Chapter 412: That Man

Chapter 412: That Man

When Song Qian walked to the door of the secret chamber, feeling somewhat uneasy, she turned back and said to Song Yuan,

"Oh right, recently I obtained a mysterious magical treasure. I'm not sure what it is, but since you're familiar with the demonic path, you should know about it. After I meet with the guest, I'll trouble you to take a look."

Without waiting for Song Yuan's response, she opened the door of the secret chamber and casually lifted the barrier, then walked out.

Song Qian didn't bother closing the door, seemingly wanting to convey to Song Yuan that she could come and go freely here. She wasn't being confined.

After Song Qian left, Wei Ying said to Song Yuan, "That nonsense about a magical treasure from the demonic path is just an excuse to keep us here. This girl is quite scheming."

"Why does she want us to stay?" Song Yuan asked curiously.

"There are many possibilities, but we don't know her true intentions. What she said just now might be lies, including the part about being the daughter of that man," Wei Ying explained.

"That man you mentioned, the one who appears human but is stronger than you, what kind of existence is he?" Song Yuan inquired. 🄼.𝙫🅾🄳𝙏𝓦.𝕃🄰

"I don't know," Wei Ying replied. "Even though I've lived for thirteen lifetimes, there are still many existences in this world that I'm unaware of."

"Should we leave this place now?" Song Yuan asked.

Wei Ying thought for a moment and said, "Let's first see where that girl is going. In any case, the people from the Fan Yuan Sect believe we are still in seclusion in the cave. We have plenty of time."

When Song Qian stepped into the front hall, she saw Prince Wei Yule accompanied by several servants, already present in the hall.

Prince Wei Yule was also a cultivator, but his cultivation was not high.

Five years ago, at Fengyu Tower, Song Qian had seen Prince Wei from a distance. At that time, Prince Wei was discussing matters with Shangguan Jingming in a private room on the second floor and seemed not to have noticed her.

Prince Wei seldom stayed in the capital, as he didn't dare to. After all, he feared that once Wei Lanlan saw him, she might suddenly become suspicious and kill him as well.

However, now that Wei Lanlan was dead, Prince Wei no longer had such concerns.

Seeing Song Qian, Prince Wei showed a hint of surprise in his eyes and said, "This prince originally thought that the female head of the Longyang Song Clan must be an extraordinary beauty. But seeing you now, you're even more beautiful than I imagined."

Song Qian smiled lightly, "Your Highness is too kind. I wonder what brings Your Highness here today."

Prince Wei said, "Recently, the Empress met with an accident, and ominous signs have been frequent in the city. It has left the people in panic. This prince, as the heir to the Great Yan Empire, specially returned to the capital today to appease the people's hearts and stabilize the situation in the vicinity of the capital."

"In the future, there might be areas where the help of Miss Song, as the head of the Song family, is needed. So, this prince came to inform Miss Song in advance."

Apparently, Prince Wei came to test Song Qian's attitude and position.

Before coming here, Prince Wei had visited several other major families one by one.

However, these family heads were all old foxes of a thousand years, and except for Shangguan Jingming, who explicitly expressed support, the others only maintained a neutral attitude and did not want to get involved.

Hearing Prince Wei's words, Song Qian thought that Prince Wei probably didn't know about her secret meeting with the Northern King. So, she said to Prince Wei,

"Your Highness is too polite. If Your Highness wishes to implement any measures beneficial to the people in the city and needs assistance from the Longyang Song Clan, the family head will certainly not refuse."

A hint of displeasure flashed between Prince Wei's eyebrows. He had understood the implication in Song Qian's words – the assistance from the Longyang Song Clan came with certain conditions. While they could help him pacify the people and maintain order in the city, they wouldn't help him vie for the position of the Great Yan Emperor.

However, Prince Wei quickly regained his smile and said, "Then this prince will thank Miss Song on behalf of the people in the city."

At this moment, Song Yuan had left the secret chamber, concealing her aura, and quietly approached the side of the front hall.

Through Song Yuan's senses, Wei Ying could see the faces of the people in the hall and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"That Prince Wei is a follower of the Boundless One," Wei Ying suddenly said.

"How do you know?" Song Yuan asked.

"Pay attention to his right hand," Wei Ying reminded.

Song Yuan's gaze fell on Prince Wei's right hand. On the little finger of Prince Wei's right hand, there was a wooden ring with a purple circular stone embedded in it.

"That's the disciple ring of the Boundless One. Only because we have an immortal divine element can we see this wooden ring. Others, regardless of their cultivation level, cannot see it," Wei Ying explained.

"Although Prince Wei's cultivation is only in the Dull Profound Realm, he can become a disciple of the Boundless One with the purple ring, indicating that he has value for the Boundless One," Wei Ying continued.

"Little Wei Ying, I think we should stay a bit longer in this city. With a bit of luck, we might gather some important information about the Boundless One. However, since we now know that there are followers of the Boundless One in this city, we need to be extremely careful in our actions. Unless it's an extremely urgent situation, we can't reveal our immortal powers openly," Song Yuan said.

"Understood," replied Song Yuan.

In the days since they left Xuyu Mountain, even though Song Yuan controlled the body, their actions were entirely directed by Wei Ying.

This was actually the result of their negotiation.

As the Wei Ying of this lifetime, Song Yuan couldn't refuse the coexistence of Wei Ying's consciousness.

And since Wei Ying woke up thirty years ago, she had been very cooperative in giving almost complete control of the body to Song Yuan, without causing any trouble.

Therefore, when Wei Ying proposed to secretly leave Xuyu Mountain to meet an old friend on behalf of Song Yuan, Song Yuan readily agreed.

Moreover, Wei Ying also requested that during their time away, Song Yuan would still

 control the body, but Wei Ying would have the command.

Song Yuan had no objection to this. After all, leaving the mountain was Wei Ying's request, and considering Wei Ying's many years of obedience and compliance, Song Yuan regarded it as a reward.

At this moment, Prince Wei Yule and Song Qian exchanged a few more words and were about to leave.

Song Yuan turned to Wei Ying's consciousness and asked, "Should we continue to stay in this mansion, or should we secretly follow Prince Wei?"

Wei Ying said, "There are risks to secretly following, and besides, we know nothing about this Prince Wei and the situation here. Let's find an excuse to stay in this mansion for a couple more days. We can gather more information from that girl, and who knows, she might have some value to us."

"Alright," Song Yuan nodded.

Then, Song Yuan quietly returned to the secret chamber in Song Qian's boudoir, as if she had never left.