Celadon Gym Challenge

It was late at night.

Aisha wore a pair of eyeglasses and, by the light of the lamp, perused the copy of "Secret of the Earth" that Blue had gifted to him.

The author was Giovanni.

He was not only the leader of Team Rocket, but also the former Gym Leader of the Viridian Gym, and he was a unique and supreme master in the cultivation and training of ground type Pokémon.

The book, "Secret of the Earth", is more than just a record of how to breed Ground type Pokémon.

There is no shortage of moves, training, and cultivation of all aspects of Ground type Pokémon.

Not only ground type Pokémon, but rock type and steel type as an extension of ground type, the experience of breeding Pokémon of these two attributes, the experience of learning moves and Pokémon training were recorded within the main text as well.

Even the book has some records on how trainers should improve their eyesight and strength.

It is an all-encompassing development, and there is no dead space at all.

Secret of the Earth is worthy of the name "Secret (mystery)".

Giovanni's Pokémon cultivation has always been above countless others, and he is the strongest person at the top of the trainer pyramid in this world.

His experience in breeding ground type Pokémon is an undoubted treasure.

While specializing in multi-attribute Pokémon composite cultivation, Blue was more inclined towards the use of Ground type Pokémon, which was more or less influenced by this book, "Secret of the Earth".


This is without a doubt a masterpiece.

No kidding, if a fledgling newbie trainer acquired a copy of Secret of the Earth and strictly followed Giovanni's experience recorded on top of the book, nurturing those Ground type Pokémon, exercising his abilities as a trainer, and resolving to become a Ground type-specialized trainer, in the future at least, he would be an experienced trainer.

As for the issue of training resources...

Although it is said that the Pokémon cultivation experience recorded in this "Secret" is similar to Nidoking, Excadrill, Rhyperior, and Garchomp, which are precious and expensive to cultivate.

However, there was no shortage of commoner Pokémon that could be found everywhere, such as Sandslash, Golem, and Dugtrio.

After all, Giovanni's own ace Pokémon was only Beedrill.

Naturally, this Team Rocket leader couldn't be too obsessed with expensive high level Pokémon with horrible racial values.

Furthermore, Giovanni had even written out some of the Pokémon's requirements for some resources at some stages.

If one were to follow Giovanni's guidelines, a trainer would be able to cultivate a Pokémon without wasting any resources.

The consumption of resources wasn't that drastic either.

It could be called perfect.


Aisha closed the book and moved his eyes away.

Exhaling, he closed his eyes as well.

He had been looking at this book, "Secret of the Earth", willingly drawing on the knowledge that belonged to Giocanni for almost an hour.

Giocanni's experience was simply too valuable.

It was simply the most suitable matching reading for him who was empty of theoretical knowledge.

"It's too powerful..."

Even Instructor Ai couldn't help but sigh out in exclamation.

In terms of breeding ground type Pokémon, no one could surpass Giovanni.

Even the future Blue was not good enough.

It was only at this time that Aisha truly felt Giovanni's terror.

If it wasn't for the fact that his ace Pokémon, Beedrill, wasn't a ground-type Pokémon, no one would be sure to what extent this man's strength could actually be terrifying...


Aisha suddenly revealed a wry look.

After mentioning such a thing as a Pokémon's attributes not matching the trainer's specialized attributes, he remembered an operation.

"Terastallized Pokémon..."

Terastallization was a power unique to the Paldea region.

A Pokémon can be like a jewel, with its body glowing brightly, and different crystal reliefs appearing on top of its head along with the different attributes Terastal.

The effect of Terastallization is very simple: it allows Terastallized Pokémon to switch to their own Terastal Attribute for a short period of time.

"Let's say Giovanni goes to the Paldea region to get some Ground Terastal fragments, and then gets a Ground Terastal property for his Beedrill... Hiss!"

Thinking of this operation, Instructor Ai also sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although it was said that Beedrill didn't have any ground type moves that could be used.

However, purely just Giovanni's proficiency with ground type Pokémon, the Tera Ground type's Beedrill was feared to be an unbeatable fighting machine with just a simple Terastal outburst.


Too scary.

"Should I prepare a Tera Electric for a Shedinja with an Air Balloon as an item?"

Instructor Ai fell into deep thought.

This thing didn't cost much and seemed extremely netherworldly in actual combat.

The only one problem was that it was too un-martialized and might trigger a fight between trainers.



Instructor Ai clenched his fist.

Real life fighting, I'm not afraid!

"This time the bargain has been taken."

Holding the copy of "Secret of the Earth", Aisha also looked at his Larvitar and shiny Metang - probably due to the inexplicable sense of sympathy between Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, these two had been very kind to each other from the moment they met, and now they even slept close to each other.

Just right.

Anyway, shiny Metang was a lump of iron, and there was no little friend who was willing to sleep against it before.

Larvitar was all rocky, heavy and hard, so the two of them leaning against each other was a good match instead.

"Before Larvitar evolved into its final form of Tyranitar, its attributes were a combination of ground and rock, and it is the Pokémon within this book 'Secret of the Earth' that has the most and most complete records of cultivation experience and methods, and Giovanni even specialized in understanding some dark-type Pokémon cultivation for the sake of the cultivation of Tyranitar. I can also do some cultivation method with the notes that Elite Sidney gifted me."

Aisha pulled out Sidney's notes again.

"'Secret of the Earth's' breeding experience for steel-type Pokémon can also assist me in the breeding of shiny Metang."

There was no record of breeding Metagross on the "Secret of the Earth".

However, Giovanni also had a lot of experience in breeding steel-type Pokémon.

It could be bred with Steven's experience in breeding Metagross.


Aisha couldn't help but reveal a smile.

His Larvitar had a very bright future with the shiny Metang...

"However, there's one more Pokémon that can use Mega Evolution."

Aisha remembered his mission again.

Mega Tyranitar & Mega shiny Metagross.

Well, it would still have to be Mega shiny Metagross that was more handsome.

Oh, and the quality of this Larvitar was also very high.

It should be said that it deserves to be a Pokémon advertised as an advertisement in the Celadon City Game Corner, and its configuration and qualifications are simply superior to the point of being outrageous.

[Race: Larvitar]

[Attributes: Rock + Ground]

[Characteristics: Guts]

[Skills: Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Superpower, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Substitute, Rest, Bite, Leer, Sandstorm]

[Evaluation: Needless to say, the gold content of Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon Larvitar is natural. The ability to control sandstorm weather is different from that of ordinary Larvitar. The Guts trait can be transformed into Sand Stream trait in the Tyranitar form. At that time, its talent for weather will be fully released, and it will definitely become the most terrifying weather player in the team in the future. In addition, the future in close combat is also limitless. The attack level that almost overflows the panel and the indestructible defense capability can support it to become an extremely terrifying tank.]

The system's evaluation was also extremely complimentary.

Instructor Ai had indeed picked up a great bargain.


Looking at the system's evaluation, Aisha also revealed a thoughtful expression.

He kinda liked the weather team.

However, the mainstream sunny and rainy days were sort of impossible to team.

Sandstorm then.

Secret of the Earth had recorded a lot about this weather, mainly the three attributes that Giovanni specialized in, Ground, Rock, and Steel were all attributes that were not harmed under sandstorm weather, perfectly matching the core of this weather.

Then, within the team of Instructor Ai, the players who can work together with the future Tyranitar as Sandstorm Brothers...

Well, it seemed that there was only the shiny Metagross that was also a Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon.

"Doesn't the team have too many physical attackers?"

Looking at Larvitar's evaluation of "too much attack power and too much defense power", Instructor Ai also fell into deep thought.

Aside from Caterpie, he had now taken in seven Pokémon.

Chansey and Eevee are positioned for now.

The physical attackers already have Marill, shiny Metang, and Larvitar.

The special attackers are Charmeleon and Rotom.

In comparison, there was a bit of an overflow in terms of physical offense.

"Instructor Ai isn't a trainer who favors one over the other."

Aisha chanted so.

"One more reason to take in Gardevoir..."

Instructor Ai still couldn't forget his queen.


The next day, Aisha and Cynthia stood at the entrance of the Celadon Gym.

"The Celadon Gym, it's like a giant eco-greenhouse."

Cynthia sighed so.

Aisha also nodded in agreement.

Every Gym Leader's gym carried a strong personal style.

Miss Erika being a lover of flowers and grass, the decoration of the Celadon Gym was a big beautiful garden filled with rare flowers and plants.


Thinking of some strange facts about the Celadon Gym, Aisha also revealed a smile.

The Celadon Gym was probably one of the holy places of worship for the old colorful batch of trainers in the Kanto region.

The main reason was that the staff working inside the Gym were all pretty girls.

The challenge threshold of the Celadon Gym was actually quite high.

The main reason was that the tests set by Erika were too troublesome...

Of course, Instructor Ai didn't need to go through the test.

He and Erika were just casual acquaintances though.

Erika, however, was still willing to do a favor as well.

That was why it was very easy to say that Instructor Ai could go straight to the Gym Challenge today.

"Instructor Ai should have already acquired three badges before, and after defeating the Celadon Gym today, the progress of collecting the Kanto Region's Gym badges will be able to pass the halfway mark."

Cynthia also smiled at Aisha.


Aisha also agreed with her words.

That also meant that Instructor Ai was getting closer to facing Blue as well.



At this time, the door of the Celadon Gym also opened.

"Both of you, I have been waiting here for a long time."

When Aisha was still thinking about something, a gentle, pleasant and elegant voice dispelled his distracting thoughts.


Instructor Ai looked up, and the color that met his eyes was the color of gorgeous flowers.

Kimono beauty.

The scent of flowers that hit his face also lifted Aisha's spirits.

Erika's beauty was a completely different type from Cynthia's.

If Cynthia was a valiant Valkyrie, then Erika was the gentle and mesmerizing Yamato Nadeshiko.

Like cherry blossoms.

Her skin was indeed as white and pink as cherry blossoms, the thin green and bright red were paired together, the kimono with such a huge difference in color might not be manageable if it was a normal woman, however, on Erika's body, such elegant vibrating sleeves were immediately managed perfectly by this Yamato Nadeshiko's gentle temperament, and the difference in color at this time instead had a complementary appearance.

Beautiful black hair was gathered to the top of the head, white footbag stepped on a pair of wooden clogs.

With a slender figure, and possibly the attribute of hidden huge breasts, Erika-chan then took elegant steps and walked in front of Aisha and Cynthia, bowing gracefully.

"Both of you, good morning."

"It's beautiful, Miss Erika."

Aisha naturally did not mince words of praise.

Erika probably did dress up for today's Gym Challenge, and the highly emotional Instructor Ai naturally responded very politely to this young lady's kind and courteous treatment.

"Good morning, Miss Erika."

Cynthia greeted with a smile as well.

Erika, on the other hand, did not return the greeting and smiled as she lifted her skirt in salute.

Aisha caught a fresh scent from her.

It was not the smell of perfume.

It was Erika's body odor.

As if it was a gift that nature had offered her after spending her days with flowers and trees, Erika's body scent was also a fresh scent of flowers.

Hmm, it's flavored.

It had to be said that Erika's type of beauty was a fatal temptation to many men.

Instructor Ai was definitely not exempt.

Hmm, good looking!

It's no wonder the old color batch trainers loved the Celadon Gym so much.

Sure enough there was a reason.

"Miss Erika, we had an appointment earlier to have a Gym challenge match this morning."

Aisha raised the issue of the Gym Challenge at this time and said: "Well... when I held the Gym Challenge before, I adopted a live broadcast method. I wonder if it is convenient for Celadon Gym? "

After all, the Celadon Gym was still a bit private.

Aisha needed to ask for clarification.


Erika also tilted her head, lifting her skirt and lightly twirling it around.

"Does Aisha-san think that I should be on camera today."


Aisha laughed.

Erika's meaning was already self-evident.

"Thanks a lot, Miss Erika."

"With such powerful guests as Mr. Aisha and Miss Cynthia willing to visit my humble abode today, my Gym is also really flourishing~" Erika raised the sleeves of her kimono, and after smiling gracefully and daintily, she turned around, stepped on her wooden clogs and walked towards the Gym's main door, and said, "The two of you, please follow me to enter the Gym."


Aisha and Cynthia exchanged a glance, and the two of them followed her lead.

The dignified Kanto noble lady.

The words were full of respect but nothing detached, mainly because Erika's smile was so warm that one would feel as if they were surrounded by sunlight.

"Not bad for the Celadon Gym."

As soon as he entered the interior of the Celadon Gym, Aisha felt as if he had entered the world of plants, a feeling as if it was a fairy tale.

This Gym wasn't divided into multiple modules of water park, Gym and ballet hall like Cerulean Gym, it was simply an ecological greenhouse.

It covered a huge area, and countless large plants and small flowers were planted and cultivated.

Aisha and Cynthia even thought that Erika had created a dense forest indoors.

Some rare grass-type Pokémon also emerge in endlessly here, such as the special Three royall families of each region, Fomantis, and Applin.

Aisha also saw a few Ferroseed.

Ferroseed, a Pokémon that might have been an invincible shield in Instructor Ai's hands before, was now used as an additional throwing weapon.

"What is Aisha-san's opinion on grass-type Pokémon?"

At this time, Erika, who was leading the way in front, suddenly turned around and inquired about Aisha in this manner, saying, "I'm curious about your opinion as a Master Breeder."

"Flowers that bloom by relying on nature are fragile, but they can nevertheless rely on the nutrients of the soil, sunlight and rain to bloom with beautiful colors." Aisha also smiled and responded to her inquiry, saying, "The grass attribute is exactly like that, weak but extremely tenacious in its vitality, and as a result, there are many talented people, and all sorts of moves that have wonderful, powerful effects are also endless, with excellent maneuverability."

Also saves money - this sentence Aisha didn't speak out.

"So that's why I think the grass attribute is also a very powerful attribute."

It was a pity that there was no First-level Legendary Pokémon.

At least there wasn't a single First-level Legendary Pokémon found yet.

"I see~"

Erika seemed to be in a good mood.

The three of them then arrived at the field for the sparring match.

Erika stood at one end of the field and watched Aisha with a smile.

Aisha also released her live broadcast drone at this time, officially starting the live broadcast of the Celadon Gym Challenge.

Along with a rush of long-awaited viewers flooding into the live broadcast room, a beautiful referee in a beautiful kimono read out the rules of the match.

"The rules of the Celadon Gym Challenge are three-on-three matchups, where the Gym owner's side is not free to change Pokémon, and the challenger's side is free to change Pokémon."

Aisha and Erika smiled at each other and pulled out their Poké balls together.

"Battle against each other, begin!"

The two Poké balls flew up into the sky, their light blooming.


The handsome Eevee flipped out above the sky in an athletic cartwheel, after which, it landed in style.

In front of it, an Exeggutor shook its leaves, and a wry smile appeared above its three heads.
