Evolve Azurill, We are the Champion


Aisha gazed with astonishment at the bug Pokémon above the field that was shaped as if it was a large cricket walking upright, with yellow stripes rendered on top of its red skin, its whiskers and wings were a deep black color, and its hands and head extended above its hands and head as if they were thin and sharp like a blade, shaped similar to a lyre bow.

This Pokémon was the evolved form of Kricketot.

It is a classic houseworm Pokémon from the Sinnoh region.

The positioning of this type of Pokémon was similar to that of Butterfree and Beedrill, but Kricketot was a Pokémon that was weak, but grew very fast, and a Pokémon that can quickly develop combat effectiveness in a short period of time and engage in combat.


An unexpected expression passed over Aisha's face.

Elli should be a rich lady without a doubt.

Aisha had heard the information about this contestant from Leaf, Blaze, and Diggersby's trainer who didn't want to disclose his name, and knew that this rich lady's initial Pokémon was a sturdy Tauros... It had to be said that although Tauros did not have an evolved form, its initial form was its final form and it had a racial value of up to 490, which was enough to crush the Pokémon chosen by normal new trainers.

The fact that Elli can master such a Tauros also shows her high level as a trainer.

There was no fancy maneuvering for such a thick-skinned brute, and with the deep skill pool, it was a success when it reached the bottom.

This Pokémon was placed within the 'Rookie Tournament', and it was undoubtedly a dimensional blow.

"I see..."

Gazing at Elli's Kricketune, Aisha guessed the reason why this rich young lady chose Sinnoh Region's Household Bug.

"Fancying the advantage of the bug-attribute Pokémon that is easy to cultivate and has a fast rate of molding combat power...?"

Anyone would know that Aisha's Azurill was more than just monstrously powerful, and had even mastered such a life-fighting strengthening move as Belly Drum.

The output was incomparably strong.

If we were to prepare to snipe Azurill, it would be more effective to use delaying tactics.

That's why Elli sent in Kricketune as cannon fodder, presumably ready to use some weakening moves and negative effect moves to weaken Azurill's ability, creating as much of a chance as possible in favor of Tauros to fight.

Even if she merely defeated Aisha's Azurill, it was enough for Elli to prove her strength...

Aisha wasn't willing to be an aid to this guy.

"Azurill, Aqua Jet first strike, never let this guy sing!"

Aisha preempted the order.

He himself was someone who was keen on hypnotizing others for victory, and naturally realized Kricketune's talent for Sing as a bug-type musician.

A handful of precautions were immediately carried out.

"Kricketune, Bide!"

Elli was also very clear that Kricketune couldn't dodge Azurill's attack, so she said that he decisively gave the order to exchange injuries for injuries.


Kricketune let out a refreshing sound as if it was singing.

Azurill, on the other hand, wrapped in a clear stream of water and crashed mercilessly on top of its body, exerting a heavy force.


Azurill realized something was wrong.

After Kricketune had been knocked out by its own shot of Aqua Jet, a pure white light emerged above its slender body, which then blasted above its own chest.


Azurill took a few steps back.

"Keep attacking and Slam!"

Aisha's command reached Azurill's ears from behind.

"Lu, li!"

With a single jump, the little water bear leapt over Kricketune, which had slashed down a series of slashes towards him, and his slender tail seemed to be flinging a meteor hammer, flinging a round, azure-colored sphere, and smashing it heavily on the back of its head, instantly knocking down Kricketune, which had not evolved into a "Man".

"Kricketune is unable to battle, player Elli can choose the next Pokémon to fight!"

After confirming that Kricketune had fainted, the referee also raised a small flag, signaling for Elli to continue the battle.

The audience was abuzz above.

Azurill was still dryly defeating her foe.

Aisha's crisp command was pleasing to the eye, and Azurill's attacks were aesthetically violent, and the two made for excellent viewing.

"Good work, Kricketune."

Retrieving Kricketune, Elli pulled out her second Poké ball.


The Poké ball blossomed above mid-air, and a Zubat appeared above the field.


Aisha also observed Elli's Zubat with interest.

The appearance of this Zubat signaled that he and Azurill had met their first enemy as a flying unit above the stage of the 'Rookie Tournament'.

"The level of cultivation is considered excellent..."

Aisha could tell with just a glance that Elli had put her heart and soul into breeding Zubat.

Unlike Kricketune, which was just a head-filling instant combatant, this Zubat was probably the Pokémon that Elli was planning to cultivate as her main force in the future.


At this time, Aisha again noticed Azurill's body was a bit soft, not as solid as it was at the beginning.

"...Azurill, Bubble Beam attack the wings of Zubat!"

An answer appeared in his head, but Aisha didn't make a sound and continued to pretend to be unaware of anything, directing Azurill's battle.


A bubble mixed with a stream of water sprayed into the sky.

Zubat, with its speed and with the assistance of the supersonic waves, swiftly stirred its wings and flew deftly above the sky, constantly dodging Azurill's Bubble Beam.

"Zubat, Supersonic!"

The instant Elli made the command, Aisha's hand moved.

A beam of red light struck above Azurill's body, retrieving it, while pure white light blossomed seamlessly above the field, releasing a fierce-faced Caterpie.


Caterpie, whose body was more than a meter long, slumped over the field, and the Zubat's Supersonic, whose release speed couldn't keep up with the speed of Aisha's Pokémon rotation due to a bit of a delay in Elli's commands, enveloped its body, affecting the Caterpie's mind.

"Caterpie, come back, this is Azurill's stage!"

With a wave of rotation to avoid Supersonic, Aisha retrieved Caterpie again.

"Azurill, be energetic and fight hard!"

Aisha threw the Poké ball, and as soon as she appeared, Azurill leapt into the sky, making a jet of water that crashed on top of the body of the evasive Zubat, knocking the eyeless bat away.

"This is your true strength."

Aisha's calm voice reached Azurill's ears.


Azurill landed on top of the ground, revealing a somewhat guilty and shy expression.

In the square, it was probably Kricketune who Sing temporarily before losing the battle.

Although this hypnotic move was not fully released due to Azurill's extremely fast attack speed, Kricketune, as a Pokémon that was naturally good at playing music and even had the title of the "Musician of the Forest", had very strong singing skills, and the effect of the move still affected Azurill.

So the originally bright and energetic water bear was a little bit depressed in the following battle.

If not, with the speed of that Zubat, how could it have the ability to dodge Azurill's Bubble Beam?

"Lu, luli!"

Azurill stabilized her mind after a brief loss.

The successive victories of the previous two days had caused it to appear arrogant, and the overly easy victories had somewhat affected the mindset of this young water bear who was not very old but had good strength... So much so that today, on top of the stage of the finals, having seen that its opponent was just an ordinary bug-attribute Pokémon, Azurill's attitude went awry, leading to some slip-ups in its attacks, which happened to eat its opponent's moves at that very moment.

"Zubat, Gust!"

Azurill dodged the rising wind of Zubat.

"Aqua Jet, we can fly too, we're not afraid of these winged guys!"

Aisha shouted out the command from Azurill's rear.


Azurill didn't hear any blame within Aisha's voice, her apprehensive mind instantly stabilized a lot, and all of a sudden she was wrapped by Aqua Jet and rushed up into the sky, directly attacking Zubat that was remotely attacking her from afar above the sky.

"Hiss... Zubat, Poison Fang!"

Sucking in a breath of cold air, Elli chose to gamble on the probability of the poison after quickly weighing the moves that Zubat could skillfully use.

Supersonic wasn't going to work.

With Aisha's hand so swift that many professional trainers couldn't match his rotation speed, there was no way for Elli to impose the slightest constraint.

The 'Rookie Tournament' also did not constrain the participants from rotating their Pokémon.

The quality of the Pokémon of the rookie trainers alone did not require any rotation.


The energy of Aqua Jet and Poison Fang triggered an explosion in the sky above.

The hoarse-voiced Zubat was the first to fall out of the smoke of the explosion and landed on the ground above... Azurill, on the other hand, followed closely behind, and the second shot of Aqua Jet served as a filler, smoothly harvesting the enemy's head.

"Zubat is unable to battle, and player Elli choose the next Pokémon to battle!"

The referee declared Zubat's defeat.

Elli regretfully looked at Azurill the same way - some injuries appeared on the little water bear's body, but there wasn't any reaction to having eaten the poison.

Apparently, Elli had lost to Aisha on top of luck.


Taking this opportunity, Azurill also looked at Aisha in the back.

"It's okay, just pay attention next time."

Aisha also saw its shame and comforted Azurill with a smile.

He had intentionally rotated out Caterpie to replace Azurill as Zubat's Supersonic, with the goal of teaching this proud child a lesson...

Of course, Azurill wasn't some guy who wouldn't listen to a lesson.

Although this naive child probably didn't grasp Aisha's meaning, however, now it had definitely already collected its complacent mind.

"A battle that allows a Pokémon to learn something is only meaningful."

Aisha, who had his arms wrapped around his chest, watched as Elli pulled out her third Poké ball.

"Tauros, Kricketune and Zubat have already worked hard, now, it's over to you!"

Keru released her ace in the hole.


The robust brute let out an imposing roar as it stomped across the tournament grounds.


At noon, Aisha watched some videos of Elli's matchups under the exhortation of Leaf and the rest of the Three Dog Squad.

This Tauros was equipped with a few powerful moves, and the demeanor of the king of the first generation of sparring was already slightly displayed on top of such a brute's body.

Those moves were undoubtedly things learned through the effects of the skill machine, so much so that Tauros's proficiency with the moves wasn't really that impressive.

There weren't many powerful high power moves that weren't really supermodeled.

In a one-on-one situation, Tauros is still a type that Azurill can cope with nowadays...

Now it was three against three. Even after two rounds of consumption, Azurill could no longer use her Belly Drum to strengthen with her remaining physical strength. It was still not enough to guarantee victory against Tauros.

"Azurill, Bounce!"

Azurill jumped into the sky at Aisha's command.

At the same time, Tauros stomped frantically on the ground in the distance, and the ground attribute energy poured into the earth through its hooves, triggering an energy riot that shook the ground.


This was one of the most terrifying moves of ground type.

"Sure enough."

Aisha was glad that she had guessed Tauros's move configuration.

If he hadn't dodged such an Earthquake under the effect of Bounce move, Azurill wouldn't be able to catch such a move with her current physical strength.

"Tauros, Horn Attack!"

Facing Azurill, who had smashed into him, Tauros also stomped on the earth, his sharp and thick horns covered with a glint of icy light, and slammed into it head-on.

Upon collision.

Azurill landed in front of Aisha.

Tauros took a few steps back, his hooves dragging a trail above the earth.


Azurill's expression stiffened a little - after living for such a long time, it was the first time it had met an enemy that was so close to itself in terms of pure power.


Azurill was a bit panicked.

"Azurill, don't be impatient."

Aisha's voice, however, seemed to possess an unusual magic power, comforting its anxious heart.


Azurill quickly regained her composure and looked towards Tauros, who had lowered its head and assumed a charging stance in front of her.

"Tauros, Horn Attack!"


Between the clouds of dust, Tauros ran at Azurill as if it was a heavy truck.

"Azurill, slide to the side and then use Slam, attack that guy's lower body!"

"Lu, li!"

Azurill clenched her teeth, her petite body showed extraordinary agility when facing a large enemy, and with a slide shovel she slipped between Tauros's hooves, her tail slamming into its hooves in the front.


As a result, at this time, Tauros suddenly raised his hooves, the energy of the ground attribute was rapidly winding up, and then stepped on Azurill's tail at once.

Heavy collapse versus wrestling.

The two Pokémon flew together towards the ends of the arena.


Tauros had clearly underestimated Azurill's strength.

The heavy collapse that had briefly built up its strength could not suppress Azurill's slam, and Taurostumbled several times above the ground before he was able to stabilize himself and stood up straight with a wobbly stance.

"Lu, li..."

Azurill's situation was not as wretched as Tauros'.

However, after two battles, Azurill nowadays even surpassed Tauros in terms of physical strength consumption, and her situation wasn't that good.


The reckless brute cow was panting heavily, regulating its breath.


Azurill, on the other hand, showed a complicated expression- Today, it had encountered unprecedented difficulties.

Azurill turned back to Aisha.

"Cheer up, you can definitely do it."

Aisha just flatly revealed his usual smile, as if it was the countless times in the past when he had been exercising, when he had persevered to the limit and had no strength to move, gently encouraging Azurill.


Azurill turned back in silence to Tauros, who had rubbed his heavy hooves together and was ready to unleash a new attack, though his body was a bit unsteady.


No, must not lose to this guy ...

That person, Aisha, master is still expecting me...

"Jingle~ jingle~"

Between the swaying of her body, a light ringing sound reached Azurill's ears.

"Lu, luli!"

Azurill's eyes changed, and a piece of clarity dispelled the confusion and despondency of the previous moment.

The Soothe swayed in the wind above its slender tail.


Brilliant light blossomed above the silver-white Bell of Pacification, gradually spreading out and wrapping around Azurill's petite body.


Aisha revealed a helpless smile at Azurill's rear.

He had actually guessed that the time for Azurill's evolution was approaching. However, he did not expect that after falling into a disadvantage during the battle, a wave of idealistic completion of evolution, such a kind of treatment exclusive to the protagonist, would actually fall on him and Azurill's head.

"Oh, evolution, Azurill has evolved!"


"Amazing, I didn't expect to witness the evolution of a powerful Pokémon on the stage of the 'Rookie Tournament' finals!"

Above the auditorium, the audience watching the final stood up straight and stared at Azurill, who was shining brightly all over the field.

The evolution of Pokémon was something that trainers loved the most.

Witnessing the process of Pokémon evolution was naturally something that the audience loved.

After seeing Azurill's game with Tauros, everyone thought that Azurill, who had swept through all the enemies by virtue of her terrifying monstrous power, should be defeated after three consecutive battles... Even though Elli's Tauros had picked up a head, however, as the only new trainer on top of the 'Rookie Tournament' to have defeated Aisha's Azurill, even after the subsequent defeat to Aisha's remaining Pokémon, Elli did defeat one of Aisha's Pokémon.

The result...

Something that everyone hadn't expected, happened.

"Suddenly evolving within the battle, how could something so coincidental happen?"

"Could it be that Instructor Ai calculated... purposely let Azurill feel the pressure within the three consecutive battles as an opportunity to stimulate the potential for evolution!"

"Worthy of being Instructor Ai, how powerful and simply a model for us civilian trainers."

"Where is Instructor Ai's dog?"

"I am Instructor Ai's dog!" ×3

As surprised as they were, there were just as few people who praised Aisha.


Azurill's delicate voice also spread throughout the tournament grounds at this time.

Azurill, who was bathed in the bright light and felt her body sublimating, thought of a lot of things - the first time she and Aisha met under the moonlit night, Aisha's gentleness in putting on the soothing bell for her, Aisha's meticulous care for her when she was recuperating her body, and her prideful self's mistakes that she had made, but she still received Aisha's relieving care and support. Aisha's relieved encouragement.

Take a closer look at...

I was once wandering in the wild, but now I have got a shelter from the wind and rain.

This gentle beautiful boy has filled its memories...


Azurill's voice was tinted with a strange color.

A strong aura gradually followed its elongated, swollen body and filled the air between the radiant light.

The slender tail was lengthened a bit, the round sphere linked at the end expanded slightly, and the part that changed even more drastically was Azurill's body - the body that originally seemed like a sphere swelled to more than twice its original size in one gulp, and the tail that was originally no different in size from the body had now become a small thing in comparison. Its ears had also enlarged quite a bit, and a pair of short hands had even grown on top of its body, greatly changing its appearance.


The light shattered, and the azure body reappeared on the playing field.

"Azurill... No, Marill."

Having witnessed his beloved Pokémon completing its evolution, Aisha's emotions also rose considerably, commanding Azurill to use the brand new moves she had learned along with her evolution, saying, "Show the most core of your power as a Dragon Slaying Warrior, Play Rough, and end this battle!"


Marill confidently responded to Aisha's mass.

"Tauros, hurry up with Earthquake!"

Elli panicked and commanded Tauros to use his most powerful move to try to fight for his life.


Tauros' hooves had only lifted up high enough when an azure figure wrapped in pink light flashed to its front, smashing the brute's head with a single punch.


Tauros' cry broke into pieces.

"Tauros is unable to battle, Aisha and... Azurill win!"

With the referee's announcement, a moment of silence eerily fell above the field.

Until, Aisha walked above the field and hugged Marill.

"We are the champion!"

In the next moment, the applause thundered, and the warm and raging cheers like a mountainous tsunami rushed up to the clouds.