Fierce Battle, Eevee Appears

"What's going on?"

At this time, Aisha was lying down under a bush, peering into the depths of the forest.

"Lo... It seems that the Pokémon communities of the Viridian Forest are fighting over territories or hunting grounds?"

Rotom phone also came up next to Aisha and answered his query.


Aisha's mind was filled with more thoughts.

Rotom phone's camera also passed through the deep grass and forested trees, capturing footage of the depths of the forest.

The image was fed back within the live broadcast room, and a little bit of the deep forest picked up a little bit of the situation shown on top of the screen.

The barrage sent out by the water users stagnated for a moment, and then immediately boiled over.

"This level of wild Pokémon swarming situation, where did Instructor Ai run off to?"

"Viridian Forest... Indeed, there are quite a few powerful Pokémon hidden within the Viridian Forest, and there are quite a few wild Pokémon colonies, Instructor Ai probably scurried to the interior of the Viridian Forest."

"It's not common for so many powerful wild Pokémon to appear in the depths of the forest, what are they doing?"

"The atmosphere between the wild Pokémon seems to be a bit of a swordfight, is it possible that they are in conflict?"

"Just now, Instructor Ai's Rotom said that these wild Pokémon are probably competing for territory and hunting places. These things are the foundation of the existence of the wild Pokémon group. It is unreasonable for the atmosphere to be so tense now."

The battlefield of wild Pokémon was presented above the live broadcast screen.

Under the night, countless wild Pokémon gathered on top of an open ground deep in the forest.

The stirring sounds of insects broke the silence of the night.

The blue one-horned beetle wearing heavy armor was set against the backdrop of two tall trees, its majestic figure was incomparably robust, and the sharp horn glittering with cold light on top of its head also proved that it was the male leader of the Heracross group.

The rather abstract-looking stag beetle also seemed to be rubbing against a blade, constantly colliding with its horns that showed the shape of a blade. Its strong khaki body was very conspicuous on the thick soil.

The green assassin wielding two scythes that cut through the air between the trees was also stationed on one side of the battlefield.

"A camp of bug-type Pokémon?"

Aisha slightly looked at the stations of Heracross, Pinsir, and Scyther, and confirmed their spheres of influence between the flashes of his mind.

Such three types of bug type Pokémon were clearly joining forces together.

Behind the three leaders there were also about ten wild Pokémon each, a large group of differently looking and aggressive bugs coming together to form a terrifying force.

"These three Pokémon aren't bad..."

Aisha's eyes flashed with a bright light.

It had to be said that these three types of Pokémon were the unquestionable Kanto region's three best in terms of bug attributes.

They possessed a racial value of up to 500 at birth, and all of them even possessed Mega Evolution, which could be called the pride of heaven.

The excellent configuration makes people wonder if their existence has taken away the luck of other bug-type Pokémon.

Needless to say, Heracross, who is known as the King of Insects, is still remembered today for the classic battle in which the European emperor fought back and killed the enemy with great courage.  

Scyther can also be evolved into Scizor whose weakness is only fire type.

Pinsir is a bit of a lost cause, but it's still a powerful Pokémon after his Mega Evolution.

"This time it seems to be Viridian Forest in full bloom, we're in luck."

The average person had already been shivering with fear after seeing such a horrifying scene, however, Aisha, who had crouched down under the grass and peered at the battlefield, was exceptionally excited.

Originally, after broadcasting for an afternoon, he was ready to end the broadcast and set up camp for a rest.

However, Rotom, who was in charge of detecting the situation, told Aisha that a lot of wild Pokémon had already gathered not far from the place he had chosen to station.

With the idea of continuing to brush a wave of monsters for the amusement of his water friends before going off air, Aisha rushed to the scene, only to see the Viridian Forest in full bloom.


Aisha looked again at the opposite side of the bug-type Pokémon, the Pokémon that had gathered here as their enemies - the grass-type Pokémon.

"Victreebel, Vileplume?"

The bug omnivorous flower, which chopped up the grass with two broad leaves, and the overlord flower, which had a large and delicate flower growing above its head, also caught Aisha's eyes.  

It was presented on top of the live broadcast screen.


Aisha looked behind the two Grass type Pokémon leaders again, and instantly understood the undercurrent of a group of Grass type Pokémon daring to provoke an army of Bug type Pokémon.



A pair of tall and mighty Nidoking and Nidoqueen stood between Oddish and Bellsprout that were hidden within the forest in groups, paying attention to the enemy's movements, rubbing their thick and sharp claws.

These two behemoths' expressions were not favorable, and their eyes filled with brutal intent were also fixed on the opposite side of the bug-type Pokémon leaders, obviously there was a little bit of bad blood between the two sides.

With the addition of these two behemoths, the combat power of both sides was immediately brought to an equal level.

The Grass type Pokémon that should have lost without a doubt in the face of the bug army also had the power to fight.

"Instructor Ai, what should we do?"

At this time, after figuring out the power of the wild Pokémon that had gathered on top of the battlefield waiting for the battle to begin, Rotom phone was also a bit palpitating as he asked Aisha for his thoughts.

"Well... Destroy them all."


Rotom phone savored Aisha's words thoughtfully.


After that, Rotom phone's voice that was forced to hold back his shock and amazement entered Aisha's ears, saying, "Instructor Ai, you must calm down a little. Although these wild Pokémon are not Totem-level Pokémon, there are too many of them after all. There are also seven boss-level Pokémon. With a lineup of this level, we currently have no chance of winning."

"Don't be in a hurry."

Aisha, on the other hand, calmly responded to Rotom phone's words.

"It's precisely because the opponent's numbers are too high that this wave has value in brushing off the monsters."

Aisha's smile was colored with a touch of glee within it.

He who had played a lot of RPGs knew very well that the only way to level up efficiently was to defeat monsters on a large scale.

This time, the battle between the wild Pokémon for territory within the Viridian Forest was a once-in-a-lifetime feast for monster swiping.

Rotom phone also knew this.

The water users watching the live broadcast also understood this operation.

"Brush monsters... Instructor Ai's appetite is too big."

"Charmander, Marill, and Caterpie, and at most a part-time camera Rotom phone, Instructor only has four Pokémon, what makes him dare to be so arrogant as to think he can brush such a large group of wild Pokémon?"

"Otherwise forget it, Instructor Ai, take care of your safety."

"Instructor Ai, we're still going to continue watching your live matchmaking and tactics tutorials, you mustn't account for yourself in the Viridian Forest on impulse!"

However, the water users were mainly discouraging Aisha.

The number of talented trainers was actually quite large.

Yet most of them were buried under their pride and impulsiveness - wild Pokémon didn't care if you were a genius trainer or not.

The casualty rate of trainers as a profession had been high since the beginning.

Now it was already nightfall.

The viewers who worked and went to school during the day had also entered the live broadcast room.

Along with the growth in popularity of the live room in the afternoon, many new viewers had also entered Aisha's live room, so after hearing Aisha's words, some of the water users who weren't considered to be fans also spoke out to mock his arrogance and lack of knowledge.

"Is it possible that the anchor plans to fight Nidoking himself?"

"Laughing to death, I also finally realized why there are so few anchors in the wild live stream."

"Anchor, go for it!"

Aisha was indifferent.

Anyway, after he officially started brushing monsters afterward, he could punch all these people who made mocking remarks in the face.

Even if his own Pokémon couldn't completely defeat these enemies.

His big deal was to carry Chien-pao and completely destroy the other party.

So the intensity of the enemies wasn't really a problem.

"It's a pity that Charmander doesn't have any strengthening moves to improve its special attack. Otherwise, I could stack up its special attack level and start outputting firepower."

Aisha shook his head with a bit of regret.


Rotom phone could see absolute confidence in Aisha's eyes, and after some thought struggle, he really chose to trust his trainer.

"In that case, I will also go out to battle..."


Aisha looked towards Rotom, who was planning to make a form switch.

"Instructor Ai, have you forgotten that I became your Pokémon because of my outstanding fighting ability?"

"Ha~ Indeed."

Aisha recognized Rotom's intention to join the battle and fight alongside himself.

"Alright, let's go back and wait for these guys to start fighting before breaking into the battle is the appropriate choice."

Aisha stepped back without a trace and left the battlefield of the wild Pokémon.

While he was debugging the live drone under a big tree in the distance, replacing Rotom phone's live broadcast, the sounds of roaring had resounded above the party's battlefield, and the fierce vibrations caused by the moves' counter-attacks were obviously the wild Pokémon from both sides had already begun to engage in the battle.

It was time for them to make their appearance.


Nidoking was now very angry.

It and its wife originally had no intention of getting involved in the turf battle between the bug-type Pokémon and the grass-type Pokémon.

However, the arrogant Pinsir clan had actually made a scene in their own territory, almost hurting the child of it and its wife.

Can't bear it.

The short-tempered Nidoking decisively carried his wife to join the Grass type Pokémon's camp, and arrived at that battlefield this evening, facing off against Pinsir and Scyther, who were the leaders of their clans, respectively.

The leader of the Heracross clan was given to the Victreebel and Vileplume leader to team up to deal with.

There was no way around it, the suppression of the bug type over the grass type was just too strong.


The horn for the start of the battle was the insect cry of the Heracross leader.


Nidoking and Nidoqueen followed its bug call, roaring out an angry roar while charging at their chosen enemy in one breath.

The numerous bug-type Pokémon also crashed into the legions of grass-type Pokémon.

A great melee stirred up what should have been a very quiet night in the Viridian Forest.

The situation of the battle was not unexpected.

Facing an army of bugs with a racial value as high as 500, the grass-type Pokémon almost collapsed into a scattered fighting force in a single breath.

Thanks to the fact that most Grass-type Pokémon were good at long-lasting battles, and that within the Viridian Forest, which could be called the paradise of Grass-type Pokémon, their numbers were twice as many as that of the bug army, and after sacrificing some of their comrades, they were finally able to solidify an equilibrium, with the two sides in a stalemate.

Then, the main issue of this battle became the high-level combatants of both forces.

To be precise it should be Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

The strength of such a couple surpassed any of the chiefs.

Victreebel and Vileplume leaders were stalling the Heracross leader.

However, if Nidoking and Nidoqueen defeated either of Pinsir or Scyther leader, the situation could be reversed in an instant.

At that time, Nidoking and Nidoqueen would have enough power to join forces and dispose of the other leader.

After that, they would be able to defeat the Heracross leader together.

The bug army that had lost its leader was only a matter of time before it collapsed...

Of course, this was the vision of the leaders, Victreebel and Vileplume.

However, based on the strength gap between the two chiefs, their vision was obviously very reasonable.

This battle was indeed dominated by them who had gotten help from Nidoking and Nidoqueen.




The victory of Nidoking and Nidoqueen haven't arrive, but an attack of a beam of fire and lightning arrived.




The flames and lightning indiscriminately attacked the Pokémon that were fighting on the battlefield, and the wails of both group of Pokémon resounded through the night sky.

After a sweep, at least half of the grass-type Pokémon that weren't strong enough lost to the hot flames.

The situation of the bug army wasn't good either.

Scyther, which was afraid of both fire and electricity, was even completely wiped out - helpless, this is what happened when crittle skin faced a sneak attack with high firepower.


The battle between the seven leader Pokémon also stopped for a moment.



The sneak attacker, however, seized this opportunity and launched a second round of attacks.

Flames and lightning once again cleansed the crumbling battlefield.

The leader Pokémon of both sides returned to their senses and prepared to rescue and block but it was too late.

The two Attribute Restriction attacks had taken away many of their minions.

There were only a few Pokémon left that hadn't lost the ability to fight, and they were severely injured and could pass out on the spot at any time.


A blue shadow flashed under the moonlight.

It was wrapped in a raging current and attacked the remaining minions.


The Heracross leader angrily rushed towards it.


A beam of flame, however, blocked his path.

Thunderous bolts of lightning followed suit, striking around Victreebel and Vileplume.


Marill's cheerful cry was followed by a series of crashing sounds that reached their ears - the minions that managed to survive the two fire coverage were invariably incapacitated under its jet of water.


Aisha revealed a pleasant smile under a large tree.

"The stragglers have been cleared."

He looked at the only remaining Pokémon on top of the battlefield again and said, "Now it's time for the BOSS battle!"

Afterwards, he picked up shiny Beldum in one hand under the shocked eyes of countless water friends.

"Beldum, Iron Head!"

Aisha performed a standard javelin-throwing motion, then used her strength to throw the dice towards the confused Nidoking who was now on the battlefield.


A silver and gold missile came out blatantly.

In the blink of an eye, it flashed in front of Nidoking, and then slammed into the unresponsive it in one fell swoop.


Nidoqueen let out a mournful roar from the side.

A dull sound of collision, interspersed with a crisp sound of shattering resounded through the night sky.

Nidoking was hit by the Iron Head of shiny Beldum and flew out, breaking several big trees behind him. He lay down among the broken trees, and the armor on his chest also bloomed with dense cracks.


Nidoking didn't know what had happened and sat up with a strong breath.


Marill, who had raised the level of her physical attacks by six after using Belly Drum, sent an Aqua Jet faster than everyone else and smashed it on top of its spine, perfectly collecting the bloodied Nidoking.

"Instructor Ai just threw out a... Beldum?"

"Yes, Beldum, more than just a Beldum, that's a shiny Beldum!"

"Shiny Beldum, Instructor Ai has a shiny Beldum!"

"Shiny Beldum, fuck, how could this little anchor hold a shiny Beldum?"

The scene just now was captured by a live broadcast drone. The barrage of water friends accompanied by the appearance of shiny Beldum filled the screen, even to the point of overflowing. Countless people were surprised and horrified by Aisha. The anchor actually took out a shiny Beldum, a Pokémon that is so cherished that no one else in the world has it.

They even forgot that Aisha had just thrown out shiny Beldum with his bare hands.

"Shiny Beldum?"

Aisha, on the other hand, shrugged his shoulders and said, "It was a gift from my friend - Steven."

Afterwards, he didn't care how much of a stir his words caused within the live broadcast room, and looked back at the battlefield.



At this time, Charmander and Rotom, who had shifted their position by taking advantage of the fact that shiny Beldum and Marill had attracted the enemy's attention on top of the battlefield, also launched a new attack.

Discharge and Flamethrower swept under the night sky for the third time.

But the target of the attack finally became the leaders.


The leader Pokémon, who had already suffered several losses, however, quickly dodged their attacks.

Six Pokémon took on Aisha's Pokémon.

Marill and shiny Beldum stopped Nidoqueen on Aisha's cue - it was the most powerful enemy Pokémon on the battlefield today.

Rotom took on Pinsir and Scyther.

Charmander was left alone to deal with Heracross, Victreebel, and Vileplume...

The ten Pokémon quickly split the three battlefields.


After witnessing her husband being defeated by the two little guys in front of her, Nidoqueen's eyes reddened with rage and she charged at Marill and shiny Beldum at once.



The two Pokémon quickly dodged.

The two of them didn't have many moves available to them, and one was using Belly Drum to stack up physical attack and the other was using Iron Defense to stack up physical defense before the battle started, so it was said that Aisha let them carry out the battle on their own.

One couldn't watch them for the rest of their lives.

Besides, with the level of Marill and shiny Beldum, it shouldn't be a problem to work together to deal with a Nidoqueen who is so angry that she loses her reason.



With an Aqua Jet and an Iron Head, Marill and shiny Beldum crashed into Nidoqueen's Superpower.

"Lo~ two weaklings!"

Next to it, Rotom was recklessly releasing Thunderbolt, sweeping at Pinsir and Scyther who had nothing to hide under the thunderous lightning in front of them.

Its combat ability and battle sense were already outstanding.

Stalling the two bug-type Pokémon wasn't a problem.

Especially since Scyther was still afraid of electric type attack.

"Unfortunately~ If I had said that I had obtained the Heat Form, you guys wouldn't have had any drama to sing at all!"

Rotom was still regretting that he couldn't buy portable appliances with his paycheck.

After that, it covered the ground with a single discharge, and its overly wide-range move hit Pinsir and Scyther's bodies in one gulp.



Pinsir and Scyther let out a mournful cry under the lightning.

However, Scyther keenly noticed the shrugging of a patch of grass in the distance - Aisha stood behind the grass, watching the battlefield of Charmander.

Yes, this battle was actually testing Charmander's strength.

"Charmander, wrap yourself in Fire Spin!"


Charmander spewed out hot flames under Aisha's command, forming a circle to protect itself, forcing back Victreebel that had already attacked in front of it, and by the way, successfully put it in a burn state, weakening the physical attack of this large pitcher plant.



Flamethrower swept out of Charmander's mouth in a vortex of flames, hitting the dodging Victreebel at once.

However, Heracross' sudden attack forced Charmander to interrupt the release of Flamethrower.

Victreebel sprayed a stream of Acid towards Charmander at this time.

Charmander dodged the Acid, but it ate the Razor Leaf from Victreebel .


With a cry of pain, it was clear that fighting three against one was not too easy for Charmander.

Aisha also needed exactly this situation.

Charmander needed intensity enough for sparring right now.

"There's no need to rush, Charmander, Flamethrower to settle Victreebel!"


Hearing Aisha's words, Charmander instantly straightened its back and attacked with a mouthful of Flamethrower towards the distant Victreebel that was still in a burned state with no way to engage in a close-quarters battle.


This Victreebel had the heart to escape, however, Charmander's Flamethrower actually accurately predicted its route.

Vileplume attempted to make a rescue.

"Sweep, towards the left!"

Aisha, however, was the first to remind Charmander.


Charmander's flames swept into the Vileplume at once.

Heracross was watching with cold eyes - it was originally an enemy with Victreebel and Vileplume.


Aisha noticed its demeanor and sneered.

The narrow-mindedness of a wild Pokémon was undoubtedly reflected in this moment.

It also didn't want to think for a moment, after Victreebel and Vileplume were gone, could it really beat Charmander with its own strength?


Vileplume released its Petal Dance under the scorching of Flamethrower, utilizing the flying leaves and petals to barely fend off its opponent's attack, while itself falling into a state of confusion.

The leaves of Victreebel suddenly turned into two steel blades.

While it attempted to attack Charmander, Aisha accurately spoke the position of Victreebel, and Charmander twisted his head and sprayed a mouthful of smoke on top of its big face, so much so that Victreebel's attack stalled for a moment.


A shot of Dragon Rage slammed into the top of Victreebel's body.

Victreebel collapsed under a large tree and flopped twice before falling into a fainting state.


Heracross finally realized the severity of the problem.


The Insect King attacked Charmander with an Aerial Ace.

Charmander, on the other hand, had taken aim at the confused Vileplume and spat out a scorching Flamethrower.


Vileplume barely came to its senses in time of need and made a Moonblast.

Heracross was stopped from carrying out the attack by the explosion of the Flamethrower colliding with Moonblast.

Charmander took a step back, panting heavily.

Continuously releasing moves was not a small load for it.

The bloodied Vileplume needed some time to deal with its confused state.

Right now, only Heracross was still in a relatively intact above this battlefield.


Heracross seemed to have seen the light of victory, a bright light suddenly bloomed above his arm, his body rushed to the front of Charmander under the vibration of his insect wings, and struck its head with Brick Break.

The result...

The moment the blade was swung down, Charmander, that had its lowered head as if it was resting, suddenly raised its head, and a mouthful of Ember that had been stored up for a long time was sprayed on top of Heracross' face at once.


Heracross wailed and fell on top of the ground, rolling over and over.


Finally, Charmander also revealed an expression of exhaustion.

Aisha was in no hurry.

Charmander could still rest for a while, and anyway, the enemy's situation wasn't optimistic right now, so it had enough time.


At this time, the nearby Nidoqueen, however, let out a sorrowful roar.


Aisha looked towards Nidoqueen.

Nidoqueen sprayed a mouthful of Sludge Wave at Aisha.


Aisha retreated a few steps back.


Caterpie, who was watching the whole battle above the tree branch, raised its eyes once.


However, a Shadow Ball got ahead of Caterpie's Dragon Wave and scattered the Sludge Wave that Nidoqueen launched in a hurry.


Aisha looked to the source of the Shadow Ball - a lively Eevee wore what it thought was a handsome smile, hung a sign of Oak Research Institute, posed, and swayed its tail with love lines, standing under the bright moonlight.