entered the snow valley could never have imagined that they would encounter the highly popular female Immortal, Song Yan, who was most favored by male cultivators in recent years.

Amazement filled their hearts. In reality, her beauty far surpassed the illustrations in the "Records of Immortal Figures" by more than tenfold. She was like a captivating beauty, an ethereal fairy in the snow!

The fearsome Frost Moon White Dragon seemed to have become Song Yan's demonic pet. Its massive dragon body coiled around her, and its dragon head affectionately rubbed against her, as if waiting for her caress.

Song Yan raised her hand and effortlessly stroked its scales. "Ah Shuang, you've been guarding me diligently during these days."

Then, she turned her gaze towards the three present individuals. 🅼.𝙫𝓞𝘿𝙏𝙒.𝙇🅰

The three immediately bowed towards Song Yan. "Greetings, Immortal Venerable."

"Hmm," Song Yan lightly responded. "The three of you should stay away from me. I'm afraid I might lose control later and harm you."

The three hesitated for a moment. Though unsure of Song Yan's intentions, her words sounded like a well-intentioned warning.

They immediately exerted their magical powers and flew out of the snow valley. However, just as they reached a safe distance, Song Yan's voice echoed in their ears, "Not far enough."

They had no choice but to continue moving away until the entrance of the snow valley was no longer visible.

"Ah Shuang, you also stay away from me." Song Yan spoke to the Frost Moon White Dragon beside her.

The white dragon ascended into the sky and positioned itself above the clouds.

Once the dragon's figure was concealed behind the clouds, Song Yan could safely release her cultivation. The entire snowy region trembled violently as her profound energy poured out.

"Come forth, Changming Xuanwoman!" Song Yan declared.

A colossal manifestation formed by her profound energy took shape around her. The humanoid figure wore a white gown, had feather armor covering her chest, wings on her back, blindfolded eyes, and wielded a sword in each hand.

This was Song Yan's complete lifebound manifestation—Changming Xuanwoman.

Only those who had achieved the Emperor realm could refine a complete lifebound manifestation. In other words, Song Yan had now stepped into the Emperor realm, becoming the eighth Immortal Emperor of the sect.

Changming Xuanwoman suddenly shouted, marking her first cry since descending to the mortal realm. It resounded like thunder in the sky, causing magical power to surge, snow-capped mountains in the region to collapse, and waves of snow to surge.

Affected by the residual force of her magical power, the three individuals in the distance were thrown backward, coughing up blood. Fortunately, their lives were spared.

Afterwards, Song Yan retracted her manifestation, and calm returned to the heavens and earth.

Reaching the Emperor level was considered the highest goal and deepest desire for cultivators in the world.

However, at this moment, Song Yan felt no joy. Since her brother disappeared, it seemed that nothing in the world could bring her joy.

For years, she had immersed herself in relentless cultivation, a form of escapism. Now, even her cultivation had reached its peak, and she stood at the summit. She wondered how she could fill the void in her heart.

Of course, she was aware that beyond the Emperor realm, there were the Peak Three Realms.

Yet, the Peak Three Realms couldn't be achieved through diligent cultivation; one could only wait, endure the long wait.

It was as if she had spent the past thirty years waiting for someone who would never return.

An unnamed emptiness swept over her entire being. 𝕄.🆅🄾𝔻🆃𝕎.🅻𝔸

She thought, perhaps it was time to go back and see Qian'er. Over the years, due to her own avoidance, she had indeed owed Qian'er a lot.

In truth, she had visited Qian'er, but each time, she watched her quietly from a distance without daring to meet her. She feared that Qian'er would ask about her father's whereabouts, and if she admitted to having no information, she dreaded seeing the disappointment in Qian'er's eyes. 

Despite all this, Qian'er was her last relative in this world, even if they had no blood ties.

Therefore, Song Yan felt that she should go back, at least to apologize to Qian'er, and let her bear the burden of so much alone.

Just then, a three-foot-long sword flew through the air with a majestic momentum.

Thinking it was an enemy, the Frost Moon White Dragon immediately descended from the clouds, blocking in front of Song Yan. It breathed out icy breath, instantly freezing the sky, and immobilized the fiery-red sword in mid-air.

"Come back," Song Yan softly called out.

The Frost Moon White Dragon promptly returned to Song Yan's side, shielding her with its dragon body.

"How many times have I told you not to act without my consent?" Song Yan reproached it in a low voice, as if the dragon could understand human speech.

The dragon seemed to understand, nodding obediently.

However, the shattered ice in the sky suddenly burst open, and the crimson sword emerged. Yet, the hilt of the sword was directed towards Song Yan.

Song Yan seemed to sense that the sword harbored no hostility towards her. The crimson sword swung its hilt in front of her, as if tempting her to grasp it.

"Where did you come from?" Song Yan furrowed her brows.

She did not know that this sword was named Daochen Sword, the lifebound spirit sword of the founder of Xuanji Mountain.

"Do you have a master?" Song Yan asked.

The Daochen Sword shook its body, then eagerly moved its hilt towards Song Yan's hand, almost inserting itself into her palm, maintaining the last bit of dignity as a lifebound spirit sword.

"Do you want to recognize me as your master?" Song Yan inquired.

The Daochen Sword's blade lowered, seemingly nodding.

"But I already have a spirit sword. You should go find another master." Song Yan spoke. Throughout her cultivation, she had used the Wind Feather Spirit Sword given to her by her master, and she couldn't easily change it.

The Daochen Sword suddenly vibrated violently, whether out of anger or jealousy, it was hard to tell.

Song Yan smiled faintly. "Where you came from, return there."

Subsequently, Song Yan mounted the Frost Moon White Dragon and flew away.

Seemingly unwilling, the Daochen Sword followed closely behind, trailing the Frost Moon White Dragon's tail.


Chenguo, the Unfathomable Ice Mountain.

The Unfathomable Ice Mountain had now become a tourist destination for wandering cultivators.

Cultivators from various places, whether Immortal or demonic cultivators, liked to visit here as it was the place where the "Wine Immortal" Cheng Wanting's body was discovered.

Even now, Cheng Wanting's body remained perfectly preserved within the ice on this mountain.

 Three hundred years had passed, and besides the loss of one arm, her body remained intact, as if she were a beautiful fairy peacefully asleep.

Therefore, most of the wandering cultivators who came here did so to catch a glimpse of the Wine Immortal's appearance.