Professor Oak's Surprise


Facing such a sudden enthusiasm from Professor Oak, Aisha was also a bit overwhelmed.

For one thing, Aisha was on a pilgrimage along with Blue to the Oak Research Institute.

After all, Professor Oak, as the guide within the anime who guided the protagonist, Red, on his journey to become a Pokémon Master, as well as being the one who guided the Pokémon players who loved Pokémon games from the very beginning of the first, second, and third generation games, had a greater significance to Aisha than Red, a person who had played the role of a Pokémon Master many times.

Within his impression, the image of this old man has always been very uniform.

In the anime, the special manga, and the game, Professor Oak was portrayed as a very kind, amiable, generous and humorous old man.

He is different from some old-fashioned old men, he is very easy-going and doesn't like to put on airs, which is the type that young people like.

Of course, for young people, Professor Oak also always maintains a kind and forgiving.

If the young people made any mistakes, Professor Oak could definitely forgive them with kindness and tolerance, and then also guide them to correct their problems.

However, Aisha had forgotten one thing.

Professor Oak was the most authoritative, influential, and well-known titan in the Pokémon academic world.

There might be people above this world who didn't know what the Champion or the Elite Four were.

But they must know Professor Oak.

Professor Oak's influence today was entirely due to his attitude towards Pokémon research.

This old man in the study of Pokémon, no matter what time of the day and always maintain a research and calm mentality, all the information also strive to be true and stable, in order to obtain enough real information, he can even drag an old bone, a lonely person alone to go to the dangerous wild areas, risking the risk of being attacked by the wild Pokémon, recording their information and habits, day after day, year after year. He was a man of the past.

He believes that this is the only way to get the most authentic and effective information.

Professor Oak is a leading Pokémon scholar, and no one can doubt that his name is not true.

At the same time, Professor Oak is also a warm-hearted elder in his daily life.

His gentle and generous character not only supported Professor Oak to become a senior loved by the younger generation, but also gave Professor Oak a very thick skin...

At least, Aisha found out after carefully recalling that Professor Oak had begged the trainer of the other party to ask "Can I study your Pokémon" quite a few times within the anime because he was interested in the other party's Pokémon.

This time, Professor Oak's claws reached out to... his own Pokémon.

"Aisha-kun is worthy of being the person that Blue and Red have been chanting about day in and day out, he really is a talented person, the old man feels that your cultivation of Pokémon must be very powerful as well, if it's convenient to say so, why don't you give the old man a glimpse of your Pokémon."


Figuring out exactly where Professor Oak's enthusiasm came from, Aisha was a little bit in tears for a moment.

Originally, he was worried that his conversation with Professor Oak would be a bit awkward.

After all, he had only arrived at the Oak Research Institute by virtue of Blue and Red's relationship.

However, now there was no need to worry...

Professor Oak was much more approachable than the image he had expected - his own arm was almost broken by Professor Oak, this old man was worthy of being the man who had once obtained the Kanto Championship within the plot of the special manga, and he was still a fierce man even at half a hundred years of age.

"Okay, Professor, I'll let you research..."

Finally, facing Professor Oak's request, Aisha somewhat amusedly revealed a helpless smile, as if teasing an old coot, and raised his own hands in a gesture of surrender.


Professor Oak sniffed and grabbed Aisha's shoulders at once, excitedly inquiring if Aisha was deceiving himself.


Aisha's head hurt from Professor Oak's shake and helplessly responded to his inquiry.


Under the joy, Professor Oak magnificently ignored Blue, who was beside him in self-imposed isolation, and Red, who was silent, and pulled Aisha, directly running in the direction of the Oak Research Institute.

"This place is not the place to talk, let's head towards the institute!"

"Ah, well..."

Aisha threw an apologetic look at Red before being dragged by Professor Oak and running towards the institute.


The silent Red responded to Aisha with a reassuring look, after which he gazed the autistic Bluewith a smile, his eyes full of gloating.


Blue watched as Aisha had been picked up and dragged towards the institute by Professor Oak, looking a bit bewildered at the clean sky, not knowing what to do.

"Aisha's been snatched."

Red prompted Blue so sweetly.

"I know..."

Blueresponded to his words with a sad face, raising his head and staring at the sky while speaking.

If you don't bow your head, the tears won't flow.

"Red, I'm a little sad."

He spoke so to Red about his thoughts.


Red responded to his words cooperatively, and after that, twisted his head and left.


Blue was dumbfounded, as if he had been betrayed, and looked at his best friend and rival who didn't care in the slightest about his thoughts and feelings.

"I'm also very interested in the Pokémon that Aisha-kun breeds."

Red explained his thoughts, saying, "So that's why only this time, I strongly agree with the Professor's idea.


After thinking for a while, Red added, saying, "This is the type of thing that you have to learn to get used to before you can do it, Aisha is really still a good kid, unlike you..."

After saying that, Red ran in the direction of the Oak Research Institute, as if he was anxious to see Aisha's Pokémon.


Blue gazed at Red's back with two lifeless eyes - the sinister Kanto champion dealt a critical blow to the former Kanto champion who had been in office for three minutes.

It was too painful.

Within a short minute, Blue, who had been betrayed twice miserably, stood at a loss for words, a mask of pain emerging above his handsome face.


Blue did not know what to say to be good.

So said the three-minute champion who directly turned his grief into motivation and chased after Red with great strides.

"Red, run slower for me, the first person to look at Ai-kun's Pokémon should be me!"

After all... He was also a bit interested in Aisha's Pokémon.

Hmm, that's fragrant!


Oak Research Institute.


Professor Oak looked at Aisha's Caterpie with both wide eyes.


Caterpie was a bit confused and overwhelmed as it gazed at the extraordinarily strange old man in front of it, wondering what he was up to.

"This size is simply rare... No, it's simply unique to a degree!"

Professor Oak, who was wearing a white lab coat, kept hovering over the Caterpie's side, and his eyes, which weren't the slightest bit cloudy but instead unexpectedly clear under years of research, also scanned every inch of the Caterpie's body, analyzing quite a bit of information quickly and accurately.

"Aisha, your Caterpie is fully capable of becoming the king of this race, it is the King of Caterpie!"

A moment later, Professor Oak gave a thumbs up towards Aisha.


Caterpie rolled its eyes from the side.

It wasn't interested in becoming the King of Caterpie.

Becoming the King of Rayquaza was its goal!

The King of Caterpie was too lame...

"Normal Caterpie may not reach half the size of your Caterpie in their lifetime without the deliberate guidance of artificial cultivation." Professor Oak's fingers rubbed his chin and spoke out his understanding, saying, "Furthermore, even if a Pokémon of the Caterpie's type has been artificially bred to appear huge, its racial value is still the core and important issue, as its strength cannot support its huge size, the huge Caterpie is usually just a flowery figure, and is a flying type Pokémon's living prey when placed in the wild.


Dragging out a long tone, Professor Oak looked at Aisha's Caterpie with two eyes again.

"Your Caterpie not only possesses a huge body, but at the same time it also possesses exceptionally terrifying strength.

"After my visual inspection, this Caterpie has even surpassed some Fighting type Pokémon in terms of pure brute strength, which is something that is impossible for a Pokémon of Caterpie's class to achieve in any case." Professor Oak was worthy of being an authority in the Pokémon academia, and in a matter of three clicks, he saw some problems with Caterpie, saying, "Because the usual Caterpie has already evolved into a Butterfree by this time, Aisha's Caterpie has maintained its Caterpie form, and I think that this Caterpie may have broken free of its racial values, and has begun to take a whole new unknown direction."


Hearing Professor Oak's words, Red also looked at Aisha rather startled.


Blue also had a similar reaction.

After all, originally, there had been research about the Caterpie that had been capped under Professor Oak's guidance - the evolutionary routes of the Caterpie, Metapod, and Butterfree had also been information that had been recognized all over the world.

Today, Aisha, however, has discovered a brand new evolutionary route belonging to the Caterpie by his own power... How could this level of discovery and cultivation not surprise anyone?

"Aisha-kun is truly an awesome trainer."

A dense and hot battle intent burned within Red's eyes.

"I really made the right choice by giving Charmander to Aisha to nurture."

Blue felt immensely grateful for his choice.


Professor Oak was silent but incredibly expectant as he waited for Aisha's response.


Aisha was silent for a moment, agreeing with Professor Oak's thoughts.

"My Caterpie has indeed embarked on a whole new path above my cultivation."

After that, Aisha added a sentence, saying, "However, this path is not a path that all Caterpie can take, or perhaps only my Caterpie can be cultivated this way on top of this world, and it's not a situation that other Caterpillars can just imitate."

"Well, indeed..."

Professor Oak had no doubts about Aisha's words.

This world was so big that there were always a few unusual Pokémon that produced powers that surpassed the entire race - Red's Pikachu was such a case.

The Pikachu race was actually not very powerful.

Although Red's Pikachu had never evolved, it now possessed strength and speed that even Raichu didn't have, a miracle that was unique in the world.

Now that I looked at it, Aisha's Caterpie was probably in a similar situation.

"Worthy of being Professor Oak, you saw through me with a single glance."

Aisha also smiled and complimented Professor Oak on his awesomeness.

However, Professor Oak had only seen that his Caterpie had embarked on a new path of evolution, and in any case, it was impossible for him to know just who the Caterpie could have evolved into in the future...


It's true that it's still more powerful to have a plug-in given by the system.


At this time, Marill poked her head out from behind Aisha's back.


Professor Oak instantly looked at Marill with excitement again.

"The average height is more than half of a normal Pokémon of the same race, not as outrageous as Caterpie, but it's still an experience of extraordinarily excellent development!"

Taking out his small notebook, Professor Oak chased after Marill after recording Caterpie's size data.


Seeing the strange old man coming towards her, Marill instantly started parkouring within the institute, dodging around to avoid Professor Oak's pursuit.

"Ah, don't run around!"

Professor Oak was obviously also used to the uncooperative nature of his research subjects, and skillfully used the terrain presented within the institute to his advantage, stopping Aisha's Marill.

"Marill, rest assured."

Aisha spoke out at this time to comfort the frightened Marill.


Marill looked towards Aisha.

"Professor Oak is not a bad person, he won't hurt you."


Hearing Aisha's words, Marill was still a bit scared of Professor Oak, but she didn't continue to run away.


Seeing the interaction between one person and one Pokémon, a ripple appeared in the eyes of the silent Red on the side.

"Aisha-kun and his Pokémon seem to have a good relationship..."


The Kanto Champion took the initiative to strike up a conversation towards himself, and the flattered Aisha smiled helplessly and spoke his thoughts on top of Pokémon's relationship, saying, "After all, Pokémon aren't a trainer's tool, we're family."

The simple words caused an uproar in Red's heart.


Repeating Aisha's words, Red once again looked at him with more recognition in his eyes.

"Aisha-kun really, really likes Pokémon."

"Of course, Pokémon are the best."

Aisha gave a bright smile towards Red.

Red also wanted to smile in response, however, his face, which hadn't shown a smile in a long time, froze in a rather comical manner, causing Blue to burst into laughter.


Red glared at Blue.

"Ah, Charmander, how's life on Ai-kun's side these days?" Blue decisively looked at Charmander, inquiring something about it, saying, "Did you cause any trouble for Ai-kun?"


The Charmander shook its head, indicating that it was very well-behaved.


Blue pinched Charmander's face.


After that, Blue's line of sight also kept scanning the little Charmander's body - compared to the time when he was nurturing it, the current little Charmander had actually gotten a little bit stronger again, and its size was already close to that of a normal Charmeleon.

"Could it be the problem with Pokéblock..."

Being the one who cultivated it, Blue could see at a glance what caused the Charmander's size to develop once again.

"Ai-kun turns out to be a Pokéblock Master?"

Blue looked at Aisha with eyes full of color.


Aisha suddenly felt like a light on his back.

Professor Oak was not even a problem, after all, he was an elder.

The problem was, why did Red and Blue also look at him for a while, and each time they did, their eyes were a little bit off, as if they were harboring some unusual emotions.

What is it with you Kanto trainers?

When Lance was in Hoenn region, he was similar...

Often peeking at himself for a little while when he's not doing anything, as if he's some kind of pervert?


Aisha, who had apparently misunderstood Lance's thoughts, also pulled himself away from Red and Blue without a trace.

He kind of missed his Elite Summer.

"Right, Aisha-kun."

A moment later, after recording Marill's data, Professor Oak raised his head and looked at Aisha, saying, "I wonder if you have a place to store your Pokémon?

"If that's not too much to ask, this old man's research institute of mine can serve as a place for you to store your Pokémon."

Professor Oak's mind was obvious.

If Aisha had stored the Pokémon in his research institute.

Then, the Pokémon that Aisha had taken in afterward, as well as these strange Pokémon now were all objects he could study...

"Ah, this is not necessary, I have a place to store Pokémon."

"That's too bad..."

Professor Oak suddenly collapsed and shook his head helplessly.

"Could it be the Pokémon Professor in Dayan?"

"No, I made a contract with Elite Summer, after which handheld Pokémon can be stored within her estate after reaching the upper limit..."

Aisha didn't hide who he stored his Pokémon with.

"An Elite Four... Well, it's indeed a reliable choice."

Professor Oak didn't say much either.

After all, it was indeed a normal choice for Aisha, as a Dayan trainer, to choose a Dayan Elite Four as the person who took care of the Pokémon.

"What's your relationship with Summer?"

Blue, however, made a piggyback reckless move to the front of Aisha and asked the question he had been struggling with for a long time.
