The Pink Demon and the Little Guy Competing for Favor


Professor Oak was silent on the phone for a long time.

"Ai-chan, we can't do these illegal and disorderly things..."

The old man's words were full of sincere feelings, as if he was truly regretting that Aisha, such a promising junior, had embarked on the path of lawlessness.

As if intending to advise the impulsive Aisha, Professor Oak even took it upon himself to give Aisha a nickname of a junior character.

"You're still young and have a bright future as a decent trainer, you can't commit such a serious crime because of an Eevee."

Professor Oak exhorted Aisha in a serious manner, attempting to make the teenager lose his way, saying, "Besides, the Professor is not a petty old man."

"If it's true that Ai really likes a Pokémon like an Eevee, you can just ask, it's not that the Professor isn't willing to find a suitable Eevee for you."


Hearing Professor's words, Aisha froze slightly for a moment, suddenly realizing that within his words just now, there was indeed a bit of a misunderstanding.

"Uh, no, Professor Oak, I didn't mean that!"

Aisha hurriedly explained for a moment, finally solving his misunderstanding with Professor Oak.


After hearing Aisha's explanation, Professor Oak also understood what was going on now.


Taking stock of the current situation, Professor Oak also roughly understood, it should be that Aisha caught Eevee's attention when he was a guest within his own research institute, after that, the teenager left the Oak Research Institute, Eevee who identified this teenager as its trainer was not willing to do so, this little guy concealed himself from Professor Oak and Blue's eyes, and took advantage of the two of them being entangled by the noisy Pokémon watchers, Ash, and silently ran out of his backyard and followed Aisha.

"It's nothing though."

Within the video, Professor Oak also shook his head helplessly with a complicated smile.

"The rookie trainer and the initial Pokémon themselves are partners chosen by each other."

Professor Oak spoke his thoughts, saying, "Not only do new trainers need to choose their initial Pokémon, Pokémon are also choosing their favorite trainers, if said trainers and Pokémon don't have this part of the partnership, maybe some bad things might happen in the future."

Aisha also nodded his head in deep thought, agreeing with Professor Oak's words.

It wasn't just trainers who could abandon Pokémon.

There were just as many examples of Pokémon actively abandoning their trainers.

Within the Black and White anime, Ashi's Snivy had abandoned its original trainer under the pride of its heart before falling into Ash's hands.

If a new trainer doesn't get along with the initial Pokémon, the potential danger is indeed not small.

"Now, since this child, Eevee, has already taken a liking to you, even if you return it to my institute, it, having seen excellent trainers, probably won't be able to look at other newbie trainers." Professor Oak looked at Aisha's embrace and looked at Eevee, who was being coltish, and while laughing bitterly, he made a smooth transition and said, "In that case, this child will be left in Ai-chan's care, and anyway, we have four Pokémon on our side, which corresponds to the new trainers that are departing from Pallet Town today.

"No problem?"

Aisha was a bit hesitant.

"No problem."

Professor Oak responded firmly, his words filled with "You can rest assured."

"Good, in that case, I will respectfully comply!"

Aisha sniffed without much pretense and agreed to Professor Oak's suggestion in one breath.

He was very fond of this child himself.

Who could say no to a cute Eevee?

Absolutely no one!


Hearing Aisha's conversation with Professor Oak, Eevee, who realized that it had already managed to find itself a big handsome man as a trainer with its efforts, also instantly revealed an overjoyed expression, smiling cheerfully as it rubbed up against Aisha's chest, sniffing his scent, with a touch of bizarre color tinted within the smile that flowed on top of its face.


Marill, who had been hiding at the side because it had been uneasy about Aisha, caught Eevee's change in demeanor in its eyes.

Marill immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.


This little guy was more than just a little bitch, it was also a little pervert!

The master was in danger.


While frightened, a touch of envy colored Marill's eyes.

Damn, I also want to be so pampered in my master's arms!

Unfortunately, I've grown up now...


Marill, who thought she was already an adult after completing her evolution, was naturally embarrassed to continue hogging Aisha's embrace.


At this time, Aisha, however, discovered Marill who was hiding outside the cubicle, peeking at himself.

"What's wrong?"

With one hand cradling at least 6.5KG of Eevee, the extremely pure Instructor Ai scooped up Marill, who had a troubled face outside, with one hand again, and inquired about its distress.


Marill didn't say much and showed a smiling face.

Then, it looked at Eevee with an unkind face.

An adult's face was of no use at all, an owner's hug was the most important thing above this world!


Eevee also put away its smile and glared at Marill.

I'm not willing to share the embrace of a beautiful boy either!



The feuding duo bonded.

Professor Oak's eyes twitched as he watched from the video side - mostly because of Aisha's arm strength.

"Right, Professor."

At this time, Aisha suddenly looked at the wall clock next to him.

The current time was nine in the morning.

"Have the new trainers from Pallet Town departed yet?"


Hearing Aisha being concerned about the new trainers, Professor Oak, who should have been happy about the departure of these children, instead revealed a smile of embarrassment and said, "Everyone has already departed, Gary chose his favorite Squirtle, and the other two children chose Charmander and Bulbasaur respectively, and then... "

"Ash is late?"

Aisha could see Professor Oak's distress and stifled a laugh as he inquired about Ash.


As if he had aged ten years, Professor Oak revealed an expression of hatred and said, "Hey... I clearly already said that today is a particularly important day, never be late."


The late Ash was left with only Pikachu to choose from.

Of course, the bond between one person and one pet was also concluded.

"Ash and Pikachu, I'm also very much looking forward to their performance in the future, and I hope I can meet this child on top of the Indigo Plateau Conference."

Aisha relieved Professor Oak.

"I hope so..."

However, Professor Oak had obviously already been tortured by Ash and after quickly adjusting his emotions, he took out a Poké ball and placed on the transmitter of the communication device, "I'll give you Eevee's Poké ball, and from now on, you'll be this child's trainer."

With a flash of light, the Poké ball appeared on top of the communication device Aisha was using.

"I will do my best to train this child with all my might, Professor, you can rest assured!"

"Good, good!"

Seeing the promise Aisha made with a serious face, Professor Oak also revealed a smile with relief.

This child is really good.

Why isn't it my family's child?

The Dayan region really does have a lot of talent.

"The old man won't bother you anymore, go for it!"

"Well, goodbye, Professor."

Professor Oak smiled and hung up the phone.

Aisha, on the other hand, put down Eevee and Marill, who were still passionately staring at each other in his arms, took Pokémon's Poké ball placed on top of the transporter, and looked at this little guy.

"Little one, from now on, I am your trainer."

Aisha extended his hand.

"Boo, ee~"

Eevee also stepped forward, raised its little paw, and placed it on top of Aisha's palm.


Looking at such a cute appearance of the little one, Aisha was also naturally in a very good mood, and picked up this little one and Marill in one go - Instructor Ai wouldn't favor one over the other, anyway, even if Azurill evolved into Marill and Eevee evolved into any form, he could still carry it- -walked down the hall.

"That... Excuse me, are you Aisha?"

Aisha was about to pack up and leave when Nurse Joy from the Viridian City Pokémon Center suddenly called out to him.


A puzzled look was given to Nurse Joy, one of the most classic characters of the Pokémon series, and Aisha responded honestly to her inquiry.

"Yes, I'm Aisha, what is it that Nurse Joy wants?"

Under normal circumstances, Nurse Joy shouldn't just strike up a conversation with anyone.

So that means something should have happened.

If that meant she had met trouble, Aisha would be happy to help out a bit.


Nurse Joy just laughed a little.

Then, this beautiful and kind-hearted nurse took out a small book from within her small pocket and handed it to Aisha with an expectant face, saying, "I was hoping that, uh, Instructor Aisha could sign it for me!"


Now, instead, it was Aisha's turn to be surprised.

"Nurse Joy also likes Pokémon battle videos?"

"Ah, not this."

Looking at Aisha receiving her small book, Nurse Joy smiled like a flower while being embarrassed and explained the reason why she would like Aisha, saying, "It's mainly because our Joy Family's iconic Pokémon, Blissey, was instructed by Aisha in your 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' instructional video under the acquisition of inspiration, some of the Joy that favors fighting after learning the tactic of 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute', the combat power skyrocketed, and at once solved a lot of troubles that existed because the Blissey family was not good at fighting. -

"That's why it's not just me, Instructor Ai, your popularity within our Joy family is also very high!"

"I see..."

After hearing Nurse Joy's explanation, Aisha also smiled helplessly.


"The Blisset family is not good at fighting?"

This joke was a bit funny.


Nurse Joy heard something unusual within Aisha's words.

"Instructor Ai also has research about the Blissey family?"

"A little bit of research, but unfortunately I don't have the conditions to get my hands on a Happiny."

Aisha expressed his helplessness with a shrug.

"Of course, there's no Pokémon restriction in network matchmaking, so maybe I can make a special Pokémon analysis of the Blissey Family later on, and seriously analyze the way of using Blissey and Chansey for you all, and in addition, there are some special tactics on my side that are very suitable for Blissey and Chansey."

Spreading his hands, Aisha revealed a little bit to Nurse Joy.

Of course, the tactic of 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute', itself, was also very suitable for Blissey to use.


Hearing Aisha's words, Nurse Joy instead developed some interest.

Bravely and somewhat shyly, Nurse Joy came over to Aisha's side and said, "If Instructor Ai really releases an exclusive video of the Blissey family afterward, I can probably try it out and try to work on applying for an excellent Blissey or Chansey within the family to help Instructor Ai."


Aisha instantly looked at Nurse Joy with a bit of surprise.


This Nurse Joy could be the head of the Pokémon Center in Viridian City, she might not have a low status within the family.


Undeniably, Aisha was indeed moved.

Toxic, Protect, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Soft-Boiled, Stealth Rock, and Seismic Toss.

It was too scary.

If it was a Blissey carrying a Mega stone, a small egg was enough to become the most feared Pink Demon.

If he really got his hands on a Happiny, no matter if that child was prepared to keep the Chansey form or aspired to evolve into a Blissey, he would be able to unreservedly display the Pink Demon's might in many tournaments, shocking those trainers who had never experienced the dreadfulness of "suffering".

"The possibility is not low."

Nurse Joy also responded to Aisha's inquiry with a smile, saying: "If Instructor Ai really released the video of Blissey, and in his future activities, he showed Blissey's talents in combat, If you subvert the stereotype that the Blissey family can only exist as doctors, maybe you can become a big celebrity in our Joy family!"

At the end of her words, Nurse Joy even teased the beautiful boy in front of her.

Well, most of Aisha's female fans were fixated on his mesmerizing face value like a phantom.

Who doesn't like beautiful boys?

"Forget it..."

Aisha waved his hand a bit blushing.

It's not like he's Brock with the ability to identify 100% of Joys and Jennys.

"But I can work on that for the sake of Happiny!"


Instead, Nurse Joy didn't know what to say.

What's going on?

A bunch of Nurse Joy aren't even as good as a Happiny in your heart?

Isn't there something wrong with you young trainers?

"The main thing is that I'm currently challenging the eight gyms in the Kanto region, and the production of the video might need to be put down for a while, so that means Nurse Joy might need to wait for the video to be produced."

"No problem."

Nurse Joy smiled and said it was nothing.

After that, she pushed Aisha's shoulder and the two of them walked together in the direction of the counter.

"Let's go, I'll sign you up for the Indigo Plateau Conference!"

"Oh, I almost forgot about the registration thing."

The process of enrollment was actually very simple.

However, after messing with the registration thing, Aisha received a text message from Professor Oak, meaning that Ash had already received his initial Pokémon, Pikachu, and was now officially embarking on his adventures as a rookie trainer wearing rubber gloves and dragging a nylon rope.


Aisha looked through the window in the direction of the forest.

The Ash of this world had to face even more trials than the anime.

I wonder how powerful a trainer and Pokémon, he and Pikachu, who will survive these trials, could become in the end?

"Never mind."

Aisha shook his head with a bit of amusement.

He himself was only a new trainer, so why was he already thinking about what would happen so long afterward on behalf of others?

"Working hard on the ground is the right thing to do."

Aisha packed up his things.

At noon, he booked a private room in the most luxurious hotel in Viridian City, and dragged his Pokémon with him to eat and drink a whole lot within the hotel - the staff of the hotel originally had some complaints about Aisha's behavior of letting the Pokémon join him at the table, but after Aisha guaranteed that his Pokémon were all good kids and paid some extra money, the staff didn't say anything more. , the staff didn't say anything more.

"Charmander, you like spicy food, try this Mapo Tofu."

"Marill, no picky eaters, after you eat, I'll buy you your favorite dessert!"

"Caterpie, your favorite seafood needs to wait a little longer."

"Beldum... Uh, I'll try to speed up some of my research on steel lifeform food, this stuff is too difficult, so don't be in a hurry."

Finally, Aisha took the menu and came over to Eevee's side, saying, "What flavor of meal do you like, little one?"


Eevee carefully chose the dishes.

Rotom came over to Aisha's side at this time and said, "Instructor Ai, is this how you usually feed everyone human food?"


Aisha looked at Rotom who had a puzzled look on his face and repeated the words he had given to shiny Beldum that night.

Pokémon also liked to eat delicious food.

Aisha wouldn't just feed them Pokéblock and Pokémon food all day long.

Food should be enjoyed by all together.

They weren't master and slave.

They were family.

"You're our family too, Rotom, look at what you like to eat, we'll have a full meal for lunch today and continue on our way to Pewter City this afternoon."


Rotom didn't look at the menu, it was gazing at the side of Aisha's face, and seemed to understand why Caterpie, Marill, even Charmander and shiny Beldum,who were nurtured by the two champions, were so fond of Aisha...

"Indeed, it's different."


Aisha was speechless, but his smile widened a few times.

They were savoring a mountain of food.

However, a boy who had also set out in Pallet Town was now running wildly within the Viridian Forest, his two legs running at the speed of four.

"Big Brother Red, Second Brother Blue, and Instructor Ai!"

The boy carried a frightened Pikachu on his shoulders, and was chased by an overwhelming number of Spearow.
