Aisha's Guardian, Summer's Gift

Bathed in the thunderous applause and cheers of the onlookers, Aisha also smiled and hugged Azurill.

"You're great~ Nice~ My strongest Huge Power!"

After carefully checking Azurill's body and seeing that there were no visible injuries, the relieved Aisha gently praised the little water bear who had defeated Diggersby head-on and won.


The little water bear's adorable face was filled with a proud expression that was brilliant to the extreme.

After that, it showed a serious expression and struck a fit pose between Aisha's arms.

"Uhh... Hahahahahaha~"

Azurill's serious look paired with its cute looks looked comical, and Aisha couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The photographer who was filming the sparring scene was obviously a veteran.

After seeing the interaction between Aisha and Azurill, the cameraman decisively turned the camera, accurately capturing the cozy scene of one person and one pet.

"Cute, Azurill is too cute."

"Azurill is adorable, Instructor Ai is just as adorable, one person, one pet all my wife!"

"Good guy, does that guy up there have a peach orchard inside his house?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm kind of looking forward to... Instructor Ai's appearance in Azurill's clothes."

"If I marry Instructor Ai, he and Azurill are all mine, I have a bold idea."

The water users watching the live broadcast were having a seizure together within the barrage screen.

"Instructor Ai, Azurill, fantastic!"

"Wife, Instructor Ai is the wife, Azurill is the daughter."

"I'm Instructor Ai's dog, we're all Instructor Ai's dogs!"

The scene in the cheerleading group was crazy.


Aisha scanned the audience rather breathlessly, rubbing his forehead with a headache.

"Hiss... Hey."

The hopeless Aisha also gave up thinking.

After that, he also looked in the direction of his water friend.

"Diggersby, you're working hard already."

After being silent for a while, the water friend finally revealed a smile that was both hopeless and relieved, consoling Diggersby that had lost to Azurill while pulling out a Pokémon ball to retrieve it.


Scratching his hair, water friend also came over to Aisha's side with a depressed face.

"Although I knew that Diggersby was inferior to Instructor Ai's Azurill, however, I didn't expect Diggersby to actually lose so completely." Not immersed under the sadness of defeat, this cheerful water user was clearly the type with an extremely good mindset, and by this time could even praise Aisha and Azurill's power, saying, "As a result, I still underestimated Azurill's power, it's worthy of being Instructor Ai's Pokémon."


Hearing the water friend's praise, Azurill also lifted up her chest and showed a proud expression.

"Little fool, you shouldn't be so proud at this time."

Knocking Azurill's head, Aisha also laughed and lectured the little water bear who was a bit carried away.


After saying Azurill, Aisha looked at the water bear again and said, "You're awesome."


Hearing Aisha's praise, water friend instantly revealed a surprised and flattered expression, looking at him with a puzzled and surprised face.

"Well, you're very good."

Aisha slightly recalled the party's performance within the matchup between Diggersby and Azurill.

"Although Diggersby is not a Pokémon that is very difficult to cultivate, within such a period of time, you can train it to evolve into Diggersby. There is no doubt about your ability... Moreover, Your combat awareness is also good. When fighting Azurill, there was no problem in commanding Diggersby's moves. Your reaction speed was also good. At least you saw some clues when Azurill rushed into the sky. "

Water friend also revealed a bitter smile.

"I believed Instructor Ai wanted Azurill to utilize Aqua Jet's backswing, substituting it for the forward swing of Bounce. This would essentially cheat the move, while still saving the time it takes to build up Bounce. As a result, Instructor Ai outplayed me, not just in skill but also in the psychological aspect of the game."

"Isn't that great?"

Aisha's smile was also tinted with a touch of relief.

"My Azurill has gone through specialized training, and can indeed combine two moves such as Aqua Jet and Bounce as you described... It's already very good that you thought of this situation, but it's me who thought of it a bit more than you did, and you a bit less than I did."

Aisha's words caused the water user to reveal an expression of admiration.

"Worthy of being Instructor Ai, I'm convinced."

Patting him on the shoulder, Aisha spoke out about Diggersby's problem again, saying, "This time, the key to Diggersby's defeat is still the poor mastery of Sword Dance, if we say that you can specialize in exercising some of its Sword Dance, and after thoroughly mastering this move, the casting time can be shortened by quite a bit, paired with its Huge Power trait, and to learn some high power moves, even if this guy's racial value is not as good as some three royal family Pokémon, its strength is definitely enough."

"Well, thanks a lot, Instructor Ai!"

Facing the words of thanks from his water friend, Aisha waved his hand without much care.

"It's nothing, I'm a bit of an enthusiastic person, and I'm happy when I've done you a favor."

With a word, Aisha also hugged Azurill and walked towards the direction of the player's channel, leaving his water friend with a magnificent back.

"How powerful, I understand..."

Gazing at Aisha's back that was gradually moving away from him, the water user who did not wish to disclose his name also revealed a look of worship and admiration.

Thinking of Aisha keeping himself and Diggersby on their feet, the water friend also clenched his fists.

"The road is always under my feet!"

The dog's team added another person.


The two matchups of the day have been played.

Aisha no longer had anything left to do on top of the 'Rookie Tournament', so that being said, after he walked out of the arena, he decisively set off on his way home.


Strolling leisurely on top of the spacious street, Aisha also stretched out his waist, his temperament instantly became a lot more lazy, attracting the gazes of a lot of girls.


Azurill also followed Aisha's movements and did her best in stretching her waist.

But... This child's body was so rounded that there was no waist at all, so her movements were quite comical under the gaze of Aisha and the passersby.


Seeing Azurill's appearance, Charmander also intentionally ran to its front, and with its advantage of having arms and legs and a rather athletic body, it stretched its waist in a standard way, showing off that it could perfectly replicate Aisha's movements.


Seeing the expression on the little fire dragon's face, Azurill instantly glared at it with an unkind face.


Charmander crossed its arms, and a wisp of fire burst out from his nostrils, and his face was filled with pride that he had a perfect body.



Looking at Charmander showing a disdainful expression towards herself, Azurill became anxious at once and chased after it in constant circles beside Aisha, launching a chase that lasted for a short period of time at least once a day.

"Hey, you two don't look like this in public, be careful not to get in the way."

Aisha with a helpless face was like a parent who couldn't control a naughty child anymore, helplessly shouting at Charmander and Azurill who were chasing and fighting.

Caterpie was too big, easily scaring others.

Shiny Beldum was too precious and were just as likely to scare others.

Therefore, when Aisha was shopping or walking, the Pokémon that followed him were Azurill and Charmander, which were more common than others.

The two of them were also a happy couple with a good relationship, often playing and messing around by Aisha's side.


With a helpless smile, Aisha also walked in the direction of home.

A red and a blue two little fools then closely followed his footsteps.

Along the way, Aisha passed by a commercial street, Charmander and Azurill will run around, a moment in the decorative store window before the face is full of curiosity gazed at the items displayed within the window, a moment to follow the smell of mellow, ran to the sale of snacks stalls above, while drooling, while revealing the pitiful eyes staring at Aisha, desires written all over their faces.


Aisha was rather speechless as he gazed at them.


Finally, the soft-hearted Instructor Ai still lost to the rogue Charmander and Azurill, and helplessly took out his cell phone and bought two small roasts.

"Thanks for the patronage."

The girl pushing the barbecue stall also gazed at Aisha with eyes full of amazement, looking at his Charmander and Azurill, revealing a bright and enthusiastic smile- The combination of a handsome man and cute pets undoubtedly possesses the most fatal attraction for girls, not to mention that Aisha is a gentle and hesitant type, and Charmander and Azurill are also lively and cute Pokémon.


Charmander contentedly received the cardboard box that held the small roasted meat, squeezing the bamboo stick and eating the meat one bite at a time.


Azurill stared at Aisha with a smug smile above her face.

"Tch, slick."

Aisha also knew what Azurill meant...

Holding Azurill who didn't have hands, Aisha let it shrink between his arms, one hand carrying a cardboard box, the other squeezing a bamboo stick was feeding Azurill a small roast.

"Luli... luli!"

Azurill, whose mouth was stuffed with roasted meat, threw a smug look towards Charmander, as if it was a retaliation to the party's revenge of the little fire dragon showing off its figure earlier.


Charmandder looked towards Azurill who was so pleased with herself, and after seeing Aisha feeding the little water bear, it immediately felt that the fragrant roasted meat in its hand had no taste.


It was too painful!

After returning home, Aisha received a call from Summer.

"Elite Summer, what's up?"

After picking up the phone, Aisha was rather puzzled as he asked why Summer had called him- he thought that something had gone wrong with the fact that he and Summer had traveled to the Hoenn region on a mission together.


Summer's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Her clear voice dispelled Aisha's concerns.

However, Summer questioned Aisha with dissatisfaction, saying, "What do you mean?"

"I can't call you if there's nothing going on?"

"Of course you can."

Aisha chatted with Summer for a while.

Aisha confirmed Summer's situation- she said that she had gotten outstanding merits and even got some extra rest time that could be mobilized at any time after she finished handling the matters of the mission during this period of time, and was living a life that was nourishing to the extreme.

She'd spent a few days at home in a painful house, playing through a number of games.

"What games?"


"You still have this hobby?"


Aisha ended the topic very wisely.


After that, Aisha opened her mouth a little embarrassed.

"That what... Didn't I say earlier that I was going to travel to the Kanto region for a bit after playing the 'Rookie Tournament'." Aisha spoke of the trouble he had met, saying, "The problem is that I haven't been an adult for very long, and the school probably wouldn't agree if I were to say that I'm applying for such a long vacation on my own, so that's why I'll need a guarantor."

Aisha was a little embarrassed.

"Or... Uh, a guardian."


Hearing Aisha's words, Summer's tone was a bit creepy.

Aisha giggled inside.


Summer had obviously been paying attention to Aisha's affairs for this period of time, and this head of Dayan's Elite Four, after realizing Aisha's claim, pleasantly teased Aisha, who had been making a name for herself on top of the network for this period of time, saying, "Instructor Ai seems to be extremely proud of his career during this time~ The popularity of the live broadcast room is steadily increasing, and the number of fans has also jumped greatly. The organizer of the 'Rookie Competition' invited you as a commentator and referee, and as a result, from 16 advanced to 8 and 8 advanced to 4, your opponent is your fan~ Even the former champion of the Hoenn region is your good brother."

"No... Elite Summer, I didn't..."

Listening to Summer reciting his experiences during this time as if he were counting his family's possessions, Aisha's survival instincts drove him to notice something amiss in a keen sense.

"I know you've done great work in the Hoenn region, the Hoenn League and Dayan League have made you rich, your Pokémon training is awesome, your life is good, countless of your water friends are liking you, and you've got a new captain and governor, I just can't hit much money to give to your old stuff." Summer's voice continued to reach Aisha's ears, saying, "Lance is protecting you, Steven and Wallace are your good friends, you don't need me, a woman who has no Champion level strength nor weak crotch pull..."

Summer began a bible chant to herself on the other side of the phone.

"But now you've found me and said 'Elite Summer, I want to go out and fool around for a while, please give me a vacation'."

A touch of sadness and helplessness colored between Summer's pleasant and melodious voice.

"But, you don't have any respect for me, I'm not treated as a friend by you, and you're not even willing to call me dear up to now... Ahem."

By this point, Summer faked a cough.

"Well, you won't even call me, dear Summer-sama!"


Aisha looked confused.

"Call me by a nice title."

Summer diagrammed.


Aisha was silent for a long time.

"I'll go get Steven to vouch for me."

"Your last name is Stone?"

Summer freaked out a little.

"Last name isn't Stone." Aisha thought for a moment and picked up, saying, "Stone isn't the last name yet."


Summer's somewhat heartbroken voice reached Aisha's ears after a moment of silence, saying, "You have to know that we are the same region and the closest partners, those trainers outside pull you all day long only to fight, fight and never-ending fights, they all see your ability, only sister Summer Yield is really in love with you. "

Aisha instantly sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at her phone in disbelief.

This woman is PUAing me.

It's too scary.

"I'll be this guardian!"

Aisha seemed to hear a full of righteousness between Summer's firm and righteous voice.

"You agree with me traveling towards the Kanto region?"

"Agree, why not." Summer was very quick, saying, "You're a popular anchor now, if you can crush those contestants in the Indigo Plateau Conference and become the Indigo Plateau Conference Champion, I'll be happy too!"

"The Indigo Plateau Conference is not a 'Rookie Tournament', there are no good guys within those trainers who have traveled through the Kanto region and managed to collect eight badges."

Although Aisha excused himself, the corners of his mouth were already raised in a confident smile.

His goal was the Indigo Plateau Championship.

The Kanto region, the place where dreams begin, Aisha would definitely be able to leave a story of his own in this place...

"I've prepared a nice gift for you, as a boost for you to make it big in the Kanto region."

At this time, Summer's words interrupted Aisha's thoughts, saying, "I'll give it to you after the 'Rookie Tournament' is over."


Aisha didn't refuse or excuse himself.

He needed at least six Pokémon anyway as he participated in the Indigo Plateau Conference, and if he didn't want Summer's Pokémon now, he would need to do some capturing in the wild in the future.

In the wild, the quality of Pokémon could not be said.

The Pokémon that Summer provided for himself must not be something that could be found anywhere, at least it was guaranteed on top of talent and cherishing.

"Without further ado, I'll prepare everyone's meal on my side."


Hanging up the phone, Aisha also looked forward to the gift Summer had prepared for himself.

"Ghost-type Pokémon... She fixed me up with a Gholdengo?"

It was fantasy time.

"There!" After that, Aisha served four more Pokéblocks that were of different colors, but invariably seemed to be as crystal clear as gems and crystals, emitting a fresh scent - Lv.4 Pokéblock crafting was already able to support Aisha's ability to methodically craft Pokéblocks while talking on the phone with one mind on two things.

"Everyone, it's time to eat!"

  1. bishojo games, where it's centered on interacting with attractive girls