Huge Power, Collision of Forces

When Ivysaur lost to Azurill, Leaf actually thought about a lot of things.

The embarrassment of a tragic defeat after thinking she had a sure victory, the shallow and poor imitation of a master's tactics in the classroom but turned into a clown.

She was a fan of Aisha.

Although at first, she was interested in the mesmerizing looks and temperament of the teenager.

However, as a Pokémon trainer with a passion for Pokémon, Leaf sank under Aisha's techniques after watching his live streams and videos all the same.

She learned Aisha's 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' tactic and practiced it within a realistic matchup.

Leaf's initial Pokémon happened to be Bulbasaur.

The Bulbasaur family was a practitioner of Aisha's highly recommended 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute'.

A newbie trainer embarked on the path of dirty tatics...

With her rather excellent looks, Leaf, who was a girl, didn't trigger any real-life fights after torturing and tormenting her opponents.

She was also quite talented at Pokémon breeding.

Combined with a relatively good family environment, her initial Pokémon successfully evolved into its second form within a month's nurturing time, and she even learned three crucial moves such as Toxic, Protect, Substitute, and her overall strength surpassed that of countless peers, making her one of the favorites to win the 'Rookie Tournament'.

Then, she swelled up.

Especially after realizing that the enemy she needed to face in the 16 to 8 stage was actually her idol, Aisha, Leaf even had some thoughts of "Maybe I can take advantage of Instructor Aisha's lack of use of powerful Pokémon and use the 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' tactic to defeat him. I might be able to take advantage of Ai's lack of powerful Pokémon and use the 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' tactic to defeat him".

It was bold to the extreme.

It was full of the new trainer's fearlessness.

She met Azurill, who was far less powerful than Caterpie, just as smoothly within the official battle.

Ivysaur successfully released Toxic against Azurill, and also attached a life-saving double, and was only one step away from her goal of "defeating Aisha by relying on the consuming tactic of 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute'"... Everything seemed to be going very well.

Then, Aisha explained what true strength is.

His Azurill... Azurill, which could be found everywhere and there was no need to worry about it at all, had terrifying brute strength, and could still output wildly despite the poison, breaking up the Ivysaur's double with a single blow of its tail.

Leaf almost thought its trait was Guts.

Is this Azurill legal?

Leaf lost her ability to think on the spot.

Such was the common problem of newbie trainers, once their planned tactics were sabotaged by the enemy, they were unable to react quickly for a moment.

Afterward, when Leaf came back to her senses from under the shock and commanded Ivysaur to release a Protect, Aisha, however, as if he had read her thoughts beforehand, did not choose to attack and instead commanded Azurill to make Bounce move.

A Bounce with twofold restraint harvested Ivysaur's still quite healthy stamina...

Terrifying as hell.

Even though Aisha wasn't utilizing any tactics, his trainer skills and abilities still crushed Leaf without mercy.

Reaction speed, tactical thinking, Pokémon breeding and understanding... Aisha's degree was not a level that a newbie trainer could possess at all.

While Leaf was impressed by the power of her idol, she was also ashamed of her own skill.

She also knew that there were a lot of fans hiding within the audience watching Aisha and Leaf's match on top of the audience seats, and there were even more water users watching the live broadcast.

Everyone is not blind.

Leaf's ambition was obvious to everyone.

Now she was brutally beaten by Aisha...

"Ivysaur lost the ability to fight, Aisha and Azurill wins!"

The referee meticulously announced Leaf's defeat.


For a moment, Leaf was also embarrassed to the point of dizziness.

She was also already prepared for Aisha's disdain and contempt, the audience's ridicule and sarcasm.


"Tactics are not something that can be skillfully utilized overnight, you have already surpassed quite a few people by having this awareness."

A gentle and pleasant voice entered Leaf's ears.

"Winning and losing is a common thing, cheers, I'm looking forward to you guys learning into my tactics."

There was no sarcasm.

The teenager's words were filled with appreciation and concern, and even seemed to be rather soft because he was worried about her mood.


Leaf raised her head and saw that Aisha had approached her, and a gentle smile appeared above his face.

Next to him, Azurill pulled out an antidote tree fruit from somewhere - presumably a prop it carried - and after swallowing it in three swallows, it lifted the effects of the poison.

"...Oops, too bad, I lost."

Seeing Azurill's actions, Leaf also understood that Aisha had actually planned a countermeasure against her from the start.

She had no chance of winning from the start.

"As a Pokémon trainer, learning to face defeat is a necessary thing." Aisha tilted her head and said, "Not only that, but after accepting failure and getting used to it, only then can you overcome it... There are people outside of people, and there are heavens outside of heaven, and everyone is not the protagonist of any Dragon Proud Sky novel, so how can we not lose a game?"

"You are right, Instructor Ai."

Leaf responded to Aisha's words as if she was a student who listened to her teacher's criticism and didn't dare to return it.

"Cheer up, you're good."


Leaf gazed at Aisha with a confused expression.

She hadn't anticipated that she could actually be praised by Aisha.

"Instructor Ai won, Instructor Ai is too good!"

"Win, win, win, Instructor Ai won too much!"

"I'm Instructor Ai's dog!"

The words of the fans cheering above the audience also reached Leaf's ears.

"I'm Instructor Ai's dog... Too gentle."

Leaf's eyes gazed at Aisha with rapid fervor.

"Your Ivysaur is great, and so are you."

Aisha didn't know what Leaf was rambling on about.

After seeing Leaf's expression not as obscure as the party's, and her lost eyes refilled with enthusiasm, Aisha thought that this child had listened to his words and regained her vigor.

"Cheer up, if it is said that cultivated to the posture of Ivysaur, its excellent body can support it more efficiently used the tactic of 'Poison Guard Replacement'... I know that it must be impossible for you to be devastated by a single defeat." Aisha didn't mince his words of praise, and also showed an expression of "a child can be taught", saying, "'The Rookie Tournament' is only the beginning of you and everyone else's journey as trainers, and a much more exciting and dramatic story still awaits you. waiting for you all."

Patting Leaf's shoulder, Aisha also greeted Azurill and walked towards the competitors' passage.


Leaf gazed at Aisha's back and made up her mind.

"From now on, I'll be Instructor Ai's dog!"

She was extremely serious.


The image of Aisha relieving Leaf was captured by the live video camera.

Although everyone didn't know what Aisha and Leaf had said... However, after seeing Leaf's expression that turned from worry to joy and was still filled with thoughts of struggle, the water users definitely knew that it was Aisha who had comforted her.

"Not getting angry even after being banged up and even comforting this child, Instructor Ai, you're so gentle."

"Why Instructor Ai is a god - before we discuss that, I must say what exactly other trainers are inferior to Instructor Ai in comparison... First is Iono who committed the sin of arrogance."

"Instructor Ai looks so good when he smiles, he's practically a wife!"

Aisha didn't care much about everyone's barrage.

The 'Rookie Tournament' was proceeding at a fast pace, and even though he had already played a match in the morning, he was still in need of a match in the afternoon itself.

The 16 to 8 and 8 to 4 matches were completed within today, which meant that the four semi-finalists needed to be decided today, and the pace of the tournament was ridiculously fast.

"Luli~ luli~ luli~"

Walking along with Aisha on the street, Azurill who had won the victory over Leaf's Ivysaur was clearly immersed in the joy of winning, and her little water bear face was overflowing with overflowing joy, and her mouth was grinning right up to her ears, completely puffed up.

Azurill had beaten up quite a few wild Pokémon while wandering within the forests on the outskirts of [Mt. Chien].

However, there weren't as many spectators cheering for Azurill after her victory in a field match...

After defeating Ivysaur in the 'Rookie Tournament' today, Azurill felt an unprecedented joy under the cheers and praises of the audience.

"You~ just got a victory today, it's not good to be too proud."

Hugging Azurill, Aisha also lectured the little one who was so happy that she got a little carried away.

However, Aisha wasn't much bothered by it.

Caterpie was too proper.

Charmander's affection for himself was actually admiration.

Shiny Beldum was sweet but still a lump of iron, nothing lively to show, and fell into the category of being the perfect toolman.


The vain little water bear made a happy noise as she tapped Aisha's hand with her tail.


Aisha also tenderly stroked its head.

Within his own Pokémon, Azurill was the only one with a lively nature without much boundaries.

Azurill was also the player who livened up the atmosphere inside the house.

Charmander was its comic relief.

The house, which used to be quite cold, has become much more lively with their noises, giving it a "family" atmosphere.

However, as children, Azurill and Charmander are a little too much.

At this time, Caterpie took on the role of mediator.

A red and a blue in the fight, a green in the fight, a mini version of the Hoenn's Three God War drama, every day also screened in Aisha's home.


Aisha enjoyed the future.

"Hopefully, the new Pokémon are the same lively type."

Taking care of small children was quite tiring, but, looking at their mischievous looks, Aisha was also a bit happy and had some satisfaction.


Azurill heard Aisha's self-talk but struggled a bit in dissatisfaction, her soft head was smashing against Aisha's chest, seemingly showing her dissatisfaction with the trainer being such a scum.

"Ah... Right, almost forgot."

Seeing Azurill's empty tail, Aisha also remembered something.

Aisha took out Azurill's Soothe Bell from his pocket, and tied it to the slender tail of the little water bear - Aisha had predicted that Leaf would probably choose the 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' tactic as a means of dealing with himself, so he temporarily removed Azurill's Soothe Bell, and replaced it with a Pecha Berry that could be used as an antidote against poison.

"Ha~ That's more beautiful!"

"Luli~ luli~ luli!"

Hearing Aisha's praise, the easily satisfied Azurill jumped out of her master's embrace and happily ran beside Aisha, and the Soothing Bell also made a clear and ethereal sound along with her movements.


Looking at Azurill, who was bouncing around in a circle next to him, Aisha detected a flash of light on top of the swaying Soothe Bell.

"It's almost time..."

After slightly calculating the time when Azurill's energy and body had reached a critical point, Aisha also revealed a helpless smile.

"Children always need to grow up."

Aisha let out the sentiments of an old father.

"I wonder what Pokémon Elite Summer has prepared for me..."

For some reason, Aisha suddenly remembered Summer's face again.

Aisha's expression was also rather helpless as he recalled her constant chanting about finding an excellent Ghost-type Pokémon for himself when they were parting.

He himself had only collected Blue and Steven's Pokémon, and Summer had quit.

"How come this woman's jealousy is netted against men?"

Aisha expressed that she couldn't understand.


In the afternoon, Aisha followed the guidance of the announcement and approached field number 2.

"Instructor Ai, Instructor Ai take a look at brother, brother is your ten year old fan!"

Aisha had only just stepped out of the player's channel, when the participant on the opposite side called out Aisha's name at the top of his voice, revealing his identity as a water fan just as much as he was.


A question mark popped up above Aisha's head - Instructor Ai had used Nasty Plot, and his Special Attack had risen dramatically.

"This is the 'Rookie Tournament'?"

Sure it wasn't their own water friend competition?

The organizer was also confused.

Just how many of Aisha's fans were mixed within the top 8 and top 4?

The organizers had originally planned to use Aisha as a gimmick to stir up some heat, but as a result, the viewers who had watched the 'Rookie Tournament' with Aisha's gimmick were all watching Aisha's battles - they entered the live room as soon as Aisha appeared, and they followed him out as soon as Aisha ran away. As soon as Aisha appeared, they entered the live broadcast room, and as soon as Aisha ran away, they also ran out of the live broadcast room, unwilling to stay within the live broadcast room for a second longer.

After half a day, the 'Rookie Tournament' organizer's hype has become Aisha's welfare.

Even after the 16 to 8 round of the tournament, Aisha thought that he had comforted Leaf and gained the reputation of being both "virtuous and talented".

The 'Rookie Tournament' organizers themselves have nothing to gain.

Instructor Ai expressed great pleasure in this...

However, playing a serious game, the result of the day to day to be sniped by the water friends is really a bit strange feeling.


"Instructor Ai, go, Instructor Ai, go!"

"Fight, Instructor Ai!"

"I'm Instructor Ai's dog!"

Not only did the number of people fuming above the audience not decrease, but there were even a lot more.

Aisha even saw Leaf, who had received a brutal beating from Azurill this morning, within the cheerleading group - this little girl was at the forefront, holding a banner and shouting her self-introduction as a dog along with Blaze.


Aisha nearly fainted on top of the field without taking a breath.

"Instructor Ai, my little brother is not very good at learning the art, you must be more tolerant!"

The opposing contestant recalled Aisha's consciousness.

"I have watched Instructor Ai's live streams and videos for a long time, and never thought that I could actually play against Instructor Ai in reality."

This water friend is obviously a die-hard fan of Aisha. He expressed his feelings excitedly and said: "I know that Instructor Ai is great, and Instructor Ai is a meticulous person who is unwilling to let others go. Therefore, Instructor Ai must not be merciful. I want to find out the difference is between me and a powerful trainer!"


Aisha normally doesn't talk much.

However, he also felt the same admiration for himself from that water user, so he said that he immediately agreed to the other party's words.

"The match begins, both players have each sent out a Pokémon to battle against each other!"

Following the referee's command, Aisha and his water friend threw out their Poké balls one after the other.


Seeing his opponent's Pokémon, Aisha revealed a look of surprise.

His Pokémon was naturally Azurill.

The other party's Pokémon was the same Huge Power characteristics - Diggersby.


As if wrapped in mud, Diggersby had its arms wrapped around its chest, and its ears as heavy as fists flopped around with extra strength.

"Not bad... The contestant who can enter the top 8 really has a bit of skill, he has trained the Bunnelby to Diggersby within this period of time, if the characteristic is Huge Power, apart from me, there might not be anyone's Pokémon that can surpass it in terms of physical attacks."

Aisha revealed an amused smile.

This water fan hadn't used Diggersby in a match before this, this Pokémon was obviously his hidden trump card, if he hadn't met Aisha, this Diggersby probably could have been hidden all the way to the finals before appearing again.

"In that case, Azurill, let's show this friend who is the strongest Huge Power!"


"Aqua Jet!"

Aisha's first strike was naturally a water attribute pre-emptive attack move.

Azurill charged at the Diggersby with an Aqua Jet.

Diggersby was not a Pokémon that excelled in speed and couldn't avoid Azurill's attack, so said its owner also decisively chose a frontal attack, saying, "Diggersby, Double Kick!"

Now Azurill is still a normal and fairy type Pokémon, Aqua Jet has no attribute bonus, although fairy attribute neutralizes two times restraining of the fighting type moves, however, Diggersby's Double Kick is still a powerful means of retaliation.



Azurill crashed into the Diggersby.

Aqua Jet countered Double Kick.

Between the splashes, the two figures withdrew a few meters.

"Diggersby, Quick Attack!"

Diggersby made a stance of launching its move at the command of its master, but as a result, because Diggersby had lost to Azurill within the sparring match, it had only stabilized itself after retreating a further distance, when Aisha commanded Azurill to spray a mouthful of Bubble Beam, which accurately struck the Diggersby's chest, interrupting its movement.

"Aqua Jet!"

"Diggersby, Hammer Arm!"

Watching Azurill choose to multiply her attack, water friend also panicked and commanded Diggersby to make a Fighting type high pwwer move to return fire.

As a result, Azurill's Water Jet strangely changed the trajectory of the charge, dodging the Diggersby's Hammer Arm and rushing into the sky.

"Sure enough..."

Aisha revealed a look of realization.

The reason Aisha didn't command Azurill to strengthen with Belly Drum was because he knew that the Diggersby had some powerful and powerful moves.

In the end, there is a racial value difference between the two Pokémon, although it is not too hard to overturn, however, Aisha is prepared to use Azurill to single-handedly brush the 'Rookie Tournament', if this child is seriously injured within the match, it would be too much of a loss.

So Aisha chose to play it safe.

"Bounce... Aqua Jet was replaced by Bounce, and you tricked me into using a Hammer Arm?"

Water friend squinted his eyes at Azurill, who had dispersed the stream of water above the sky, and put on his pain mask.

"Sword Dance!"

However, water friend decisively coveted the turn and commanded the Diggersby to reinforce it.

Aisha waited for this moment.

"Aqua Jet!"

"Not Bounce?"

Water friend was instantly startled and looked to the sky - Azurill, who had already dissipated the current, had already re-covered herself in clear water and transformed into a turquoise-blue meteor that swiftly slammed into the Diggersby, who was performing a Sword Dance on top of the ground.

Diggersby, who was not yet able to skillfully master Sword Dance, was hit in the shoulder by Azurill's Aqua Jet.


As Diggersby stumbled and fell forward, Azurill threw out her tail, nimbly wrapping it around Diggersby's fat and thick ears, and struck it on top of its head.


Diggersby slumped to the ground, without the strength to continue fighting.

"Diggersby has lost its ability to fight, Aisha and Azurill have won!"

The referee decisively announced the result of the match after confirming the Diggersby's condition.


Azurill proudly raised her chest, as if to show that she was the strongest Huge Power.

Thunderous applause and cheers came from the audience - having seen too many noobs pecking at each other, such a fast-paced battle in which both Pokémon competed with sheer strength, but there was no lack of some flirty maneuvers, so naturally, it was a pleasure for everyone to watch.

  1. a joke name for a certain type of main characters in various Chinese novels