Ash and Pikachu


Gazing at Blue, who had a face of curiosity and anticipation already overflowing in front of him, a question mark rose above Aisha's head.

Instructor Ai had used a trick to drastically increase his Special Attack.

It was a pity that Instructor Ai took the route of becoming a sword saint in the flesh and didn't have any powerful Special Attack-type moves to beat up Blue a bit with the bizarrely boosted Special Attack value.

"Uh, my relationship with Elite Summer..."

However, some things above unexpectedly honest Instructor in the face of Blue's gossip, actually really seriously think about his relationship with Summer, ready to summarize a final conclusion, to answer the former Kanto Champion's inquiry.


At this time, having hidden inside Aisha's bag to avoid Professor Oak's research, Rotom phone, who had a relaxed face, realized that something was wrong.

Bad, how come Instructor Ai is willing to tell outsiders anything?

Finished, this time only I can unravel...


After thinking briefly for a moment, Rotom phone made a deceitful decision.

"Lo, to!"

Pretending to look like he had just woken up from a square nap, Rotom phone flew out of Aisha's bag under the pull of the electromagnetic wave and deliberately hovered next to Professor Oak.

"Oh, it's actually Rotom!"

Unsurprisingly, Professor Oak had indeed taken a keen interest in Rotom phone.

A bright light emerged from the eyes of this old man who loved all Pokémon and could treat them equally even if they attacked him day in and day out.

As he watched Rotom phone, Professor Oak could also see that its posture was the "cell phone" form that the League had specially researched in order to facilitate the lives of trainers and people.

"However, the League also asked for my opinion on Rotom phone, and only after that was it put into production."

Stroking his white beard, Professor Oak also recalled the past with a bit of emotion.


His words, however, surprised Aisha.

Summer hadn't said that Professor Oak was part of the development of Rotom phone.

But it was normal.

Professor Oak was a titan in the Pokémon academia that no one could shake, and when the Pokémon League was preparing to carry out a plan to fuse Pokémon with artificial machines, they would definitely need to ask for his opinion - even if Professor Oak disagrees, they can avoid a lot of waste of manpower and material resources in advance. If Professor Oak supports it, they can gain a lot of valuable experience and information.

"Professor Oak is really great."

Aisha heartily praised Professor Oak's ability.

It wasn't a compliment.

An old man could become the object of the world's attention on the path of Pokémon research, and continued to introduce new research and theoretical knowledge until his old age, struggling on the front line of Pokémon research, it was indeed admirable.


Professor Oak waved his hand with a face that didn't care too much, saying: "I've been researching on Rotomfor a long time, and I myself like this type of Pokémon that can turn into an electrical form, and this Pokémon League's research and development of Rotom phone is just providing some theoretical support, it's not enough to be concerned about.


Suddenly, Professor Oak revealed a wry smile.

"Once the research and development program of Rotom phone is successful, the research funding provided by the Pokémon League for the Oak Research Institute can also be doubled, and some of the ecological environment simulation habitats in the backyard haven't been returned to the ground for a long time, so it's just as well that I can give them a refurbishment with such a funding!"

Aisha was sweating a little.

Although these bigwigs were bent on supporting the Pokémon League, however, they also didn't hold back at all once they had the opportunity to knock them down.

Professor Oak was certainly so.

Wallace was even more excessive.

After the crusade between Groudon and Kyogre ended, this Hoenn Champion, relying on the fact that the Hoenn League's money was not his own, gave Aisha a large sum of money that could support Pokémon cultivation and high quality of life in a big way, which could be described as squandering money like dirt.

By the way, it seems that a sum of money was extorted to rebuild the Cave of Origin?

Not bad for Wallace.


With one side of his body, Aisha looked through the window of the institute to Professor Oak's backyard.


Even after just peeking at the tip of the iceberg of Professor Oak's backyard, Aisha was still feeling extraordinarily shocked.

Aisha had overlooked the backyard when he was riding Blue's Pigeon in the sky, although it was only the tip of the iceberg, the ecological environment that could be described as a small ecosystem still shocked him as a new trainer with little knowledge.

Compared to the amount of money Professor Oak had spent on repairing the backyard, the amount of money spent on rebuilding the Cave of Origin was just a drop in the bucket.

Even the amount of money needed to rebuild ten Cave of Origin probably couldn't compare to the resources Professor Oak needed to spend to repair a portion of his backyard.

"Worthy of being Professor Oak."

"False reputation."

Professor Oak's mouth indicated that it was only a false reputation.

However, even Red, who didn't have a high emotional quotient, could see that Professor Oak was clearly very flattered by Aisha's young genius trainer and breeder's compliments.

Old men liked the results of their efforts to be recognized by their juniors.

Especially an outstanding junior.


Next to him, Blue was confused.

He also remembered that he was clearly jabbing at Aisha and Summer's relationship.

How did that exciting topic to this point suddenly turn into a chat between Professor Oak and Aisha?

"What happened?"

Blue fell into deep thought.


At this time, Rotom phone, who had read Blue's mind at a glance, also revealed a proud expression.

You Kanto trainers might have talked about the aspect of Pokémon versus Pokémon being very powerful.

However, when it comes to Rhythm Masters, ten Blue can't beat one of me, the world's smartest Rotom phone.

See, Blue's jab at Instructor Ai was easily taken care of by me.

"This family can't last a day without me."

Rotom phone exclaimed his greatness.

See, even if Rotom phone explodes in a wave, only the world where Blue is hurt is achieved.

"Aisha-kun seems a bit interested in my backyard?"

Professor Oak also noticed Aisha's eyes resting on top of his backyard from time to time.


Aisha whose small action was discovered also scratched his hair and said, "Because Professor Oak's backyard is just too awesome, it's simply a Pokémon's paradise, there shouldn't be a single trainer who can resist the temptation of such a small Pokémon ecosystem."


Professor Oak clapped Aisha on the shoulder.

"In that case, when there's time, I'll give Aisha-kun a serious tour of my backyard."


"Professor." At this time, Red, who was a bit anxious about battles, couldn't hold back and spoke out to interrupt Aisha's conversation with Professor Oak, saying, "Aisha-kun has come to our side is preparing for some travel in the Kanto region, collecting eight badges and participating in the Indigo Plateau Conference, so that means time is very precious."

Red didn't explicitly say much of anything.

However, his meaning was already self-evident.

Aisha and Professor Oak were clearly two chatterboxes, and they were even more eager after talking about the topic of Pokémon

If the two of them chatted, it was possible that Red wouldn't be able to face Aisha even after today.

Therefore, this current Kanto Champion was in a hurry.


Blue echoed Red's words.

He was also anxious.

What exactly was the relationship between Aisha and Summer?


Blue, who had already made an appointment to wait for Aisha to collect the seven badges before fighting at the Viridian Gym, had realized that he was unable to fight Aisha for a while, so this former Kanto Champion simply looked away - it might be counterproductive to pester him all day long to fight, so it would be more interesting to pry into his gossip.

Elite Summer turned out to like this type?

But Instructor Ai was indeed very good looking, the aspect of face value was not inferior to his own, simply a million people.


Blue inflected in his heart and boasted about his own face value, very shameless.

"Ah... I see."

Professor Oak savored Red's words and read his deeper meaning.

The old man gave Red an 'I understand' look.

Red returned Professor Oak's "OK, hurry up, hurry" look.


"Come on, Aisha-kun, it's not easy for you to come as a guest, so as the host, I'll do my best!"

Professor Oak pulled Aisha under Red's perplexed eyes and walked towards a nearby room.

"All the trainers who departed from Pallet Town or around Pallet Town over the years, all of them received their initial Pokémon on my side, so don't be shy and pick your favorite child..."


Professor Oak did his usual thing.

Well, completely misunderstood what Red meant.

"That's not necessary."

Aisha, for his part, politely declined his generosity.

"Blue gave me his Charmander earlier, and it just so happens that the Charmander is also one of the initial Pokémon you can provide, Professor Oak, so consider it a gift that Blue picked out for me instead of you, so that's why I chose Pallet Town as the place where I'll start my travels in the Kanto region."


Professor Oak gave a thumbs up towards Blue.

It probably meant: good grandson, now you can actually accept the tradition that the old man has been carrying out for so many years, not bad, you're recognized.


Blue read Professor Oak's meaning and immediately crossed his arms and twisted his head arrogantly.

However, there was no one to go along with his arrogance - Professor Oak and Aisha were having a good conversation, and Red was immersed within the sadness of not being able to fight against each other and couldn't pull himself out of it.

As expected, there is no market for arrogantmen...

"It's disgusting for arrogant men."

Rotom phone changed the voice pack of an anime heroine and thoughtfully complemented Blue.


Blue put on a pain mask.

Why did it feel as if he had become the object of everyone's persecution?


"Pika pika?"

At this time, a cute voice entered Aisha's ears.


Aisha's DNA moved, and he involuntarily twisted his head in the direction the voice came from, and a petite yellow figure came into his eyes.



Two "Pikachu's", one when Aisha pronounced the yellow Pokémon's name, and one when the yellow Pokémon purred as it looked at Aisha.

"Ah... So it's already here at this time."

Looking at the yellow mouse that was hiding above the beams of the room, gazing at himself with a bit of shyness, or fear, Aisha instantly recognized it as Pikachu, the main character of the Pokémon anime - Ash's partner.

This was the person who established Pokémon as the world's number one IP.

In his previous life, the name Pikachu's popularity had even surpassed Pokémon itself.

This yellow mouse had an extraordinary significance for Pokémon fans.

"If Pikachu hasn't left the Oak Research Institute yet, that means Ash hasn't become a trainer yet." Aisha thought for a moment and came to a conclusion, thinking: "Hmmm... I wonder how old Ash is now and when he can start his journey in the TV anime?"

As a twenty-year fan of the Pokémon anime, Aisha's love for Ash was not as great as his love for Red and Blue, however, it was natural to have a bit of a special feeling for the anime protagonist who had sharpened his sword for twenty years, and finally defeated Leon on top of the world's attention and became the world's number one trainer.

"This child's potential is very good."

Aisha spoke out to praise Pikachu's potential.

Of course, after all, it was Pikachu who was known as Pi-God.

"Aisha-kun has a good eye."

Professor Oak also looked at Pikachu and said, "Although this child's personality is a bit problematic, however, the talent and potential is excellent, and if it plays well, it can even surpass some particularly treasured Pokémon, and if it meets a trainer with excellent aptitude, it might be able to exert an extraordinary strength."

In response to Professor Oak's words, Aisha was deeply impressed.

"I'm sure this child will be able to meet its destined trainer."


Professor Oak looked at Aisha with a bit of surprise.

He had some special memories, so he said that he was especially certain that Pikachu would be able to meet the right trainer for him.

Then, what made Aisha so confident?

Professor Oak was a bit curious about the teenager's thoughts.

"Every Pokémon can meet their destined trainer, it's a bond between Pokémon and people, a bond that can't be erased no matter what."

Aisha just smiled and spoke somewhat ideal words.

"So did I and Caterpie, Marill, Charmander, Beldum, and Rotom..."


Professor Oak examined Aisha up and down.

He suddenly felt that this teenager might be more than what he appeared to be - Aisha's words were very simple, however, his genuine love for Pokémon could not be questioned by anyone.

Professor Oak had seen this love in many young boys and girls.

These young boys and girls had a unified title in the present day.

"Since Aisha-kun doesn't need the initial Pokémon, I'll prepare a new gift for you."

Professor Oak walked to the corner of the room, opened a small cabinet, and took out something in the shape of a small book.

"This is Pokédex."

Professor Oak handed the Pokédex to Aisha.

"Ah." As if he was afraid that Aisha would misunderstand that he was being petty, Professor Oak hurriedly explained his idea of using Pokédex as a gift, saying, "Although it's said that trainers nowadays can install the Pokémon Pokédex app on top of their phones, and that you have the universal tool of Rotom phone as well, this Pokédex is a first-generation version of the Pokémon Pokédex used by Red, Blue, and Green.

"Unlike Pokédex circulating on the market, it can exchange Pokémon communications, which may be of some unexpected use in critical moments."

Professor Oak explained the information of the Pokédex.

"In that case, I'll respectfully accept it."

Aisha forced himself to hold back his inner excitement and accepted Professor Oak's gift.

Indeed, the styling of this Pokédex was the first generation version.

Although the performance aspect was yet to be proven.

However, its commemorative significance was simply pulled full circle!

Such Pokédex was more precious than any Pokémon!

This was a special Pokédex issued by Professor Oak himself.

A standard for the main characters of the special manga.

If you have the same type of Pokédex as the three main characters of the first generation, you are half of the "Pokédex owners"... Right?


While Aisha was excited, Professor Oak suddenly called out to him.

"What's wrong?"

"You said you still have Beldum?"


Aisha noticed that Professor Oak's expression was gradually tinted with a touch of Jie ge's divinity.


Pallet Town.

"Hey, Ash!"

"Gary, too slow!"

On the country road, a black-haired boy was chased by a brown-haired boy. He showed a heartless smile and trotted towards the direction of the Oak Research Institute. He ran five hundred meters without taking a breath. It makes one wonder if this child is a Pokémon in human skin.

"Ha, ha... What the hell?"

After chasing the whole way, it was instead the brown-haired boy who was tired to the point of panting like a cow.

His appearance was similar to Blue's, but the difference was only the difference in temperament and age - if Blue had restrained himself after a hundred battles, and although his breath was restrained, it was still hard to hide his confident and proud temperament, this brown-haired boy is still young and immature. He is still a flower bathed in sunshine in the greenhouse and needs some baptism from the rain and wind.


Yelling the black-haired boy's name, the boy named Gary chased after him.

Gary obviously hadn't inherited the most important thing about being a Super Rookie...

The two just ran suspiciously up and down the path, eventually climbing the steps of the Oak Research Institute, with Ash in front of them pushing the door of the institute open in one swift motion.

"Professor Oak, Big Brother Red, Big Brother Blue, we're here!"

"Ha... Ash, you... idiot!"

Gary also caught up with Ash and looked inside the institute.


Aisha, who was in the middle of his "Professor, don't!" was taken aback and looked over at the duo.

The three locked eyes.

"Instructor Ai!"

Not good, fans came to visit.

  1. translates to 'brother Jie', is the main character of "Jie ge, don't!", a 2013 Chinese meme