Three Pillars, Assemble


The terrifying impact knocked back Regirock's body that was as large as a giant.

Its fist was shattered by Caterpie's Draco Meteor, leaving a section of its rocky arm still swaying.


Regirock's body fell on top of the ground under unsteady footing.

However, it was worthy of being a Pokémon of Rock.

After Regirock's broken arm touched the ground, some of the shattered rock then instantly seemed to be covered with a layer of magical magic, quickly coming together on top of its body, and after some rapid polishing, it was pieced together on top of the rock giant's arm, forming a brand new fist.

It wasn't a move or a trait.

It was the power that the World Initiation Tree had given it.

An almost infinite regenerative power.

"Hmph, a bit of fun!"

Witnessing the entire process of Regirock completing the rebirth of his broken arm, Aisha revealed an interested look.

After that, he turned his head towards Cynthia, who had stabilized the car.

"Miss Cynthia, please."

Aisha asked Cynthia to head to the Tree of Beginning to complete the task of finding Pikachu.


Cynthia also understood Aisha's meaning.

There was no nonsense between the two.

"Sit tight!"

Cynthia stepped on top of the buggy's gas pedal, and the tires carried them in a single breath between speeding towards the road that had been opened wide after Aisha had repelled Regirock.

The confused Lucario on top of the car almost fell off the vehicle.

"It's not possible to fail Instructor Ai's hard work."

Cynthia had a serious face.

She certainly wasn't afraid of the three pillars that served as guards.

Even with the Tree of Beginning providing almost unlimited regeneration power to them, Cynthia, who was the Sinnoh Champion, could take on the Three Pillars alone and be invincible.

Aisha was different.

Cynthia knew that Aisha only had weak Pokémon in her possession.

Nonetheless, Aisha still chose to face Regirock alone, so there must be a deeper meaning for him.

"Instructor Ai should have calculated that there are new dangers behind him, so he said he didn't hesitate to face off against Regirock all by himself, we must hurry!"

Cynthia also revealed a smile.

"Instructor Ai, thanks for your trust!"

As it turned out, Cynthia had indeed overthought things.

Aisha was only preparing to complete the system's mission - defeating the Three Pillars alone.


Aisha watched as Cynthia's car disappeared from his sight, and threw out all of his Poké Balls at once, releasing Marill, Charmeleon, Wash Rotom, Eevee, and shiny Metang.

"Everyone, this time combine your efforts to deal with one enemy!"

Aisha himself took a step back and stood at the edge of the battle range.

The trainer itself was a commander-positioned role.

If one carried a sword and physically fought monsters all day long, one's Pokémon would be more or less disgraced.

Moreover, Aisha's Pokémon didn't have much cooperation in normal times.

Therefore, the gentle Instructor Ai decided to increase the intensity and thoroughly hone their ability to cooperate with each other and fight in an indiscriminate wild battle.

"Caterpie, interrupt it with Twister!"

Caterpie took the lead in summoning a tornado under Aisha's command.


The raging hurricane wrapped around the terrifying rock giant at once.

Its bulky body was temporarily confined within the tornado.

"Rotom, Will-o-Wisp!"

"Eevee, Toxic!"

Wash Rotom and Eevee also obeyed Aisha's command and unleashed their moves left and right towards Regirock.

Wash Rotom's Will-o-Wisp managed to burn flames on top of Regirock's body.

Eevee, however, missed once due to nervousness.

Aisha could understand that.

This child had never faced any powerful enemies, the first time on the intensity, the enemy is directly Second-Level Legengary Pokémon, its small body stood in front of Regirock is not as good as a Ratatta, nervousness and fear must be the inevitable emotions, no problem.


Eevee also contended.

The second shot of Toxic was rushed before Regirock broke free of Caterpie's Twister, and finally managed to apply two layers of negative effects to the rock giant.

"Metang ahead, Bullet Punch, aim for the top of Regirock's arm, watch out for the punch!"

Aisha commanded shiny Metang to engage in close combat.

This position is a little too dangerous, and command must be precise.

Not only that, but long-range fire units need to be just as cooperative.


"Charmeleon, Dragon Pulse."

Aisha added, saying, "Aim for Regirock's hand, cover Metang, make sure to keep it safe!"



Shiny Metang instantly transformed into a silver-white lightning bolt and rushed towards Regirock, landing a bullet punch on top of Regirock's arm joint.

Charmeleon's Dragon Pulse, on the other hand, struck Regirock's fist that was intended to attack shiny Metang with precision, and the latter gained time to dodge, and a Meteor Mash slammed into the side of Regirock's arm once more.

"Rotom, Thunder Wave!"

Wash Rotom, who had previously gotten close to Regirock, released Thunder Wave at this time, accurately paralyzing the rock giant.


The agonized Regirock let out an angry roar.

Its speed, which was already slow, was even more reduced under the effect of paralysis.

The physical attacks that the rock giant was proud of were also weakened by the burns.

The poison was even eroding Regirock's stamina all the time...

"Metang, lock onto Regirock for a small-scaled Earthquake!"

Under Aisha's command, shiny Metang dropped straight to the ground, dodging Regirock's swinging fist, while its own fist slammed down on the ground, the ground attribute energy mercilessly set off a small-scale earthquake-although the range of the attack was much smaller, the power was concentrated.


Regirock was a bit unsteady under the roar of the earth.


Charmeleon's Dragon Pulse, however, blasted above the back of its head.

"Rotom, Hydro Pump!"

"Eevee, Shadow Ball!"

After Dragon Pulse, the raging Hydro Pump and the spinning Shadow Ball also accompanied Aisha's command to explode a wave of energy where Regirock's joints were.

"Marill, Liquidation!"

Taking advantage of the fact that Regirock couldn't even fight back under the siege of the four Pokémon, Marill, who had already performed the Belly Drum in the back, then wrapped the raging water currents around her and swung a fierce punch without any mercy, which heavily slammed on top of the rocky chest of the rock giant, repelling it back by a full three steps.


Aisha cocked his head in surprise as well.

Regirock was over ten meters tall.

Marill, who wasn't a meter tall, repelled it with a single punch after being strengthened by six physical attacks...

This image, the impact was too strong.


Marill itself flew into the sky with an Aqua Jet.


Shiny Metang that had made the move in the beginning was also storing up its power by this time, and a small earthquake shot triggered underneath Regirock's feet once again.


The unsteady Regirock fell to the ground with a loud bang.


Regirock's facial gem bloomed with a brilliant red light.

Aisha could see it clearly from behind.

"Everyone, Protect!"

As soon as Aisha's words fell, Regirock summoned a large tumbling mass of rock, and covered indiscriminate fire strikes hit the surrounding enemies.

Rock Slide!

Aisha let out a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not Explosion...

"Everyone, attack!"

The Rock Slide alone still couldn't break through the Protect of Aisha's Pokémon.

Aisha stuck to the rhythm and gave the command to attack.

After Regirock's Rock Slide ended, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, and Shadow Ball also hit its chest at just the right time.


Marill's Aqua Jet slammed above Regirock's head at once.


Suddenly, as Marill couldn't escape fast enough, a raging electric current flashed on Regirock's face.

Zap Cannon!

This was the reason why Regirock deliberately showed weakness to take the damage.

It was preparing to lure Marill into a close combat and then second this little guy with an electromagnetic cannon shot...


Marill tried its best to dodge to the side, but Regirock's electromagnetic cannon was already discharged.

Under normal circumstances, Marill could not avoid it.

However, a beam of red light rushed ahead of the electromagnetic wave and touched the terrified Marill - Aisha took Marill back into the Poké ball.


Regirock was just a beat too slow, and its Zap Cannon fell short.

After that, a new round of set fire hit it without mercy.


Aisha re-released Marill, and the little water bear trembled with a look of afterthought.

The eyes within which it looked at Regirock were instead filled with resignation.

Aisha gave a smile.

Marill didn't cower from being in danger, and he was very happy.

It was because Marill had such a character that it had been one of his great generals since the beginning as well.

"Everyone, gradually pull away and continue the fire attack!"

Aisha was observing Regirock's reaction and commanded his Pokémon to gradually back off.


The rock giant roared madly, and the earth roared under its anger.



The four Pokémon immediately put up shields of energy.

The energy of the earthquake was deflected by the shield of Protect... No, it wasn't!

"Caterpie, Twister!"

Aisha immediately commanded Caterpie to assist when he saw the situation - four tornadoes rose up from the four Pokémon's circumference, the dragon energy strengthening their defense.


Regirock's arguably life-fighting Earthquake lasted for a full minute.

The original wilderness of birds and flowers had been reduced to a crumbling wasteland under its ravages.

"Charmeleon, Dragon Pulse!"

"Rotom, Hydro Pump!"

"Eevee, Shadow Ball!"

Aisha immediately commanded the three firepower Pokémon to use their most familiar moves again.


"Lo~ Hydro Pump!"


The roaring flames, raging water currents, and speeding orbs of black shadows then struck Regirock at the same time, and Regirock, which had no extra energy after it had unleashed Earthquake, simply took the attack passively.

"Metang, Meteor Mash!"

Shiny Metang punched Regirock in the back of the head at Aisha's command.

Regirock stumbled and took an involuntary step forward.

It happened to meet Marill's brute force that strengthened her physical attack by six levels...


Steel Fist, Metang!

Divine Gun, Marill!



Regirock's over ten meter body finally collapsed to the ground under Marill's punch that served as a finisher, the glowing gem embedded in its face flashing red sharply.

As if it was an Ultraman whose energy was about to run out...

It was defeated.

Defeated by Aisha's cooperation with the five Pokémon.


Aisha looked towards Caterpie.

"It's almost time to wrap it up."


Caterpie rose into the sky driven by a hurricane, the dragon's energy rapidly brewing inside its mouth, emitting an aura of destruction.

"Re... gi..."

The defeated Regirock emerged with an emerald green glow.

Regirock had been severely injured by Aisha's cooperation with the five Pokémon, and the Tree of Beginning was repairing its body.

This was a privilege belonging to the guards of the Tree of Beginning.


If the injuries it had sustained exceeded that upper limit, even the Tree of Beginning had no possibility of completely repairing this Pillar of Rock in a moment.


"Caterpie, Draco Meteor!"


Within Caterpie's chirp was interspersed with a seemingly indistinct, very vague dragon's roar.

Draco Meteor's ball of energy was flung towards Regirock in one fell swoop.

Regirock, which hadn't even regained its mobility and was still in a state of defeat, endured Draco Meteor that had gathered all of its energy head-on.

Its power even surpassed the earthquake that Regirock had desperately unleashed under the fight for his life just now.



A boom and a roar.

It became Regirock's last call.


Caterpie's hurricane blew away the smoke from the explosion.


Aisha gazed ahead and revealed a smile.

Ahead, the crystal that Regirock had set above its face had completely lost its light - it had lost the battle, twice to Aisha and his Pokémon.

[Quest progress: 1/3.]

The system's prompt also proved that Aisha had indeed defeated Regirock.


Aisha strolled back to Regirock's that had lost its ability to fight and was not moving.

He knew very well.

He had only "defeated" Regirock.

The Three Pillars, as the creations of the King of Pillars, Regigigas, did not have the concept of "death".

After their defeat, they just fell into a deep sleep, replenishing their energy, and would one day be able to revive - besides, this rock giant had the Initial Tree of Beginning as its backbone.

"In your case, you should awaken tomorrow night."

Aisha's hand brushed against Regirock's chipped, rocky body.

"I'm sorry.

"There's no point in apologizing, but I'm still prepared to do what I can to make up for your loss." Aisha pulled out a large bag of Pokéblocks and Pokéfood that rock-type Pokémon liked, saying, "Although it is said that the distribution of special rocks on this side of Tree of Beginning is very high, however, a slight taste of my handiwork can more or less replace the taste, and these are considered to be my reparation."


Vaguely, Aisha actually heard Regirock's voice.


Aisha was startled, and after that, looked at this defeated Regirock anew.

"I see."

His smile brightened at Regirock's response.

"You've forgiven me, thanks a lot..."

After a moment, Aisha turned his head to his Pokémon.

"Good job, everyone!"






Everyone let out a joyful sound as well.

"Lo~ It's mostly due to Instructor Ai~"

Rotom didn't exaggerate.

Its words were the truth.

Apart from the overly godly Caterpie, Rotom had a clear understanding of the strength of the other four partners, including himself.

The five of them Pokémon against Regirock were a complete send-off.

Regirock one punch a little friend...

However, they were actually under Aisha's command, and against such a disparity in strength, they forcibly defeated Regirock.

That rock giant was barely able to fight back within the battle.

There was already no need to say who was the center.

"Instructor Ai, too powerful!"

Rotom's eyes flashed with bright starlight within them.

The other Pokémon, including Caterpie, did the same - it might as well be said that Caterpie was Aisha's number one fan and part-time dog licker.

They felt that Aisha was truly the perfect man.


Aisha laughed and looked in the direction of the Tree of Beginning - Cynthia and the others had successfully reached their destination and should have almost entered the interior of the tree.

"We still have two more enemies to deal with..."

Aisha looked to his Pokémon.

Caterpie didn't need to say much.

Against the Three Pillars, it could perfectly polish the remaining five Pokémon.

"Get excited!"


In the corner of the Tree of Beginning, two Pokémon opened their "eyes" as if they had sensed something provoking them.


The jewels blooming with yellow light were arranged in the form of a cross, and Regice carved by cold ice emitted a cold, chilling aura.


The gemstones that maintained a pink glow arranged themselves into a circle, and Registeel, forged from metal, shimmered with an icy cold light.


The two giants were silent for a moment and looked at each other, after which they looked at the piece of earth beyond the Tree of Beginning.

The enemy is in that place...

In the next moment, the ice giant and steel giant also ascended into the sky, transforming into two meteors and rushing towards the location where the rock giant had sounded the alarm for them in one breath.

Enemy, annihilate!

Of course...

As the two giants left the Tree of Beginning, Cynthia, Ash, and Lucario took the opportunity to enter the interior of the tree without incident.

"Pikachu, I'm coming!"


Ash and Lucario had different goals.

The line of sight, however, drifted together to where the canopy of the tree was.

"Instructor Ai..."

Cynthia, however, was rather worried.

She clearly saw two beams of light flying in Aisha's direction.

If one were to refer to Regirock's appearance, then...

"Can you, who is training a new team, really face the Three Pillars alone... ?"

Cynthia gripped Garchomp's Poké ball tightly.

If necessary, she was willing to support Aisha at all times...