The Danger of Tree of Beginning

The problem still occurred inside the Tree of Beginning.

At that time, Cynthia, Ash and Lucario managed to enter the Tree of Beginning after shaking off Regirock's pursuit under Aisha's cover.

Queen Ilene's information was not wrong.

The Tree of Beginning was not a tree.

It was a mountain of rock in the shape of a large tree, and its verdant branches were actually mountains covered in lush lawns.

It was truly a work of nature's devilish artistry.

Even Cynthia, who had seen many relics and monuments, was equally amazed.

Within the trunk of the tree is a unique place.

The Tree of Beginning was not only beautiful on the outside, but its interior was a very different story.

Clear streams flowed through the branches, supporting the structure at the bottom.

Small islands and caves were inhabited by many types of Pokémon.

Treasured fruits and herbs, valuable ores and crystals were scattered everywhere.

Even the fossilized Pokémon, which should have been extinct within everyone's knowledge, and could only be awakened by the fossil resurrection technique, were everywhere within the Tree of Beginning, appearing to have their own large clans, which appeared to come and go in an endless stream.

"It's amazing..."

Gazing at the beautiful scenery that came into view, Cynthia also relaxed her expression.

The Tree of Beginning lived up to its name.

It was a paradise that belonged to life.

The paradise of Pokémon.


Cynthia remembered again Regirock that had intercepted them earlier at the outskirts of the Tree of Beginning.

As well as Regice and Registeel, who had flown out of the trunk of the Tree of Beginning in the party, suspected to have attacked Aisha in the rear.

"The Three Pillars of may have taken on the role of guards to prevent anyone from disturbing the Pokémon living in this place."


For these Pokémon that lived in isolation within the Tree of Beginning all year round, they didn't need to be disturbed by humans.

Their lives did not need to be disturbed by humans.

It was enough to maintain such tranquility forever.

If people realized this meaning, even that fossil and ore-loving guy, Steven, would not want to make a big fuss over here.

"Where is Pikachu and Mew?"

Next to him, Ash was obviously not as relaxed as Cynthia.

Having entered the trunk of the Tree of Beginning, Ash, who had squarely realized just how huge and wide the interior of the tree of rocks really was, was also drumming in his heart.

Of course, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to find Pikachu anymore.

It wasn't that he was beating a retreat.


Lucario's Aura also clearly sensed Ash's thoughts.

Suddenly, it seemed to understand something...


Lucario called out Ash's name telepathically.


Ash looked confused.

Lucario then grabbed his hand.

'With my Aura, I can vaguely sense Pikachu's general location, let's head upwards and we'll definitely find Pikachu!'

Lucario's voice was very firm.

The look that Ash had displayed just now in order to find Pikachu reminded it of itself once upon a time - the self that had witnessed Sir Aaron's departure but was unable to do anything about it.


Lucario's eyes were very determined, gazing into Ash's eyes.

The tragedies of the past must never be repeated once again.

Even if I have to put my life on the line, I will definitely... can definitely help Ash reunite with Pikachu!


Although I don't know what kind of mental changes Lucario went through.

However, watching this guy who had been making a big fuss ever since he appeared finally reveal a frank appearance, the kind-hearted Ash was also heartily happy.

'The Three Pillars are integral Pokémon, if Regirock has appeared, then Regice and Registeel are bound to be hidden within the Tree of Beginning, so let's be careful as we move forward!'


Lucario was carefully analyzing the current situation.

Ash didn't know if he had heard it or not, but anyway, he responded very quickly.


Cynthia shook her head helplessly from the side.

Boys were probably like that, they were very quick to communicate their feelings.

Lucario and Ash now looked like good partners, not at all like they fought in the creek this morning.


Maybe it was because Lucario thought it was a bit humiliating to be the Braveheart of the Waveguard, but ended up getting beaten up by Ash, so he had selectively forgotten about it.

'I, felt it!'

Lucario's eyes widened.

The Aura guided it to look at a path - a path towards the canopy of the Tree of Beginning.



Lucario and Ash immediately ran forward.

Cynthia also followed the duo.


Although the idea that Lucario was worrying about Regi Ace and Regis Ashru was something superfluous.

However, their enemies did exist within the Tree of Beginning.

That was the system that the Tree of Beginning had set up in order to defend against the outsiders that had invaded it.


Strange sounds resounded within some corners.

The crystals with a glistening light that were spread out in the corners of the Tree of Beginning now suddenly glowed as if they were being burned by flames.

Something similar to a slime gradually appeared within the trunk of the tree.

Their appearance turned into the shape of some fossilized Pokémon.

As if these guys had locked onto a target, they quickly chased after the direction of Ash with Lucario and Cynthia...


The Mew and the Tree of Beginning were in a symbiotic relationship.

Of course, long lived in this place.

Even how beautiful the scenery of the Tree of Beginning is, calculating the age of already an old demon Mew is already tired of seeing it.

Solely, this guy always kept a childish nature.

Even if it occasionally felt lonely, that feeling was just loneliness...

Mew began to appear in the area inhabited by humans.

It stole quite a few toys within the Cameran Palace and piled them up within the canopy of the Tree of Beginning, its own place of residence.

However, toys were still toys and had no spirituality.

The mischievous Mew finally set out to abduct Pokémon....

Pikachu was one of the victims.


Within the canopy of the tree, Pikachu was holding a toy and was a bit down.

The view over here was beautiful.

The toy was also very delicate - it was a royal item, after all.

Pikachu, however, was not happy.

For it had been a day since it had left Ash.

Though that the partner hadn't been there for long.

However, Ash's figure of being able to physically resist a group of Sparrows for its own sake was already deeply imprinted above Pikachu's mind, irreplaceable.


Mew could see Pikachu's loss.

Having found a playmate with great difficulty, it quickly took out a bunch of new toys and showed them to Pikachu.


Pikachu shook his head and looked beyond the canopy.


Suddenly, Pikachu's ears twitched - it heard someone calling its name in a vague way.

That voice, so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar, was undoubtedly Ash.

"Pika, pika!"

Pikachu was instantly energized.

It ran beyond the canopy in a flash and looked down - Ash, along with Lucario and Cynthia, were already running on top of a mountain wall, not much farther from the canopy.


No more Regice and Registeelchasing them.

They were naturally rushing a lot faster with Lucario's guidance.


At the sight of Ash, Pikachu instantly revealed a joyful smile.

After that, Pikachu returned within the canopy and ran down the tunnel in the direction of Ash.

"Pikachu, I'm coming!"

Below, seeing hope, Ash also hurriedly continued on his way.

One person and one Pokémon began a heartwarming two-way run.

But... The people searching for them were more than just each other.


Those fossilized Pokémon slime that had changed form were also finally catching up to Ash and his group at this time.



Ash and Pikachu met within a tunnel, and one person and one Pokémon were moved to embrace.

The white blood cells of the Tree of Beginning, however, were blocking both ends of the tunnel all the same, constantly closing in on them.

"...Tch, Instructor Ai seemed to mention it at some point." Gazing at those approaching enemies, Cynthia also tried to recall Aisha's words and said, "Although the Tree of Beginning is a strangely shaped rocky mountain range, nevertheless, it possesses an independent life just the same, and I'm afraid that these strange Pokémon are white blood cells within the organisms expelling the bacteria, and we outsiders are the bacteria they need to deal with!"

Cynthia's hand had touched her Poké ball.


At this time, Mew finally appeared in front of everyone.


Lucario stared intently at Mew.

It wasn't sure about the problem with the Tree of Beginning, however, the one thing that was certain was that Mew should be able to handle this.

'You should be able to fix these... Uh, white blood cells?'

Lucario asked Mew so.

Of course, having lived in ancient times, it was obviously a bit unfamiliar with modern medical and biological terms.


Hearing Lucario's plea, Mew was a bit hesitant, but, finally, she agreed.


A gentle wave emanated from above Mew's body.

The energy swept through all corners of the Tree of Beginning, and the fossilized the white blood cell Pokémon quickly disappeared under the energy fluctuations of Mew.

The Tree of Beginning, which was flooded with a dangerous color as if it was burning with flames, also regained its verdant appearance.




Seeing this, everyone also showed a relieved look.

Lucario, on the other hand, gazed around in a daze.

'This is the power that quelled the war back then...'


Without waiting for Lucario to think anything more, the sound of crumbling resounded from all corners of the Tree of Beginning.

The rocky walls that seemed to be trees around them were rapidly withering, and the glittering crystals extinguished their light...


The rushing waterfall was interrupted at this time, and the thick crystallized branches and leaves were also rapidly crumbling, shattering into fragments all over the sky at once.

The aura of destruction and devastation was already overflowing.


Lucario's eyes widened as fear filled its mind.

However, an Aura Guardian was an Aura Guardian after all.

Even though it was filled with fear, Lucario did not hesitate.

The power of the Aura was released as if by instinct, and Lucario quickly grabbed the place where the core of the Tree of Beginning was, and ran over there in one breath.

''Follow me!''

Ash, Pikachu and Cynthia, who was holding Mew, also followed in its footsteps.

Without an enemy in their way, they quickly arrived at the core.

Now, the core place of the Tree of Beginning had completely turned fiery red - Mew's weakness had tugged at the balance of this place, and both sides were in a dangerous situation together.


Lucario was silent.

Suddenly, it looked to the side - the outline of a human figure was vaguely revealed within a crystal.

Lucario quickly walked to the crystal, picked up a pair of gloves, and said: 'These are Sir Aaron's gloves?'

Ash and Cynthia also looked at it.

If the owner of this glove was Sir Aaron, the identity of the figure within the crystal was also naturally self-evident...

A time flower quietly bloomed around Sir Aaron.

"Time flower."

Cynthia spoke what she knew at this time, saying, "Instructor Ai said that the courageous person with Aura can, with the help of time flower, catch a glimpse of what once happened to have been in this place."

"In that case..."

Hearing Cynthia's words, Ash also immediately ran to the side of time flower and extended his hand.

There was no mistake in his thoughts.

Being burdened with the same Aura as Sir Aaron, Ash could just as easily become an Aura Guardian.


Ash exclaimed, the time flower was blooming, and a picture unfolded - a war was about to break out, Sir Aaron found Mew at the cost of his own life, and with the power of the Tree of Beginning, he calmed the malice of the people, and the strife was over, and he sealed Lucario within the scepter, just as he did in order to protect Lucario's life, even if Lucario hates and misunderstands him, it doesn't matter, he only has to bear the cost.

'Sir Aaron...'

Even though he was trying his best to suppress his sensuality, Lucario choked a little.

In the last moment of the scene, the scene where Yarou turned into crystal under a relieved smile completely shattered its suspicion and disbelief.


Lucario touched the crystal in silence.

'I have the way to save the Tree of Beginning.'

"The way..."

Foolish as Ash was by now, it knew what Lucario was thinking.

It was ready to sacrifice its life.

Just as Sir Aaron sacrificed himself back then...


The weak Mew floated up into the air at this time as well.


Cynthia's eyes flickered for a moment.

After that, she also pulled out two Poké balls and released her Lucario and her Pokémon.


Lucario looked towards Cynthia, with doubt and disbelief within his eyes.

Cynthia smiled and said, "If the amount of Aura is enough, you shouldn't need to repeat the same mistake."

Lucario understood what Cynthia meant.

It was nothing more than an unwillingness to sacrifice its life.

"If said Instructor Ai is present, he must also be unwilling for you to sacrifice so much."


Hearing Aisha's title, Lucario also naturally felt a stirring in its heart and mind.

When it was unwilling to travel with his companion to the Tree of Beginning, it was the same teenager who had told it that it should be able to obtain the answer to its question with Sir Aaron in this place.


Lucario now knew of Sir Aaron's plight.


That teenager was over here right now, could the situation be better?


Mew showed a weak expression.

The collapse of the Tree of Beginning was still continuing.

'We don't have time to hesitate anymore!'

Lucario raised his arm and aimed it at Mew.

'The power of Aura in my heart!'

Brilliant light coalesced between Lucario and Mew in the form of a ball of energy - along with the constant output of Aura, Lucario's body felt extreme pain, as if it was as unbearable as flesh and blood stripped away from the bones, and the energy was rapidly draining away.

Despite that, the output of energy was still not enough.

While reacting sideways to the fact that Sir Aaron was indeed a fierce man, a wave of despair enveloped Lucario's heart.



Cynthia's Lucario and Togekiss supported it whose body was shaking.


It glanced at Cynthia's Lucario and Togekiss, revealing a distressed expression - although the strength of these two Pokémon was very terrifying, however, their Aura power didn't mesh well with its own, and with the three distinctly different Auras mixed together, no one knew if there were any counter-effects appearing.

Lucario didn't dare to gamble.


At this time, Ash, however, volunteered to step forward.

"Lucario, you said that my Aura is the same as Sir Aaron's... I, can help you!" Ash took Sir Aaron's glove at once and said, "I can definitely... If you can't, the tree is destroyed, and all of the Pokémon are no good."

"Since, Sir Aaron can, I must be able to too!"

Ash put on a glove.

"The power of Aura in my heart!"

Along with Ash's yell, a ray of light bloomed between his palms.

It was very much in tune with Lucario's Aura.

The two forces were polymerized together, and the situation was instantly better not good...

The Aura's energy moisturized over the surroundings.

The crumbling of the Tree of Beginning quickly slowed down quite a bit.


Ash's voice was tinted with a tinge of pain.

Vaguely, Ash, whose vision was covered by the light of the Aura, saw a familiar figure.

"You've worked very hard, Ash."

Aisha's voice reached his ears.

"Instructor Ai?"


That handsome teenager picked up one of the remaining gloves on top of the ground, and after showing a smile towards Ash, he immediately wore the glove on top of his arm.

"Since I'm here, your fortunes are great!"