Instructor Ai is PUAing You

"Ah, so full..."

Aisha elegantly pulled out a paper napkin from on top of the dining table, and after wiping his mouth, he collapsed on top of the chair without the slightest bit of image, revealing a wasted posture.

"Suddenly I don't want to move, I like to paralyze and rest for a while after eating a full stomach."


Beside him, Charmander also revealed an expression of approval.

Aisha raised his hand.

Charmander extended its paw.

One person and one Pokémon gave such a high-five, and then collapsed together on top of the chair.


Charmander burped, and Aisha smelled the pungent odor of Mapo Tofu next to him.

During the meal, this little guy ate five plates of Mapo Tofu in a row at Aisha's instigation.

This restaurant's Mapo Tofu was particularly awesome.

Aisha, an authentic Dayan person, couldn't stand it either.

The soup seemed to be as red as lava, and the tofu seemed to be as hot as volcanic rocks.

It seemed that only a fire-type Pokémon whose gastrointestinal system was different from that of a human or a normal Pokémon could adapt to such an extremely spicy dish.

Not many customers chose this dish on weekdays.

So much so that the chef, who had been preparing Mapo Tofu, after hearing the news that there was a strange customer who not only bought his Mapo Tofu, but even bought five servings of it in a row at noon today, he was immediately excited to the point of being grateful, and ran into Aisha and his Pokémon's box, pulling Aisha and Charmander's hands, and constantly praising them for their wonderful vision.

Aisha always felt that the chef's behavior was a bit strange.

Only after asking did he realize that this chef was an elegant and holy clergyman, a priest, before he became a chef who was passionate about Mapo Tofu.

Aisha obtained the menu for the special Mapo Tofu from his hands, and could always make it for Charmander with his own hands in the future.

The harvest was quite fruitful.


Caterpie, which was stuffed with seafood within its stomach, also rolled to Aisha's side in a single bound and rubbed against his shoes.

"Ah... Hah~ You've eaten enough?"

Aisha also had a smile on his face as he looked towards Caterpie, who had displayed a lazy appearance once he had filled up his stomach.

Even Caterpie who was motivated to become the king of Rayquaza had times when he enjoyed life.

Especially when it had filled its stomach.


Caterpie raised its eyes, after which, it re-rolled on top of the soft carpet next to him,cosplayed as a Sandshrew.

"Lo~ Instructor Ai's vision isn't bad~"

Although Rotom, who was a ghost and an electrical lifeform, could eat normally and feel taste just as normally, however, it didn't have the feeling of a full stomach, so it said that it wasn't reduced to the likeness of Charmander and Caterpie, and was now able to float leisurely within the compartment.

"This restaurant's meals are indeed good, and the service is also okay~"


Aisha waved his hand after hearing Rotom's praise and denied the praise of "Instructor Ai's vision is not bad".

"What's wrong?"

"This restaurant was the place that Nurse Joy helped me choose, and when I signed up for the Indigo Plateau Conference at the Pokémon Center earlier, I asked her if there were any excellent restaurants within Viridian City." Aisha opened his eyes and told the reason why he approached Nurse Joy to inquire about the restaurant, saying, "Because you guys also need to eat just the same, so that's why I specifically asked Nurse Joy if there were any restaurants that had pure ingredients and where Pokémon could also eat normally."

"And then, Nurse Joy recommended this restaurant to you?"


Aisha agreed with Rotom's words.

However, he scratched his hair a bit bitterly and spoke about his current headache, saying, "Mainly, I don't quite understand what the problem with traveling is, this trip of ours, even though it has the name of a trip attached to it, it feels like it's still a trainer's action of exercising his Pokémon, so mechanically challenging the eight gyms, and then participating in the Indigo Plateau Conference afterward, I always feel like it's a waste! Such a good opportunity to tour the Kanto region, it's a bit of a shame."

"I thought you were agonizing over something... There's no need to worry about this stuff!"

After Rotom heard Aisha's words, it burrowed into the cell phone in a flash and resumed its Rotom phone form.


Rotom phone floated in front of Aisha and opened the screen of the phone, revealing a travel software.

"I was the undoubted No.1 in the Rotom phone training base."

Rotom phone spoke of his deeds and achievements with great pride, saying, "Rotom phone is the most excellent aid for trainers, I'm already proficient in any operation of a cell phone, and I'm very proficient in planning travel routes, customizing travel plans, and other types of operations, so if Instructor Ai doesn't know how to arrange a travel plan, I can do it for him completely! "


Aisha revealed a surprised expression.

"Rotom-san is actually this good?"

"Of course."

Rotom phone's pride was already overflowing as he said, "I really didn't have anything to continue refining on the cell phone side, so I switched to the combat side."


Aisha suddenly fell silent.

Rotom phone seemed to have spoken something very powerful.

[Race: Rotom]

[Attribute: Electricity/Ghost]

[Characteristics: Levitate]

[Skills: Discharge, Charge, Trick, Astonish, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock, Confuse Ray, Uproar, Double Team, Ominous Wind, Shock Wave, Substitute, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch]

[Evaluation: Undoubtedly a master of time management, proficient in the auxiliary functions of the Rotom phone, its talent also supported it to learn the fighting style of all the appliance forms, although it is said that the degree of proficiency varies, however, the most central 'Heat form' and 'Wash form' have been tempered to perfection, even if it's a serious heating food and cleaning clothes can also be carried out, belonging to the home travel necessary all-purpose tool man, the trainer's best friend and main Pokémon]

Aisha pulled out the system and took a look at Rotom's panel, and had to admit the genius.

Though, there was nothing particularly useful in such a list of moves.

However, the sheer number of moves that Rotom had mastered was just as much a testament to the strength of its talent.

The moves it had mastered under its appliance form must have been even more numerous.

And... The system says that Rotom's heating form can heat food and its cleaning form can clean clothes?



Aisha suddenly grabbed Rotom phone and said, "Fantastic, you're simply my wise helper!"

"Hey, hey... How come you suddenly look like this?"

Rotom phone instantly reddened.

Instructor Ai likes to say these shy things, really...

"So, I'll give you a raise, and now immediately buy you a portable washing machine as a gift!"


"Really, really?"


Aisha affirmed his promise.

Rotom phone was instantly moved to tears.

Previously, it had always thought that Instructor had been squeezing its labor because he was lazy.

Now, it suddenly realized that there was actually no trainer above this world who was more humane and treated himself better than Instructor Ai, cutting videos to earn wages and whatnot was actually just to polish its sharpness, and itself had now comprehended what he meant, so said Instructor Ai immediately bought props for itself.

"Instructor Ai, I won't let you down, from now on my wash form is not just for fighting, all the clothes that need to be cleaned while we're traveling will all be left to me!"


"Also, the work of editing videos can still be left to me to carry out in the future, in the future, I will definitely live up to the name of Rotom phone No.1 and seriously edit even better videos for Instructor Instructor!"


"Instructor Ai, I love you!"


Aisha actually didn't know what exactly Rotom had brainstormed...

Anyway, it said it was willing to do its own laundry and that was it.

Not needing to do one's own laundry was simply fantastic.

Such an omnipotent toolman had simply solved a lot of his own troubles...

Elite Summer, I love you!

"I've felt your heart!"

"Thank you, Instructor Ai, thank you!"

Aisha and Rotom presented a harmonious and loving picture.

See, it even had to thank me!


Beside them, Caterpie, who had watched the whole thing, also shook its head and sighed.


Bad, Instructor Ai had fooled and crippled another naive guy.

Too crumbly.

But... It's good to be crumbly.

I love masters who are so crumbly!


Caterpie finally chose not to care.

The crumbs of one person one Pokémon, and the same lineage are also fully revealed.


Marill was known to have wandered away from the incident as well, and was now savoring a dessert of jelly and cake with a happy face.


Eevee, who was a little curious next to him, suddenly showed starry eyes after licking a mouthful of cream.


Marill noticed Eevee's demeanor.


After a struggle, Marill finally made a decision - handing Eevee a pudding.


Eevee gazed at Marill with a bit of confusion.


Malill twisted her head around and gave a disdainful expression.


Eevee swallowed the pudding in one gulp as if it had read Malirl's character.

After that, it laughed cheerfully and pounced on Malirl, and the two little ones fell off the chair together, falling on top of the soft carpet and rolling into a ball.



At first it was Marill who was disliking Eevee.

After that, Marill gave up her reserve as well, and the two little ones completely jostled together, their joyful laughter spreading throughout the box.


A question mark rose above Charmander's head.

Then, it also joined Marill and Eevee's scuffle.

The scene suddenly became quite chaotic.


Aisha shook his head with an amused face from the side.

[Race: Eevee]

[Attribute: Normal]

[Characteristics: Anticipation]

[Skills: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Quick Attack, Bite, Swift, Shadow Ball, Heal Bell, Wish]

[Evaluation: A cute little guy, Eevee's form doesn't have much combat power that can be utilized, and for the time being, it can be used as a mascot, however, its potential can be revealed after it has completed its evolution, and at the same time, its outstanding talent allows this child to adapt to almost any of its evolved form, so there is something about its cultivation that can be all about going with the flow]

Compared to Rotom, Eevee's panel was undoubtedly quite a bit shabbier.

However, this little guy has a promising future all the same.

As for the direction of evolution and cultivation there was no hurry.

Now that Aisha had sufficient combat power within her hands, this little guy could continue to enjoy a happy life for a while.

There was no need to be in such a hurry to put into action the replenishment of combat power.


"Go with the flow?"

Aisha looked towards Eevee.

The little guy's character was very good.

Within a short period of time, it was already in a tie with Marill and Charmander.

The air was filled with cheerfulness between the three little ones.

"In that case, I will look forward to what miracles you can create for me in the future."

Opening the blind box was indeed something to look forward to.


After resting for a while, Aisha finally stood up.

"Everyone, after eating and drinking, we should continue on our way!"





"Lo~ long live Instructor Ai!"

Everyone's cheering woke up shiny Beldum who was sleeping next to them.


Shiny Beldum opened its one eye and looked with a confused expression at Rotom who was jumping up and down inside the box in the form of a lightning bolt.

Has this guy finally gone crazy?


After packing up his things, Aisha left Viridian City with the little ones and retraced his steps into the Viridian Forest.

The Viridian Forest was a natural ecological area no less than [Mt. Chien].

This large forest stretched across the entire Kanto region.

A variety of trees built a natural labyrinth, and countless bug-type and grass-type Pokémon lived within the forest, and because of their existence, there were as many flying-type Pokémon as natural enemies.

Legend has it that those born in Viridian City can have the blessing of the Viridian Forest.

It was a miracle called the Power of Viridian.

The famous Elite Lance was the successor of the Power of Viridian.

So much so that the Viridian Forest became a mysterious place where legends were confirmed and received the attention of the entire world.

"The Power of Viridian, if I have the Power of Viridian, there's no need for me to train team doctors."

Having strolled between the forests, Aisha became interested in the Power of Viridian.

"Of course, if it's possible, it must still be good to get your hands on a Happiny."

This Pokémon was worth more than just a team doctor.

It was of great use!

After embarking on the route to Pewter City, Aisha opened the live stream again, carrying a group of Pokémon to kill a seven-in-seven within the Viridian Forest, harvesting a large wave of traffic while the iron was hot and at the same time solidifying the popularity he had built up from yesterday's live stream.

The method of brushing monsters remained the same.

Marill was responsible for luring the monsters.

Charmander was responsible for clearing the monsters after the enemies entered his range.

Shiny Beldum was responsible for clearing the remaining enemies.

The three little guys formed an iron triangle for brushing monsters.

Eevee's eyes were sparkling with starlight as it watched from the side - it didn't know that its little friend, who was still laughing and joking with it at the restaurant at noon, was actually this powerful, and with the cooperation of the three favorites, it swiped away countless wild Pokémon whose strength wasn't that impressive.

Oh, although it was said that Eevee was also present at the battle last night.

However, at that time, Eevee's attention was all focused on Aisha, and didn't care much about Charmander and Marill's performance at all.


Eevee blinked its eyes and gazed at Aisha expectantly.

"Good girl."

Aisha stroked the little guy's head and said, "I don't need you to say it, I will definitely raise you to a level that's as powerful as them, however, it's not the time yet, you're still too young, in the past few days, you'll first watch the seniors operate against each other, and learn the basics of battle, and then after a while, I'll let you join their team as well."

There was too much time spent in the wilderness when traveling anyway.

As long as Aisha was out of the city, then every moment was an opportunity to exercise the Pokémon.

Eevee's potential was high, and making it stronger wasn't a difficult task.


Having received Aisha's promise, Eevee instantly cheered with excitement.


Gripping its small paws tightly, Eeevee wagged its tail and joined the team protecting Aisha.


Caterpie didn't know what to say, and after a helpless smile, it took the initiative to share its experience and teach this junior who was longing for Aisha.


Eevee listened attentively to Caterpie's teaching.

Within the little guy's eyes that looked towards the Caterpie, a touch of admiration immediately colored it.

Although it was a cute girl.

However, Eevee had dreamed of becoming a handsome Pokémon since it was born.

Battling against each other was clearly the way for Eevee to become an awesome Pokémon and show off its handsomeness.


At night, while Aisha and his Pokémon were resting at the garrison, Rotom phone suddenly floated in front of Aisha, playing a live stream of the Pokémon Center in Viridian City exploding under the flow of a huge electric current.

"The Pokémon Center could probably be renamed the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

Aisha commented sharply.

"But, Ash and the Team Rocket trio have arrived in Viridian City, huh?"

Aisha was also a bit interested in the trio.

It was possible to meet the true protagonists if there was a chance.

After that, Aisha and his Pokémon wandered around within the Viridian Forest for a few days, brushing monsters and at the same time cleaning up a bug hunter who was randomly chopping up people with a katana, leaving behind a sentence that said, "I'm from Pallet Town, so if you want to take revenge, you can look for a trainer in Pallet Town." and then left... -The bug hunter didn't dare to say a word because Aisha broke his katana with his bare hands at that moment.

Finally, one day at dusk, Aisha walked out of the Viridian Forest.


Standing on top of a thick rock, Aisha looked out at the city that had an overall gray color and revealed a smile.

"Brock, I'm coming..."

I wonder, how strong is Brock?

  1. the power to heal Pokémon using physical touch as well as read the minds of Pokémon, the known owners are Yellow, Lance, and Giovanni
  2. from 'Touhou'