A Wild Blue Appeared

Kanto Region, Viridian City.

It is a city that symbolizes the color of green and the love of nature.

Flowers of various colors bloom in every corner of the city throughout the year.

Viridian City is a city in the western part of the Kanto region.

It is surrounded by the Kanto region's Route 1, Route 2, and Route 22, and is surrounded by the verdant colors of nature throughout the year.

It is a must-see destination for nature lovers.

In the past ten years or so, two famous trainers have appeared in this city - Giovanni and Blue, who are the gym leaders of the Viridian City Gym.

Yes, Viridian City has its own gym.

That's why it can also firmly hold the position of one of the eight largest cities in the Kanto region.

Once upon a time, Team Rocket's Boss Giovanni was the gym leader of Viridian City.

As the core base of Team Rocket, Viridian City hosted the most terrifying criminal organization in the Kanto region's underworld for decades.

However, that Boss Giovanni may have stabilized his base, or perhaps out of a moment of conscience, Viridian City did not turn into a city full of evil under the ravages of Team Rocket.

On the contrary, the members of Team Rocket are very law-abiding within Viridian City, so that the city's law and order is very good, the frequency of crime is low enough to be considered a model for the region, and Ms. Junsa's attendance rate is also the lowest in the entire Kanto region.

Giovanni, as the gym leader of the "best city in the Kanto region", perfectly hid his true identity as the leader of Team Rocket...

Then, several talented trainers from Pallet Town came out of nowhere.

It coincided with a time when Team Rocket was becoming increasingly arrogant under Giovanni's leadership.

They fought with Team Rocket in all corners of the Kanto region, and in the end, the current Kanto Champion and the former Kanto Champion, carrying their friends, risked their lives to crush Giovanni's conspiracy in Saffron City, and by the way, revealed his identity in Viridian City, completely crushing the great emperor of darkness, who had been roaming across the underground worlds of the Kanto and Shingo regions for decades, and Team Rocket disbanded as a result.

After that, a second gym leader took office.

He was the former champion of the Kanto region, although it was said that he had not been in office for too long, his strength in one-handed Pokémon battles and Pokémon breeding was astonishing, perennially dominating the top ten of the trainer world rankings - Blue, with his horrifying strength, this man dominated and became the dojo master of the Viridian City, and with a single hand, he pulled up the average strength and gold content of a profession of gym leader.

The Kanto Region's gym challenge had thus entered the hellish difficulty...

However, Blue was ridiculously popular even though he was said to be a newcomer trainer killer.

The name of the former Kanto Champion and current Viridian Gym Leader already said it all.

Moreover, probably due to the professional habits of the breeder profession, Blue was very happy to teach some talented trainers with their Pokémon.

Many new trainers were able to walk on the right path and avoid many detours under his guidance.

Blue himself laughed off the praise from the outside world and didn't care much about it...

However, Blue's own character is actually a proud and unwilling to make friends and contact with people.

Although he was very enthusiastic when facing the townspeople and gym challengers, he wasn't the kind of person who would run around looking for trouble, so except for the Viridian Gym's Gym Challenge Tournament, even the local residents of Viridian City couldn't see his figure - that didn't mean that he was just an irresponsible person. Blue was just an irresponsible shirker.

As a matter of fact, Blue shouldered a very heavy responsibility as the head of a city's gym.

He was already like the mayor of the city.

Other gym leaders were the same, even Giovanni, who was the leader of Team Rocket, was constantly working to develop the city's economy while he was the gym leader of Viridian City...

Nowadays, Viridian City was already an undoubtedly cosmopolitan city.

Every aspect of the facilities were also configured to the point of being complete.

Not only stations and airports, Pokémon centers and department stores and other necessary buildings, but also flight paths and flying Pokémon landing sites that allow Pokémon trainers to legally fly their Pokémon within the city have also been established in a number of places - some big cities will be equipped with similar places. After all, if Pokémon trainers are allowed to fly unscrupulously within the city, the possibility of causing traffic accidents is simply ridiculously high. However, it cannot completely curb the right to train domestic flying Pokémon to travel. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the alliance specially planned and built flight passages and take-off and landing places.

At least, there were no more drunken old men lying on the streets of Viridian City to stop others - even though, this was an old man who was very enthusiastic about teaching new trainers how to catch Pokémon.

Blue had become the hero of this city.

Today, this hero actually made an unprecedented appearance within the parlor of an airport, as if he was waiting for someone.

"...Well, it's two o'clock."

Looking at his watch, Blue was calculating the time.

Today was the day Aisha had arrived in the Kanto region.

Since there was no airport in Pallet Town, so to speak, he chose Viridian City, which was the closest to Pallet Town, as a place to land, and by the way, he shared the flight that he was traveling on to Blue.

Green took a look and saw that Aisha had finally arrived, and he pulled Red and danced around with him for two hours.

After that, he ignored the risk of being surrounded by fanatical fans, and drove all the way to Viridian City's airport, ready to personally welcome this dear friend with whom he had been chatting with on the internet - well, no matter what Aisha himself thought, Blue had already recognized Aisha as his confidant anyway.

"Ai-kun's flight arrival time is 2:30, almost..."

Confirming the time, Blue, whose heart was filled with anticipation, also rested his hand on his pillow and leaned on top of the chair in the meeting room.


Blue glanced outside the meeting room, a distressed expression piling up on top of his handsome face.

Because of his appearance, quite a few unrelated people had already appeared within the airport.

Although these people had stayed away from the meeting room under the arrangement of the security guards, they still lingered in the vicinity of the airport, and if Blue hadn't stepped in to say something earlier, it might have caused traffic jams on some of the nearby streets.

"Aisha-kun was originally so low-key, he shouldn't have had a similar experience..."

Blue thought of Aisha again.

Although it was said that those powerful trainers of theirs more or less had some fans, however, he was very clear that Aisha, although very powerful, but before this period of time did not compete for any fame and fortune, even if this period of time in the network on top of a group of popularity harvest, time is after all too short, not necessarily can adapt to this type of problem.

If it was said that once Aisha got off the airplane today, he saw that he had recruited so many idle star chasing idlers, would he lower his impression of himself?


Thinking of this possibility, Blue immediately revealed a headache expression.

He didn't want to leave a bad impression on this dear friend on their first meeting.

"But... There shouldn't be any problem?"

After agonizing for a while, Blue thought for a second and realized that there was no need for him to worry about this.

Aisha was a gentle and understanding person in his heart.

Although this teenager was not very old, his awareness had already reached a height that he could not hope to reach - selflessly, he could broadcast his battles and field workouts to the viewers to increase their knowledge and experience, and his carefully researched tactics were also made into a professional instructional video, which was released on the internet without any threshold for people to learn, making people respect and learn from him. The fact that you can learn from them without any threshold is admirable.

So Aisha must not blame himself for his mistake...

"Great, this guy."

Blue sighed at the beauty of Aisha's character.

Time then passed so quietly.

About half an hour later, a wave of travelers passed through the terminal along with the landing of the plane.

The people who had stayed in the meeting room waiting for their friends and family also greeted the direction of the crowd, holding up signs to identify the people they wanted to pick up.


Realizing that Aisha had arrived at the station, Blue also stood up straight with an open mind, his sharp eyes casting a sharp line of sight as he scanned the travelers swarming in.

Two minutes later, he broke into a delighted smile.

"Found it."

Blue had only spoken the words when a dark-haired teenager with a backpack stepped out of the swarming crowd.

He was wearing a costume specially tailored for the wilderness-exploring profession of a trainer, a mask and sunglasses - however, Blue instantly identified this teenager as the one he was waiting for through his slender yet powerful body and out-of-the-ordinary aura.

At this time, the dark-haired teen took off his sunglasses and looked around as if searching for someone.

"Ai-kun, I'm here!"

Blue, however, was already welcoming his direction.

This black-haired teenager was also naturally Aisha.

Hearing Blue calling out his name, Aisha also looked towards this Viridian City Gym Leader and instantly recognized this handsome man with a very conspicuous look.

"Gym Leader Blue, I'm troubling you to make a trip."

Aisha also removed his mask and warmly shook Blue's hand.

The two of them tacitly sized each other up.

"Hiss... As expected, Blue's look is more on the side of the game and the special manga, although the rich second generation aura is still overflowing, his personality and demeanor has matured quite a bit."

With regards to Blue, Aisha was actually very favorable.

On the one hand, in his previous life, he had already cultivated a favorable impression of Blue after he played as Red within the game and had abused him at least dozens of times.

On the one hand, within reality, Blue gave himself enough trust and friendship, although he never met, he made himself a friend, and even when he learned that he was struggling with Pokémon acceptance, he was very generous and entrusted Charmander, who had an outstanding talent and good nature, to himself for cultivation, and now he even made a trip to pick up the plane, so there is nothing better than a good friend.


Suddenly, Aisha looked behind Blue.

"Worthy of being a rich second generation, going out to pick someone up and having a legion of fans trailing behind..."

Blue also came to some conclusions about Aisha's ogling.

"Worthy of being Instructor Ai.

"Looks like under the slender body actually hides a terrifying strength, this degree, I'm afraid is already close to that guy Bruno, and on top of that actually maintain such a well-proportioned and introverted body, really is terrifying. As expected of someone who can live broadcast outdoor exercises unscrupulously with just a Caterpie in the wild. There is indeed some credibility to the statement that trainers in Dayan practices physical fitness..

"This temperament is something that can only be possessed by those who have experienced really big battles, although I don't know what he has experienced in the past, but he must have fought against some particularly horrifying enemies and probably won.

"The real person is even more handsome than inside the video and live broadcast, I Blue would like to call you the most handsome, but I'm not much worse... Hmm."

Appraisal complete.

Aisha and Blue withdrew their measuring gazes together and shook each other's arms more enthusiastically.

A good friend, a good opponent - this was the appraisal they gave each other.

"The traveling must have been hard, Ai-kun."

"No, the short journey was rather refreshing, mainly because the destination is great, and it's flattering that Gym Leader Blue is still willing to wait for me here."

Blue and Aisha exchanged a wave of courtesy.

"Hey, it's mainly because my grandfather, that old codger, doesn't like the presence of some modern facilities in Pallet Town." Blue decisively sold Professor Oak in order to bring some of his relationship with Aisha closer, saying, "He said that Pallet Town is a city that symbolizes pure whiteness, and shouldn't be contaminated under the advancement of technology, and as a result, it led to the fact that there's no airport in Pallet Town, and Aisha could only land in Viridian City."

"No, Professor Oak's idea is very good."

Aisha, however, responded seriously to Blue's words.

"Professor Oak's contribution to Pokémon Trainers and this world is simply immeasurable, and Pallet Town may have an even greater significance to him, so that's why I very much agree with his idea."

For Professor Oak, Aisha had great respect.

Not only because this old man was the guide who introduced him to the colorful world of Pokémon in his previous life, but also because his research on Pokémon had indeed laid the foundation for the existence of the profession of Pokémon trainer, and was a great contributor to this world.


Blue froze for a moment.

He didn't treat Aisha as an outsider, so he said that he habitually undermined his family's old man.

In fact, although Blue was a bit resentful of the behavior of the onlookers comparing themselves to the old master, in his heart, he had immense respect for Professor Oak.

Now, after seeing Aisha defend Professor Oak, even going so far as to contradict his own words as the former Kanto Champion, Blue's favorability towards him went straight up a whole lot.

Worthy of being Instructor Ai.

This friend was made right!


Blue's smile became even more enthusiastic as he raised his hand and put it on Aisha's shoulder in one go.

The duo walked towards the airport's special passageway.

"Ai-kun, it's still early, it's not convenient for us to continue talking in this place, why don't we head to the Viridian Gym now to get ready, and after that, we'll head to Pallet Town." Blue managed to find a way to turn Aisha towards the inside of his dojo, saying, "That Red guy and my grandfather are waiting for us in Pallet Town, and Ai-kun, you're probably dying to meet them as well."


Aisha didn't deny Blue's statement either.

He did want to visit Pallet Town, the place where his dream began, and that Professor Oak's Institute, which he himself had picked up a number of times inside the game as Red, to get to know that legendary Kanto Champion - Red and countless Pokémon fans' guide - Professor Oak.

"By the way, we can use this time to spar within the gym."

Suddenly, Blue spoke of danger.

"It just so happens that Ai-kun is also collecting badges to participate in the Indigo Plateau Conference, so I'll give you the Earth badge today!"


Aisha was shocked and denied Blue's suggestion.


Blue was flabbergasted, wondering what was wrong with Aisha - he had clearly been looking forward to this sparring match for a long time.


At this moment, Aisha's CPU nearly burned as the Big Bang flashed inside his head.

"Blue, I've been longing for the world-famous eight gyms in the Kanto region for a long time, so that's why I said that this time, I've especially picked the Indigo Plateau Conference as the goal of my trip." Aisha stabilized his heart, which was trembling at Blue's phrase "battle", and earnestly stated his reason, saying, "This time, I only brought some newborn Pokémon with me, and I'm going to seriously practice on this stage in the Kanto region, and cultivate their strengths a little bit. "


Blue seemed to understand.

"Your Viridian Gym is the place I care about the most, it's like the most delicious dish on top of a big feast, so that's why I'm going to save it for the end to enjoy."

Aisha revealed a smile and said, "After I finish challenging the seven gyms, it will be up to you, Blue-kun, to test whether or not I have the qualifications to participate in the Indigo Plateau Conference!"


Blue was silent for a moment, and as if he felt an unexpected surprise, he let out an unrestrained laugh.

"Since that's the case, I'll also train a brand new team from now on, and wait for Ai-kun, after you've collected the seven badges, we'll test our cultivation level together at the Viridian Gym!"


Aisha heard Blue's words and quickly agreed with him.

Now heading to the Viridian Gym to fight Blue, the Pokémon he used must be the main force... he would surely die.

However, if the Pokémon that were said to be fighting against him turned out to be a new team that had been bred for a much different period of time, one's chances of winning would be much greater.

"It's a deal!"

However, after such a short time, he was confident that he would be able to cultivate a molded team...

Worthy of being 'People of Breeder'.