Is Instructor Ai Platinum Star?

"Having played the main series of Pokémon games for so long, I have become accustomed to rummaging through boxes and cabinets in residents' homes all day long to find props. However, in the ninth generation, Game Freak suddenly revoked the protagonist's permission to enter residents' homes. I was shocked. I have been frustrated for such a long time, and now I have the opportunity to rob the Rockets of their ill-gotten gains through illegal means, what's wrong?"

Aisha lay down on top of the hidden mountain wall and recited words that Rotom phone couldn't understand.

"...Okay, as long as Instructor Ai is happy."

Rotom phone was also speechless.

However, Rotom phone was also a bit interested in robbing Team Rocket of these things.

As Rotom phone's material, it had naturally gone through professional learning when it was in the training base.

The content of the study included the knowledge about "assisting trainers in avoiding dangers".

There are only a few types of dangers that trainers encounter in the wild.

That's why the Rotom phone's training includes information about famous criminal organizations in each region.

The most dangerous of these criminal organizations was naturally Team Rocket, which had once ruled the dark worlds of the Kanto and Johto regions for quite some time, and even the eight major gyms in the Kanto region, of which more than half of the gyms' masters were also cadres and leaders.

However, in the final analysis, Rotom phone hadn't seen the means by which Team Rocket operated.

Naturally, he was a bit curious.

Fighting crime was also an act that League trainers were passionate about.

So after pondering for a while, Rotom phone still agreed with Aisha's idea of preparing to strike.

"What do we do?"

Rotom phone asked Aisha so.


Aisha gazed at the Team Rocket grunts below, his eyes constantly seeking within the lower cavern, as if he was confirming the enemy's number and combat strength.

"It seems to be full of grunts, the combat power isn't that impressive."

The members of Team Rocket who were mining the fossils within the lower cave were all small soldiers wearing black uniforms.

The Pokémon configured by these people, who were acting as operatives and laborers at the same time, certainly weren't powerful either.

"The configured Pokémon are the mountain-piercing rat and the small fist stone..."

Aisha scanned and judged the combat power configuration of these Team Rocket grunts.

Probably because the mission of this outing was to excavate fossils, so that the configuration of these grunts was not the classic Ekans and Zubat, but instead, they were switched to ground-type Sandshrew and ground and rock-type Geodude to carry out excavation and mining operations for the help.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Aisha frowned.

The rock type resisted the fire type, and the ground type was simply directly immune to electric type.

His own two fire outputs were directly wasted when facing these two types of Pokémon.

It's not like Marill, who restrained them, had any means of clearing out stragglers on a large scale...

"It's a pity that Marill doesn't genetic inherent the move Soak."

That was the case before.

When they were facing the attack of Zubat colony within the tunnel, Aisha had noticed that there were a few more Geodude and Sandshrew within the attacking wild Pokémon, and in order to prevent these two types of Pokémon from appearing on a large scale and causing Charmeleon and Rotom to lose, he had commanded Caterpillar to launch an attack.

Although it was said that Wash Rotom's water type could completely counteract them.

However, if water cannons were used within the tunnels and caves, it would definitely be an operation that would hurt the enemy a thousand times and harm itself eight hundred times...

"Why don't we just carry our swords and fight?"

Aisha had a dangerous thought.

"Instructor Ai."

Rotom phone seemed to be able to see Aisha's distress, so it said that even though it opened its mouth and explained its worries, saying, "The lower caves already have quite a lot of artificial tunnels because of the terrain problem with the fossil mining, so it shouldn't be much of a problem if we use our water type moves over here and control the strength well."


Aisha pulled over Rotom phone and Marill, and the one person and two Pokémon conspired.

"Understood, Instructor Ai."


Rotom phone and Marill also indicated that they understood.

After that, Rotom phone switched forms to become Wash Rotom, and each of the two Pokémon climbed along the rock wall, silently, towards the ends of the upper rock wall.


Aisha always felt that mining fossils shouldn't be done without an overseer.

Sure enough, after taking a closer look, Aisha spotted a man standing within the shadows of one of the tunnels wearing a uniform that was clearly different from that of the grunts.

The man was followed by a very stocky Machoke.


Aisha looked again at the opposite side of the man - within the tunnel there, a woman wearing the same special uniform was boredly playing with her nails, and a vicious Arbok was spitting scarlet letters at her rear.

Two squad leader-like figures, one on the left and one on the right, guarded the edge of the lower cavern.

They could look across the entire lower cavern, preventing wild Pokémon from appearing on this side with unrelated trainers.

Of course, these two ignored the upper level...

"Team Rocket isn't working, and the squad leader is starting to neglect his duties."

Aisha laughed, seeing the fact that these people were all drunkards.

There were a total of thirty Team Rocket skirmishers down there, each equipped with Geodude and Zubat, very neat, and two skirmish leaders with high probability of hiding high level Pokémon.

Not a problem...

"Caterpie, String Shot!"


Hearing Aisha's command, Caterpie immediately fired up and spewed out pure white silk threads, a large net was completely formed in almost a few seconds under its compilation, and in a single breath, it covered the Team Rocket grunts below who had operated the mechanical tools and commanded the Pokémon that were digging up the fossils.

"What the hell?"

"What's going on?"

"We're being attacked?"

By the time those grunts realized something was wrong, the large net was already above their heads.



The squad leader who was supervising the work within the tunnel did not notice the descent of the large net in time just as much because of his restricted field of vision.

After the duo came out, two Hydro Pump and a Shadow Ball descended with a bang, hitting the bodies of the grunts' Geodude and Sandshrew that were constantly struggling due to the same coverage they received from the large net.

"Who the hell is that?"

The female grunt leader looked upwards in annoyance.


A clear teenage voice responded to her question.


A shadow leapt down, ignoring the height of at least twenty meters between the lower cavern and the upper cavern, and landed firmly on top of the floor of the lower cavern.

"Arbok, Sludge Bomb, slaughter him!"

Although she was very surprised by the physical strength of this young man, being able to become the team leader in Team Rocket showed how ruthless this woman was, so after she confirmed that Aisha was the enemy who attacked her and others, she immediately commanded her Arbok to launch an attack.


Aisha raised his hand without the slightest bit of panic, and he held something silver-white between his palms.


Shiny Beldum served as a shield against Arbok's Sludge Bomb.

"Beldum, Iron Head!"

Aisha took advantage of the enemy's daze and assumed a throwing posture.



Aisha and shiny Beldum's battle cries seemed to be stacked on top of each other.

The Platinum Star was with them.

"Hiss... hiss-!!!"

The massive Arbok had just straightened up when a beam of white and gold flashed and smashed on top of its own chest.

Arbok was lifted off the ground.


At the same time, Aisha, who had stood still, suddenly sidestepped again, dodging a heavy punch from Machoke in the back.


Machoke was a bit surprised.

A human could actually detect and dodge his punch?


Aisha sneered.

"Machoke, Low Sweep!"

In the back, Machoke's trainer ordered so.

As expected of Team Rocket, every move was launched towards the trainer...


Machoke's body crouched and threw a sweeping kick at Aisha.

Aisha, on the other hand, lightly leapt, toes stepping on top of Machoke's chest, smoothly bouncing to the back, instantly pulling himself away from his enemy.

A Poké ball rushed straight towards Machoke's face.


The Poké ball opened, and Charmeleon with flames stored between its fangs revealed a violent expression, appearing in front of Machoke, and a mouthful of large-word bursts of fire blasted above the fighting pro's face from almost zero distance.

The Poké ball opened, and Charmeleon whose fangs were full of flames showed a violent expression and appeared in front of Machoke. A Fire Blast hit the fighting expert's face from almost zero distance.


Machoke wailed as he took a few steps back.


Charmeleon, however, bullied his way up and slammed a flaming fist on top of Machoke's head.

How dare you attack my master too?



Machoke's robust body fell to the ground with a loud bang.


Charmeleon stomped on his head.

"How is that possible?" That male squad leader instantly turned pale, saying, "How can an instantly released Fire Blast have such terrifying power, is it possible that the energy has already started to build up within the Poké ball?

"But how could a human beings be subjected to that level of temperature?"

Aisha revealed a mocking smile.

"People and their physiques cannot be generalized. When I was extremely angry, I once killed Archie with a sword."

Aisha raised his hand.

Behind him, raging currents and pitch-black spheres were washing over the ground covered by the large net, harvesting the Pokémon held by the grunts.


The squad leader was instantly annoyed and pulled out two Poké balls.

A Shadow Ball, however, smashed on top of his palm.

The Shadow Ball burst, the captain covered his palm in a frantic wail, and the two Poké balls rolled down on top of the ground.


Aisha picked up his Poké balls with quick eyes and locked them.

No matter how much the angry-faced Primeape and Hariyama within the Poké balls struggled, Aisha did not show any leniency.

"Solved one."

Aisha immediately looked in the direction of shiny Beldum.

Shiny Beldum was now surrounded by Arbok, Weezing, and Ariados, and although it was weak, it was fighting a solid defensive battle with its steel type's immunity to poison type moves.

"One specializes in fighting type and the other in poison type?"

Aisha looked with interest at the woman who was commanding three Poison type Pokémon to surround shiny Beldum.

Now, there was no anger in this woman's eyes.

Greed and desire filled her brain and heart.

She must have recognized the shiny Beldum and realized the value of this Pokémon just as well...


Aisha sneered.

Charmeleon had already sprayed a mouthful of Flamethrower towards Ariados.


Ariados sensed the danger and prepared to dodge, but Beldum, who had been dodging, changed its tactical style and slammed a shot of Idea Head on top of its stomach.


Though it was said that this act caused shint Beldum to eat Arbok's Fire Fang.

However, Charmeleon's Flamethrower also hit Ariados, collecting it in one fell swoop.


The woman panicked a bit as one Pokémon lost its ability to fight.

She glanced at Aisha and her wailing companion, and her expression changed.

"Weezing, Explosion!"

Arbok heard the order and immediately crawled backwards with its tail wagging, and the Weezing finally sprang to life after a moment's hesitation.

Of course, it was because of the momentary hesitation of Weezing to its master's command that Aisha had time to retrieve the shiny Beldum back into the Poké Ball.


After the mournful wail of Weezing, a violent explosion swept through the lower cavern.

However, because the closest shiny Beldum had already returned to Aisha's Poké ball, Weezing's Explosion only blew up those Team Rocket grunts and the nearby machinery and mountain walls.

Aisha and Charmeleon were also some distance away from it from the beginning.

As well as Wash Rotom and Marill, after cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, they also rushed to the lower cave in time, blocking Aisha and Charmeleon, and released Protect.

The female squad leader did not do any harm to Aisha at all with such a strong hand.

Even, she probably misjudged the resentment of the Weezing towards Explosion.

So much so that the power of Explosion rippled into the mountain wall in front of her, the crumbling rubble blocked the tunnel's entry pit, and her escape route was blocked...

"Damn it!"

She was frantically pounding on the rubble that blocked the entrance to the tunnel.

"Arbok, Dig!"


As Arbok was preparing to force its way through, Marill chased after it with an Aqua Jet, and after smashing the back of such a large python's head, it collected it with a shot of brute force.


Caterpie's String Shot also fell from the sky and wrapped around the woman.


Aisha walked ahead of her with light steps.

"Say, where is your large army?"

"Get out!"

"That means there is indeed a large force?"

Aisha smiled.

"I've already contacted the official police stations of Pewter City and Cerulean City in advance, and calculating the time, Officer Jenny should already be on their way." Aisha glanced at the silk threads binding her and said, "You definitely won't be able to untie these threads for a while, and even if you do, by that time, Officer Jenny will probably have already surrounded Mt. Moon, so save your strength and forget about it, you won't be able to escape."


The woman's face turned white and she didn't say a word.

Aisha wasn't going to continue wasting time questioning her over here either.

Caterpie reinforced the bundled silk threads, and the lower cave almost turned into a coiled silk cave.

After that, Aisha lifted the bag with the fossils and walked towards the even higher tunnel without looking back...

It didn't matter if they didn't.

They must have a special goal in Mt. Moon anyway, and they couldn't run away for a while.

Mt. Moon is also not big.

If you look for it layer by layer, you're sure to encounter it.


"Hee, finally found it."

Above the Mt. Moon Square, the small Carr stood in front of a Clefairy, a vicious and excited expression on his face.


Clefairy showed a terrified expression as the guy closed in on him.

The little guy tried to run away, but was surrounded by Team Rocket minions in black uniforms.




Around them, a number of Clefairy and Clefable were surrounded by Team Rocket frunts and squad leaders, and gathered on top of the open space of Mt. Moon Square.

The calm was shattered.

"Lord Carr, shall we start capturing them now?"


Carr's small eyes were scanning the nearby mountain walls as he said, "The place where the Clefairy colony lives is said to have once crashed into a meteor, which turned into a Moon Stone, and Mt. Moon has always had rumors of large Moon Stones being creatures guarded by the Clafairy colony, so it's not too late for us to consider capturing them after we've found those things."

Evolutionary stones had never been a resource to worry about either.

If it was true that the large Moon Stone that had been transformed by the meteor within the legend had been found, the progress of preparing the funds for Team Rocket's reboot could go up by a large margin in one fell swoop.

"After this vote is completed, I can definitely surpass the Four Admins and become the second leader of Team Rocket..."

The small man had big ambitions.

Chakra waved his hand.


A group of Team Rocket geunts immediately started a new round of digging with the Moon Stone in full swing.


Taking advantage of the chaos, a Clefable grabbed its child under the cover of its companions and shoved it inside a hidden tunnel in one fell swoop.

After that, itself and its partner blocked that tunnel without a trace.


That teary-eyed little one entered the tunnel, took a look at the elders and their partners covering their figures, and finally wiped away its tears and ran down the tunnel to the bottom.

Must, must save everyone...

Nonetheless, tears flowed out of his eyes.

"What are you crying for, little one?"

Not knowing how long it had been running, a gentle voice reached its ears.


The little guy raised its head with tearful eyes and saw a teenager smiling at it.

"If you've been bullied, I'll help you with those assholes..."
