Pallet Town, Where Dreams Begin

Kanto region, Pallet Town.

True newness is the pure white color that symbolizes departure, a color that is not contaminated by any color.

It is a fresh and quiet town, small but beautiful place.

Pallet town is the place where dreams begin.

At the same time, it was also the place where countless Pokémon fans started their journey.

Starting from a new trainer, they followed the guidance of their dreams and received one of Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pikachu and Eevee from Oak Research Institute as their first companion, and hand in hand, they walked out of the gates of Pallet Town together, and step by step, they walked onto the wider and more wonderful stage, and finally became the real Pokémon Masters, and stood at the top of the world to fulfill the dream of a long-lasting dream. dream that had haunted me for a long time.

Of course, even in this world, Pallet Town was just as legendary a town.

Within the past ten years or so, batch after batch of Elite Trainers had embarked on their own journeys from this town, creating countless wonderful stories.

The existence of these elite trainers had led to the unique significance of Pallet Town, a town that was not so technologically advanced in the Kanto region.

Within these elite trainers, the most well-known are naturally the former Kanto Champion, Blue, and the current Kanto Champion, Red.

In addition, the most famous doctor, Samual oak, is also the face of this town.

Together, they hold up the facade of Pallet Town.

Of course, at the end of the day, Pallet Town was still a small town, not some technologically advanced and advanced big city.

Although it wasn't that backward, it still couldn't be equipped with a large, advanced place like an airport.

Aisha had suffered this loss.

The main reason was that he did not have any Pokémon that could carry a person in flight, except for the Caterpie's short transformation and evolution of Rayquaza, so he was unable to land in the flying Pokémon's landing site in Pallet Town.

Now that there was nothing critical, it was also naturally impossible for him to ride Rayquaza all day long.

So Aisha fell into Blue's territory...

It's amazing.

Returning to the main topic.

In addition to its small size, Pallet Town still maintains the appearance of an pastoral town as much as possible, pure and beautiful, without arranging many modern facilities under the coordination and suggestions of Professor Oak and many residents. The pastoral scenery forms a beautiful and unique landscape in the Kanto region.

Together with the many kinds of Pokémon within the Oak Research Institute, the natural scenery and magical creatures intertwined into an incomparably beautiful picture scroll.

Professor Oak's research institute was located in the southeast of Pallet Town.

Although it was a research institute, Oak Research Institute was much more than just a "research institute".

The backyard of Oak Research Institute was linked to an endless wilderness, covering an unimaginably large area that stretched almost a thousand miles away, and at the same time, it also had all types of terrain, and the originally excellent natural environment, under Professor Oak's intentional guidance, had combined the ingenuity of nature and the efforts of man, presenting a magnificent and spectacular scene.

Whether it is ponds, rivers and lakes suitable for water-type Pokémon to survive; or sand and volcanoes loved by ground and fire-type Pokémon; grasslands and forests for grass-type Pokémon to thrive; and even snow mountains and glaciers necessary for ice-type Pokémon, they all exist in this "backyard".

The types of Pokémon that live here have naturally reached an astonishing number.

It was a complete Pokémon ecosystem.

This institute was also known as the holy land of trainers.

For no other reason than that several powerful trainers from Pallet Town had given their Pokémon to Professor Oak to look after for them.

Professor Oak then placed those incredibly powerful Pokémon in his backyard.

After day after day of training, those Pokémon that originally had no trainers were gradually influenced by the main Pokémon of these powerful trainers.

So this backyard is really a paradise for the elite Pokémon...


A handsome-faced young man hung a cold expression as he stood before the backyard of the Oak Research Institute, quietly gazing at the distant sky.

"Blue, it's too slow..."

A flash of dissatisfaction and helplessness flared within the youth's crimson eyes, complaining about his dear friend's procrastination.

His name was Red, the current Kanto Champion, and nowadays recognized by trainers all over the world as the trainer with the most powerful strength and the most impressive level of Pokémon combat.

Countless people considered him to be a man who was born to fight.

Fighting seems to be his natural instinct.

The name "Man of Battle" was also born.

This was the most powerful praise for his terrifying strength.

"Aisha... I wonder how powerful this person is?"

Red's eyes gazed at the white clouds in the sky- he had also received a message from Aisha's Line, knowing that the master tactician would be arriving in the Kanto region today.

He also prepared to pick up Aisha.

As a result, Blue used "you probably won't leave a good impression with your appearance. I have to be picked up at the airport by Mr. Blue, who has both high IQ and EQ." as an excuse to "tactfully" reject Red's idea of picking Ai Xia off the plane in Viridian City.

There is no denying that Blue's mouth is not very clean, but his reasoning convinced Professor Oak.

Professor Oak helped Blue to persuade Red.

With nothing else to do, Red could only choose to stay at the Oak Research Institute and wait for Blue to pick up Aisha with him.

As a result, Blue had already been there for a few hours, and now he still couldn't see him or Aisha...

Blue shouldn't be battling Aisha behind his back, right?


Red felt it was quite possible.

Blue wasn't that far behind Red in terms of fighting mania, so he might actually be able to do something like dragging Aisha to Viridian City Gym as soon as he got off the plane - because if it was Red who was picking up the plane, he would have gone behind Blue's back to fight Aisha at the gym in advance as well.

"Damn it!"

Red had a bit of a headache.

However, there was nothing to do but wait a lot.

The more he waited, the more Red looked forward to it.

Mainly because, after Lance, who had supported the Hoenn region some time ago, returned to the Johto League, he had nothing to do day in and day out and ran over to their side to visit them, and when they chatted, they naturally chatted about Aisha's matters - of course, it was mainly because after Lance mentioned Aisha's name, Blue, who was curious about him, deliberately asked Lance about him, and in the end, they got some of the answers they needed.

They had learned from Lance that Aisha had traveled to Hoenn region to support the Hoenn League in their fight against Groudon and Kyogre.

But Aisha wasn't from the Dayan League.

Without an official background, he chose to follow Summer, the leader of the Dayan's Elite Four, on a support mission, and served as an important combatant and commander within the battle.

At that moment, Lance didn't carefully explain the process of the battle, but only said that Aisha played an indispensable role within the battle.

"If it wasn't for Aisha, we probably wouldn't have been able to win against Groudon and Kyogre."

At that time, Lance spoke this sentence with unparalleled seriousness.

Red and Blue knew this old rival's temperament very well - even though he treasured some pseudo-dragons day in and day out - and knew that it was impossible for him to make jokes on these crucial topics.

Because of this, Red and Blue felt alarmed...

In other words, Aisha's existence was the key to the victory.

It meant that his role in the battle against Groudon and Kyogre in the League surpassed that of the three champions, Lance, Steven, and Wallace, and Summer, an Elite Four trainer whose strength was infinitely close to that of the champions, and became the MVP?

Then, what level is Aisha himself...

Champion level trainer?

Coincidentally, so are we.

Red and Blue, who had been pleasantly surprised by Aisha's strength, tried to continue to press Lance for some crucial information.

Lance, however, made an official remark at this time.

He smiled and said, "This is an important secret. No one can inquire about it casually." If you are really curious, you can ask Aisha directly. Anyway, as Aisha's best friend, you must closely protect this young man's information and information. The information will not be known by some people with ulterior motives.

Then he was beaten by Red and Blue for three days in a row, losing many battles.

But until the end, Lance didn't say a word when his Dragon Legion was wiped out by Red and Blue, showing off his true character as a tough guy.

Worthy of being the righteous Lance...

At that time, Blue also joked that Aisha was a trainer in the Dayan region, and even if he was protecting him, it was Elite Summer who was protecting him. Why are you, a Johto champion, doing nothing to join in the fun?

Lance did not answer.

Just after hearing Summer's name, this righteous Imperial Dragon Envoy revealed a sharp look.

Blue: "?"

Red: "..."

However, Red and Blue had enough sense of proportion.

Even though they were incredibly curious about Aisha, they knew that it was bad behavior to casually explore a trainer without permission.

So after torturing Lance a little bit, the two of them called it quits.

On the contrary, after being beaten, Lance took the initiative to say that after Aisha was ready to travel to the Kanto region... Inexplicably a bit of a jitterbug.

Red and Blue were energized at the sound of it.

There is a road to heaven but if you don't take it, there is no door to hell... Hey, it's such a joy to have friends coming from afar.

Aisha had come, so they would greet him as hosts for a bit, and at that time, the duo would be able to pester Aisha for some sparring.


"Redd, why are you here?"

At this time, a kind voice interrupted Red's fantasy.


Red turned around and saw an old man with white hair and wrinkles on top of his forehead and face, standing behind himself in a white lab coat.

"Professor Oak, I'm waiting for Blue and Aisha-kun."


Professor Oak showed an interested expression.

"I heard that Blue entrusted Charmander to that Aisha, right?"


Red honestly answered Professor Oak's words, saying, "Blue said that Aisha-kun's level in Pokémon breeding is not inferior to his at all, and in addition, I also have the feeling that Aisha-kun's Pokémon breeding is very good, and that almost every single one of them has been bred to the level of overdevelopment, which is very impressive."

"To be able to have both of you give such high evaluations, it seems that this Aisha is indeed a genius among men."

Professor Oak revealed a bright smile.

"It can be, I also want to see how powerful this Aisha is."

"I'm sure he won't let you down, Professor Oak..."

At this exact moment, a dragon roar reached the ears of Red and Professor Oak.



Professor Oak looked towards the distant sky with a look of surprise.

Although Red remained silent as always, the smile at the corner of his mouth, however, revealed his true thoughts.

"Is this Blue's Charizard?"

"Hmm, they're here..."

In the distant sky, a red firelight loomed behind the white clouds.

"Ai-kun, we're here!"

Blue, who was riding a Charizard soaring above the sky, shouted so towards Aisha.


Aisha stood on top of the spine of a Pidgeot, leisurely responding to Blue's words - this was Blue's Pidgeot, lent to Aisha as a means of transportation to catch up.

"Ha, this is Pallet Town."

Serving an idyllic farming town above the ground, Aisha, who had everything in front of his eyes, also felt refreshed.

The feeling of flying is really good...

Aisha greatly enjoyed the flavor of riding the wind.

The feeling of being free from gravity and freely riding a Pokémon in the vast and blue sky was simply great.

He thought back to the time when he was battling Groudon, when he had rushed up to the top of the sky on a breath of air while riding rayquaza.


Aisha couldn't help but empty his thoughts.

At that time, he felt an extraordinarily peculiar taste while sitting at the top of Rayquaza.

That feeling that seemed to originate from within turned into a terrifying power, and along with the 'Dragon Ascend' from the sky, it crushed the god of earth as if it were a breakthrough.

Since then, Aisha had fallen in love with the feeling of flying.

If he could get even closer to the sky at a more extreme level, or even go beyond the sky's limits, he and Rayquaza could definitely become even more powerful existences.

"In the future, I will definitely train a Pokémon that can fly..."

Aisha looked towards Blue - to be precise it should be Blue's Charizard.

This Charizard was Blue's trump card, cultivated beyond excellence.

Aisha visually estimated that this Charizard's height had exceeded three meters, undoubtedly a behemoth, and after spreading its wings, it was even more domineering.

No boy could refuse such a domineering and majestic Charizard.

Aisha was the same.

"Ai-kun... That's awesome."

While Aisha was sizing up Blue's Charizard, Blue was also paying attention to Aisha.

Blue knew what speed his Pidgeot was.

Once the Big Bird was on fire, at full speed, even the most advanced airplanes couldn't catch up with it.

As a result...

Aisha just so hands around the chest stood on top of the back of the big bird, without any protection to accept the wind blowing, looks like a thin body from the beginning to the end is also towering immovable, completely ignored the hundred meters above the piercing cold wind and the big bird full-speed flight generated by the power, so insisted on twenty minutes also do not see declining trend.

"Too strong..."

Blue secretly smacked his lips.

He felt that Aisha could smash himself to death with one punch.

By the way, Blue was kind of looking forward to Aisha's match with Bruno - a hand-to-hand battle between two physical trainers might be very exciting.

"Introduce the two of them to each other some day."

Blue glanced down again.

"Ai-kun, my grandfather's research institute is just up ahead, and over there is the Flying Pokémon Landing Ground, so we'll just land over here!"

Blue loudly told Aisha something about landing.


Aisha also looked towards Oak Research Institute with eyes full of color - flying all the way here, Aisha saw quite a few rare and peculiar terrains inside Professor Oak's backyard, undoubtedly Pokémon ecosystems artificially created by Professor Oak in order to cultivate Pokémon.

"Professor Oak and Red..."

Aisha looked forward to meeting up afterwards.



After seeing Blue's gesture, Charizard and Pidgeot made a dive to Oak Research Institute in one go, and finally landed on top of the landing site next to the institute.


Aisha jumped off the spine of Pidgeot.

"Thanks a lot."

Stroking Pidgeot's feathers, Aisha thanked towards Pidgeot while sighing at the nice feel.


Accepting Aisha's touch, the Big Bird also happily rubbed Aisha's neck.


Next to him, Blue had a question mark on his head.

He clearly remembered that his Pidgeot was a high and cold type, how did it become like this in front of Aisha?


At this time, a voice called out to Blue.

Blue twisted his head to see that it turned out to be the long-awaited Professor Oak and the silent Red who had walked into the landing site to specifically greet him and Aisha.

Seeing his old man, who was drunk on research, suddenly breaking the rules to welcome himself home today, Blue was moved to reveal a joyful and despondent smile and greeted Professor Oak.


"Aiya, Aisha-kun really is a sight to behold."

Professor Oak ignored the touched Blue and walked straight towards Aisha.


"Aye, the old man heard that Aisha-kun's Pokémon breeding is very good, there is even a giant Caterpie, the old man really has never seen such a powerful Caterpie in his life, I don't know if Aisha-kun can give the old man a look..."

"Ah, this..."

Aisha threw a look of help towards Blue.

Blue, however, had already closed himself off in a corner.

Aisha looked at Red again.


Red was looking at Blue who had closed himself off, and while silent, a hint of satisfaction was mixed within his eyes.


Aisha wailed so in his heart - how come Red was still a bit black-hearted?

  1. the Chinese name for Pallet Town translates to 'True New Town'