Kanto Region, I'm Coming


One morning, Aisha was within the living room with a distressed look on his face, but his hand movements didn't stop for a second as he quickly packed up his things.


Seeing Aisha getting up, Charmander, who had already risen early in the morning to work out his moves and body inside the small courtyard, also ended his morning training and scurried into the living room, stopping next to Aisha.

"Ah, Charmander..."


Aisha looked over at Charmander, and his expression of rawness startled the little lizard.

Charmander was a bit overwhelmed.

In the past few days, it had clearly discovered that its master's physical strength had been enhanced quite a bit for some reason, not only could it make quite a few difficult movements while Instructor a few of its own people to work out, it could even often live for several hours in a row without moving without any problems of physical burden.

Such a powerful master shouldn't be so distressed by anything.

What is happening now?

My invincible master is actually showing such a weak look...

"I'm going to start school."

Aisha spoke about what she was agonizing over.


Charmander said he understood.

Master doesn't like the start of school, I'm going to burn down his school...

With that thought, Charmander crossed his arms and straightened his chest, and as the flame at the end of his tail raced up into the air along with his surging heart, a stream of sparks erupted out of his nostrils and nearly burned the tablecloth.


Said the man.

Charmander headed for the door, his flaming tail wagging merrily as if he were a puppy.


If he burned down that school so that his master didn't need to go to school, he could definitely hold a position in his heart that trumped that asshole Marill!


Plan passes.


And then it was stopped before the gate by Rotom phone.

"Don't, calm down, Instructor Ai didn't mean it like that, don't you dare commit a crime!"

Anxious, Rotom phone gave Charmander some mental Instructor.

Hearing Rotom phone's words, Charmander gave up the idea of burning down the school only after thinking for a while.


Aisha, who happened to have packed up his things at this time, heard Rotom phone chanting his name and raised his head with a confused expression, looking towards it and Charmander.

"There's no need, Charmander."

Looking at the two favorites, Aisha thought that Charmander was under too much pressure during this period of time, so he immediately spoke out to comfort this little guy who had been a great help since he got his hands on it, saying: "The reason that Azurill evolved into Marill so quickly is because Marill's evolution condition is that the intimacy is up to standard, and besides, Marill doesn't have much of an increase in its racial value compared to Azurill, so the increase is really limited, not really much of an increase. The increase in strength is really limited, it's not really a powerful transformation, you don't need to feel the pressure of existence for that."

He also knew that Marill and Charmander were considered partners and happy enemies within their own team.

The two favorites had a very good relationship.

At the same time, they also regarded each other as their opponents and targets to chase.

In the past, Charmander had become the target of the weaker Azurill due to its solid foundation and luxurious configuration.

Now, after Marill had completed her evolution, although her hard power was still not able to completely override Charmander, this little water bear, however, by virtue of the experience of "evolution" and the credit of helping Aisha to obtain the title of "Rookie Competition", she had instantly However, this Charmander, by virtue of his "Evolution" experience and helping Aisha obtain the title of 'Rookie Tournament' Champion, he was able to overtake the Charmander in a flash...

Although the 'Rookie Tournament' wasn't a large-scale tournament that deserved to be praised.

The problem was that for these young and tender children, as long as they could gain honor for their masters, that would be enough to be praised...

Charmander was also a Pokémon that came from Green's subordinates, although he was not that competitive, there must still be a sense of pride lurking in his heart.

It naturally couldn't allow itself to contribute less than Marill for Aisha.

"Good boy."

Aisha squatted in front of Charmander, her palm stroking its shiny little head tenderly.

"Your strength is very good, and it's not too long before you evolve into a fire dinosaur."


Hearing Aisha's words, Charmander also looked towards him with a face of surprise, an expectant look piled up on top of its face, as if it was asking Aisha, "Really?".

"Really, how could I possibly lie to you?"

Aisha revealed his usual smile and spoke about Charmander's current situation, saying, "You're just lacking some battles with enough intensity right now.

"After that, when we head to the Kanto region to collect gym badges and participate in the League Conference, there will definitely be no shortage of strong enemies, and your probability of appearing will be quite a bit greater, so that the distance until you evolve into a Charmeleon... or even a Charizard isn't something far away."

Aisha did not deceive Charmander.

The truth was also true...

The foundation of the Charmander was no less than a shiny Beldum.

One of them had long received training from the former Kanto Champion, and the other had long received breeding from the former Hoenn Champion, and their ranks were actually no longer considered to be in the realm of Pokémon held by new trainers.

The cultivation resources and secret treasures that had been taken into their bodies had been transformed into energy that fed the development and growth of their bodies along with reasonable and appropriate exercise, accelerating the enhancement of their strengths and development of their potentials, and there were no hidden dangers left in their bodies.

Charmander was just one step away from evolving into Charmeleon.

Shiny Beldum was also one step away from evolving into a shiny Metang...

"I promise."

Aisha extended his finger and hooked the Charmander's paw.

"Before the Indigo Plateau Conference, you will definitely be able to evolve into an awesome Charizard under my nurturing!"


Hearing Aisha's promise, Charmander revealed a bright smile under his encouragement, and those regretful and lost looks from the party had already disappeared without a trace.


At this time, seemingly hearing Aisha and Charmander talking about the topic of evolution, shiny Beldum also flew out of the room as quickly as if it was a race car, and scurried in front of its owner.


A bright light flashed within shiny Beldum's bright red one-eye.


What evolution?

Charmander can evolve, when will I evolve?


When it came to the topic of evolution, shiny Beldum, which had always been elegant and calm, as if it was incredibly mature, also displayed a different kind of cheerfulness, circling around Aisha's body in a continuous circle.

It wasn't that it wasn't calm enough.

It was mainly because for a Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, evolution was too fatal a temptation.

Thinking of his mother - not sure if it was his father or his mother, anyway, the family of Beldum, Metang, and Metagross that didn't have a gender difference, so that's why shiny Beldum called Steven's Metagross as his mother - that one mighty Metagross was invincible under the command of the former Hoenn Champion and was invincible in the Hoenn region, shiny Beldum couldn't help but feel his heart pounding.

I want to be a shiny Metagross too!

"Take it easy, Beldum."

Aisha was dazzled by the cheerful shiny Beldum.

This little guy was already flying out of the stump.

"Hold your horses!"

With one hand, he forced shiny Beldum that was circling around him to stop, and Aisha also grabbed it with a helpless face, saying, "You and Charmander's situation are not quite the same."


It was well known that although the strength of Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon was exceptionally powerful, this power was limited to their final evolved forms whose racial values had arrived at a total of 600.

The initial and transitional forms of the Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon were not much different from other Pokémon.

There are even some aspects that may be slightly inferior to them...

Therefore, the Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon is not suitable as the initial Pokémon for new trainers - this is also a cliché, the first two forms of the Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, especially the initial form of the racial value is too low, Beldum this kind of Pokémon does not have a lot of means of fighting, for both the strength, theory and experience is also very low. This is undoubtedly a nightmare start for new trainers who have very little strength and experience.

In contrast, the most suitable Pokémon for new trainers to cultivate, at the end of the day, are those three royal family Pokémon that have three evolutionary forms, and each of them is not inferior to other Pokémon in the corresponding period of time, and is even better than them.

It's amazing.

The Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon is indeed a late-game god of war.

"It's a bit difficult for you to evolve into a Metagross."

Aisha ruthlessly told the reality first.

The development cycle of a Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon was simply too long, and even he couldn't nurture a Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon to evolve from its initial form to its final form so quickly - some methods of catalyzing ripening could indeed achieve these situations, however, those operations were undoubtedly a waste of the Pokémon's talent and potential, cutting off a great future in the future in exchange for some insignificant power at the moment, Aisha could not do that in any case.

His Pokémon, must grow up healthily, and everything must be done within the realm of safety.

Anything harmful to the body must be forbidden...

"However, before the Indigo Plateau Conference, you should be able to become a Metagross."


Shiny Beldum, who had been slightly lost just now, instantly raised its head again in surprise after hearing Aisha's words.


At this time, Caterpie poked its head out of its nest and stared at Charmander and shiny Beldum with an incomprehensible expression.


Why do kids like to evolve so much these days?

Obviously I don't even care about my own evolution...

Isn't it fun to act weak?


Shaking itshead, Caterpie, whose evolved form was Rayquaza, made a wave of Versailles.


Marill, on the other hand, said she didn't care.

Anyway, it had only evolved once a few days ago, so there was no hurry at all now.



Looking at each other, Caterpie and Marill revealed a soothing smile together.


At noon, Aisha, who was carrying a small bag, arrived at his university.


Aisha's grades were good.

After going through three years of high school's crazy internal scrolls that seemed as daunting as hell and tortured countless Dayan high school students, he managed to get into the nationally renowned Magic City University's Pokémon Breeding Department - the Pokémon subject was even more demanding in terms of scores, and it could be called the best of the best.

It belonged to the level where one could honor their ancestors.

The Magic City University is also worthy of being the Magic City University, whether it is the faculty strength, or that the construction of the school belongs to the top level of the Dayan region.

Nowadays, there were already quite a few freshmen gathered before the main gate.

Everyone was carrying their own initial Pokémon, and the types of Pokémon were even more diverse.

Some students with a good family environment can obtain the Three Royal Pokémon from various regions as their initial Pokémon. Within ten minutes, Aisha has seen at least 20 new Pokémon trainers carrying the highly popular Charmander, Piplup, and Torchic. 

The family environment is slightly inferior. Families that do not have a Three Royal Families to give their children a starter Pokémon are also equipped with Pokémon such as Shinx, Geodude, and Nidoran that can undergo three stages of evolution and have good racial values and learned moves. If these Pokémon are cultivated well, their head-on combat level will not be inferior to that of Three Royal Families.

Of course.

With good Initial Pokémon, there are naturally no shortage of poor Initial Pokémon...

There were also many students who carried House Bugs, House Mice, and House Birds as their Initial Pokémon.

However, after they stepped through the gates of Magic City University, their future was much wider.

In the future, if they showed enough talent and potential under the school's nurturing, a wave of salted fish would not be difficult.

The door of professional trainers had already opened its arms towards these freshmen who had stepped into the campus with the sunlight.

"What's going on with Summer?"

Aisha was slightly lost in his heart as he looked around, never seeing that familiar figure.

Without Summer, how was he supposed to take a vacation?


However, Aisha did find the problem when he thought carefully...

As an idol-level trainer, Summer needed special make-up to go out on weekdays, so how could she possibly meet with herself in front of the crowded university?


Aisha had a bit of a headache, and was ready to enter the campus first and look for his counselor.

He wasn't really in a hurry.

The main thing was that after standing in front of the school for some time by himself, it seemed that someone had already recognized him- at least, Aisha's body, after being strengthened, his perception ability had also increased quite a bit, and he had now felt some sight locking on top of his face.

I wonder if it's a schoolmate looking for a handsome guy?

Bah, what schoolmate is better than Elite Summer!

"Excuse me, are you Aisha?"

Suddenly, a girl in school uniform found Aisha.

"Ah, I'm Aisha, what's up?"

Aisha responded to her inquiry with a bit of confusion.

This girl, with a good appearance and figure, wearing a school uniform also indicated that she wasn't a freshman, she should be a sophomore or junior schoolmate.

"That's good, finally found you."

After confirming Aisha's identity, the girl revealed an expression of relief, looking towards Aisha with a look full of curiosity within her eyes and also a sense of amazement, saying, "You shouldn't have reported yet, but it's nothing, now I'll take you to a more important place, some of the leaders inside the school are waiting for you."


Aisha was a bit puzzled.

However, he immediately understood what his sister's words meant - he had made a lot of noise during this period of time, whether it was the Frying Fish 'Rookie Tournament', or with the live broadcast of the battles and the teaching videos on the internet, these were all the reasons why he had become so popular. These were all factors that were enough to make the officials of Magic City University notice themselves.

Originally, one thought that the attention of those leaders would come later on.

As a result, before one had even reported it, the people who led the way came...


Aisha was concise.

The senior sister then began to lead the way.

Almost ten minutes later, the two stood outside an office.

The senior sister knocked on the door, she and Aisha entered the office one after the other, Aisha also saw the people waiting for her - the Pokémon Battle Department professors from the first to the fourth year of Magic City University, their information was already on the internet so Aisha recognized these four professors whose youngest age was middle-aged at once, they were the four professors who were at the level of Pokémon Battle in Mordor University. They were probably the four people with the highest level of Pokémon Battle within the university.

Behind the four professors stood three students that Aisha didn't recognize, probably not powerful people.

"Forgive me for only introducing myself now."

At this time, the schoolmate leading the way apologized towards Aisha.

She walked behind the sophomore professor and said, "I'm the captain of the Magic City University school team, as well as the chief of the sophomore Pokémon Battle Department, Snow."


Aisha understood as soon as he heard it.

If this school sister was the Chief of the Grand Second Grade Pokémon Battle Department, then the other three guys that he didn't recognize were the Chiefs of the other three ages.

Four chiefs and four chiefs... What do they want?

"Ahem, Aisha-san, hello."

Seeing Aisha's confusion, Professor Bare, who thought that he had already grasped the freshman's mentality by virtue of his identity, also explained what they meant - probably some common courtesies paired with words that were either explicitly praising or implicitly belittling, and by the way, they said that they were preparing to recruit Aisha to have the privilege of joining the varsity team as a freshman, and that the varsity team could provide Aisha with the privilege of entering the varsity team as a freshman. After introducing the resources that the varsity team can provide for Aisha, he expressed his hope that he can concentrate on improving his own strength within the varsity team, and not to be blinded by the fame to the point of being stuck in the same old rut, and that if his performance is good enough, he can strive for a place to participate in the National University League for Aisha.

Assuming, of course, that Aisha was willing to switch to the Battle Department.


Aisha finished combing through the information with a bit of a headache.

"Aisha-san, with the resources of the varsity team, I believe that you can improve your strength by leaps and bounds within the campus."

"Hmm, very tempting indeed."

The four professors revealed a satisfied smile.

"However, I refuse."

The four professors' smiles froze above their faces, and by the way, the four chiefs who stood behind them as a backdrop also revealed unbelievable expressions.

The varsity spot of Magic City University was something that countless students had fought over their heads to grab, and even they had wasted some effort at one time.

Now, Aisha was actually choosing to refuse in the face of a quota that was almost a free gift?

What does he mean...

"I'm not going to do my studies at the school, because I feel that there's probably no one at the school who can teach me on top of this issue of Pokémon versus Pokémon." Aisha was very honest, especially remembering Blue who was urging him to travel to the Kanto region day in and day out, and spoke his thoughts directly, saying, "So that's why I'm going to take a long vacation and travel to the Kanto region to collect the eight badges and participate in the Indigo Plateau Conference... My friends are already waiting for me."


A silence fell within the office.

Aisha's thoughts were actually quite simple.

In the end, a teacher was only imparting some knowledge and theories to his students, and the most powerful trainers of Magic City University were none other than the four professors in front of him.

What was their sparring level?

Probably at the level of a normal gym leader.

In that case, there is no need to say anything...

They couldn't teach Aisha.

"Young people shouldn't be too angry." Aisha so bluntly expressed his disdain for the school, a professor also naturally opened his mouth with a bad face, saying: "Dayan region is full of tigers and hidden dragons, the participants of the 'Rookie Tournament' don't represent anything, the National University League is the real stage for college students, these two tournaments are not the same . The two tournaments are different."

"We don't know who your friend waiting for you in the Kanto region is, all in all, giving up the resources of the school in favor of becoming a traveling school trainer is not a proper behavior."


Aisha didn't retort.

"There shouldn't be any trainers of Misty and Iono's level within our squad."

The four professors were dumbfounded.

Even the four chiefs who had originally heard Aisha's arrogant to the extreme words and were furious also revealed an embarrassed expression, unable to say a word.

"Aye, indeed, this time it's us old guys who are leaning on the old."

Professor Wanton sighed with a bitter smile.

Being able to become professors of Magic City University, the four professors were naturally not petty people, and were not so angry as to blow their beards because of Aisha's words.

Furthermore, this time, on second thought it was indeed their problem.

Since the four of them colluded together to find Aisha, it means that they must have also carefully studied this teenager's information - this is the tactic that created the 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' and also generously released an instructional video for netizens to learn, completely crushing it. He had completely crushed at least two gym leaders.

This record was certainly not comparable to theirs.

Especially the Caterpie and Marill that Aisha used in the 'Rookiee Tournament' attracted the attention of the professor of the cultivation department.

With such excellent size and development, a Marill defeated a well-developed Tauros... in a tough battle of strength. What level should these two Pokémon be when they have completed their final evolution?

Especially since Aisha had originally enrolled in the Breeding Department.

Those professors had popped champagne two days ago.

When the four professors of the Battle Department said that they wanted to steal Aisha, they had a war of words, and in the end, it was the principal who said that he could let the four professors of the Battle Department ask Aisha what he wanted to do - after all, compared to the Breeders who live behind the scenes, young people nowadays would definitely prefer to become Pokémon that can show their strengths and glamor on the stage. After all, young people today definitely prefer to become trainers who can show off their strength on the stage, shining brightly.


They were then met with Aisha's unrelenting rejection.

"Student Aisha, we all know about your strength."

However, one of the professors was still a bit reluctant, saying, "Your workout style may be very different from normal students, and your strength is not at the same level."

"However, when facing some opponents, having a teacher around to analyze with you is still naturally a good choice."

"Right." Professor Bare echoed his words.

"Furthermore, as a university student, it would indeed still be too much of a pity for you to not participate in such an important tournament like the National University League, if anything."


Hearing those words, Aisha instead pondered squarely for a moment.

Indeed, with Rotom and him still preparing to win a house trophy earlier, Aisha did have a bit of interest in these tournaments with a not-so-low gold content.

"However, it seems that the national tournament can be entered if you add the varsity team." Aisha caught a problem and said, "The varsity team, however, doesn't have a rule that only students of the Battle Department can enter, anyway, I'm not studying at the school, so there shouldn't be any problem to hang a name inside the varsity team and then continue in the Breeding Department?"

"Indeed, there's no problem..."

"That's fine then, I'll come back for the tournaments when I need to participate in them, perfect."

Mainly because Aisha had enrolled in the Breeding Department in the beginning.

Now that she suddenly ran away, Aisha herself was a bit embarrassed.


With nothing else to do, the four professors still agreed to Aisha's idea.

"However, student Aisha, taking a long vacation requires the signature of a guardian, your parents..."

"His guardian is me~"

A professor was talking about taking a vacation when Summer suddenly poked her head out.

"Elite Summer!"

"I'm this child's guardian, I'll sign his leave of absence for him, are there any problems?"

When Summer arrived on the scene, all problems were solved.

Ten minutes later, the duo walked out of Magic City University.

"I dislike these professors the most, annoying, one or two have nothing to do all day long..."

"Well, indeed."

Aisha also had quite a headache.

Thanks to Summer.

Otherwise he must have been more or less in trouble today.


Aisha opened his arms to the sun, stretched his waist, and said, "After today is when the sky is high enough for the birds to fly and the sea is wide enough for the fish to leap!"

"You also shouldn't think about that National University League all day long, the gold content of that competition is not as good as the Quartz Conference, just take the Indigo Plateau Conference seriously."

Summer reminded Aisha a bit.


Aisha had a smile on his face, and his heart was filled with excitement that almost gushed out.

"Indigo Plateau Conference... Awesome!"

Kanto region, here I come!