The Enemy is Kricketune

"Elite Summer has so much time on her hands?"

After seeing that slender figure within the player's passageway, Aisha also accelerated his pace.

After smiling and walking in front of Summer, Aisha couldn't help but tease her slightly as he looked up and down at her heavily armed appearance.

"This outfit is a bit tasteful."

A question mark rose above Summer's head.

This head of Dayan's Elite Four cocked her head a bit under Aisha's flirtation and extended his hand to take a look at her outfit today.


The rather distressed Summer also waved her hand a bit.

"There's not much I can do about it."

"It's not like you don't know exactly what kind of an identity I have within the Dayan region Pokémon trainer's group?" Summer spoke of the helplessness she had to face as one of the Elite Four, saying, "The identity of Dayan's Elite Four is a symbol of strength, but at the same time, it is also a manifestation of responsibility, and more often than not, the League's tasks for Elites are still some tedious and meaningless things, but the rewards are quite generous."


Aisha did not refute Summer's words.

The main reason was that he wasn't a member of the League yet, and didn't quite understand how the regulations were actually set up within the Pokémon League.

As an official Elite Four level trainer, Aisha's understanding of the League naturally exceeded that of Aisha.

And... Aisha was also aware of Summer's unchanging otaku attribute.

An otaku girl being sent missions by the League every other day, it was of course normal for Summer to have grievances.

Summer glanced at the venue that was no longer occupied and the onlookers were leaving one after another, and said, "I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to enter the gate if I hadn't dressed a bit more tightly."


Aisha thought deeply.

After all, after appearing at the scene of this 'Rookie Tournament', both the participants and the onlookers were more or less people who understood and paid attention to the trainer's problems.

If Summer had appeared at the scene without a disguise, it was inevitable that she would cause a stir.

Even for an anchor like Aisha, who had less than half of a million of followers, when he was preparing to enter the arena for the 'Rookie Tournament' this morning, his fans and onlookers who had nothing better to do almost gathered in front of the gates and surrounded him.

Once Summer, who was a national idol, revealed his identity in the crowded arena, I'm afraid no one would be willing to continue to watch the contestants' matches in the arena - a few rookie trainers competing against each other in the finals, the name of the finals was just a nice thing to say, how could it possibly be compared to one of the Elite Four who were alive?

The influence of Elite Four was so strong...

"Speaking of which, why are you here?"

Between jokes, Aisha asked about Summer's goal of finding herself.

"Aren't you touring Galgame at home all this time?"

"This afternoon is the final that you are facing on top of the 'Rookie Tournament', although it is said that this Rookie Tournament is really not interesting and technical, however, at least it is also the first time that you participate in the official tournament is the final, it's quite a commemorative significance." Summer patted Aisha's thin shoulders, and spoke out her thoughts like a dagger, saying, "This important time, I as your future guardian, of course I can't be absent!"

"How is that substituting as a guardian..."

Aisha dodged and dodged Summer's hand, sputtering at the woman's aim.


Hearing Aisha's words, Summer instead revealed a look of distress.

"It was clearly you, the child, who begged me to be your guardian, and now you're flipping out and not recognizing me."

With a show of hands, Summer dumped the pot on Aisha.

"With this attitude of yours, Ai-chan is really a bit difficult to deal with, if anything, even the school shouldn't believe that I'm your guardian if we don't have a good relationship." Summer took two steps forward, her slender palm pressed Aisha's arm, coming closer to his good-looking face, a touch of intrigue colored her words, saying, "Instructor Aisha, you also don't want any accidents to occur with the issue of your leave... right?"

Aisha sniffed with a face of horror.

"The righteous head of Dayan's Elite Four is actually such a sinister person in normal times?"

Aisha looked towards Summer with unbelief filling his eyes within.

"To actually threaten a newbie trainer at the competition site?"

"You're a newbie trainer?"

Summer took off her sunglasses, rather breathlessly met Aisha's eyes, and then deliberately avoided his line of sight, the reddened cheeks above the mask's cover swirled with a touch of inexplicable temperature.

Why is this kid so good-looking?

Well, I like kids who are that good looking!

"What am I if I'm not a new trainer?"

Aisha spread his hands and kept this ambiguous posture towards Summer to send out a rhetorical question.

An answer appeared in Summer's heart.

But it was not time to say that answer yet.


Summer rolled her eyes.

"Rayquaza is your Pokémon, you can skillfully command my Dragapult and perfectly utilize its combat power."

Citing Aisha's battle results, Summer also sighed with emotion at his heroic ability, saying, "With this level of command, I'm kind of underestimating you when I say you're an unusual Elite Four level trainer.

"As a result, you went back to the Dayan region only to directly fry fish ponds in the 'Rookie Tournament'?"

Not only did you blow up fish, you even blew up to the final stage.

You, an Elite Four level trainer, robbing a rookie trainer of the title on top of the 'Rookie Tournament'?

It was more or less like bullying a child...

"Frying fish is a tradition, don't play if you don't feel good."

Aisha, however, didn't feel the slightest bit guilty.

With a word, he also drilled out of Summer's control, ending the rather ambiguous atmosphere between them.

"It's impossible to have a smooth road on top of being a trainer."

Aisha lectured.

"Since they resolved to become trainers, they must have also prepared for the possibility of meeting strong opponents in the future that they could not surpass in their entire lives, and failure is something that one must get used to, my appearance is merely advancing the occurrence of this situation, and letting these rookie trainers taste the taste of failure in advance." Putting on a righteous appearance, Aisha also explained his behavior of frying fish at the fish pond, saying, "Failure is the mother of success, losing to me is not a disgrace, it might not be a bad thing.

"They might even need to thank me for my good intentions."


Summer was a bit speechless.


At this time, a not-so-harmonious voice entered Aisha and Summer's ears from the entrance of the contestants' passage.

"That contestant, don't dawdle, come out quickly!"

Apparently, when Aisha and Summer were chatting and flirting, the staff member who was in charge of guarding the competitors' passageway was a bit impatient, so he said that he had spoken out to urge Aisha, who had clearly already finished the competition, but as a result, he didn't know what he was doing, and hadn't been willing to come out.

"Okay, right away."

Aisha responded.

After that, he looked at Summer with a puzzled expression and said, "They don't know you came in?"


Summer spread her hands.

Aisha had originally thought that Summer could wait within the player's passageway for the end of his sparring match, and should have found the staff to greet him in advance.

Instead, the two of them were rushed by the staff... The official people obviously wouldn't be so blinkered

"Too much trouble."

Summer followed Aisha together towards the exit, saying: "I want to show my identity, and afterward I still need to explain what relationship I have with you, so why don't we sneak a wave in place, and save a lot of trouble at once."


"I'm a trainer who specializes in Ghost type Pokémon..."

Summer didn't explain anything and revealed a mysterious smile towards Aisha.


Twenty minutes later, an eye-catching pair appeared above the streets around the 'arena'.

The boy with curly hair had delicate but not lacking a hint of colorful features, his body was slender but not feeling thin and weak, undoubtedly the type girls like, the girl whose body was wrapped up tightly, even her face was covered under a mask and sunglasses, not revealing her features, had an enviable body and an extraordinary temperament.

The pedestrians in the vicinity, after noticing the two, coincidentally revealed their astonished gazes.

The duo was naturally Aisha and Summer.

After walking out of the 'arena', they were looking for a place to eat.

"Amazing... Amazing."

Even after walking for a while, Aisha was still quite surprised as he scanned Summer's body up and down, her deep black eyes filled with undisguised marvel and envy within them.

"Even if it's a ghost typee Pokémon trainer, there shouldn't be many people who can do this kind of thing with the help of their ghost attribute affinity, it's worthy of being the head of Dayan's Elite Four, it's really overpowering."

Aisha did not mince words of praise.

Hearing his words, Summer was also a bit happy, although it was said that a face was not seen much under the mask and sunglasses, her happy emotions were just as overflowing.


Summer sent an inquiry towards Aisha.


Aisha, whose two eyes were glowing, quickly responded to Summer's words.

"Be obedient now, and in the future, maybe I can be merciful and teach you a bit."


Aisha didn't have a stiff upper lip, and after hearing Summer's words, he quickly agreed to her request.

Twenty minutes ago, when Aisha and Summer were about to walk out of the contestant's passageway, in order to avoid the weird situation of "one person entering, two people coming out" from attracting the attention and suspicion of the staff, which would subsequently lead to more trouble, the latter decided to walk out of the contestant's passageway in the same way as they did when they entered! -She released Gengar in front of Aisha, and then entered the space that existed within Gengar's body, and Gengar floated out of the contestant's passageway in an invisible position, bypassing the staff's attention, and accomplishing a sneak that God didn't even know was taking place.

Aisha, who witnessed the entire process, was also astonished.

Although he also knew that powerful trainers specializing in superpowers and ghost-attributed Pokémon were more or less peculiar compared to others.

However, such a perfect sneaking maneuver by Summer still shook him.

It's too powerful...

This trick for me to learn as well!

"Worthy of being a Ghost type Pokémon."

Aisha was sighing with emotion at the power of such a one-handed maneuver by Summer.

Such a maneuver might not have much effect in a formal battle, but when placed in a wild exploration and battle, or in an unusual action, it was extremely powerful.

Summer could become a terrifying agent with this kind of operation.


At this time, Summer revealed a difficult expression.


Aisha lifted her heart, not knowing what thing Summer was being embarrassed about.


Summer pondered for a while, and explained the problem with her operation, saying, "My operation is based on the fact that a special space exists within the body of a Gengar, a type of Pokémon, and then, in fact, quite a number of Pokémon also exist in a similar situation, however, Pokémon similar to Dusknoir are extraordinarily ferocious, and they are not low level threat."

"So the only partner Pokémon that operates with this hand are Gengar?"

Aisha heard what Summer meant.

"Theoretically that's true, we can't rule out the possibility that some overly rebellious trainers can endure the erosion of other Ghost Attribute Pokémon in their flesh and still remain unharmed."

Summer agreed with Aisha's words, Cue him in passing.

Trainers who are powerful in terms of their physical bodies...

The most powerful person she had seen was also naturally Aisha.

Apart from Aisha, Second-Level Legendary could only turn into a weapon even when it came to his hands, who else above this world could step on the ice congealed by rainwater and walk above the sky?

I'm afraid that Kanto's Fighting type Elite and Johto, Bruno, didn't have this level of skill either.


Sensing Summer's gaze, Aisha spread his hands with a noncommittal expression.


Summer also shook her head.

After that, she but revealed an awkward expression and said, "Uh... The problem is that the gift I gave you after I told you earlier that you had gotten this whatever 'Rookie Tournament' championship, was actually not a Ghastly."


Aisha was also a bit surprised.

It's not a Ghastly...

The Pokémon that Summer had prepared for herself must be the Ghost type that she specialized in.

If it wasn't the Gengar family, which she used as her trump card, what should it be?

Is it hard to really match a set of Dreepy


Aisha's eyes were colored within with a touch of rich surprise, carrying a smile that was almost overflowing with anticipation as he looked towards Summer.

"...I'm not Steven, according to your standards although I'm also considered a rich woman, but I'm certainly not some rich sister who has mines hidden inside her home."

Summer also saw that Aisha was thinking of something, and instantly poured a pot of cold water somewhat breathlessly, dousing the fire of his hopes.

"It's nothing."

Aisha didn't dwell on it much, it didn't matter if he couldn't learn that move.

Compared to sneaking, Aisha, who had already embarked on a path of physical training with the assistance of the system, obviously didn't need Gengar's protection too much.

My well-exercised physical body trumps everything...

There was no need for any superfluous means!

"It's getting late, let's just find a place to eat!"

"Good... However, during this period of time, I've also begun to study up on cooking." After agreeing to Summer's request, Aisha made her own request, saying, "Whenever I've accomplished a great deal in my culinary skills, you must try it!"


Summer naturally agreed with him.

She couldn't wait for more opportunities for her to be in close contact with Aisha.

"It's a deal!"


By the afternoon, Aisha and Summer also arrived at the 'Arena'.

The 'Rookie Tournament' finals were about to begin.

All the spectators who had been paying attention to this newcomer tournament had arrived at the scene, either entering the venue or gathering outside the venue to wait for the contestants to appear; even many of the contestants who had been eliminated after losing their previous matches had also returned to the arena, ready to watch this crucial moment... Well, the main thing is to watch how the contestant who had good luck not to meet Aisha in advance and managed to get the first runner-up lost to Aisha, who had been frying fish.

Even though that runner-up was as strong as she was, everyone still decided that she must be Aisha's underdog.

That popular anchor was really a dimensional blow to these new trainers of theirs.

It was as if it was an unmovable mountain...

However, his appearance was more than just a nightmare and a deterrent for these contestants.

At least, that Hall Lee and his Monferno, who had initially lost to Aisha and Caterpie, had regained their spirits and seemed to have a goal to strive for.

Leaf and Diggersby's trainer, who had made it to the top eight and top four, had already voluntarily turned into a dog, and was now following a guy whose initial Pokémon used Magikarp as a backup for Aisha day in and day out, as if he had lost his own mind, and was living an unusually happy life.

"Contestant number 114, Aisha, head to field number 1 for the match!"

"Contestant number 74, Elli, head to field number 1 for the match!"

Accompanied by the spread of the announcement, the arena quickly boiled over as well.

The two contestants who had arrived early and waited outside of Venue 1 also quickly entered the contestants' passageway and walked towards that final venue.

Elli was a girl with good looks and figure.

Her clothes and shoes were all branded goods, showing the superiority of her family.

Even when she met Aisha, she maintained the same polite smile, and her family's upbringing seemed to be very good.

"Mr. Aisha, please teach me more."

Elli smiled and threw the Pokém ball, and a red Pokémon appeared on top of the field.


Aisha took a look and was a bit surprised.


As long as it's not Kricketune Hero...

  1. reference to Palafin and its Hero form