Wild Pokémon Appearing and the Escaped Eevee

Aisha methodically gave each Pokémon the tasks they needed to perform within the woods.

A coolness was highlighted.

This field workout was different from the last field workout that took place on top of [Mt. Chien], and the resident combat power that Aisha held had received a huge boost.

Last time, Aisha only had Caterpie that hadn't yet completed its evolutionary task in hand, and even Marill, who was still Azurill at that time, was a Pokémon that had been temporarily collected on the first night.

At that time, Caterpie could only use moves such as String Shot, Tackle, Bug Bite, Electro Web, and 'Dragon Ascend', its combat power was very limited, at night, they didn't even have a night watchman, and during the daytime to attract monsters, Aisha, the trainer, needed to personally risk his life, which was dangerous to the extreme.

If it wasn't for Aisha's own excellent fighting ability, the chances of flipping to death on the first day of field exercise without the protection of a Pokémon were very high.

This time, the situation was very different.

Aisha had carried all of his Pokémon with him.

The team's resident fighting force was already arriving at as many as five Pokémon.

Moreover, the five Pokémon's division of labor was clear, each with their own specialized abilities and biases, and now they were already initially forming a complete team that could fight as a team in their respective roles.

First of all, as a special attacker, Charmander has a lot of high firepower moves, specializing in AOE attacks, powerful moves under the sweeping attack is undoubtedly a handful of the field exercise of brushing monsters, the fire attribute also restrained the frequent infestation of the field of bug type and grass type Pokémon.

Marill, on the other hand, is active in one-on-one battles as a good solo fighter.

This little girl can deal with some overly strong Pokémon or clean up those wild Pokémon that were lucky enough to survive the Charmander's fire, and control the fire caused by Charmander with water-type moves.

With its Aqua Jet, it can also be used to lure wild Pokémon...

Shiny Beldum's positioning is very similar to Marill's. It also uses physical attacks.

It is also a single combatant that clears out the stragglers by means of physical attacks, however, the strong defense of shiny Beldum can also become an indestructible shield within the team after its future evolution, and in the future, with the aid of the additional attribute of superpowers, it may also be able to take part in the auxiliary personnel, which is an all-around development of the talents of the Pokémon, worthy of the name of the Pseudo-Legendaries.

Caterpie, on the other hand, did not need to say much.

Its strength no longer needs to be raised through basic field exercises.

Aisha thought that if Caterpie intended to continue to improve its strength, in addition to settling down day in and day out, the only thing that could continue to transform it was a sufficiently intense battle, such as gym challenges.

That's why Caterpie temporarily exists as an auxiliary position within the field workout nowadays.

By the way, it was close to protect Aisha.

Lastly, Rotom's strength was also very strong, after all, it was a genius to the point where it could combine both assistance and combat.

And within the team, it was positioned as a special attacker, duplicating Charmander, who was responsible for the firepower output.

So that nowadays when the intensity of the exercise in the field is not really high, this true omnipotent toolman is still in charge of broadcasting in the form of a cell phone, and for the time being, it does not participate in head-on battles.

Later on, when the intensity of the Pokémon in the field increased, Rotom could join the battlefield as a new fighting force, switching into the form of an appliance with the corresponding attribute according to the situation on the spot, and together with Charmander's wide-range output, the two of them launched a double firepower output together for suppression.


With such a well configured team, Aisha didn't have the need to continue risking his life.

Nowadays, he only needed to leisurely stand by the Caterpie's side and command everyone to fight.

Sufficient combat power was indeed very important.

"Live broadcast, start!"

Rotom phone quickly logged into Aisha's account and opened the live broadcast, incidentally sending a live broadcast message for his fans instead of Aisha.

The news of Instructor Ai suddenly starting the live broadcast also spread to the fan base.

Although it was very sudden, however, Aisha's popularity was still very strong now as the popular anchor who had made a big splash, so much so that a large number of fans and idle onlookers quickly gathered within the live broadcast room.

Aisha asked Rotom to change the title of the live broadcast room to "Instructor Ai teaches you to brush wild Pokémon in the wild".

The viewers who had watched Aisha's field workout in [Mt. Chien] early on were excited to the extreme after noticing the title hanging in the live broadcast.

After all, although Pokémon Masters could learn quite a few awesome techniques, however, online battle was still in the final analysis a game between the two trainers across the computer screen, exciting as it was, it was still certainly not as exciting as the workouts and monsters that were carried out in the field in a serious manner.

Instructor Ai's early workouts in the wild in [Mt. Chien] had also proven his strength.

A Caterpie crisscrossing the forest.

Himself attracted a colony of Beedrills, and punched away Ekans.

Commanding two baby Pokémon like Caterpie and Azurill, the group annihilated a group of Sparows that existed with a Fearow as their leader.

This kind of operation, this kind of hard work, placed within the wild exploration live broadcast that not many people were willing to dabble in because it was too dangerous and too difficult, and powerful trainers were unable to engage in because they were unwilling to expose their own workout content, it was undoubtedly the absolute top stream.

The water users saw Aisha as soon as they entered the live stream.

Everyone let out their respective emotions.

"Long time no see, Instructor Ai."

"The last time Instructor Ai live-streamed a field workout on [Mt. Chien] there were only Caterpie and Azurill by his side, but now that Azurill has evolved into Marill, and Instructor Ai's Pokémon have grown quite a bit, things have indeed changed."

"Why does it feel like Instructor Ai has lived a lot more nourishingly this time, and the newly added Pokémon are of a higher quality, not the ubiquitous Pokémon like Caterpie and Azurill that can be found everywhere?"


"Yo, Charmander is even used, Instructor Ai probably hid his clumsiness in the 'Rookie Tournament' before, or else those Fish Eggs really don't need to participate in the tournament."

The water friends saw the Charmander standing by within the live broadcast screen, and coincidentally let out a flirtation.

Charmander, as a popular fire-type Three Royal Family, belonged to the category of treasured Pokémon that were hard to find for thousands of dollars.

Then, about Aisha's initial Pokémon is Caterpie, in fact, many water friends still a little regret.

Although it is said that Aisha cultivated Caterpie to an incomparably powerful degree.

People also still think that if Aisha's initial Pokémon could have been one of the Three Royal Families, he could be even more powerful now.

Then, after Aisha had now passed through the period of poverty and used Charmander, everyone then felt heartfelt happiness.

"Hey, life is better now, last time I didn't fight anything big for everyone to watch because of the lack of Pokémon battle power, this time we'll make a big mess of the Viridian Forest!"

Aisha also saw the pop-ups sent by his water friends.

While warming his heart, he joked and tickled everyone's expectations.

"Viridian Forest, Instructor Ai is in the Kanto region?"

"The wild Pokémon in the Viridian Forest isn't much worse than [Mt. Chien], Instructor Ai did live a whole hard life today."

"Ah, the problem is, it's clearly the time for the university to start, how did Instructor Ai run to the Kanto region?"

Aisha saw the pop-up.

"Oh, I took a long vacation and I'm going to use that time to challenge the Indigo Plateau Conference to prevent wasting time at school."

The pop-up screen brushed through a sea of "Instructor Ai, amazing", "Explosively killing Academy School trainers", and "Long live traveling".

The Traveling Faction and the Academy Faction have been rival trainer factions for a long time.

The Traveling Faction focuses on practical knowledge.

Through serious traveling and field experience, they hone the trainer's own qualities and the strength of their Pokémon.

This type of trainer usually has the ability to fight in the wild that normal trainers don't have, and their reaction speed and thinking ability is so fast that it is beyond normal, and they can usually explode to an extraordinary level in a fight, even if their theoretical knowledge is weak, and when they encounter an opponent who is caught by surprise, they can still utilize their rich experience in the wild to resolve the situation.

The Academy Faction emphasizes on the learning of theory and knowledge.

They usually prefer to learn trainer knowledge and exercise their Pokémon abilities within the academy based on specialized data and comparisons, but their practical abilities are weaker, although they can normally make up for their strengths.

The knowledge and theoretical ability of this type of trainer is very high, and the configuration of the Pokémon they hold is not low, and they are good at analyzing information to gain enough advantage in battle, however, once they meet an opponent that exceeds their expectations, the chances of defeat will be infinitely enlarged.

The Traveling Faction think that the Academy Faction are weak writers who have no practical experience but only talk on paper all day long.

The Academy Faction thought that the Traveling Faction were mudbloods with little cultural and theoretical knowledge.

The two factions had a lot of conflict.

Of course, in the world of Pokémon, the most efficient way to improve strength comes down to traveling and experience.

That's why most of the strength of the Academy Faction was not as good as the Traveling Faction trainers who had cultivated themselves by working out madly in the wild - after all, even though how inwardly curled they were, they only stayed within the academy to learn and compete, and the trainers who traveled outside needed to face countless dangers all day long, and the intensity of the experience was not the same from the very beginning.


Suddenly, a series of ear-piercing buzzing sounds reached Aisha's ears, as well as Rotom phone's radio device, and was transmitted to the live broadcast room.

Countless water users who were watching the live broadcast turned pale at the sound.

A voice with such a high degree of recognition.

It was undoubtedly swarms of Beedrills.

As expected, after Marill appeared within the live broadcast screen in the form of an Aqua Jet, the overwhelming number of Beedrills followed its lead and gradually came into the viewers' eyes - because the number of them was so large that a section of the ground was shrouded in shadows as well.


Seeing that the Beedrill colony had entered the range, Aisha didn't have the slightest bit of panic, and calmly looked towards Charmander, giving the order to attack.

"Charmander, Flamethrower!"


Charmander stepped forward at Aisha's command, and raging flames erupted after a stirring roar, bursting into the sky in a single breath.


The Beedrill colony that had followed Marill all the way to this place then collided head-on with the Charmander's flames.

Vaguely, the sound of roasting meat seemed to emanate from the sky covered by the flames.

After a few moments, Charmander that had been continuously spraying flames finally dispersed its hot energy and closed its mouth, and the hot flames that had lost its energy support quickly dissipated in the sky.

None of the Beedrills that Marill had attracted retained their fighting ability.

Beedrills with bodies longer than a meter fell to the ground.


Looking at the results of his battle, Charmander crossed his arms, and a hint of flame sprang out from within his nostrils.

Charmander itself was a Pokémon with a special attack bias, and its fire attribute was an absolute restraint for the bug and poison type of Beedrills, as well as the level of the Beedrills that lived in the periphery of the Viridian Forest was really not that high, so it was not difficult to exterminate them with a single shot of Flamethrower.


"Folks, the most refined part of wilderness exercise is this."

Aisha looked towards the camera of Rotom phone and told that experience, saying: "A Pokémon that is fast enough to lure the enemy, and then let the Special Attacker Pokémon that has a large range AOE move to harvest it - if you are afraid that the Special Attacker Pokémon doesn't have enough firepower, you can use some reinforcement moves to strengthen the enemy before they appear, and strive to clean up in one move for an efficient battle!"

Even a mosquito is meat.

Not to mention a Pokémon like Beedrill that had completed its final evolution.

Such a group of Beedrill were harvested by Charmander in one breath, and although their average strength was not strong, the advantage of numbers was already enough to make up for it.

If it was within the game, I'm afraid that Charmander's experience bar would have filled up by one by now.

"Everyone, if you have any Pokémon you need to cultivate, you can imitate my actions, but make sure to pay attention to safety."

Aisha reminded the audience again.

Now, the live broadcast of the field workout party had just kicked off.

However, Charmander's operation of killing Beedrill colony in seconds had also completely triggered the heat built up within the live broadcast room, and colorful gifts and pop-ups flew all over the screen, propelling Aisha's live broadcast room to the top of the hit list, indirectly leading to more viewers entering, forming a virtuous cycle.


"Setting fire to the mountain, sitting at the bottom of the jail, Instructor Ai."

"Doesn't matter, Marill is putting out the fire."

"This fire is too terrifying, the flames of Charmeleon aren't this powerful, Instructor Ai's cultivation level is really still as impressive as ever."

"I learned, Coach!"

Rotom phone who was monitoring the background data also smiled crookedly.

Aisha also added slightly at this time, saying, "Of course, this time, it was mainly because the fire type Flamethrower restrained Beedrill, as well as Beedrill class of Pokémon being weak in itself, if the enemy had been replaced with Fearow or Pidgeon Pokémon groups that had no attribute restraints and were just as strong, under Charmander's fire, there would have been quite a few strong Pokémon that haven't lost their fighting ability."

"At that point, if said Pokémon launched an attack towards the Special Attacker, the situation would be bad."

Aisha looked at the fire-fighting leader - Marill, and said, "That's why it's also said that we need to prepare some escort Pokémon that specialize in clearing out those tough Pokémon fire-fighters."

Chanting about the flaws and ways to compensate for these field exercise techniques, Aisha also thanked some of his water friends for their gifts.


Looking at the time, Aisha felt that he could still continue the live broadcast.

Today, he had stayed in Pallet Town for a while, and it was now getting late.

According to the current rhythm of traveling and exercising at the same time, they should be able to return to Viridian City the next morning.

"Alright, let's keep moving!"

Aisha ran deeper into the forest with his Pokémon.

However, after Aisha and his Pokémon left the area, a small brown figure poked its head out from the distance.


The little guy with a pair of fox ears burrowed out of the grass and cautiously touched the side of a large needle wasp, his delicate nose shrugging.


This was a smart kid, so to speak, and quickly judged the condition of these Beedrills.

Injured, but not life-threatening.

According to the physical strength of these Beedrills, they would be able to regain their mobility after some time.

The traces of the nearby battle also ensured that other wild Pokémon wouldn't wade in here before they regained their mobility.


The little guy raised his eyes, his watery eyes looking in the direction Aisha was advancing.


Little paws snapped on top of the scorched earth as the little one continued to follow the human's scent, catching up with him.



Professor Oak's wail was emitted from within the Oak Research Institute.

"What's wrong?"

A confused Blue poked his head out.

"Eevee, Eevee is missing, the Eevee I prepared for tomorrow's new trainer, it's missing!" Professor Oak, who was in a hurry to the point of rummaging through the box, spoke out the problem towards Blue, saying, "I had Dragonite and the others take a look, and there's no that kid inside the backyard, he probably ran out!"


Blue pondered a little and said, "There's no rush on this, anyway, there are still four more initial Pokémon you prepared, enough for tomorrow's new trainers to make their choices."

"As for Eevee..."

Blue sighed.

"A little guy won't get far even if he runs, I'll contact Red and ask him to keep a slight eye on that kid on the outskirts of the Viridian Forest."


Professor Oak had no choice but to helplessly agree with Blue's handling of the situation.

"Mainly, that child is not a well-behaved Eevee..."

The duo was agonizing over Eevee.

At this time, Aisha, who had gone deeper into the Viridian Forest, also met a new enemy.