Three Pillars, Defeated


Aisha let out a breath.

Ten minutes had passed since he and his Pokémon had defeated the Rock Giant together.

Aisha and the six Pokémon continued to advance, and had now crossed the wilderness where Regirock had attacked them, and had completely stepped into the range of the Tree of Beginning.

In the midst of the clouds, the rock tree towering into the clouds was in front of them.



Suddenly, Aisha was keenly aware that the flow of the wind was a bit abnormal.


Aisha looked towards Caterpie.

Coincidentally at this time, Caterpie's eyes, which were flushed with a sense of gravity, also met his line of sight.

"Caterpie, Twister!"

So saying Aisha did not hesitate to give the command for defense.


Caterpie, on the other hand, instantly understood and called out Twister as if by instinct.

The remaining five Pokémon were already quickly gathering around Caterpie and him when Aisha gave the command, ensuring that the predecessor's defense project could be unfolded as quickly and in a small area as possible.

This was the case when a trainer and a Pokémon had reached a heart-to-heart connection.

There was no need for complicated commands.

Simple words could let each other know what they were thinking.


The tornado surrounded Aisha and the six Pokémon, and the hurricane that cut through the sky and the earth touched the falling snowflakes.

The blizzard struck them.

As if the snowflakes were a thousand or ten thousand blades, they rode the cold hurricane wind and attacked the place where Aisha and his Pokémon were standing.

Of course, the tornado that Caterpie had called out had fended off the enemy's sudden attack.


An eerie voice mixed with a mechanical texture resounded in the sky above.

The Ice Giant's stance was hidden within the whistling blizzard.

It was continuously releasing a violent blizzard, and snowflakes fell from the sky, constantly attacking Caterpie's tornado, as the two energies eroded each other.

A moment actually stalemate...

"Re... gi...!"

However, the variable that broke the stalemate arrived at the battlefield all the same - the steel giant floated a hundred meters away, it built up enough energy in the sky above, and the luster belonging to steel blossomed in the sky all at once, while the icy energy cannon tore through the blizzard all at once, and blasted into the center of the tornado.


The tornado was blasted apart.

Aisha and his Pokémon were also exposed to the sight of the ice and steel giants.


Regice landed on top of the ground under a sharp roar, and its huge body that surpassed ten meters seemed like a wall forged from cold ice, blocking the path of Aisha and his Pokémon to continue their journey to the Tree of Beginning, emitting a cold, chilling aura.


Aisha pulled a smile.


He pronounced the name of Regice

Although it was said that the resistance of the ice types were very bad.

However, Regice was one of the few giants within pure ice-type Pokémon.

If it was said that this guy was blocking his path, then it was a bit of a problem.


Above the sky, the Steel Giant still maintained its floating posture and opened its arms, as if it was a mechanical island or a satellite turret, occupying the same position in the blue sky, and Aisha and his Pokémon "happened" to be in the shadow formed by it after blocking out the sunlight... Aisha and his Pokémon were "right" in the shadow it created after blocking out the sunlight.


Aisha raised his head again and grunted.


He was also aware of the identity of this steel giant.

There was naturally no need to mention the strength of a steel type Pokémon.

Registeel had an extremely strong presence within the Three Pillars as well, at least surpassing Regirock.

This fellow, I'm afraid that he has already targeted himself now... If one were to make the slightest move, Hyper Beam or Flash Cannon might have already cleaved down.


Aisha revealed a displeased expression.

While the two Pillars didn't make a move, he also quickly analyzed the situation at the scene.

"Regice is blocking the way forward, looking at this it seems to be putting on a 'do not disturb the idle' look in repelling the intruder, however, Registeel is aiming at me from above the sky at all times, if anything, it can utilize its height advantage to launch an attack if it says that I make any movements... There is absolutely no way to retreat, and they are not prepared to let me leave at all."

Aisha saw what Regice and Registeel were thinking at a glance.

It was lamentable.

The Regirock of the party didn't seem to have much intelligence.

Its two siblings had actually struck a bait and pinch match...

"Caterpie, you're in charge of dealing with Registeel!"

Aisha immediately gave orders for the battle, saying, "Everyone remaining, we'll face Regice together!"


Caterpie roared aggressively in response, after which, without needing Aisha to continue its command, it rode the raging Twister and rose into the sky in a single breath.


Just as Aisha expected.

The instant Caterpie made a move, Registeel floating above the sky also moved.

The glowing gem it had set above its face sprang out with a dangerous light, and Flash Cannon blasted at the highly ascending Caterpie at once.


For its part, Caterpie had anticipated this and erected a guarding energy shield, steadily blocking its opponent's attack.


Aisha revealed a smile.

Caterpie blocked the threat watching them from above the sky.

Regice above the ground blocking the path was their enemy.


Regice's glowing gem flashed with yellow light.

The blizzard roared once more at its call and rushed towards the enemy in front of them, as if it were a whistling snow dragon.

"Charmeleon, Flamethrower!"

Aisha didn't continue to defend and commanded Charmeleon to start the confrontation with a fire-type move.


Charmeleon's robust muscles trembled, its chest cavity bulged, and hot flames finally erupted when Regice's blizzard was about to engulf it and its partner, and the diametrically opposed high temperatures actually managed to withstand the great power move of a Second-level Legendary Pokémon.

"...Rotom, Overheat!"

Aisha's eyes flickered for a moment - Regice had given Charmeleon a very large amount of pressure, although it was said that its firepower looked to be sufficient right now, however, it was the fact that Charmeleon had the type advantage, as well as the fact that it had been exercising the aspect of long-range firepower since the beginning of its existence, which caused this situation to form- so he commanded heat Rotom, which had switched to its microwave oven form, to match its firepower again.


Heat Rotom opened the microwave's lid, and a beam of even more raging, scorching flames was instantly mixed into Charmeleon's Flamethwoer.

Regice's Blizzard was actually showing a decline under the combination of Charmeleon and Heat Rotom.



Marill and shiny Metang seized the moment when the Blizzard was resisted by the flames, and immediately used two pre-emptive moves, Bullet Punch and Aqua Jet, and took advantage of Regice's opportunity to release Blizzard wholeheartedly, dodging to its side with a left and a right, and one of them blasted a fist on top of its arm carved out of ice.


Regice was staggered by the blow.

The steel-type Bullet Fist restrained its ice attribute, and the water-type Liquidation had also been strengthened by the Belly Drum's level six physical attack boost.

The power naturally spoke for itself.



The blizzard stopped its output, and Charmeleon's Flamethrower, and Heat Rotom's Overheat naturally blasted on top of its body.


The sound of the explosion caused by the flames blasting on top of the ice overlapped the sound of the ground crumbling.


Deep cracks blossomed above the ground.

The Ice Giant's body that exceeded ten meters overwhelmed the ground that was on the verge of breaking, and finally, it completely cracked and shattered into a hole.

Regice fell within the large hole and his body was briefly stuck.


Eevee, whose soft fur was stained with dirt on top, poked its head out from the side - its partners had been commanded by Aisha during the battle, and took advantage of Regice's inability to pay attention to the situation below the ground, and successfully dug a trap underneath Regice's feet.

And, successfully pitched the Ice Giant.

Eevee felt like it was the reincarnation of Lelouch- although it was only the first time it lifted the floor, however, the technique was actually already skillful to this extent.

"Charmeleon, Fire Blast!"

"Rotom, your White Herb should have taken effect, full power Overheat!"

"Metang use Meteor Mash!"

"Marill use Superpower at full power!"

The two-fold flames under Aisha's command struck Regice, who was in no defensive stance, head-on.

Metang's and Marill's fists also struck where Charmeleon and Heat Rotom were attacking one after the other, dealing damage with overwhelming effect.


Eevee pulled itself away from Regice at this point.

Aisha gave it a look and decided to give the little guy a bit of a tangible sense of being involved in the battle.

"Eevee, Shadow Ball!"

Eevee threw out a shadow ball that spun very fast.


It wasn't powerful enough, but it was actually lucky enough to stop the move Regice was brewing.


Aisha was a bit surprised.

This Eevee of his own seemed to have good luck...

I'll rely on it for card draws in the future.


Back to the topic.

Eevee's Shadow Ball interrupted Regice's move, and naturally, Charmeleon, along with shiny Metang and Marill, launched a second round of attacks.

Fire Blast, Meteor Mash, and Superpower once again struck hard on top of the Ice Giant's body that was on the verge of breaking.

Not only that...

Seemingly sensing that this side of the battlefield was on the verge of ending, Caterpie that was battling Registeel in the sky also seized the opportunity and released Twister to trap Registeel's body, and after that, Draco Meteor containing crazy energy were flung mercilessly towards the unavoidable Regice.


Accompanied by the sharp flickering of the glowing crystal, Regice was engulfed by the flames of the explosion and the released dragon energy, and finally collapsed powerless and motionless under the broken earth.

Its glowing crystal extinguished its light.

It was as if the color calculator had gone out for Ultraman...

"It's quite a bit easier."

Aisha was also keenly aware of the smoothness of the battle.

Earlier, when facing Regirock, although these children's offense was smooth.

However, the defense required Caterpie to assist.

This time, the battle as a whole went much smoother.

"The speed of progress, it's too fast."

Aisha revealed a pleased expression.

After that, it looked to the sky again.



Above the sky, Registeel, who had broken free from Twister, and Caterpie, who had slowed down, released Hyper Beam at the same time.

Their attacks collided in the blue sky, and the clouds in a few kilometers were broken into pieces by the drifting of energy - this was based on the fact that they were focusing their energy on attacking each other without intentionally destroying their surroundings.


Aisha revealed a delighted smile above the ground.

Caterpie managed to stop Registeel.

The Steel Giant was completely unable to intervene in their battle with Regice due to Caterpie's obstruction, and even watched as this outrageous opponent collected its teammate's head.

There was nothing he could do.

[Mission Progress: 2/3]

Aisha glanced at Regice.

It had already lost the battle.

However, the speed of self-repair was quite a bit slower than Regirock - it was probably because the rock-type Regirock absorbed the energy of such a rocky tree as the Tree of Beginng much more quickly, at least faster than Regice and Registeel.

"Caterpie, Dragon Dance!"

Aisha's voice reached Caterpie's ears.

It instantly revoked the release of its Hyper Beam, and its body deftly danced at this time, nimbly dodging away from Registeel's Hyper Beam.

The steel type resisted both the dragon and flying type of Rayquaza juvenile.

However, it doesn't matter...


Registeel drew up its flight altitude, the light of the Flash Cannon blossomed between its hands, and this Steel Giant aimed at Caterpie in front of it as if it were rubbing out a Resengan.

"Caterpie, 'Dragon Ascend'!"

Aisha shouted and pronounced the name of that move.

"Mee... roar!"

A true dragon roar resounded through the sky at this moment.

The energy of the flying type constructed a dragon's cloak outside of Caterpie's body, and rushed towards Registeel with teeth and claws.


Flash Cannon landed on top of the 'painted dragon's coat'.

It didn't do much.

Flash Cannon was torn apart... The sky was the same.

The power of 'Dragon Ascend' was terrifying.

Especially since it was strengthened by Dragon Dance.


Seemingly sensing the approaching danger, Registeel began to drive his body frantically.

This indestructible steel giant actually felt a sense of retreat.

It was afraid.

Registeel attempted to escape.


It couldn't escape.


The roar of a legendary dragon could even shake the heart of steel.

The young dragon covered with the dragon's cloak all of a sudden cut through the sky and slammed into the top of Registeel's body as if it had been broken, while the surging energy poured out crazily.


A violent explosion swept through the azure sky.

The sky was dyed with the color of flames.


Aisha heard the shattered voice of Registeel.


In the next moment, the Steel Giant's body that was already incapacitated and even crumbled 60% crashed down on top of the ground, smashing a crater.



Caterpie fell into the arms of the smiling Aisha.

"Awesome~ not bad for my partner~"

Aisha spun around with Caterpie in her arms.

'Dragon Ascend' was always their sure-fire technique.

After this move was used, no one could remain standing... This was Aisha and Caterpie's confidence.

[Mission Progress: 3/3]

At the same time, the system's panel surfaced in front of Aisha.

[Mission - Defeat the Three Pillars without the use of external aid, complete]


A strange buzzing resounded within Aisha's mind.


Feeling this marvelous sensation, Aisha couldn't help but extend her hand as well.

A stone tablet emerged under the light that bloomed out of thin air and landed between its palms.

"Guidance Slate..."

Aisha's fingers rubbed the uneven surface of the stone plate - this was a stone plate inscribed with braille, and once it was deciphered and corresponded to the text of the stone plate, the person who held the stone plate would be able to call out the Three Pillars, which possessed the god's personality and god's power.

Their strength is far greater than the three pillars that Aisha encounters today.

In the special manga, Steven used this tablet to manipulate the three pillars , raising a protective shield to isolate the fluctuations of the battle between Groudon and Kyogre, and protecting the entire Hoenn region.


Driving the Guidance Slate to manipulate the Three Pillar is also a burden on the holder's body.

Steven died of exhaustion after twenty-three days of continuous fighting.

It was a tragic situation.

"My body should be able to operate the Three Pillars without burden."

Aisha clenched his fists and felt the surging power within his body.


It's just the Three Pillars, it's not enough to worry about!


Holding the Guidance Slate, Aisha felt relieved for a moment.

The Three Pillars had now become his own help.

In the future, when the 'Hoopa and the Clash of Ages' began, he already had the capital to take on Hoopa-Unbound.

"Hoopa, wash your neck and wait for me!"

Aisha revealed a nasty smile.


At this time, a strange sound suddenly came from the Tree of Beginning in the distance.


Aisha immediately looked over there.

Tree of Beginning that was originally verdant and full of vitality did not know what had happened, and now it actually began to rapidly decay.

Some flames of light bloomed in all corners of the Tree of Beginning.

The tree of cloudy rocks began to crumble at this time.

"Tree of Beginning's life breath is rapidly declining..."

Aisha smacked his lips.

He understood the cause of the problem.

Mew was afraid that it had rashly interfered with the energy cycle of the Tree of Beginning.

Tree of Beginning was going to be destroyed.


Aisha retrieved his six Pokémon and ran towards the Tree of Beginning that was already collapsing, running at a speed that was no less than the buggy driven by Cynthia.

The maneuverability was even better...

"That tragedy, I can definitely change it!"

Aisha, on fire!