Team Rocket Appears, Crisis in Mt. Moon

When it comes to the diversity of wild Pokémon species, Mt. Moon is definitely inferior to the Viridian Forest.

After all, Mt. Moon is just a mountain range located between Pewter City and Cerulean City, blocking Route 3 and Route 4, and it's not even a mountain range.

The Viridian Forest, on the other hand, stretches across the entire Kanto region.

The forest is even infested with Pokémon unique to other regions, and there is a great diversity of wild Pokémon.

Mt. Moon, on the other hand, was a lot shabbier.

It was a mountain range, and most of the Pokémon that survived here were still rock-type and ground-type Pokémon.

For example, the Geodude family and the Sandshrew family.

Onix also frequented Mt. Moon.

Perhaps because of the terrain of the dark cave, the Zubat family also liked to live within Mt. Moon.

After that, there was the Paras family.

The most famous wild Pokémon is the legendary Clefairy colony, which appeared on Earth with the meteorite and inhabited Mt. Moon.

It seems that someone once saw a wild Chansey and Machop in Mt. Moon?

I wonder how true this rumor is...

"Charmeleon, use Flamethrower continuously!"

Standing at the back of the Charmeleon, Aisha commanded its offense thusly.


Charmeleon roared under Aisha's command with great vigor, its thick foot also stomped on the rugged ground within the cave, and after a burst of drumming in its robust chest, hot energy was quickly transferred from within its body to between its throat, transforming into bright flames that sprayed into the darkness in front of it with a single breath.

At this stage, there was only one path to the tunnel.

That was why the Charmeleon didn't need to aim at all.

Its flames illuminated the deep darkness within the cave.

Under the illumination of the firelight, a group of large bats without eyes were scorched mercilessly by the flames, and one after another lost their ability to fight and fell on top of the ground.


Invisible sound waves spread throughout the tunnel, as if it was a mountainous tsunami attacking Charmeleon and everyone in the rear.


Aisha immediately judged what kind of move the Zubat colony's counterattack was.

"Moreover, many Zubats released Supersonic at the same time. It is suspected that there are multiple Golbats guiding the accumulation of energy?

"Rotom, you also join the battle and use Discharge in conjunction with the Charmeleon's Flamethrower!"


Rotom phone, who was already ready for battle, immediately exited the mobile phone form after hearing Aisha's command, and floated to Charmeleon's side in its basic form. The body wrapped in transistors was released under the flicker of light. The raging current surged toward the front of the tunnel, entwined with hot flames.



After Rotom joined the battle, the fall of the Zubat colony suddenly accelerated by an unknown amount.

The wails of bats resounded through the cave.

This class of poorly defended Pokémon collapsed into a heap almost instantly after receiving damage from attribute restraints.

"Eevee, prepare Heal Bell."

At this time, Aisha gave orders towards Eevee.

A colony of Zubats and Golbats released Supersonic together... This was still a bit terrifying.


Eevee also understood Aisha's meaning, so it said that it immediately stepped forward and hid behind Charmeleon and Rotom, observing their situation.

Once the two seniors had the slightest tendency to become confused, then it immediately released its Heal Bell.

"...What's going on?"

Aisha's eyes locked onto the front of the tunnel and frowned.

Zubats were not some kind of Pokémon with horrible fertility and vigorous breeding intentions.

A colony of wild Zubats, even if it topped out, a hundred Zubats would be enough.

Now, Zubats that had attacked them were seemingly endless, constantly surfacing in the depths of the darkness, desperately surging in the direction of the cave entrance.

It was clearly a joint attack by multiple Golbat colonies.

Not only that, they didn't stop for a moment even though they were under heavy attack.

That fearless look gave Aisha a bit of a headache as well.

"What happened within the cave?"

Even how sluggish a person was, they should always have discovered a problem by this point in time.

Aisha's first direct association was with a problem within Mt. Moon.

"Marill, Beldum!"

Aisha looked at the OB next to him, who had nothing to do for a long time. Marill and shiny Beldum.



The two Pokémon also looked at Aisha with a puzzled but excited expression.

After half a day of watching the drama, their hands were also itching.

"You two try your best to capture a Golbat alive under the cover of Charmeleon and Rotom, got it?"

Because Zubat has no eyes, it is difficult to study.

So that's why Aisha chose the captive as a Golbat.



The two little ones answered.

After that, Charmeleon and Rotom suddenly intensified their firepower output.

Even the Zubat colony, which had defiantly charged all the way, was suppressed by the firepower and momentarily halted the pace of their blistering attack.

Marill and shiny Beldum, on the other hand, wrapped themselves around the streams of water and the light of steel, and drilled into the depths of the cavern with a single breath.


Eevee glanced back at Aisha.

"Eeevee, Shadow Ball attack Zubats that dodged Charmeleon's and Rotom's attacks."


Eevee was instantly energized and hurriedly moved to the side of Rotom, continuously gathering up the energy of the Shadow Balls and attacking the Zubats that had managed to dodge the fire suppression.

They themselves were bloodless.

A single shot of Shadow Ball from Eevee was able to take down one of the Zubats.


The little guy instantly experienced the joy of a human-headed dog.

A few moments later, some confusion occurred within the army of ultrasound bats in front.

Marill paired up with shiny Beldum to capture a rather large-sized Golbat, and Charmeleon and Rotom saw this and immediately switched the direction of their firepower output, assisting the two little ones in resolving the pursuing enemies in the rear, helping them to charge all the way out of the Zubat's army.


Aisha bellowed.

"All hands, get down!"

Charmeleon and Rotom sniffed and instantly got down on top of the ground, the former incidentally pressing down on Eevee, who had swiped the monster to the point of delirium, with a single claw.

Marill and shiny Beldum, who had tackled the Golbat, also lay on their backs on top of the ground with a sliding shovel.

"Caterpie, Twister!"


Aisha took a step back while Caterpie's watery eyes widened.

However, within the previously calm eyes, they were now tinted with a touch of extreme violence.


The dragon's roar came from somewhere.

The raging tornado instantly tore through the pitch-black tunnel.

It attacked them, and even Zubat and Golbat, who had already lost the ability to fight and crashed to the ground and fainted, disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The hurricane filled with dragon energy blew them to the other end of Mt. Moon.

The raging power even widened the tunnel they were currently in.

Even though the tunnel has expanded a lot, it still has not collapsed, which proves the exquisite control of energy by the person launching the attack.


A mouthful of tornado lifted off all the enemies, and Caterpie closed its mouth with a look of disdain.


Aisha praised it from the back, saying, "Not bad for you, my ace!"


The Caterpie's expression immediately looked better.

"...This is Caterpie?"

It had not been long since it joined the team, so Rotom, who didn't know the details of Caterpillar, immediately widened its eyes when he realized that Caterpillar had wiped out the enemy group that it and Charmeleon had only reached an equal level after working hard for a long time. Its eyes looked at Caterpie as if looking at an indescribable monster.

"Caterpie using Twister?"

Rotom somewhat doubted its knowledge and said, "Instructor Ai, is this Caterpie of yours legal?"


Aisha moved his logic and said, "Existence is reasonable, since my Caterpie used this move, then it is a legitimate Pokémon!"

"...It's good that you're happy."

Rotom sweated for a moment.


Charmeleon knocked Rotom's electro-crystalline shell at this point and gave a goofy grin.

This one is nothing.

I've been through this just as much before.

Back then, Caterpie's work was much more ruthless than it is now.

Rotom: "?"

What kind of trainer am I following?


Eevee, on the other hand, wasn't as entangled as Rotom.

Mainly because this little guy also didn't know what the concept of a Caterpie making a Twister really was...

Eevee only thought that Caterpie was awesome.

Because Caterpie had carefully taught Eevee some sparring issues before, so that the little guy regarded it as a reliable predecessor and teacher.

Today, he suddenly realized that his senior was indeed very powerful.

Eevee's mood was naturally very good.


The little guy ran to the side of Caterpie, scanning its body up and down with a curious expression.


Shiny Beldum was instead the one who reacted the most flatly.

After all, before it became Aisha's Pokémon, Steven had constantly instilled in Beldum the idea that "your new master is someone I can't compare to, he's an ace Pokémon and a god".

That's why it didn't have any surprises about it.


Marill tugged on the wings of Golbat and scurried to the front of Aisha in a trot.

"Not bad."

Aisha praised Marill.

Of course, Aisha didn't forget the shining Beldum that was also contributing.

"Good job, Beldum."

The shiny Beldum instantly squinted happily.


Aisha then looked at the shivering Golbat above the ground.

Although it was said that this fellow had now regained a clear consciousness.

However, Aisha had clearly seen that when Marill and shiny Beldum were tackling it, Golbat was not only struggling frantically with scarlet eyes, but its movements had also become much more violent compared to its normal counterparts, so it was obvious that it had been affected by some external factors.


Aisha locked eyes with Golbat.

Aisha then punched the ground next to Golbat.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, Golbat felt some debris hit its face, and turned its head to see that the location where Aisha's fist had landed had blossomed into deep and dense cracks as if it were a spider's web.


Golbat immediately bared its teeth and revealed a pleasing smile.

"Good, we can negotiate now."

Aisha revealed a satisfied smile and closed his fist.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Golbat was very cooperative.

"Firstly, why do you have such strong malice towards us, it's clear that Mt. Moon is not your exclusive territory."

"Buzz, buzz!"

"Golbat said that it doesn't know what's going on either... During this period of time, they always feel that there are some special sound waves hovering within Mt. Moon, and after themselves and their partners hear those sound waves, they feel a bit delirious and irritable and easy to anger, and no matter who they see other than Pokémon of the same clan, they may also have some thoughts of attacking."

Rotom turned back into his cell phone form and became the translator between Aisha and Golbat.


Aisha was a bit surprised.

A special sound wave that could give Pokémon aggressive tendencies?

There was only one organization with similar technology within the impression...

"Secondly, did you guys find any strange people within Mt. Moon during this time."


Golbat didn't respond, its eyes just staring at Aisha.

Now, without the need for Rotom to translate, Aisha knew what Golbat meant - the strangest person was him who could break rock walls with his bare hands.

"Ahem, that's not what it means." Aisha added with a bit of embarrassment, saying, "It's probably some people in strange costumes."


Golbat reacted.

It stood up straight and its claws drew an "R" sign above the ground.

"Buzz, buzz!"

"Golbat said that in the past few days, they often saw people wearing black clothes with this symbol on them in the cave near the top of Mt. Moon."


Aisha also understood.

"Sure enough, it's Team Rocket..."

Black clothes, the R symbol, and a habit of using some device that affected the sanity of Pokémon.

All the elements all pointed to that classic villainous organization, Team Rocket led by Giovanni.

"What are they doing at Mt. Moon?"

Aisha remembered that before entering Mt. Moon, she had once seen the rise of black smoke over the top of the mountain.

It didn't feel like anything at that time.

Now that I think about it, maybe it's a consequence of Team Rocket's actions...

"Kind of interesting."

Aisha looked at Golbat and said, "Make a path, you're now leading us to those people in black."


Golbat was confused, feeling as if he had fallen into a den of thieves.


The top of Mt. Moon.

"Hey, you guys, hurry up!"

A small man stood on top of a rock with a cocky face, condescendingly instructing those grassroots Team Rocket minions.

In front of him, a large group of black-uniformed grunts were controlling many machines, directing Pokemons such as Sandshrews and Sandslash to continuously excavate the rock wall.

A portion of the grunts had special detectors cupped inside their hands, as if they were searching for something.

"We need a lot of funds to revive Team Rocket. I heard that Clefairy and Clefable families are active here in Mt. Moon. These Pokémon can be sold for a lot of money at the rich lady's place. If you can find matching ones, Of course the moon stone is better." Carr, one of The Three Beasts of Team Rocket, drew cakes on the rock and said: "If you succeed in catching enough Clefairy and Clefable, Mr. Giovanni will Be happy, everyone is expected to get promoted and make a fortune!"

As soon as Carr's words fell, the grunts below let out a matching cheer.


"Long live Lord Carr!"

"Long live Boss Giovanni!"

It seemed that only the last sentence was a genuine word from the grunts.


Carr, however, was very flattered.

"Lord Carr." A junior soldier ran to the side of the rock and reported the current situation, saying, "We've found traces of Clefable not far ahead, and in addition, the team that's currently digging for fossils in the bottom area of Mt. Moon has successfully mined out products suspected to be fossilized ancient Pokémon."


Carr sniffed, in a very good mood.

"Go on, full speed ahead!"

This small man asked in passing, saying, "By the way, how's the clearing going?"


The small soldier continued to report, saying, "Lord Carr can rest assured, we have utilized a special device to control the wild Pokémon in the lower levels of Mt. Moon, those trainers who have attempted to enter the mountain during this time cannot resist a large-scale attack by the wild Pokémon at all."

Indeed, the trainers in the neighborhood had no recourse against the overwhelming wild Pokémon.

They had clearly investigated the strength of the neighboring trainers in this operation.

Most of the weak trainers also didn't have much keen observation, and when they were concerned with running for their lives, they surely couldn't discover the problem of the wild Pokémon.


Carr dropped his heart.

In fact, he was also a bit itchy.

While it was true that the search for the Clefairy colony and the digging for fossils were proceeding methodically, he was feeling a bit slow.

"Gee, miss the days when I could have Forretress randomly bombard the mines with Explosion."

Chakra nostalgically remembered his old spirited ways.

One wave of the hand and countless Forretress nuked everything flat.

Unfortunately, now that Team Rocket had just restarted, it couldn't be that high profile...

There were too many troublesome things.

"Forget it, when the Fossil Excavation Force digs up excellent Fossil Pokémon, I can train some new fighting forces as well."

Carr sighed.

He didn't know that a group of bandits had gradually approached his fossil digging unit.

"...Really Team Rocket?"

On the lower level of Mt. Moon, Aisha poked his head out from within a hidden tunnel and looked down at the Team Rocket minions below who were digging furiously into the mountain wall, and did seem to have dug up some good stuff.

"Instructor Ai, what do we do?"

Rotom phone asked Aisha so.

It also knew how vicious Team Rocket was.

"Black eat black!"

Aisha thought for a moment and revealed a bright smile.

He was also a bit interested in some of the Fossil Pokémon's Howlers.

  1. evil people who use one party in illegal activities to bully the other party by using threats, force and other coercive means