Chapter 411: Just Once Upon a Chance Encounter

Yan Kingdom's capital, Song Residence.

At this moment, in Song Qian's private chamber.

Since the unconscious Song Yuan had a demonic body, different from Song Qian's spiritual body, Song Qian didn't know how to harmonize the chaotic divine elements within Song Yuan's body.

To avoid making the situation worse, Song Qian chose to do nothing and patiently waited for the green-robed woman on the jade bed to wake up on her own.

Just a moment ago, she had probed the green-robed woman's pulse again and found that her divine elements were no longer as chaotic and disorderly as before. They were stabilizing, indicating that she would wake up soon. 𝓜.🆅🅾𝘿𝕋🅆.𝓛𝔸

Therefore, there shouldn't be any major issues, and the green-robed woman would wake up on her own shortly.

So, Song Qian sat by the side of the jade bed, her gaze focused on Song Yuan's delicate face.

So beautiful!

Watching the exquisite face of Song Yuan, Song Qian couldn't help but sigh. Her hand gently traced Song Yuan's face, using her sense of touch to feel the peerless beauty that seemed almost otherworldly.

If she were a man, she might be willing to do anything for this beautiful woman lying on the jade bed, willing to sacrifice everything for her.

She even began to understand why some people would say things like "Under the peony flower, one dies with romantic feelings." Even she couldn't help but feel a bit regretful that she wasn't a man.

Compared to her mother's beauty, Song Qian felt inferior.

Although the woman on the jade bed might not necessarily be her mother.

To determine whether there was a blood relationship between her and the unconscious woman, one could use the Blood Identification Array. However, only the Yao Clan Qing She Clan was well-versed in this technique, and others using it would often obtain inaccurate results.

Moreover, due to the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit planted in Song Qian and her recent absorption of the Concealed Soul Pill, her bloodline had undergone several purifications. Therefore, the Blood Identification Array would be ineffective on her.

At this moment, Song Yuan suddenly woke up.

This time, it was still Song Yuan's consciousness controlling the body. As soon as Song Yuan opened her eyes, she faced Song Qian at close range. Her peripheral vision quickly swept the surroundings, realizing that she was in a small enclosed space.

Song Qian hurriedly took two steps back, wanting to create a safe distance for both sides to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Song Yuan asked.

"I am the head of the Longyang Song Clan, and this is the secret chamber I usually use for cultivation," Song Qian replied in a gentle tone. "An hour ago, I found you unconscious in the courtyard of my mansion and temporarily placed you here."

Song Yuan immediately examined her body and found nothing unusual. Her clothes were intact, and the opponent's cultivation was not low. If she intended to harm her, she would have been in trouble by now.

"There is a barrier in this room." Wei Ying's voice appeared in Song Yuan's mind, reminding her. "It's a defensive barrier of the Concealed Clan, it seems she may be a member of the Concealed Clan."

"So, she may be from the Concealed Clan," Wei Ying continued.

"Please rest assured; I have no ill intentions towards you," Song Qian candidly said. "Although I am a cultivator, I am not affiliated with any sect. I am just a business person. So, in terms of position, we are not adversaries. You can leave at any time. However, I helped you temporarily because I felt a special affinity with you. I just want to ask you three questions."

Song Yuan nodded, "Go ahead and ask."

"Why did you faint in the courtyard of my mansion?" Song Qian began.

"Inconvenient to say," Song Yuan replied.

"What is your relationship with 'Bone-Annihilating Fairy' Su Qingyu?" Song Qian asked again.

"I don't know this person."

"The last question," 𝙈.🆅𝕆𝘿🅃𝙒.🄻🅰

Song Qian spoke and took out a thought-reading plate from the void. Then she picked a portrait from the plate, which was Song Ye, the one she had previously recorded in the thought-reading plate.

"What is your relationship with this man?" she asked.

Song Yuan also recognized Song Ye.

Although, during the Yancheng incident, it was Wei Ying who controlled her body, not her consciousness. However, in the shared memories between Wei Ying and her, she saw Song Ye.

Wei Ying said in Song Yuan's mind, "Is it this self-righteous man?"

At that time, Wei Ying didn't have a good impression of Song Ye because this man had a strong patriarchal flavor and even tried to teach her the principles of being a person when they first met.

However, Song Ye's display of formidable strength at that time also made Wei Ying acknowledge him. Although she didn't like Song Ye, she didn't want to become his enemy.

"It can't be considered an acquaintance, just a chance encounter," Song Yuan replied.

If it were Wei Ying, she would answer in this superficial manner. However, this answer had profound implications for Song Qian.

After all, many love stories and touching tales began with a chance encounter.

So, Song Qian couldn't help but suspect that her father and the woman in front of her might have had such a period, which resulted in the birth of her as an unexpected creation.

"You should ask her about her relationship with this man as well," Wei Ying suggested.

Song Yuan then turned to Song Qian and asked, "Who is he to you?"

"He is my father," Song Qian admitted. "Can you tell me your name?"

Song Yuan smiled faintly, "No, I've already answered your three questions."

"Can you stay here for a few more days? I have no other intentions; I just feel a strong affinity with you and want to be friends with you," Song Qian sincerely said.

After all, the woman in front of her, who seemed very likely to be her mother, made her reluctant to let her leave just like that.

Suddenly, Song Qian sensed that someone was visiting her mansion, and the other party's background was not small. It was Prince Wei Yule.

Song Qian didn't know why Prince Wei suddenly visited her at this time, fearing that it was not good news.

She worried that the matter of her secretly meeting the Northern King would be known by Prince Wei. Now, she had no spare energy to deal with Prince Wei, but no matter what, since Prince Wei personally came, as the head of the family, she had to go to the hall to greet him.

"You rest here for a while. I'll go meet a guest outside and be back soon," Song Qian said to Song Yuan.