Eevee's Thoughts


Aisha hesitated.

He took a step back.

After confirming that Vileplume and Heracross could no longer continue the high-intensity battle for a while, and taking advantage of the fact that Marill and shiny Beldum were unable to intercept them, they were able to catch off guard and spray a Sludge Wave towards themselves. After the sneak attack Nidoqueen was entangled again by the two little guys, Aysha also looked carefully at the little guy who suddenly helped him.


Aisha instantly recognized the identity of this Pokémon.

For no other reason, this Pokémon, in its previous life, had for a while even been officially pushed into the position of protagonist, creating a special wave of popularity.

Although, the result of the protagonist's popularity creation was a bit underwhelming in the end.

However, the popularity of this one Pokémon was still undeniably high.

Aisha himself was also a bit fond of this Pokémon.

After all, who could say no to such a cute little guy?

No one!


Noticing the sight from Aisha, Eevee, who appeared elegant and handsome under the moonlight, also raised its chest.


Aisha also raised his interest.



After making a gesture without a trace, signaling the Caterpie lurking above the treetops to pay attention to the battlefield, Aisha also approached Eevee.

"Hmm, an excellent Pokémon."

After approaching Eevee, Aisha's eyes quickly scanned over the little guy's body.

The body's development was very good, without any signs of stunting, and its athletic stance instead reflected that it had received excellent nutritional supplements.

The fur was very delicate and had been carefully tended to to give it a soft and beautiful appearance, and the raised love lines on the tail also proved that this was a girl who loved beauty.

Its eyes are also sharp enough, unlike Eevee who can only exist as a pet under normal circumstances, this child has the heart to fight and become a strong person - Shadow Ball is a move that can only be mastered by Eevee if it learns from the Technical Machine, and Sludge Wave that broke up Nidoqueen proves that this move is very powerful, at least, Eevee has repeatedly practiced this move on his weekdays. weekdays was repeatedly exercising this move.

"It's possible."

Quickly judging Ibu's situation, Aisha's smile was colored with a tinge of surprise within it.

This Eevee, he wanted it.


At this time, Aisha noticed that Eevee was carrying a small sign above its paw.

"Ha... How can it be such a coincidence?"

Aisha recognized the small sign as the symbol that Pokémon prepared by the Oak Research Institute for new trainers would carry.

The Pikachu that he met within the institute during the day also carried such a small sign.


Scratching his hair helplessly, Aisha also sighed.

If this Eevee was a wild Pokémon from the Viridian Forest, it wouldn't be a problem to take it in himself.

However, this Eevee was clearly one of the Pokémon that Professor Oak had specially prepared for the four new trainers who would be departing tomorrow in Pallet Town, and it would still be more or less inappropriate to just take it in on his own.

"After that, it's good to contact Blue, the newbie trainers are leaving tomorrow, and this little guy ran out tonight."

Aisha also made a decision.

While he was thinking about how to deal with Eevee, the battlefield was still in full swing above the battlefield.

"Lo~ Sure is weak~"

Rotom's electronic voice was filled with mockery, and when it fell into the ears of Pinsir and Scyther, the two big bugs were immediately infuriated, and even though they were being attacked by electric currents, they continued to charge angrily, as if they intended to slice up this brat who liked to sneak up on them.


Rotom made perfect use of its advantage as a ghost-type Pokémon, allowing Pinsir's Vise Grip and Scyther's Slash to penetrate through its body wrapped in crystals, and then made up for it mercilessly. One Thunder Wave hit two paralyzed enemies in one go, and shot them down at the same time.



Pinsir and Scyther gazed at their pincers and scythes with skepticism as if they had seen a ghost.

They had lived their entire lives in the Viridian Forest, so of course they didn't know what the heck a Rotom was...

Subconsciously using a shot of its best normal type move, it turned out that the opponent, a guy who had been discharging electricity since the start of the battle, was actually a ghost type Pokémon?

It was too disgusting.

"It should almost be over."

Rotom glanced at the other two battlefields and lost its patience to continue having fun.

"Unfortunately, the voice pack is only available in phone form~"

After feigning regret for a moment, Rotom made a move that doubled the effect of a woe-is-me move where the opponent was caught in an abnormal state hit Pinsir's body at once, harvesting its stamina that had been reduced to very little within the previous battle.

Rotom was really feeling that if he could taunt with the voice packs of some secondary characters, the effect would have been even more powerful.


Scyther, which had electric currents wrapped around its body, saw that Pinsir had been put away by Rotom, and was startled into staring with a pair of eyes, vibrating its wings sharply and standing up straight.

However, Scyther was worthy of being a Pokémon known as a Forest Samurai.

Even though its partner had already lost, and there was a huge difference in strength between the enemy and itself, this samurai clad in green armor still endured the feeling of paralysis that ran through its body, and fought to raise its sharp scythe to protect the front of its body.


Rotom cocked its head for a moment, after which it slashed down a Thunderbolt.


Bathed in thunderous lightning, Scyther's wide scythe protected the front of its body.

However, the Samurai of the Forest still lost to the Ghost of Electricity.

After the lightning's light was extinguished, the Flying Mantis, which was scorched black before its body, also finally fell on top of the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Tsk, not bad for a samurai Pokémon."

After glancing at the defeated Scyther that was still carrying its scythe, Rotom also smacked its lips and said, "Why does it feel like we're the villains?"

Suddenly, the entirety of this evening's battle flashed within Rotom's brain - it was indeed them who had interfered in the wild Pokémon's turf war under Aisha's command.

"...We're kind of the villains."

Rotom sighed and covered his face.



On the other side, Marill's Aqya Jet and shiny Beldum's Iron Head also slammed on top of Nidoqueen's chest one after the other, repelling the blue beast.

After a long battle, Nidoqueen was already tired.

Marill performed a reinforcement of physical attack under Belly Drum.

Shiny Beldum had its physical defense reinforced under Iron Defense.

A violent output.

One iron lump.

The battle after Nidoqueen was very tough.

Marill and shiny Belddum had initially adopted the tactic of a steady approach, as a result, Nidoqueen took advantage of the fact that the two of them were unable to intercept them to sneak attack Aisha who was directing Charmander in battle from afar, and the two little guys were also anxious, and changed their party's calm and steady fighting style, and cooperated to start an airtight attack.


Under their combined attack, Nidoqueen, whose speed was much slower, didn't even have the chance to store up her strength to unleash a powerful move.

The helpless Nidoqueen could only keep waving her thick arms, using her claws and fists to resist the attacks of Marill and shiny Beldum, and in the meantime, she was able to find the time to make some counterattacks.


Marill dodged Nidoqueen's fist.

At this time, Nidoqueen turned to the offensive. The light of normal type flashed on her arms, and she smashed the body of shiny Beldum with Chip Away.


Chip Away was a move that could ignore Pokémon's ability boosts to attack.

Although it was said that normal type moves had no considerable effect on the steel-type Beldum, however, the effect of Iron Defense was ignored, and shiny Beldum was still punched by Nidoqueen afterward into the top of a nearby tree, creating a dent.


When Marrill saw that shiny Belddum had been hit by the enemy, she immediately became anxious and hit the back of Nidoqueen's head with a shot of Liquidation, causing it to stagger.

Nidoqueen didn't know that Marill, who had been roaming the sky with her Aqua Jet, actually hid such a water-type move that restrained her and wasn't low in power. Even with the full physical attack, it was still stunned by Liquidation.


Marill's jet of water smashed above its back again.

Nidoqueen slumped above the ground after one unsteady foot, while shiny Beldum shook itself and added a final shot of Zen Headbutt.


Nidoqueen also closed its eyes reluctantly.

The Earth Power it was brewing also dissipated into ground type energy.

The only Pokémon that remained above the battlefield today that maintained its ability to fight was Heracross.

Well, because Vileplume, who had fallen into confusion, had just stunned its Poison type self with a shot of Moon Blast - Charmander suspected that it was acting; the Poison type resisted Fairy type after all, and Vileplume might have intentionally picked such a move that didn't do much damage to hit itself.

However, because Aisha didn't say anything more, so to speak, Charmander didn't have the heart to care about that Vileplume that might be playing dead, and dealt with the more powerful Heracross with all its heart.


Heracross touched a face of ash, angrily gazing at Charmander, but did not dare to rush forward, afraid that the little fire dragon was still hiding some sinister tricks.


Charmander turned back its head.

It saw Aisha, who was originally supposed to be giving orders from behind, was now looking at an Eevee, not knowing what it was thinking about.


Charmander said forget it, I'm fine on my own.



After that, Heracross and Charmander acted as if they were opposing knights within the arena, and each stood on top of the land and prepared their attack moves.


Heracross looked around and finally realized that its side was losing the battle.

Sighing, the gigantic one-horned Pokémon that possessed both fighting and bug type also revealed a frank expression, after which it raised its claws.

Although, defeat is already a foregone conclusion.

However, I'm going to try to see if I can cleave through your flames all the same.


Brick Break!

Heracross swooped down towards Charmander with its insect wings vibrating at breakneck speed, and the light blooming above his claws trailed a band of light under the night sky.


Charmander opened its mouth, and a great ball of flame erupted into the sky.

Heracross fell headlong between the scorching flames.

The flames split in two.

The scorched black Heracross also fell and plopped down on top of the ground, the claws that made the cleaving tile remained in an elevated position.


Heracross was also defeated.

Thus, the battle of Viridian Forest came to an end.


Aisha revealed a thoughtful expression at the back of Charmander.

Just now, the move that Charmander used wasn't Flamethrower, otherwise Heracross wouldn't have been able to cleave through its flames with a single slash.

"The prototype of Fire Blast... Not bad."

Realizing that Charmander had figured out the doorway to a new move within this evening's battle, Aisha also revealed a satisfied smile.

The evolutionary cultivation of Charmander could already be put on the agenda.


Aisha walked over to the side of Vileplume that was still pretending to be dead, kicked its leaves, and said, "I know that you haven't lost the battle yet, but it doesn't matter if you don't want to fight, I don't have the idea of rushing to the end of the world."


Hearing Aisha's words, Vileplume opened its eyes in a bit of embarrassment.

"You should have mastered the move Grassy Terrain, use that to heal your partner."

Instructor Ai said that he wasn't a demon anyway.

Such a battle tonight was considered as borrowing these Pokémon on the field as labor and brushing up the experience of his own Pokémon.


Vileplume was originally a bit hesitant, however, after Aisha pulled out the Grass type Pokéblock that he had idly crafted within the weekdays, it fell.


After eating the Pokéblock, Vileplume that was almost happy to be in heaven released a full-power Grassy Terrain in one breath.

Reunited under the unknown AOE, the minions who lost their ability to fight gradually healed their wounds.

Aisha personally healed Nidoking, who was the most seriously injured on the field.

Eevee watched from the side as Aisha applied ointment to Nidoking's shattered breastplate, then replenished Wish to wake up the unconscious Nidoking early.

These wild Pokémon gradually regained consciousness under Vileplume's Grassy Terrain and Eevee's Heal Bell.

After that, Aisha apologized towards them and sent quite a few bug-type and grass-type Pokémon food as compensation, gaining everyone's forgiveness.

By the way, Aisha also learned about their conflicts.

It was mainly a simple turf fight.

However, after tonight's battle, Heracross, who fought side by side with Vileplume and Victreebel against Charmander, also completed their reconciliation. After consulting Pinsir and Scyther, the three Pokémon prepared the two sides share these territories equally based on their strength.

Their conflict was lifted.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen, however, were depressed.

The two of them were clearly outside help, but they ended up taking a beating from a passing trainer...

Hard to bear.

Then Aisha, after realizing that their child was born just a few days ago, he waved his hand and provided them with a lot of milk and nutrients that would allow the newborn to thrive after consuming them, and Nidoking and Nidoking enthusiastically took Aisha's hand, feeling as if they were preparing to take him as their child's godfather.

"No, it's not appropriate."

Aisha politely refused them.

Although it was said that Aisha was a bit interested in Nidoking, a first generation Dharma King.

However, today's self was no longer lacking in high firepower outputters.

In comparison, Aisha needed a team doctor more.

A Blissey would be nice...

After that, Aisha, surrounded by a group of wild Pokémon, picked out a place to set up camp for the night, and even helped out a lot when setting up camp.

The water friends watching the live broadcast just watched Instructor Ai first destroy a group of wild Pokémon without the slightest bit of hesitation, and then a flurry of operations bought their hearts, and in the end, even became an important aid for the two forces to turn their differences into peace, acquiring the love and affection of the wild Pokémon, and the people were all dumbfounded.

"Pokémon chimera, boy!"

"Too scary, Instructor Ai has two more faces?"

"Cool, say nothing, Instructor Ai is number one!"

"Bad, Instructor Ai seems to have discovered the traffic password?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a traffic password, I just like to watch the real deal brush off the monsters, Instructor Ai's live broadcast is much better than the Don't Laugh Challenge!"

Colorful gifts piled up all over the live broadcast.

Those who were originally mocking Aisha also shut their mouths.

"OK, everyone's probably had a good time watching this afternoon and evening, so brother will go off the air first!"

Aisha then performed a light-speed off-air stunt.

The barrages praising Instructor Ai suddenly turned into a crusade.


After placing the live drone, Aisha finally looked at the little guy who had followed him all the way to this point.

"Little guy, what do you want?"

"Boo... Ee~"

Under the moonlight, Eevee revealed a sweet smile towards Aisha, then all of a sudden jumped into his arms, its head and fox-like wide ears rubbing up against this beautiful boy's chest.


A touch of relaxation colored within Eevee's voice.

"Umm... Hey~"

Aisha also shook his head helplessly.

This time, he probably needed to seriously think about how to explain himself towards Professor Oak.


Marill raised her head warily and looked towards Eevee, who was hogging Aisha's embrace.


Eevee showed a sweet smile towards Aisha.

After that, it also looked towards Marill, who was watching it with a sense of purpose, and its smile was tinted with a tint of "plan pass".


Marilu instantly saw through Eevee's nature.

Little bitch!

Caterpie and Rotom watched the confrontation between the two Pokémon and coincidentally showed a headache expression.


"It's going to be a little difficult from now on, Lo~"


The next morning, Aisha and his Pokémon finally made it out of the Viridian Forest and re-arrived in Viridian City.

Then, Aisha called the Oak Research Institute at the Pokémon Center.

"Hey, Professor, Eevee is in my hands."