Hi! This is the Author's big, big announcement for all the readers that are enjoying this story! A very important news that will affect this series!!

I'm actually dropping this ser–.... Yea nevermind, I will not joke about this. It's not even funny.

As I've said again and again. I. Will. Not. Drop. This. Series.

Anyway, let's not sidetrack.

This is the current series' stats right now.

12 chapters | 14.833 words | 90 collections | 30k views | 4 reviews.

Considering the amount of chapters, this is some pretty impressive stats (I think).

.....Until you realize that the first chap was published 5 months ago!

After some simple math (5*30/12), we'll get 12.5!

So for every 1 chap, 13 days had passed! Which is basically a 2 week/chap speed!!

And if we look at all the 4 reviews.... yea, you guys were definitely not happy with the current speed.

(Can't believe so many reviews would mention my update speed. My synopsis isn't even that great. So how am I supposed to attract the readers then boohoo~~ T-T.... Ok, I'm just joking, please give me a review if you are willing. I'll take even 1 star criticism hehe)

Now, before your imagination gets way too wild. I will just get to the point.

I want to improve the stats.

Specifically the amount of chaps.... sometimes, seeing such a low amount of chaps every single day would really get under my skin!

So... for an unknown amount of period. Update stability will be everything. Which is 2 chaps/week.... ideally.

.....Yea~~ I know~~ I know~~ this is nothing impressive when compared to those mentally unstable authors. Geez, some of them even wrote 2 chaps every day. That's just insane! (Thank goodness most of it was because they already stock up)

But believe me, I've tried that path.

A few years ago, when my first ever chap(Not this account) hits an insane amount of attention from pure luck. Being a complete newbie, in order to not disappoint the readers, I made the worst mistake of my writing life. I actually did the 2 chaps a day. Although it brings my novel to the top. But because I don't have the necessary skill and mentality.... to keep things short, it was one of the reasons that f up my writing life for at least a few years....

So NO. Never will I fall into that hole again. NEVER.

2 chaps/week has always been my goal speed, so I'm completely fine whipping myself to do this. Of course, it would be even better if I could exceed that speed to achieve our second goal.

So what's the goal you ask?

The goal is simple. You see those haughty-naughty novels sitting at the throne of the current monthly top 10?

(Future author here: I made a mistake in the ranking category. Read the author's note at the end for further context, but TL;DR: We're gng for the big league XD)

No, not those contracted ones that barely even reach 20 stones... I'm talking about the rankings that actually include the uncontracted ones.... right now it shows me 44 power stones!

That's right. I want that spot. Because of the harsh reviews all of you are giving me, I'm forced to get the top spot if I want to attract more readers now XD. (I'm also thinking of improving the cover. I've just noticed the imperfection on it.)

Anyway, jokes aside. Yes, I will need everyone's help from this point onward. Heck, go ahead and make a 2nd account to hel–.... ok, ok, I don't know if there's a guideline against that, and I'm not risking it. So let's all be good boi and use our ONLY main account to support this novel!!!!

But.... to be honest..... I don't really think I can do this. I know that the environment in Webnovel always requires you to have an unhinged amount of update speed.

And as we all know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

So for me to not follow the rules... It's not going to be easy.

Hell, with my current life right now, I'm not even sure I could follow the 2 chaps/week, I'm just that busy. So it will definitely bite me somehow. And not to mention it will affect the story's quality no doubt.

But..... I've been neglecting you guys for far too long now. I think I owe you guys this small thing.

So let's see how long I can keep this up... before I fall really hard.

PS: Please remember that reaching the top 10 is secondary. In the end, the number of chaps and update stability is the number one objective.

PS2: If the busy life were to slap me for wanting the 2 chap/week. At least I'll make sure that 1 chap/week is give–... No. I meant please expect that a new chap will come out every week.

PS3: It's Tuesday 22:20 now.... I haven't type a single word for chap 13... this should be easy, right...?

PS4: We need 15k words to enter the rankings... what a nice coincidence, am I right?